• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 3,557 Views, 341 Comments

Stability - SlightlyOnline

Even the closest of couples can experience turbulence; it's climbing over the obstacles that block their path that pulls them that much closer. Can Lyra and Bon Bon dispel their troubles in time?

  • ...


Lyra wasted no time in trotting back home. Despite the way she played with Concerto, she was genuinely curious as to what the letter contained and wanted Bon Bon to be there when she opened it. If anything, her marefriend should be able to get a good laugh out of it.

She trotted into her home, immediately found Bon Bon and kissed her on the cheek. The mare was focused on writing some numbers that Lyra didn’t care about; she assumed they probably had to do with sweet sales. “How’s my little candy-ass doing this fine evening?”

“Large,” Bon Bon laughed, briefly looking up from the paper. “And how was your show?”

The unicorn stretched, draping a hoof over her marefriend, who continued to do that horrifying thing called math. “Absolutely exhausting. I’m going to need, like, five types of massages after that.”

“Oh, really? Well I think that can be arranged.” Her focus didn’t break from the paper. “I’ll set up an appointment at the Ponyville Spa.”

Lyra blinked for a moment. “Um, no. I mean special massages.”

“Yeah. They have specials there.”

“I mean ultra-special-when-two-mares-love-each-other-very-much massages,” she said with a wide grin.

Bon Bon looked up from her paper. “Oh? Oh! Sorry. I was a little bit distracted.”

“A little bit? I was about to switch to other methods to get your attention.”

The earth pony frowned and looked at her paper. “But then my muzzle-writing would have gotten all messy.”

“Whatever works,” Lyra laughed. She leaned over to take a peek. “So. Watcha writing?”

“Just some projections on how much-”

She was interrupted by an exaggerated yawn. “Fantastic. Keep up the good work.”

She received a stern look in return. “You know, you could at least pretend to be interested.”

“I do. I’m just not a very good actress.”

Bon Bon could but smile and shake her head. “That you aren’t. Stick with the lyre.” She pushed away the paper and pencil. “Alright. You have my undivided attention.So what’s up? How was your evening?”

Lyra thought for a moment and looked at her envelope. “You remember that creepy stallion I was telling you about? The one who said he would be watching me?”

“The one that is probably a nice stallion who likes to see you play?”

“Pfft. Well, I won’t have to worry about him anymore. Anyway-”

“Won’t have to worry about him anymore?” Bon Bon interrupted. “Lyra, what did you do? You didn’t be yourself, did you?”

This wasn’t a story that the unicorn really wanted to tell her marefriend. “Well, I did sort of tell him that he had the wrong machinery. And accusing him of propositioning for an orgy probably scared him off a bit.”

Bon Bon facehooved. “Oh, Lyra. I’m going to have to put a leash on you or something.”

“Hey. Maybe I’d like that.” She smirked. “Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted,” she looked at Bon Bon with a mock scowl, “he gave me this note. Said something about Canterlot musicians. I was too busy finishing his sentences to notice, but it sounded like it was important.” She presented it to the candy maker. “I don’t know why anypony would waste such fancy printing on me.”

Bon Bon eagerly took it and opened it, finding a single letter inside. Lyra arched her neck to take a peek at it, but the earth pony moved it out of the way, not letting her see what was inside.

Dear Lyra Heartstrings,” Bon Bon began. “Grow your horn by five inches instantly! Call-”

“Gimme that! That’s not what it says!” Bon Bon may have been able to hold it out of the unicorn’s reach, but she couldn’t keep it out of her magical grasp. Lyra’s eyes quickly scanned the letter. “It’s not small...” she muttered under her breath.”

Dear Lyra Heartstrings,- well, at least you got that part right,” she interjected. “We are proud to tell you that you have impressed us here in Canterlot. It is our great honor to invite you to audition for hundred and second annual Musician’s Ball.” Lyra looked from the paper for a moment. “Wait. Is this an audition to attend the ball or to play at the ball? These fancy ponies are so confusing!”

Bon Bon scooted closer to her, taking a look at the paper. “It looks like both. I’ve heard of it; apparently it’s where all the best musicians get together and talk about their performances and plan future ones. Look here.” She took over the reading. “Provided you prove yourself at the audition, you will be granted entry and a performance spot at the Ball.

“Sounds like a total snob-fest,” Lyra commented.

“But think of what this means, Lyra. Think of all the musical opportunities you’d have if you get to go to the ball. You’d get to meet so many musicians and learn so many new things.”

“Ew. New things.”

“Hey, now. You usually have no complaints about trying new things.”

The unicorn blushed. “Well... yeah. But still. When are the auditions, anyway?”

Bon Bon looked back at the paper. “In two weeks, it says. They’re up in some concert hall in Canterlot.”

“Nope. Can’t do it. Got important two-weeks-from-now stuff to do.”

“Oh, come on, Lyra! You need to at least try! Even if you don’t make it, it’s still a massive honor to be asked to audition.”

“I guess...” Lyra conceded. “But, I mean, preparing for things is hard work! I don’t like hard work.”

“Well, that’s pretty obvious. Think about it this way, though; if you get picked up by some awesome company in Canterlot, you’ll never have to work for Cinnamon Swirl ever again.”

The unicorn thought for a moment. On the one hoof, never having to work, or even see, Cinnamon again would be absolutely fantastic. On the other, despite how great the idea was, agreeing would mean Bon Bon was right. Lyra couldn’t have that. She thought for a moment longer before hanging her head. “Alright. You’re right. I’ll do it.”

“You will?” Bon Bon jumped up and hugged her. “I promise that you’ll have fun.”

“I have but one condition.”

“Oh? And what would that be?”

“You have to be my hot escort,” she said smugly. “I can’t see these Canterlot types without an attractive mare hanging off of me.”

“Oh...” Bon Bon muttered. “I don’t know if I can do ‘hot’.”

Lyra laughed. “Oh, of course you can. You can do ‘hot’ better than anypony in Ponyville. I can’t tell you how many ponies are jealous of me.”


“Of course.” It wasn’t far from the truth; ponies Lyra would meet would tell her how lucky she is to have such a calm and collected mare like Bon Bon. Some would even ask if they could try a sample of her... candy. That would usually end with Lyra smacking them in the face. “If there’s one thing you excel at, it’s having a hot flank.”

Bon Bon looked back at her rump and opened her mouth to speak, but the unicorn cut her off.

“And don’t even start saying that it’s too large. You know that it’s the absolute perfect size for a mare to have. In fact, I’m jealous.” Lyra smiled at her. She knew too well how insecure her marefriend was about her rear. Being a candy maker, she naturally had to sample her products; unfortunately, that led to Bon Bon’s insecurities. Lyra wasn’t lying, either; she did quite enjoy the earth pony’s rear.

“Oh, well, I guess for you I could tag along. But are you sure they’d accept... this? Us being both mares? You and I both know how stupidly traditional Canterlot ponies can be.”

“Now who’s the one not wanting to go?” Lyra laughed. She pulled the mare in close. “Of course they’ll be fine with it. Not everypony in Canterlot has a stick up their rear; you know that from being there. Take a look at Vinyl and Octavia. Octavia’s from Canterlot, and she’s pretty cool.”

“Yeah, you would know how cool she is,” Bon Bon muttered. Lyra worried that the conversation was going to go down that road again, but her fears were dispelled when her marefriend laughed. “You know what? I need to stop being silly. I’d love to go to that audition with you.

“Great. Glad I could convince you to convince me to go.”

She giggled in reply. “Just don’t embarrass us while we’re there.”

Lyra raised an eyebrow, feigning being hurt by Bon Bon’s words. “Me? Embarrass us? Why, I would never dream of doing such a thing. You must be thinking of somepony else.”

“Oh, am I?” Bon Bon said smugly. “So I guess it wasn’t you who, when on a carriage ride, snatched the reins and yelled ‘Ride, noble stallion! To the mead hall of Valhalla!’?”

“Pfft. No. I would never do something like that.”

“So you’re not the mare that got drunk at a restaurant and asked the waiter what size her pants were?”

“I wasn’t even drunk...” Lyra muttered. “But, no. That’s not something I do.”

“What about the pony who saw Princess Celestia visiting and yelled ‘Look! I see a solar flare!’?”

The unicorn wholeheartedly laughed. “Okay, that one I have to take credit for.”

“You were under watch for a week!”

“Totally worth it.”

Bon Bon sighed. “Lyra, just promise not to try to embarrass us this time.”

“Who says I try?” She received a stern gaze. “Alright, I try. Mainly because you’re extremely cute when you blush, but I suppose I can maybe slightly tone it down a little bit. Possibly. I’ll try to keep any public flank smacks to a minimum.”

“I’m sure you will, Lyra. I don’t know how successful you’ll be, but I’m sure you’ll try.”

Lyra laughed and smiled before giving her marefriend a kiss on the cheek. “You know me too well. And don’t even pretend you don’t like it.”

Bon Bon shook her head. “Do you know what the problem is? I do like it. I just love all of your antics, no matter how... infuriating they can be.”

“Then I guess I’m doing something right.”

“You know what’s weird? Sometimes, when we’re out in public somewhere, I wish you’d do something embarrassing.”

“Well, I could always try harder.”

“No, no. That won’t be necessary. But it’s just... strange.” Bon Bon looked away for a moment. “You definitely make my life more interesting.”

With a smile, the unicorn trotted to her and hugged her tightly. “That’s what I’m here for, Bonnie. I’ll always be here for you.” She allowed herself to lean against the mare. Her eyes looked over Bon Bon’s shoulder and found themselves upon the paper she had pushed aside. “So, what were you writing, anyway?”

“Do you really want to know? Or do you want to get to the part where we passionately make out on the couch already?”

Lyra smiled. She did know her too well. “Well, definitely both. But I am curious to know what you were working on. It seemed pretty important to you.”

The unicorn was glad to see her marefriend return her smile. “Well, I was running through some numbers; I think we may be able to make a down payment on that building soon.”

Knowledge of the building had completely slipped Lyra’s mind. She was surprised to see the numbers. “Oh. So you’re really serious about this, then.”

“Of course I’m serious about it. Ever since I got my cutie mark I’ve wanted to own the greatest sweet shop in Equestria. Selling candy out of our house was a start, but I think that it’s time to go for something bigger. I think that there’s so much more we can do, especially together. I just feel that getting a new building in the middle of Ponyville would be the key.” She paused for a moment. “Also, that would free the house up for... other activities.”

Lyra smirked at the thought of what those ‘other activities’ could be. “You know what? If you think it can be done, then I think so too. I’ll support you no matter what.”

No matter what she had done, she couldn’t have prepared herself to deflect Bon Bon’s tackle-hug and kiss combo. “Thank you so much, Lyra. I love you.”

“And I love you more, but that’s an argument for another time.” She let herself smile while she gathered herself to her hooves and helped her marefriend up. A question crossed her mind. “You said ‘soon’. How soon is ‘soon’?”

“Very.” Bon Bon looked at the paper. “Very, very soon. If I’m running numbers correctly and we keep going the way we’re going, we should have enough to put some money down in two or three weeks.”

Lyra felt wholly surprised. Bon Bon had told her that they were doing better since she had started playing her lyre, but she hadn’t realized that they were doing that much better. If she knew a little bit more about finances, she probably could have checked, but she had always chosen to leave that to her marefriend. She was better at it, anyway. “Really? That’s great!”

“Oh yes! I’m so unbelievably excited. The price is so low that we definitely can’t pass this opportunity up.”

The unicorn had her own doubts as to why the price was low, mainly from seeing a picture of the building, but she decided to hold her tongue. “Well, I’m glad that it makes you happy. It’s so great that you can follow your dreams.”

“Isn’t it? And it’s for that reason that I want to check out the building, first thing tomorrow.” Bon Bon was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement.

Lyra didn’t share her enthusiasm. She was worried that the mare could be getting her hopes up too high, and she didn’t want to see her get crushed. “Are you sure you want to so fast? I mean, you’re awfully excited right now. Don’t you think you should let yourself die down a bit before you jump on in?” She absolutely despised having to play the voice of reason.

“Nonsense! The longer we wait, the more of a chance there is of somepony else running in there and snagging it before us. I don’t think I could stand to wait any more to follow my dreams.”

As much as Lyra wanted her marefriend to follow her dreams, she felt that there was such a thing as diving headfirst too fast. She understood how excited the earth pony was, but she worried that she may be too caught up. Finally, though, she gave up on her internal debate; Bon Bon had her heart set. “Alright. We’ll go, first thing tomorrow. I can’t wait to see you happy.”

She was rewarded with another hug and kiss from Bon Bon. “Thank you so much, Lyra. I’m so lucky to have somepony like you, and I know you’ll like the place.”

Lyra let herself smile. “Of course. As long as the place isn’t a total dump.”

*** *** ***

This place is a total dump! Lyra thought. As soon as they arrived in the center of Ponyville, the pair was greeted with the sight of a dilapidated structure. It was even worse than the picture Lyra had seen. Just the sight of the flaking shingles and peeling walls made her want to turn away. But she couldn’t. She had the mare she loved there and had to make sure to make her happy.

“Well,” Bon Bon said, staring at the small structure with eager eyes. “We might as well head inside and take a tour, right?”

“Right...” The unicorn gulped, preparing for what was in store. If the building was as bad as it was from the outside, she didn’t want to know what was on the inside.