• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 12,073 Views, 454 Comments

A Queen's Final Revenge - Little Wood

Chrysalis turns twilight into a changling

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Chapter 14

A Queen's Final Revenge
Chapter Fourteen

Twilight was utterly and completely screwed.Solar Flare was sending so many spells at her at once it was like she was at the end of a live firing range. She would dodge to the left only to come with two inches from another bolt of magic. No matter what she did she couldn't get a shot in."This isn't good I need a plan."

"What's wrong Miss Sparkle, you seem distracted?" Solar Flare called out in a mocking tone that made Twilight's blood boil.

"I can't even get close to her, and I don't have the energy to both dodge and attack. What am I going to do here." Twilight thoughts were interrupted by the need to dodge yet another bolt magic.

"Now, now Twilight it's very rude to not pay attention in class, you really must try harder." At that point Solar Flare charged her magic, her horn glowing the brilliant red of a dying sun. In a great flash the magic was released upon a unprepared landscape, destroying all that lied in its path.

Solar looked all around for her prize but found no sign of the young queen.

"Guess I must'v overdone it." Solar Flare looked over the now charred landscape disappointed."And I was so looking forward to seeing her in that maid outfit." Solar Flare turned around preparing to lay wast to the remaining changelings when she saw a pink blur in the corner of vision. She turned a full one-eighty to try and get a glimpse of whatever it was that she had saw.

She saw nothing behind her, nothing in front of her, and nothing to her sides. So the question was: what was it that she had seen? After a few minutes of pondering on this she decided to bush it of as nothing, but then she saw it again. Right in the corner of her eye, just outside of proper vision. She once again spun around to try and see the pink blur. She once again found her efforts fruitless, as she turned to see nothing in her line of sight, but this time something was different. Something was behind her she could feel it.

Before she could turn around to investigate whatever it was behind her, she felt a knife on her neck and a pony on her back.

"Why hello there Miss Pie, long time no see. How's the family

"What was it that you said last time we spoke?" Pinkie asked venomously. "Oh yes, I remember now 'Cut the pleasantries', so while you do that I'll cut your throat." Pinkie hissed.

"Oh my dear Pinkie there are many thing wrong with that, one of them being that you'll find it quit hard to cut my throat." Solar Flare Stated in a pleasantly calm tone.

And just as the goddess had said Pinkie ran her blade across the pristine white throat, and not even the alicorns fur was nicked.

"Told you." Solar Flare said coldly as she flung the pink haired changeling off her back and onto the charred earth behind her. Then goddess turned around to face the Predator, but when she did she saw something that would even unnerve the great Faust. She saw the black chitin of the usual changeling, but instead of the matted poof of a mane that Predator usually sported, the pink hair was perfectly strait, hanging almost to the ground. And then there were the eyes. Those eyes stared into her very soul, forcing her to relive all she'd ever done in a new light. It was torture in it's purest form.

What finally broke Solar Flare from the torcher that was the changelings eyes was a voice,"Well then, if I can't slit your throat then I guess I'll just have to try harder to kill you."

Solar Flare, having been broken from the spell of the eyes, stood at her full height. Glowering over the formally pink changeling."I'd like to see you try child." she stated as she charged her horn with what seemed to be a endless supply of magic.

"You'll see a lot more than me just trying!" Pinkie screamed at the goddess as she pulled out her party cannon."Fire in the hole!!" Pinkie yelled as she pulled the rip cord on the party cannon sending not confetti, but five-hundred steal nails in the direction of the sun goddess goddess.

Solar Flare merely stood in place as the nails that were supposed to kill her bounced off.

The two stood in place for a while, Pinkie with her mouth agape, Solar Flare with her mouth in a smirk.

Celestia trotted up to the to the changeling and used her hoof to close Pinkie's mouth."Now, you really must close your mouth, if you don't it'll have to be a closed casket service." Solar Flare finished her threat with a grin that could drive mere mortals to insanity

Good thing Pinkie was already insane.


Twilight slowly slithered away from the battle ground, in pain and anguish. As she sneaked away from her imminent death, hoping that she'd get to live just a little longer, she felt real unbridled fear. So she ran. Ran from her pain, from her tears, from her hatred, and most of all, from her fears.

And yet, as she ran, she could not escape any of these things. If anything they were getting worse. She felt pain growing by the second. She felt tears welling in the rims if her eyes. She felt her hatred for Celestia and Luna both rising to a climax, but most of all she felt fear. She felt fear for the deaths of her children, for the deaths of her friends--If she could even still call them her friends--she felt fear for what she would have to do to keep her children safe. In fact the only thing she did not fear as she ran was her own safety. Funny how family can do that to a mare.

Nearby she could feel the presence of one of her best. "What's Fluttershy doing way out here?", she thought to herself as she changed her trajectory to intercept Fluttershy. A few minutes later Twilight came up to the once timid changeling, who was in the middle of tearing a enemy soldier in half with her voice.


Fluttershy had been busy, to put it lightly. Corpses, corpses every where. Twilight looked out over the field of limp bodies in disgust, horror, and regret. Some of them were torn to pieces, others where decapitated, there were even some ash piles lying around that Twilight could only assume were once ponies, but they all had a single thing in common. They were undoubtedly and undeniably dead.

Twilight stood frozen in place by not only the fear of the once timid changeling, but also guilt. Guilt given to her from the knowledge that, whether she was the one covered in the blood of the innocent or one of her many children, The innocent's blood was still on her hooves. She looked over that field of blood and battle suddenly feeling the gravity of what she had done. She looked over that field of blood and battle realizing that the weight of all there souls would forever be on her back, her weight to carry and her's alone. So she stood frozen unable to move away from the blood soaked Fluttershy that had begun making her way toward the young queen.

As Fluttershy looked into the eyes of her queen Twilight saw something within them. Something she quit grasp or describe, but something none the less.

"How does it feel Twilight?" Fluttershy asked in as venomous tone she could muster against her queen."To know that all this death, all this suffering, lies on your back and your back alone. I can see you buckling under the weight of there souls, your knees shaking, your brow sweating, your mind sinking into there anguish. This Twilight is what it feels like to kill innocence." Fluttershy hissed as she circled the purple Changeling.

"But.....t-th-they aren't innocent! They kill us as if we are nothing but animals." Twilight managed to eek out through her fear.

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong. They kill us as if we are animals because they know no better. None of them have ever had friendly relations with a changeling before, and on top of that they are fed lies by the tyrant Celestia. So what would you expect of them, mercy?" Fluttershy looked into Twilight's eyes once more and the queen saw that spark again but this time she knew what it was.


Author's Note:

So for those you that don't read my blogs or check the story until it updates, I'm not dead. I've just been on hiatus for a while, but hokey has finally ended, school is letting up and I'm happy to announce: I'm back. So this, in my opinion, is the best chapter I've written yet. If you agree fav, up vote, and please for the love of Faust COMMENT. Your comments are the best part of writing this crap, and although I still don't understand why you all like it so much, I love you for it.

Thanks to all of you for sticking with me through the hiatus, and have a wonderful evening/morning/afternoon.