• Published 2nd Nov 2012
  • 11,843 Views, 555 Comments

Metroid: A Hunter in Equestria - Cusi

Samus crashes in Equestria.How will the legendary bounty hunter fare in the peaceful land of ponies?

  • ...

The Hunt (part 1)

Disclaimer: Samus and Metroid elements belong to Nintendo. My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro/the Hub. I own nothing but the plot.

Chapter 11: The Hunt (part 1)

6:22 a.m. Canterlot Castle

The sun had just finished rising, and the majestic castle radiated a special type of beauty because of it. Beauty that was promptly ignored by a certain bounty hunter. Samus, clad in her Power Suit, walked to the gates of the castle, where two pegasi guards were on watch. Samus attempted to simply walk past the armored ponies. It didn't work.

"Halt!" exclaimed one of the guards as he raised one of his wings to cut Samus's entry. "State your identity and your business."

"Samus Aran. I'd figure the whole guard corps would know who I am by now." replied the Hunter.

"Protocol, ma'am. Now state your business."

Samus gave a loud, annoyed sigh. She switched from the standard Power Beam to the Wave Beam and charged her taser. Before any of the guards could react, she gripped a guard's neck with her left arm and jabbed the second one with her taser. The guard fell unconscious as he was shocked with the electricity while Samus charged her taser once again. The guard she was holding was about to say something, but Samus tased him before he could. Both guards taken care of, Samus proceeded to the castle proper.

She found no further resistance on her way to Canterlot Tower, resting place of the Elements of Harmony. Any guard she encountered would nod in acknowledgement or simply ignore her. Along the way, she noticed crude repairs done after her little skirmish with Discord and the Luminoth mechanoids. The scrap metals that were the mechanoids were piled in a corner, and a low beeping noise came from one of the spheres of what remained of the Rezbit. A closer look made it look like it was trying to connect with the rest of its body. Of course, the body was destroyed, so it didn't actually work. Since the sound was getting annoying, she stomped on the black orb, breaking the piece even further.

She eventually reached the chamber where the Elements were located, and noticed a thick metal door had been placed on it. The door stood no chance against one of her Super Missiles. The explosion rocketed the building, but she paid it no mind, and instead focused her attention on the blue-and-golden box inside the chamber. She reached for it and opened it to check its contents. And there they were: five golden necklaces and one tiara, all decorated with the crystallized version of their bearer's cutie mark.

"What happened here?" Spearhead, along with a couple of guards, had come to check what the explosion was. "Samus! What are you doing?!"

Samus turned to them. "What does it look like?" She grabbed the Elements and de-materialized them to store them inside her suit. She then set her cannon to the Volt Driver and shot the guards.

The guards just barely managed to dodge the incoming electrical balls, and stood on the defensive. Spearhead wasted no time to give orders. "Inform the princess of the situation at once!"

"The princess left for Manehattan, sir. She left in a carriage as soon as she finished raising the Sun." informed one of the guards.

"What about Princess Luna?"

"We haven't seen her, sir."

"Horseapples!" cursed Spearhead. "Then inform Shining Armor of the situation. Tell him to prepare the whole Royal Guard if necessary. Contact the fastest flyer we have and tell him to inform the princess. We'll keep Samus busy. GO!"

The guard nodded in understanding and bolted out of the room. Samus locked on and fired her cannon again. Right before the yellow ball of electricity reached the running guard, another guard jumped in the way and received the shot. He screamed as electricity coursed through his body and armor, before falling limp to the ground.

"This weapon, the Volt Driver, draws its power from the planetary electromagnetic field. It uses electricity to cause damage." Samus began saying, ignoring the glare Spearhead was giving her. "You're lucky this planet's electromagnetic field is very weak; otherwise, this weapon would have done a lot more damage, and he would most likely have not survived. Though your metal armor helps in spreading the damage throughout the body. It's like attacking you with lightning, except not as deadly. This makes it the perfect non-lethal weapon to use against a royal guard; the power it wields is just the right amount. I suggest you offer no more resistance, because if I run out of ammo, I'll have to resort to more potent weaponry. I don't think you want casualties in your guard."

"The Royal Guard's duty is to protect Equestria, no matter whom or what the enemy is. You stealing the Elements is putting Equestria in danger. I'm not about to let that happen." Spearhead responded.

"I was trying to give you a chance. Suit yourself." she said before she sprinted into action. Spearhead drew one of his spears and rushed toward the human.

Samus sidestepped as Spearhead swiped with his spear. He spun his weapon and attempted to strike Samus with the pole. She responded by ducking and tried to sweep kick his leg. Spearhead jumped over her leg and managed to kick her while in the air. Samus winced at the strike and gave a step back.

"You're better than expected. Not that I expected much." said the huntress as she got close again.

She attempted a hook punch, which Spearhead dodged. Samus used the momentum of her punch to spin and deliver a reverse roundhouse kick. It struck home. Spearhead was sent flying a small distance away, but he quickly recovered. He got up and lunged at the Hunter with his spear. Samus turned her body to dodge the tip of the weapon and quickly grabbed the spear. Another kick to Spearhead made him release his weapon, which Samus effortlessly snapped in half with a thrust of her knee. A slam of her cannon brought the lieutenant back to the ground.

Spearhead looked up to the human with rage in his features. Samus ignored his hateful gaze and shot him. One shot of the Volt Driver was enough to take him out. "Amateur."

Samus began to walk out of the room. On her way out, she noticed it was eerily quiet, considering the current situation. Once she got outside the tower, she realized why: no less than a hundred guards stood in the gardens outside Canterlot Tower, all under the command of Shining Armor, who was standing at the front of the lines.

"You are surrounded, and there is no escape." began saying the captain of the Royal Guard. "Surrender now and you will face less severe consequences for your crimes against Equestria. Resist and you will face the power of the Royal Guard."

Samus looked around. "It hardly seems fair." she said. Shining Armor gave a small confident smirk, which died when Samus continued. "You'll need more guards if you want to stand a chance." She then shot a missile at the white stallion. The missile didn't hit him directly and instead hit the ground in front of him, but the force of the blast was still strong enough to send him flying.

As soon as Shining Armor fell on the ground, Samus sprinted to face the small army. Her cannon, set to the Volt Driver, fired round after round at the armored ponies. Her first targets were the unicorns; as they would represent the biggest threat by having access to magic. Any pony that got less than three meters from the Hunter would get shot as well.

One by one, the guards fell. Shining Armor lifted himself up, and stood aghast as he witnessed the alien warrior take on his guards so effortlessly. Not even five minutes after the battle began, half the guards were down. He also noticed he was the only unicorn left standing. Quickly getting over his shock, he joined the fray.

As was the case with others before him, Samus fired a shot in his direction the moment he got within three meters of the huntress. Quick reflexes allowed him to lift a barrier and deflect the shot. Unfortunately, the shot ricocheted towards another guard, rendering him unconscious. With less than 10 guards remaining standing, the situation called for a revise of strategy.

"STOP!" Shining Armor ordered. "FALL BACK!"

The remaining guards all kept their distance from the human as they were ordered. What they didn't count on was on Samus taking this as an opportunity to rush toward the captain. She was suddenly stopped as a semi-transparent magenta bubble materialized around her. She shot the bubble with several beams, but none proved effective. A look around confirmed that the caster of the barrier was Shining Armor.

"I severely underestimated you, Samus." the captain said. "And I also misjudged you. I would've never thought that you would betray us like this. I really don't like doing this, but you gave me no choice. You are under arrest for the attempt of stealing the Eleme-" He was interrupted when Samus fired a purple beam from her cannon that bypassed the bubble and hit him in the chest. Shining Armor was stunned by the attack, but the beam wasn't enough to take him out. With his concentration gone however, the magic bubble burst and freed Samus.

"Your shield is useless against the Wave Beam." was all the Hunter said before she sprang into action once again. By the time Shining Armor recovered, Samus was already on her next move. He wasted no time and moved away from the electric orbs fired his way. A small barrier protected him from the next volley of attacks, after which he fired his own magic beams.

Samus noted Shining Armor preferred to be on the defensive and counterattack when possible. That suited her just fine, as she preferred the offensive herself. A couple of guards braved an attack to her back, to which she responded with well-placed kicks. The guards were sent flying before they could cause any damage, but their distraction proved enough to let Shining Armor hit her with one of his magic bolts.

The attack did no heavy damage, however. She was back on her feet almost instantly. The captain pressed his little advantage and fired another bolt. Samus easily evaded it and fired her own. Shining Armor quickly erected a shield that stopped the shot.

Seeing he was hopelessly outmatched in ranged combat, Shining Armor opted to risk hoof-to-hoof fighting. His horn lit up, and with a battle cry he charged at the armored human. Samus quickly made him see his mistake as she didn't bother evading the attack. The Hunter instead opted to grab the captain's horn with her left hand just before it connected with her chest.

Shining Armor was stronger than the average unicorn, thanks to his training as a guard. But even he proved no match for Samus's massive strength, strength that was augmented by her Power Suit. With a grunt of effort, Samus lifted the white stallion by his horn with a single arm. She quickly helped gravity with her own strength in bringing the captain crashing down on the hard ground. The attack forced all the air out of Shining Armor's lungs.

Samus, however, didn't waste another movement. She let go and swung her left arm, producing a purple electromagnetic whip that attached itself to Shining Armor's horn. Shining Armor attempted to fight back with his magic, but found it futile. The Grapple Voltage drained any energy that was directed to the stallion's horn while filling up any energy tanks that weren't already full. He was trapped and helpless.

Seeing their captain in trouble, the rest of the present guard prepared to attack. "Come closer and he dies." said Samus, raising her cannon to the captain's head when she noticed the few remaining stallions getting ready to attack. This prompted the guards to stay motionless. Samus then fired an ice missile at his hostage, freezing him on the spot. All the guards turned to her with anger. "I'd be careful if I were you. He's still alive, but any blunt force strong enough could shatter him. I suggest you let me leave, or I'll be forced to end him." The guards begrudgingly complied.

Out of nowhere, Celestia and the previous pegasus landed in the gardens, blocking Samus's way out. "What's happening here?" asked Celestia. She took in her surroundings, and then directed a severe look at Samus. "What is the meaning of this?" the Sun Princess asked with anger in her voice.

Samus, unfazed, responded. "I just came for the Elements. I require their massive amount of power."

"And you had to take out half the Royal Guard for it?" said Celestia as she looked around at her fallen ponies. "You are aware of the consequences of this act of yours, don't you?"

"I can imagine what they are. Oh, I suggest giving your captain some medical attention. Frostbite can be dangerous. The others aren't in any immediate danger; they were just given a nasty shock. Nothing serious." said the Hunter in a casual voice. A voice that irked the Sun Princess.

Celestia breathed deeply, trying to keep her anger under control. After a few moments, she relaxed enough to keep thinking straight. She then ordered the rest of the guards to help the injured back the infirmary.

When the ponies started taking their fallen comrades out of the scene, Celestia turned back to Samus, who stood still. "I hope you are also aware that the Elements are of no use to you. You can't harness their power because you lack the necessary traits to do so."

Samus grinned behind her helmet. "I had hoped you would say something like that. It's been a while since I had a good hunt. I enjoy hunting for my targets, you see."

"What do you mean?" asked Celestia, fearing the Hunter's response.

"As far as I understand it, the Elements are simple locks. And for any lock to be useful, you need its respective key. Six keys, in this case. I will simply hunt down the six keys."

Celestia's eyes widen in fear as the meaning in Samus's words came clear. Fear quickly turned to anger as her horn glowed a bright golden. "I won't let you harm any of my little ponies. I really didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice."

Samus was unfazed by the alicorn, and instead simply put her hand on her cannon and pressed some buttons. "I'm not planning on fighting you. Now I suggest you relax, unless you want Ponyville wiped off the map."

"Explain yourself."

"I left my ship on standby. I'm a button away from sending it to bomb the entirety of Ponyville. So unless you can teleport to Ponyville and erect a barrier big and strong enough in less than three seconds, I suggest you butt out of this."

"You're bluffing."

"Want to risk it?" Samus nonchalantly said. Celestia stopped moving, contemplating her options. After a few seconds, and with great resignation, her horn stopped glowing. Samus continued speaking. "Don't think of interfering; any sign of you or your guards and you'll lose an entire town, instead of just six ponies."

"That's a very cowardly tactic." was Celestia's sole reply.

"There's more." said Samus, ignoring Celestia's comment. "I want you to contact Twilight in an hour and explain the situation. Tell her the Elements will be waiting for her and her friends at the door of her library. Tell them to be ready."

"That makes no sense! Why bother taking the Elements if you're just going to give them to their rightful owners? What is your goal?!" Celestia practically begged for the answer.

"As I said, I enjoy a good hunt. What fun is there if my prey doesn't know I'm after them? I want them to prepare and make this more interesting. They will guard their respective element, and I'll take it back from them. Simple. Oh, and I'd avoid mass panic; that would only cause unnecessary 'distractions'."

"You're insane."

"I've been told." said Samus. "Anyway, you don't really have a choice, do you? Lose six ponies, or lose a town besides the six ponies. Those are your options. So what will it be?" She hadn't taken her hand from the Arm Cannon.

Celestia, with tears of impotence in her eyes, just turned and walked toward the castle. "You won't get away with this."

"We'll see."

"I just have one more question." Celestia stopped walking, but didn't look back at the hunter. "Why didn't you attack the guards with full force? It would've been easier on you."

"Didn't feel like it." shrugged Samus.

"I see." Celestia continued her leave, paying the Hunter no more attention.

"Farewell." said Samus before running to the direction of Ponyville and engaging the Speed Booster. There were a few things she had to do before she could start her hunt for the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Her next stop was the Ponyville junkyard.


It was early afternoon, and Twilight was making some lunch. Or rather she had Spike making some lunch. Tulip sandwiches and apple juice, nothing fancy. The baby dragon had just finished preparing the table when he burped up a letter from Princess Celestia. He picked up the scroll and began reading. His face changing from joyful to distressed and hurt as he read the mail. He read it again just to be sure he misread the first time.

"Hey, Twilight?" he asked the purple mare, who was just outside kitchen, preparing her study material for the day.

"Yes, Spike?"

"Princess Celestia likes to make pranks by mail, doesn't she?" he asked with a broken voice. "I mean, she's known for making harmless pranks from time to time, right?

"What do you mean by that?" asked the mare, getting worried when she saw how pale Spike looked. She noticed the scroll in his claw and took it in her magic grip to read it. As her eyes scanned the document, her face sank more and more.

"Please tell me it's just a joke." begged Spike.

"I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding." started Twilight. "I mean, there no way tha-" She got interrupted by a knock on her door. "I-I'll go check who it is."

Twilight walked to her door and opened it. She let out a huge sigh of relief when she saw it was just Ditzy Doo, the local mailmare. Everypony called her 'Derpy Hooves' for some reason.

"Mail!" the gray pegasus exclaimed cheerfully.

"Oh, thank goodness it's just you! I thought it was somepony else." said Twilight with relief in her voice.

"Nope! Just me!" replied the mailmare.

"Um, isn't it a little too late to be delivering mail?"

"I came to deliver the new volume of 'The Legend of Epona' you ordered! You asked for it to be treated as priority mail, so here it is!" said Derpy, offering the new book. Twilight's face lit up at the news.

"Great! I've been waiting for it for months!"

"Just sign here." Derpy produced a clipboard from her saddlebag and presented it to the lavender mare.

"Of course." said Twilight as she levitated a quill and signed the clipboard. "Is that all?"

"Yup! Oh, wait. Someone left this at your doorstep." added the mailmare as she picked up a blue and golden box and handed it to the librarian.

Twilight's joy instantly died when she saw the box. She checked its contents and her heart sank even further; inside the box were the Elements of Harmony.

"Thank you for your service, Derpy." Twilight said with fake cheerfulness. "I'll see you later."

"Okay! Bye." said Derpy before leaving to deliver the rest of the mail.

Twilight got inside and threw her new book to the table. She desperately looked for Spike. "Spike, gather the girls. We have a situation in our hooves." Spike's eyes grew teary as he understood what that meant. He let the letter fall from his grasp.

"To my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle

I'm afraid I send this letter with terrible news: Samus has betrayed us. She came to Canterlot to steal the Elements of Harmony. I regret to inform you that she succeeded exceptionally well; not even a hundred guards were able to stop her.

What I regret even more is putting you and your friends in danger. In my attempt to persuade her into returning the Elements, I told her she couldn't harness their power if she didn't posses the necessary traits. This caused her to turn her attention to you and your friends. I will be unable to give you anymore assistance since she has threatened to destroy all of Ponyville if I got involved.

She told me to warn you and to ask you to prepare. She also said she would be taking the Elements from you, since that's that whole point of her hunt. She suggested keeping the public in the dark, since panic would only cause harm to both sides. I know not what she is planning to do, but please be careful. I don't need to remind you, but Samus is extremely dangerous, and she won't hesitate to use deadly force. Be on the lookout.

Regardless of the situation, I have complete faith in you.

Your mentor and friend, Princess Celestia"


The library's door opened, and from it emerged five pony mares. Some felt sad and some felt angry, but they all felt betrayed. Even Pinkie Pie's usual bouncing was reduced to a sluggish walk. The mares were now donning a golden necklace, each with their respective cutie mark serving as the necklaces' pendants. They had all decided to head to their respective homes.

The news they had received earlier had been worse than they expected, and some of them took it worse than others. Pinkie Pie, self-proclaimed friend to every pony in Ponyville, unsurprisingly took it worse than her friends. Her hair had lost her puffiness and was now straight, as was the case when she felt very sad or frustrated.

And so there she was slowly walking towards Sugarcube Corner. It was getting late, so the bakery wouldn't have too many customers. That was good, because she was in those extremely rare moods in which she wished to be alone. It was when she was entering her room that she saw a picture. The picture showed the Cakes, smiling proudly at her, during the National Dessert Competition. She remembered that day well, for it was when she learned a very important lesson about not jumping to conclusions so easily.

It was right there that hope blossomed in her once again. Maybe they all just jumped to conclusions! Maybe this was all a misunderstanding! She decided she had to clarify everything, and to do that she would need to talk to Samus. Maybe even throw her a party, if only to get to talk to the human. Samus didn't look completely miserable in her last party, so that had to count as something good, right?

Pinkie Pie nodded her head to herself. It was decided: she would throw a party at Samus to get her in a good mood, and then she would find out what really happened, patch things up, and continue being the best of friends. It was the perfect plan! The mere idea returned her mane to its natural puffy state, and Pinkie Pie cheerfully bounced to the kitchen to prepare. One quick glance at her Element of Laughter was all it took reassure herself, and so she began baking with a hopeful smile.

Flour, eggs, milk, sugar. All the ingredients were mixed in bowls, producing the batter that would later become a sweet pastry. Said batter would be placed inside an oven until it became a spongy cake that would be decorated with delicious frosting.

When she was done with the cakes, she proceeded to prepare the materials to decorate the place in the morning, when the party would take place. She put some previously made invitations (just in case) that would be delivered tomorrow, just after decorations were done.

Pinkie Pie worked tirelessly well into the night, all the while smiling and hoping for everything to be ok in the end. Once she was done, she quietly went to her room. On the way, she whispered a 'Good night' and a 'Thank you' to the Cakes, who were already asleep with their foals in their bedroom.

Pinkie Pie opened the door to her room and turned the light. She gasped when she saw the Hunter clad in a Power Suit standing by her bed, casually looking at some pictures she had of her friends. Without looking at the pink mare, Samus began speaking.

"I didn't expect for you to come and work so late. I was beginning to get bored, waiting for you." Samus then raised her head and looked at Pinkie Pie, who stood unusually still. "You have something I want."

Pinkie Pie lost all her hopes again. She looked crestfallen at the huntress. "So it really was you who stole the Elements and delivered them to Twilight."


"But why? Why not just keep them?" Tears began forming in Pinkie's eyes. "Why go and give them up, just to look for them again? Why do you want to hunt us?"

"Because it's fun." was Samus's cold reply. Pinkie's heart sank an all new low. The last thing Pinkie Pie saw was her former human friend lift her cannon and fire. There was a bright flash, and then darkness.

'Don't kill her. Dead ponies are no fun.' said a voice in Samus's head. Samus ignored it and proceeded to pick up Pinkie Pie and exit the room quietly. "One down, five to go."


Early morning, Ponyville.

Fluttershy awoke abruptly in her bed. She had trouble sleeping that night because she couldn't stop thinking about the letter that Princess Celestia had sent. Had Samus really turned on them? Fluttershy was not a pony known for her courage; she would be the first to admit it. She was terrified of Samus, and with good reason. Who else... what else could defeat a creature from Tartarus itself so easily? To think that same being was out there, looking for her as a hunter would look for prey, was not easy to take.

Seeing as she wouldn't get any more sleep, she decided to go drink a glass of water. She exited her bedroom and walked down the stairs. As she walked down the stairs leading to the living room, Harry the Bear came crashing through her front door and landed a little ways from the yellow mare. The bear quickly got up and tried to hide behind Fluttershy, as if cowering from something. She looked at the scared bear, and then looked at what remained of her door. The timid mare shrank and began shaking from fear. From the wreckage Samus emerged, armor gleaming and cannon ready to fire.

"Should've guessed the bear was with you." said Samus. The bear whimpered loudly when the armored human cast him a glance. "Anyway, I'll be taking both your Element and yourself." All animals in Fluttershy's cottage came out of their homes and gave menacing glares at the Hunter when she said that; nothing hurt their pony caretaker and got away with it. Samus took notice of this. "Who would've guessed you had an army of critters?"

Samus simply raised her cannon and let loose a stream of fire. All courage the animals showed vanished, and they scurried trying to get away from the flamethrower. Fortunately, none of the critters got hit by the fire and they all escaped unharmed. The same could not be said for the cottage; parts of the wall caught on fire and began burning. The bear rushed out of the now burning cottage, as did the rest of the animals. All except a white bunny. It picked up a piece of wood and threw it at Samus. Samus turned to the furry annoyance and aimed her cannon.

"STOP! Please stop! I'll go with you, just stop this. Please, don't hurt him." cried Fluttershy. Trembling, she got near Samus. She cast one last comforting glance at Angel, who began to tear up. He understood the message and joined the other animals in getting away from the Hunter. Samus ignored him, put her cannon on the mare's head, and pushed her.

"Move." she said. Fluttershy complied.

They exited the burning home. They didn't walk far before Samus stopped. She looked like she was having an internal debate, but it only lasted a few seconds. She turned to the growing inferno, charged up her Ice Beam, and fired the Ice Spreader inside Fluttershy's home. The cold projectile hit home, and it quickly spread a thin sheet of ice on every surface inside the living room, where the fires were burning. The flames died down when the place froze.

"What did you do?" asked the yellow pegasus.

"No need to cause any more collateral damage." Samus turned back to her prisoner. "Now shut up and walk. The junkyard is a bit far."

"We're going to the junkyard?"

"Yes." Samus pushed Fluttershy's head with her cannon again. Fluttershy simply walked and said nothing, not wanting to anger the huntress any further. She looked back at her still-standing home and gave a sigh, then she continued walking. This whole situation had proven to be quite confusing.

As they walked by the edge of the forest, a zebra emerged from the foliage. Zecora looked at the two walkers and smiled. "Is that you, Fluttershy dear?" Her smile faltered when she gave a closer look to the pegasus and human. "Just what is happening here?"

"I suggest you go away and forget you saw anything today." Samus told the zebra.

Zecora quickly put two and two together. She tensed her body, ready to jump at the first chance to help Fluttershy. "To your actions I'll put an end. I suggest you release my friend."

Samus gave a tired sigh. "Why must you all be so difficult?" She quickly leapt at the zebra and charged her Wave Taser. Zecora only had time to widen her eyes in surprise before she was electrocuted into unconsciousness.

"ZECORA!!!" screamed Fluttershy, alarmed.

Samus saw the expression in the mare's face. "She's not dead. Now continue walking." That seemed to somewhat calm the yellow pegasus, so she obeyed.

Fluttershy was still terrified; the only thing that kept her going was the worry of Samus doing something horrible if she didn't comply. With newly-shed tears, she continued walking toward the junkyard, where Samus had prepared something. What, she couldn't know, but she hoped beyond hope that it wouldn't cause any more misery.

Not long after, they reached the junkyard, where a crude-looking cage awaited them. The cage had been built using old materials, but it still looked sturdy enough to hold even a strong pony like Applejack. A single electronic lock had been placed in the door, activated only by Samus's scan visor. What made Fluttershy gasp was not the cage itself, but what was inside. Or more accurately, who was inside.

Pinkie Pie was sitting inside the cage; she was wearing her Element in her neck. Her mane had all straightened, and she had a crazy look in her eyes. She was talking to a pebble and an empty can, not paying attention to the two new arrivals.

"W-What happened to her?" asked an anxious Fluttershy.

"Who knows? I just locked her up after I tased her." answered Samus. "Anyway, in you go."

Samus activated the lock with her visor and the door opened a little. She quickly blocked it in case the crazy mare thing was all an act from the pink mare. As Fluttershy got near, Samus kicked her with enough force to make her go in the cage, but not enough to cause any serious injury. As soon as the pegasus was inside, she closed the door and activated the lock again, securing the ponies inside.

"Two down, four to go." said Samus as she turned to Ponyville's direction and started walking

Inside the cage, Fluttershy hugged Pinkie Pie. "Oh what did she do to you?"

The gesture seemed to snap the earth pony out of her insanity. She looked up to see the shy pegasus hugging her and whispering soothing words. Pinkie Pie quickly teared up and hugged Fluttershy, crying and sobbing uncontrollably. Fluttershy just brushed the pink pony's mane with her hoof in an effort to calm her down and comfort her.

"Shh. Shh. Everything is going to be fine." She turned to the direction Samus had gone. "At least, I hope so."

Author's Note:

This was going to be a longer chapter, but I decided to cut it down so you guys didn't have to wait too long for an update.

Edit: This made to the featured stories? Oh, gosh! I'm so happy!