• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 12,073 Views, 454 Comments

A Queen's Final Revenge - Little Wood

Chrysalis turns twilight into a changling

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Chapter 9

A Queen's Final Revenge
Chapter Nine

"Okay we know that Time Turner will most likely be in the dungeon so here's the plan. Pinkie you'll infiltrate the guard and get down to the dungeon. Fluttershy you're going to distract Celestia, keep her from going anywhere accept her chambers or the throne room. I will be talking with my brother getting as much information as possible, see what they know about us. Everyone got it?"


"You got it Twilight."

"Okay let's go."

Twilight trotted away from the train platform towards where she was sure her brother was. A bar, drinking away his troubles instead of dealing with them like a real stallion should. Why. Why does he have to do this to us. Can't he just talk out his problems with Cadence instead killing himself slowly. Oh well it'll just be easier to grill him if he's drunk She thought to herself as she trotted over to his usual bar.

After a few minutes of walking she arrived at the bar. She shuddered at the thought of all the pigs that would undoubtedly be in there. She walked through the door and found exactly what she'd expected: her brother sitting a bar stool drunk as hades, a bunch of pigs slowly making their way across the bar toward her, and a bar tender absent-mindedly cleaning a glass.

"Hey there, you look like you need a back rub." said a yellow stalion as he reached his hooves behind her to try for that back rub.

"Okay, look I know guys like you think you're so cool and that you could get with any mare in one night, but let me tell you something, bub, if your hoof come an inch closer I'll kick you nut so hard you'll never be able to have children." Twilight said in such a calm tone that she almost sounded elated at the chance to pop one of his balls.

"Okay. You're a fire cracker, I can dig that." he said as he rapped one hoof around her shoulder.

"Bad move." she said in a jesting tone which was immediately followed by a kick to the balls so hard that she was sure that, come New Years Eve, he wouldn't just be waiting for one ball to drop.

"Got it." The stallion said in a pained voice as he shuffled away. Why do I have to be so beautiful

She tried to get closer to her brother so they could talk before he passed out from to many shots, but a certain stallion in a suit had other ideas. As he got closer she could hear his friend trying to talk him out of hitting on her.

"Barney, you know this is a bad idea. You saw what she did to that other guy."

"Ted, there's a simple reason why I'm not worried. I'm way more awesome than that guy."

"Well it's your balls on the line not mine." the obviously reasonable stallion said before heading back to his booth.

The other stallion, apparently named 'Barney', came over to Twilight and began to speak in a voice that just seemed to scream 'Punch me'.

"Hello there, I'm Barney and I have something to say to yo-" his sentence ended with Twilight's hoof in his mouth.

"Okay, before you get any farther with that, I already know your type. You're arrogant, you wear suits constantly, and you've had at least ten one-night stands in the last month. I'm not going to make eleven so you can either go on your merry way or I can think of about fifty ways to make sure you're never seen in Equestria again." Twilight spoke in a tone so dark and serious that him was sweating like the pig that he was.

"Okay then, I'm just gona' go over here." he said as he pointed to a booth.

Then she once again tried to get to her brother but was stopped again by some guy trying ta get lucky. She then sent him away, his tail between his legs. This cycle continued for several minutes (her gaining no ground on her brother) until she got sick of it and sent the tenth pig across the bar where he stuck into the wall.

Then her brother, like the idiot he is, yelled out "Bar fight." and threw a punch at the nearest guy, and as expected the entire bar exploded into petty violence. Twilight crawled under the flying hooves and bottles, towards the nearest wall and began to walk up it.

The bar tender was to busy trying to stop the fight to notice that one of his patrons was walking on the ceiling. Twilight walked along the ceiling until she was directly over Shining where he was fighting all out, sending the other combatants away six at a time. She levitated him up next to her and, with her brother in tow, walked along the ceiling out of the bar. She continued to levitate her brother next to her as the two walked through the streets of Canterlot towards Shining's house.

After a few minutes they arrived at what Shining would call a house, and others would call a castle. They stepped through the front door and were met with a very worried Cadence.

"Oh what happened to him?"

"He got drunk and started a bar fight." Twilight stated bluntly.

"Is he going to be alright?"

"Yes he'll be fine, but I'm going to need some time alone with him, okay."

"Yea.......yea that's fine I guess. Bring him up to the bedroom when your done with him." Cadence said feeling defeated at her husbands condition.

When Cadence was out of ear shot Twilight slapped her brother across the face to try and wake him from his stupor. It worked.

"Who. What. Where." the words flew out of his mouth with such speed that anyone else wouldn't have understood a word.

"It's Twilight. You're really really drunk, and you're at your house."

"Oh....." Shining trailed off suddenly finding interest in rubbing the back of his head.

"Why Shiny. Why do you do this to yourself. You're not just hurting yourself here, you're hurting your family, your hurting your friends, and most of all your hurting your wife." Twilight said with mock concern in her voice because she had finally found a way to cure her brother.

"I don't know Twilight, I just do."

"Well regardless of why you do this I have a way to end it."

"Really Twilight, you can do that for me?!"

"Yes, but first you have to tell me something."

"Anything, ask and I'll tell you just help me end this please!"

"What does the guard know of the changelings?"

"Not a lot. All we know is that there's a new hive and that these ones are tougher than the others that hit us a few months ago. We also learned a new spell that allows us to cancel their disguises. Why are you asking anyways."

"No concern of yours brother. Is their anything else new or strange happening around the castle."

"Well........Princess Luna's on her way to Ponyville. Something about all the dreams stopping." Shining asked more than he said.

"Thank you Shiny, now are you ready to be changed forever. Never to feel remorse, never to feel regret, and never to be depressed again?"

"Can you really do that sis."

"That and so much more." Twilight cast a conversion spell on her brother and standing there was bright new Predator waiting for orders.

Wonder if the others are making out as well as I am

Author's Note:

Hey guys have yet another chapter. Nothing special to say right now so just do the usual stuff and comment I love comments.