• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 8,387 Views, 230 Comments

...And Then Everypony was an Alicorn. - Wanderling

No, really. /Everypony./

  • ...



Fluttershy mumbled in her sleep.


She squirmed around, her face creasing ever so slightly into a frown.


"Idon'tknowwheretheowlcamefromiswear!" Fluttershy jolted awake, looking about frantically. Seeing her room, she let out a sigh of relief and tried to snuggle back under her blanket again. Despite the part with the police interview, her dream as an animal smuggling super-villain had been quite, nice, really... The tapping came again, and Fluttershy sleepily wandered over to the window.

One of her bird friends was probably hungry, although she was sure that she'd left out a generous helping of seed in the feeders yesterday. She pulled open the curtain.

"Harry? What's the...oh. Oh my." Fluttershy stared at the bear, who was furiously beating a pair of feathery wings that seemed too small. He grinned and waved at her, motioning that she should open the window. She just stood frozen. Harry pointed at her head and tilted his head to the side questioningly. The yellow mare put her hooves up to her head. There was something on it.

Harry motioned for her to let him in again, but she raced back to her bed and pulled the cover over her head, trying not to hyperventilate and failing miserably. She scrabbled to touch her horn, and her breathing increased in speed.


She took in a few shaky breaths to calm her nerves. She peeped up again, looking over to Harry. He was waiting patiently. The yellow pony went back to the window and opened it, allowing the bear inside.

"How...how did this happen?" Harry sat down with a thwump and shrugged. He growled something softly. "R-really? You just woke up like this? Oh, but I don't know what's happened, sorry." Harry sighed, scratching behind his ear with an enormous paw. "Um, Harry? I could go and see my friend Twilight Sparkle about this. She's a really powerful unicorn. How's that sound?" The bear nodded happily. His stomach grumbled. "Oh my, you haven't had any breakfast yet! Come on, I have some honey in a cupboard downstairs." She winked at the bear, who clapped his paws together with glee at the thought of his favourite treat.

Harry was still Harry, she thought with a smile. She didn't need to be worried at the moment. She led the bear into the kitchen, but stopped abruptly at the doorway, horror etched onto her features. Everywhere she turned, the animals had horns. All unicorn horns. Those animals that didn't naturally have wings now did as well.

Sitting at the top of a stack of cookery books stood Angel, a large carrot cut to a spear-like point held in a dark grey aura of magic. He waved it about threateningly at a few subordinate squirrels on the table, occasionally jabbing at them with the weaponised vegetable. They were preparing an elaborate salad, their eyes fearful. Angel suddenly noticed his mistress and cringed. Her look of shock was fading to anger as she took in the scene.

"Angel Bunny! What do you think you are doing?" He gave Fluttershy a sheepish look and hopped down from the stack of books. The other creatures rejoiced at the toppling of their tiny tyrant. Trying to salvage the situation, he pushed the bowl in Fluttershy's direction, hoping that she'd think they'd made it for her.

"Angel. It's sweet of you to make me breakfast, but we do not endorse slavery under my roof." She glared at the rabbit. He had the good grace to look ashamed. "Good. Don't let me see you doing that again." Fluttershy reverted to her normal sweet self. She had decided to freak out about all of this later, at a more convenient time. Her animal friends were hungry, and she needed to deal with that first. She fished out a large jar of honey from one of the cupboards and handed it to Harry. He sat in a corner, towering over the other critters and making happy slurping sounds. She found an array of bowls and laid them out, filling them with a variety of foodstuffs, from grain to bit of vegetables. Fluttershy made sure Angel got his food last for punishment.

Soon, the soft sounds of crunching critters could be heard. She picked up a mouse who was in the middle of a large peanut and looked at its new features with a critical eye. "Sorry Mrs Mouse, but I was admiring your wings. They are a lovely shade of grey." She set the rodent down thoughtfully.

"E-exuse-me everypony, but do any of you know how you got your horns? Or wings, if you aren't a bird or a bat or a flying invertebrate?" An array of squeaks, grunts, chirps and other calls followed the question. "Really? Nopony?"

That's strange, she thought. She would have thought that maybe at least one animal would have been awake at the time that everything was transformed. Even the nocturnal animals had claimed that they'd all fallen asleep at some point during the night. It was very peculiar. Had there been some sort of powerful sleep charm cast over her cottage and surroundings? Maybe this was more widespread than that...all of Ponyville? Equestria even? What pony had the power to do something like this? And then to turned everypony and animal into alicorns? It was a scary thought.

Fluttershy looked around her house. The animals were beginning to finish their food, and now some were experimenting with their new wings or magic.

It was probably time to go to Twilight's now. She hoped the animals wouldn't break anything or get hurt while they played with their new talents.

"Okay, I'm going to Twilight's house now, to find out why everypony has changed. I'll probably be back very soon! Be good." She walked to the door, pausing before she opened it. "Oh, but I don't want anypony to see my horn. Um..." She found one of her hats and jammed it on. It covered her horn, but barely. Hopefully nopony would bother to scrutinise her too much on the way to the library. She opened the door at last and stepped outside. She swallowed her fear and trotted down the path to Ponyville. She just hoped that Twilight knew what was going on, and what to do about it.