• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 8,387 Views, 230 Comments

...And Then Everypony was an Alicorn. - Wanderling

No, really. /Everypony./

  • ...


Applejack slung off the blanket and got off her bed. She gave the window a sleepy glance, over the orchard, where the first glimmers of sunshine were just beginning to peek up. She smiled at the sight, soon Big Mac'd be up, and they'd get in the first lot of apples before breakfast. Applejack stretched out, giving a small groan. She felt as if she'd run all the way to Appleloosa and back last night, and her back was aching.

The orange mare gave a sleepy chuckle and continued to stare out at the rows of trees. It wasn't unusual to wake up with an aching back if your main occupation all day was kicking apples down from trees. She shuffled over to her bed, picking up the hat that was hooked onto one of the posts.

Applejack placed it on her head. It felt off. She reached up to adjust it, her hoof knocking against some sort of stick on her forehead that had stopped her hat coming down properly.

"What in tarnation?" Had Apple Bloom been playing some sort of prank on her? She made to pull the protrusion off with her hoof, but yelped in surprise as the action jerked her head up and caused a tingle of unpleasantness down her spine. She frowned, placing her hat back down carefully on the bed and trotting out of the room. There was a mirror in the bathroom, maybe she'd be able to see what was wrong.

She could hear Winona barking downstairs. Wretched varmint would wake everypony up.

"Hey Winona, hush up!" She whispered loudly. Winona stopped barking, for about 10 seconds. Applejack gave a huff of irritation and continued to the bathroom. She pushed open the door and peered cautiously into the mirror. She froze.

"What the hay? Ah, Ah'm a unicorn?" She stepped closer, her green eyes widening with every second. She looked for a very long time, just to make sure she wasn't having one of those mental breakdown things.

A loud clunk from somewhere along the hall startled her, and she flared her wings as she jumped. Looking from side to side, she gawked at her new appendages. Unable to comprehend, she simply sat down.

Big Mac poked his head around the door.

"Hey sis, are you..." He looked at her. She looked back with a vacant expression. "...alright?"

They just gaped at each other.

"Hey, Big Mac." Applejack said in a small voice. "Ah reckon that's a horn on top of that head o' yours."

"An' Ah reckon those're wings on either side of ya."

"Ah guess so."


"Ah think we should go downstairs." Big Mac nodded in agreement, and they went down to the kitchen. Winona greeted them enthusiastically, and if they noticed that she now bore the wings of a pegasus and a unicorn's horn, they didn't show it.

Applejack sat down on one of the chairs and set her head in her hooves. Macintosh Apple gazed out of the window at the orchard, much like his sister had earlier. Ha let out a long sigh. Applejack was muttering to herself.

"What're we gonna do Big Mac? This could ruin Sweet Apple Acres! We'll be turned into fancy, frou-frou royalty!" She looked up, panic in her eyes. "They'll take us away from the farm, and we'll have to help the Princesses do...royal stuff! Ah, Ah don't know what to do. Maybe we could-"

She was interrupted by a loud whooping noise.

"Why, that's Granny Smith! What in the hay is she doin' up at this hour o' the mornin'?" The mare stared up at the ceiling, where a giddy cackling was seeping through the floor. A thought suddenly occurred to Applejack. Maybe Granny had it too? The sound of hooves approached the stairs.

"Ya don't think...?" She began to ask her brother, before her question was answered as Granny Smith careened into the room.

"Good mornin' young 'uns! Lookit at me!" She hopped up and down, giddy as a foal. Her grandchildren stared, their mouths agape. Granny Smith looked...young. All of the wrinkles had melted away, and her movement was fluid. "Ah'm young agin! Can ya believe it? Ah'm feelin' better than Ah did in years." She pranced over to the table and lifted up an apple from a bowl with orange magic. She bit into it, closing her eyes with bliss. "Why, Ah even have all mah old teeth back!" she beamed, her teeth sparkling. Then she noticed her grandchildren were dumbstruck. "Aw, come now. Why y'all got the long faces? Yer ol' Granny's back on 'er feet and with a bunch o' new talents to boot."

"B-but Granny...the farm."

"What about the farm? Y'all can still buck trees right? Now it jus' means yer jobs is easier. Heck, I bet even Ah could get back t' harvestin'!" The old pony was jubilant. Applejack flailed her hooves in exasperation.

"We ain't gonna be able to look after the farm Granny! They'll turn us into prissy pony princesses!" She glanced at Big Mac "And princes too!" Applejack got off the chair and pointed at Winona. "Look at the dog Granny, even she's gone and become somethin' she ain't."

Granny Smith looked at her granddaughter. "Now looky here young filly! Ya'll are getting too worked up about this. Nopony is gonna come down to the farm an' take you away! Hay, your friend Twilight is friends with the Princess right? Ya could ask her to write a letter sayin' you don't want none o' the princess-y stuff an'- hey, where do ya think ya'll are goin'?" Granny Smith darted over and blocked Applejack's path to the door.

"Ah'm goin' to see Twilight! She oughta know what's goin' on, like you said." Applejack frowned.

"Not at this time in the mornin' sugarcube. Celestia knows that filly needs her sleep." Granny put on a light but firm tone, and Applejack saw the sense in her words.

"Then what am Ah supposed to do until then?" Applejack said despondently. Granny Smith looked at her as though she were mad.

"Ya go out an' buck apples m'girl. Ain't no sense in wastin' any more time chit-chatting. Ya need to go too Macintosh. Go on, git, the both of ya." Granny Smith hummed to herself as she pottered around the kitchen. She patted Winona's head absently. "Ah better go wake up Apple Bloom."

Applejack and Big Mac trotted through the orchard to the field they were going to harvest.

"What if somepony sees us Big Mac?"

"Ain't nopony comes to see us usually. No reason they would today."

"Yeah, Ah guess."

The siblings set about gathering apples. There didn't seem to be any sort of strength difference along with the change. Applejack told herself that she would head on over to Twilight's as soon as breakfast was done with.