• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 8,387 Views, 230 Comments

...And Then Everypony was an Alicorn. - Wanderling

No, really. /Everypony./

  • ...

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle sat up, blinking the sleep from her eyes. She yawned widely before making to get out of bed. She looked over at Spike, a frown creasing her brows. There was something off. She couldn't put her hoof on it. Her sleep-addled mind was not acknowledging the sight.

She got up and trotted over, looking at him intently. A unicorn horn? What? Had Spike been playing with some sort of dangerous spellbook? He shifted in his sleep, causing his blanket to fall off. Twilight stumbled back in shock and confusion. Wings!

Her expression hardened, and she prodded the young dragon awake.

"Urrgghh...whuuuh..." Spike mumbled. He scowled. "Why am I awake?"

"Why do you have a horn and wings?" She hissed back, pointing an accusatory hoof. He turned in surprise and stared at the feathers, before lifting his claws up to his forehead.

"This is so weird. Cool, but weird." He raised his eyebrows at the mare. "What about you? Did you do some super-powerful spell-casting before bed last night?"

"What?" Twilight looked at her own back. Her irises shrank and her ears pulled back in fear. "Oh no. Oh no. Ohno ohno ohnononono."
The alicorn turned in circles, staring at the feathers. Spike sighed and put his hand out, stopping Twilight in her tracks. She stopped, stared at him, then curled up in a ball and began muttering to herself. Spike heard the words 'dreaming', 'banishment' and 'insanity'. He looked about and pulled his blanket onto her. She would probably break out of this state in about half an hour. He needed to feed Peewee and Owlowiscious. The young dragon went down the stairs to the main area of the Library. He passed the birds' perches, looked at their occupants, then turned back to the alcove where Twilight's bed lay.

"Twilight? Owlowiscious and Peewee have horns too. Just thought that might help." There was no reply. He shrugged and then continued on his way to the kitchen for the food.

The owl had gone back to sleep after being fed, but Peewee had decided Spike's new horn had a better view and was sitting on it. The little phoenix chirped comments every now and then as Spike went about his normal morning chores. It wasn't as if waking up with wings was in any way normal, but the dragon figured that Twilight would figure out the problem once she calmed down and engaged her brain. A knock on the door roused him from his reverie, and he went to open it.

"G'mornin' Spike." Applejack was standing in the doorway, Pinkie Pie bouncing behind her. The dragon's eyes widened as he saw that they too had been transformed. He stood aside silently and let the two used-to-be-Earth Ponies in.

"Is Twi around?"

"She's upstairs having a mental breakdown. She took one look at her wings and I swear her brain melted." Spike looked the two ponies up and down. "I guess you two both came here for answers huh?"

"Yep, that's right. Applejack ran into me on the way here and we decided to come together." Pinkie Pie beamed. "Isn't this fun-diddly-umptious? I just made that up. I think it needs to be in a dictionary, like the words fantabulous or brilliepical, don't you?"

"Er, sure. Want me to try and get Twilight down?"

"Yes thank-you sugarcube. Ah reckon we're gonna need Twi's brain fer this." Applejack cut in before Pinkie Pie could continue to elaborate on her literary ambitions.

Spike jogged up the stairs and Peewee chirruped cheerfully. Twilight was still in the same position she'd been in before. "Twilight? Applejack and Pinkie Pie are here. They want to see-"
"No! Nopony can know of this! Do you know what kind of treason this could be!"
"I guess you don't want to know about their new horns and wings then."
"Wh-what did you say?"
"It's happened to them too Twilight."

Twilight gaped at the dragon, then galloped to the stairs. She looked down at her friends. Pinkie Pie waved.
"Hey Twilight? Do you know what the hay is going on, cause we sure don't. Also, is amazesome a better word than kumquat? Only I'm thinking of making a dictionary organised by how good a word is."
Twilight blinked.
"Um. I don't know...?"
"Are ya okay sugarcube? Yer mane looks frazzled even by mah standards."
"I'm fine. Really." Twilight came down the stairs, her eyes still a little bit wild. She circled her friends, frowning slightly. "I just don't understand."

They heard a soft tapping at the door. Applejack went to open it.
"Um, Applejack? What are you...oh! I see." Fluttershy crept in, taking off her hat to reveal that she, too, had a horn. Twilight sighed.


By the time Rainbow Dash had finally entered through her window, Twilight had had some time to think about this whole situation.
"So, Applejack, your whole family was changed, right?"
"And Fluttershy, all of your animals transformed too?"
"Oh, yes. I came downstairs to find Angel Bunny using his magic to, er, direct the others about."
"Wait, you left Angel at your house?" Rainbow interrupted.
"Even though he was 'directing' the others about?"
"Oh, he won't do it again, he's a good bunny really."
Twilight stamped her hoof. "Girls! You're distracting me!"

Fluttershy shrunk back and mumbled an apology, Rainbow just rolled her eyes.
"Look everypony, I think this is something big. Like, really big. We all live in different places in Ponyville and we were all affected. What if the rest of the townsponies and animals are like this too?" There was silence as the others digested this. Fluttershy raised her hoof.
"Yes Fluttershy?"
"Um, I was thinking...well...some of my animal friends live out in the Everfree Forest, and they had been changed too. I mean, what I'm trying to say...um, is that maybe this is a really, really big thing."
"You mean, Equestria? All of Equestria?"

Twilight pondered this. An idea occurred, and it seemed a good course of action to take.
"Listen up everypony!"
"Erm, sugarcube, whadd'ya think we're doin'?"
Twilight ignored this. "I know what to do! I shall send a letter to Princess Celestia and ask her to do something."

Rainbow Dash groaned, but the others seemed satisfied with the plan.
"She is a being of immense magical strength after all. She may be able to reverse this situation far more quickly than we ever could." Rarity nodded and cast a meaningful glare at the blue alicorn.

"Okay then Spike, take a note!" Spike scrambled for some parchment, a quill and a pot of ink. "Good. Now...

Dear Princess Celestia..."