• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 12,073 Views, 454 Comments

A Queen's Final Revenge - Little Wood

Chrysalis turns twilight into a changling

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Chapter 12

A Queen's Final Revenge
Chapter Twelve

"Sister please listen to reason. These changelings have done nothing to you, they haven't done anything to challenge our reign, and they have even offered me a peace treaty. They do not wish to harm our little ponies, they wish to live in peace with them. What have they done to warren't genocide." Luna had been saying the same for the last three hours with no success.

"You want to know what they've done!? You want to know what they've done!?" Celestia yelled, coming just short of the Royal Canterlot voice.

"Yes. Yes I do. What did these specific changelings do that means they all have to die!?"

"These ones have done nothing, yet their race has proved time and time again that they can not be trusted. They've tried to kill me multiply times, they've tried to kill you multiply times, and worst of all they took you away from you. Their trickery brought about Nightmare Moon, and for that I can never forgive them!"

"I know all of this Tia but what have these changelings do-" Luna began to ask, but Celestia interrupted

"I'm not finish Luna. It's true that this generation has done no wrong as of yet but for how long will it last. Diamond's hive stayed peaceful, even lived among us in harmony, but that only lasted a few years! If you remember as I do Diamond tricked you into thinking that our little ponies hated your night sky! She sent in her changelings disguised as regular ponies, and made them to speak of how much they hated your night! Those changeling's complaints are what sent you over the edge, their what truly made Nightmare Moon! Do I remember incorrectly sister!?

"No, you don't." Luna said, seemingly defeated.

"And you know what I did while you where up their on the moon?! I hunted down every last changeling and killed them personally, all to avenge you. Yet somehow they kept popping back up! No matter how many times I killed them one would always pop up. This time I have a real chance to make sure every one of them dies! A chance to truly avenge your fall!"

"Would you really punish them for the sins of their ancestors. They have done no to us or any of our subjects. Yes, I'll give you that Queen Diamond wasn't exactly a peach, but she is long dead. These changelings don't even know that Queen Diamond existed, let alone side with her. They want to co-exist with us nothing else, would you really deny them that?"

"Yes, I would. The sins of their ancestors stretch back to the beginning of time it self! The sins of their ancestors have set a precedent for them! Every single time any pony in all of history has come in contact with a changeling it has not ended well!"

"That's because you kill before they even have a chance explain themselves! I just had tea ,Tia! If they wanted me dead I would be already. They even got mad at me because I beat them so bad a poker, but all they did is voice their frustrations! Yet, sister", you won't sit down with one of them for a single second because you assume that every word out of their mouths is deception!"

"Do you have any evidence to the contrary!"

"No, but you won't need proof because you already trust their queen."

"How could I possibly trust any changeling queen!?"

"Because the queen is none other than you faithful student. Come on in Twilight." Twilight strode into the small war tent out side of Ponyville, righteous anger seeping out of every poor of her being.

"Celestia how dare you! You are the reason that my kin are so close to extinction. How could you, they were living, breathing, sentient beings, and you kill them for petty revenge! You sicken me, I once I thought of you as a god. The unbreakable keeper of the sun, the incorruptible watcher of life, the all powerful goddess, but now I see you as you truly are: a cowered with abandonment issues!"

Luna watched in breathless agony, waiting for the moment Celestia would incinerate Twilight on the spot. The moment never came, instead Celestia just sat there dumbfounded at the words of the changeling queen. She just sat there doing nothing, jaw on the floor.

Luna trotted up to her sister and put an arm over her shoulder,"Tia, are you okay?", Celestia continued to do nothing. "Twilight that very much uncalled for. We came here to speak of peace not break my sister!"

"That was before I knew what she has done to my kind. Luna did you not hear her, she killed them by the droves for the act of of one queen a thousand years ago! She's a genocidal maniac who needs to be put down, and I refuse to let my kin live on the same continent as that monster. When she wakes herself from that stupor she's in tell her that she need not worry about us we'll be gone by the marrow." Twilight said as she walked out of the tent to prep the hive for departure.

Twilight sat in the library packing the necessity with her friends and subjects until something exploded on the outskirts of Ponyville. She and her friends ran outside to see Celestia standing on a ridge, silhouetted by the rising sun, flames writhing around her in all directions, her coat as black as charcoal, and golden armor adorning her hooves and head.

"Well." Twilight smirked,"Looks like we have a war to fight."

picture by CosmicUnicorn check him out he's awesome.

Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry for the wait but you know the usual but look at it this way hokey ends in March so I'll have allot more time to right. I'm also sorry that this chapter is so short and to make up for it I promise the next one will be at least 2k words. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

This is Lunarbronie singing off