• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 12,073 Views, 454 Comments

A Queen's Final Revenge - Little Wood

Chrysalis turns twilight into a changling

  • ...

Chapter 11

A Queen's Final Revenge
Chapter Eleven

"So, what do we do now?"

"I guess we fight."

"Well that's just no fair! Don't get me wrong, I want to tear out Celestia's throat and eat it for diner."

"Sorry Pinks, but I'll be the one to take care of Celestia."

"But Twilight, she would make such a good cupcake."

"No Pinkie! The Queen want's to kill Celestia and, as her subject, you will not get in her way."

Fluttershy and Pinkie continued to fight behind Twilight until they got to the library. Twilight opened the door to the tree/library and found something even her brain didn't see as a possibility: Luna eating pie and playing poker.


"Oh, hi Twilight. How'd it go."

"We got Time Turner back, Shining Armour is now one of us, and we're at war with Equestria. But more Importantly, why is Luna here playing poker and even more importantly, why don't any of you have your disguises up?!"

"There is a very good reason for all of that. You see Luna showed up about a hour after you left for Canterlot......."

Several Hours Earlier

"So guys what do you thinks Twilight's doing right now?"

"Well Ah don't rightly know Rainbow, but what Ah do know is that ma hoof is holding a king, a queen, a jack, a ten, and a ace."

"What, no way. That's five games in a row!"

"What can Ah say, Ah'm lucky. Now fork over those bits."

"Fine, they won't be worth anything to us in a few hours anyway."

"Really. Why's that?"

"I think things aren't gonna go well. In fact I think Things are gonna go so bad that Celestia will declare war on us."

"Well Ah say that things are gonna go well and we'll join peacefully."

"Well it's looks like there's only one way to settle this."

"It looks that way."

"Slap bet?"

"Slap bet."

"Okay just to be clear, I bet by the end of the day we will be at war with the ponies."

"And Ah bet we'll be considered citizens of Equestria by days end."


"That reminds me." Rainbow began to rub her hooves together at speed to, as it seemed, heat them up. Then she reared back her right for-hoof and used it to slap Apple Jack across the face as hard she could. This, in turn, sent Apple Jack toppling out of her seat and onto the floor, with a large red mark on her the left side of her face.

"Okay, Rainbow, continue."



"If you two are done with your childish betting, we have trouble."

"Rarity what are you worrying about? We got Drones keeping up appearances in the square and the market place. So who could it possibly, be that we need worry of." Rainbow asked incredulously.

"I'll give you a hint. She's blue, her mane never stops moving, and she raises the moon at night." Rarity stated flatly.

Rainbow's and Apple Jack's eyes became the size on pin-pricks as their minds figured out just how big their problem was.

"So you're saying Luna, goddess of the night, co-ruler of Equestria, and all-powerful Alicorn is here In Ponyville?"


"Well, we're screwed."

With that thought in mind the three Predators put up their disguises and watched as the midnight black chariot descended from the sky, no doubt bringing their doom with it. Then their eyes drifted to the front of the winged chariot where it was driven by the biggest and most well armed guards they had ever seen.

"We're not just screwed we're uber-screwed. Those are Night Core guards, they're the best of the best of the best. They're hoof picked by Luna to be her personal guard, if she has them with her then she knows somethings up." Rainbow babbled like a comic nerd.

"Rainbow, where'd ya get all the freaky knowledge bout guards?"

"That's not important right now, because it gets worse. Their armor is enchanted to resist all spells cast on them. We're going to have to try and trick them away from Luna so we can cocoon them."

"Well it can't be that hard. I mean they may be trained guards but they're still stallions. All we have to do is put a Ten in front of them and their armor will drop so hard there'll be a hole half way to Zebrica."

"Rarity if we weren't so screwed right now I'd be on the floor laughing my wings off." Rainbow said with a snicker.

"Say what you will but it works. In fact I'm willing to make you a slap bet that It'll work."

"Really you that confident.", Rarity gave a nod,"Okay then if it works you get to slap me as hard as you can, if it doesn't I get to slap you as hard as I can. Deal?"

"Deal." and just as the two shook hooves there was a knock on the door.

"Hello. Is Twilight Sparkle in."

Apple Jack trotted up to the door and opened it to reveal the co-ruler of Equestria and goddess of the moon: Luna.

"Why no. Ah don't reckon she is, but she should be back in a couple a hours, so feel free ta rest ya backside any place ya like."

"Why thank you dear, Apple Jack. Would it be okay if my guards joined me inside as well?"

"A 'course Princess. Sit 'em wherever ya like."

Rarity was determined not to get slapped so she got right to work. "Hello boys. You two look like you've been working far to hard why don't you come over here and I can help with some of your.........stress." Rarity whispered into the ear of the one on the right.

"Sorry ma'am I can't do that. I'm on duty." The guard said flatly with zero fluctuation or undertone in his voice.

"Come on you know you want to. Just come over here and I can help you get that nasty armor off."


"Come on I'll do anything, just get over here!"


This back and forth continued in the back ground for about half-an-hour while Rainbow and Apple Jack talked to Luna, with Rarity getting more desperate with each rejection.


"That also reminds me." Rainbow mumbled under her breath

"What was that Rainbow?"

"Oh nothing Twilight.", Rainbow, with no warning, whipped around and slapped Rarity strait across the room,"Except me going two fer two, Ah yea!"

"Uh Rainbow?"

"Yea. Oh yea so Luna walks in right and while Rarity is throwing herself at the guards", there's a grumble of disagreement from Rarity," While me and Apple Jack talked with Luna.


"Girls I know that you expected this to be a nice casual visit but I need your help with something."

Rainbow and Apple Jack looked at each other worried. "What's could possibly be wrong in Ponyville?"

"Well, as you know, I am not only the goddess of the moon but also the goddess of dreams and as such I can tell when a pony is dreaming and when they are not."

"What does that have to do with what's wrong here in Ponyville?"

"Well you see last night all the ponies in Ponyville stopped dreaming. I suspect changelings."

"Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Apple Jack we are so screwed beyond belief! I didn't even think it was possible to be this screwed!"

"Now Rainbow we just need to calm down and tell her the truth."

"Tell her the truth what are you insane! We'll get executed!

"Well just hear me out. She already knows that there's something up with Ponyville, she knows it has to do with changelings, A.K.A us, and she's not leaving until she gets some answers. So I say we tell her the truth. The truth about our race, how we've done no actual wrong to Equestria, and how we would be glad to have peace."

"Well you do make a valid point. Okay we'll do it, but you have to tell her."



"And so we did. We told her bout how it's literally impossible for changelings to hate, how all we've done here in Ponyville was merely to bring a great and mighty race back from the brink of extinction, and how we'd love to live in harmony with the ponies."

"And the rest is history. Since then we've been playing poker and eating pie waiting for you to come back." Luna spoke for the first time since Twilight had entered her library.

"Luna I must thank you for hearing out my Predators here instead of sicking your guards on them like Celestia did to us." Twilight said with a twinge of sadness in her voice.

"It's no problem, but you have no need to worry about my sister."

"Really and why is that?!" asked completely forgetting that Luna half ruled the country she was standing in

"Tia's just overreacting because she has a bad history with changelings. All I have to do is talk her down."

"At what other time has Celestia ever reacted like this to anything?" Twilight asked incredulously.

"Well last year a griffon exchange student got into a fight at his high school. Tia almost declared war on the griffon nation over the ordeal. I have no idea how she kept from declaring war on some infant nation while I was gone."

"And what of this history with changelings? It must be something pretty bad to declare was at nothing but the sight of me."

"I would tell you now but I must leave immediately if I'm going to stop my sister from sending the whole Solar Army after you and your kind." Luna said as she finished her pie and put down the plate.

"Okay if you insist but you'll have to tell me about it after this all blows over."

"Of course. I'll see you then." Luna walked out the door towards her chariot followed by her guards,"If it ever does." she mumbled under her breath as the chariot took off towards Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Hey guys guess what I UPDATED. I am so so so sorry that this one took so long but I had the usual stuff with hokey and the like plus it was a pain to write. You know the kind of chapter, the one where your never satisfied with what you wrote. Yea this was one of those but it still got to you none the less. I hope you all enjoy and comment. Seriously please comment I love comments, comments are my fave thing about writing. Whether they're good or bad I just don't care, they make me all happy inside.

Well thanks for reading this is Lunarbronie singing off.