• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 8,388 Views, 230 Comments

...And Then Everypony was an Alicorn. - Wanderling

No, really. /Everypony./

  • ...

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie bounced out of bed. She bounced back onto the bed. She bounced up and down on the bed She was a very bouncy pony this morning.

Pinkie Pie suddenly stopped bouncing, putting a hoof to her chin and looking deep in thought. Something was different about today, but she couldn't figure out what. The pinky pony looked down at her bed. Her hooves were a couple of inches above it.

"Oh, that's right. I have wings now!" She beamed, gently flapping around the room a few times. She didn't want to wake up the twins. They were loud when they were woken, and the Cakes were never happy about being woken themselves.
"Ooh, and I have a horn too!" Pinkie settled back on her bed.

This was fantabulously amazesomely super-di-dooperly brilliepical. Pinkie's smile was wide, she had made up all of those words herself. They really should be in a dictionary. Maybe she could get Twilight to speak to some brainy pony up in Canterlot to get her words put into the dictionary. Then everyone could go around and say 'brilliepical' or 'amazesome' and it would make them happy to have such fantabulous words and that would make her happy because they would be happy, but did brainy ponies who worked for the dictionary even live in Canterlot? Maybe they would live in Trottingham or Manehatten or Fillydelphia or maybe someplace else that Twilight would know. Hay, maybe Twilight could use her brainy smartness and write her own dictionary. Then maybe Pinkie could help and make even more new words and-
"Wait, that's not what I should be thinking about at all! Oh Pinkie Pie you silly filly." She fluttered her wings. "Let's see what these babies can do!"

Then she giggled, because that was exactly what Rainbow Dash would say. She took off from the bed again and looped around the room. She nearly knocked over a lamp.

"Whoopsie! I don't want to wake the twinnies up! I gotta be as quiet as a mouse." She considered this statement. "Although mice aren't really all that quiet are they? They chew and scrabble and squeak and be nuisancy. Heh. I'd better be as quiet as...a fish! Fish are quiet, they don't make noise. Well, they might splash or go 'glub', but really what fish actually goes 'glub'? I bet Fluttershy knows. And they don't splash if they stay below the water. So, I'll be as quiet as a fish under the water that doesn't go 'glub'. Heey, I bet Fluttershy knows mice that are as quiet as the 'quiet a mouse' thing. Then I could be as quiet as a quiet mouse that Fluttershy knows."

Pinkie rambled on to herself for a while, before suddenly noticing that she was still talking. She zipped her mouth, casting furtive looks in the direction of the twins' room. Then she realised that she didn't have to be furtive, and openly stared at the section of wall.

"Hmm." She murmured through her zipped mouth. They seemed to still be asleep. Good. Pinkie Pie then shook out her mane and prepared for her first Silent Magic Practice. She wanted to see what she could do with the new power. Twilight and Rarity were always moving things around, so she tried that first. She picked up her pillow in a yellow aura, which matched the yellow of the middle balloon on her cutie-mark. This pleased her. Now...what else did she want to do? Hey, maybe some confetti! That'd be super-di-dooper. She braced her legs and imagined a stream of confetti popping out of her horn.


Huh. Well that didn't work, maybe she should ask one of her unicorn friends for help. She blinked slowly and looked at the end of the slightly fizzing forelock. The twins began to wail. Pinkie rushed out of her room and into the twins', hoping to shush them before they woke their poor, sleep-deprived parents up.

"Hey, Pound! Pumpkin! Look, it's your Auntie Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie's voice was at stage whisper level. She went to comfort Pound Cake, who was making some odd noises. Turned out they were giggles, as he levitated his pillow up and down. He had a horn now, as well as his wings. Huh. She went over to Pumpkin, who was buzzing her wings experimentally. Pinkie thought about this turn of events for a few minutes.

"Pinkie Pie?" Mrs Cake staggered to the doorway, looking half-asleep. The two mares looked at each other. "Pinkie? You...you have...whuh?" Mrs Cake eyed Pinkie with a panicked expression.

"Um, Mrs Cake? So do you. And the twins. Probably Mr Cake too." Pinkie's face was slowing beginning to brighten, as a massive grin began to break through. Mrs Cake stared at her foals, then galloped away to find her husband to confirm Pinkie's statement. The party pony herself was feeling a sense of euphoria begin to overwhelm her. If everypony had turned into an alicorn...there would be a celebration. She would create the most amazing party ever. Ever. In the whole entire land of Equestria and beyond. She had magic and wings now, there was nothing to hold her back. Nothing could tie her down, nothing could alter her course, no walls would bear the brunt of the oncoming wave of pure, unadulterated party.

All of her life had led up to this moment, she was sure of it. She could party forever. FOREVER. Until the Universe imploded she would party, and party, and party. She...she could be friends with everypony. She had the time now. If she really was immortal, like the princesses. Friends with everypony present and future.

She could go to other places, go and party and befriend. Forget everypony. Try everything.

"I think I'll start with your world." Pinkie winked past the fourth wall. At you. Yes. You. "But first, I better find Twilight to see if this is permanent!"

She began to pronk along the corridor. "Hey Mr and Mrs Cake! I'm off to see Twilight about the whole horns and wings thing. I'll be back later!"