• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 3,556 Views, 341 Comments

Stability - SlightlyOnline

Even the closest of couples can experience turbulence; it's climbing over the obstacles that block their path that pulls them that much closer. Can Lyra and Bon Bon dispel their troubles in time?

  • ...

Lyra's Tiny Horn

Lyra found herself stammering, her eyes locked on the gray mare in front of her. The pegasus cocked her head, multiple envelopes in her muzzle. Slowly, the unicorn began to collect herself.

“Yeah. Thanks, Derpy,” was what she finally managed to get out, reaching out with her magic and accepting the letters. “Say hi to Dinky for us,” she added with a smile. Or what she thought was a smile. She was too focused on what was most definitely her and Bon Bon’s bills.

“Will do, Lyra! Have a nice evening!” Derpy said as she left, merrily trotting away. What Lyra would give to be so carefree.

“We’ll try,” Lyra muttered, magically shutting the door. Her eyes were locked on the bills she was levitating, her thoughts focused on the fact that they contained her and Bon Bon’s very future. She drew in a deep breath, turning around and slowly trotting into the kitchen. Her marefriend was nervously tapping her hoof.

“Well,” Bon Bon said quietly. “I guess that we might as well open them.”

Lyra tossed the envelopes on the counter, levitating out the top one. “Yeah,” was all she could reply. Her heart felt like it could burst out of her chest. I could really use a drink right now, she thought.

“Well, here goes nothing,” she said, drawing Bon Bon close to her. She brought her face against hers, silently begging for whatever comfort she could get. With a deep breath, she opened the envelope and began to read its contents.

Dear Lyra Heartstrings,” she read out loud. Strange way to start a bill. “You have been selected for a free horn enlargement! Details and information are enclosed.”

Bon Bon fell over and Lyra facehooved. The cream mare was rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter while the unicorn just threw the letter over her shoulder. She probably should have checked the letter before she opened it.

“Bon Bon, you can stop laughing right now.”

The earth pony did not let up. “It’s funny,” she said in between giggles, “because your horn is tiny!”

“My horn’s not tiny! It’s average size!” Lyra crossed her hooves. She could feel how red her face was.

Bon Bon finally picked herself up from the floor. “Sure it is, honey. Though, I was sure that you were an earth pony the first time that I met you.”

The unicorn stammered for a moment before simply sticking her tongue out at her marefriend. She waited for Bon Bon to turn away, then grabbed the horn enlargement letter, filing it away for later. In reality, she was glad to have the distraction; it eased the tension. Bon Bon spoke up before she could procrastinate any more.

“Well, we might as well open the actual bills. Hopefully we won’t get any more spam.”

Lyra laughed nervously. “Yeah. Hopefully.” She reached out with her magic and grabbed the nearest letter, deftly opening it. Immediately, she made a disgusted face. “Ew. Numbers.”

“That’s what bills are, Lyra.”

“Have fun.” She began to trot up the stairs, grabbing a beverage with her magic. It didn’t take long for Bon Bon to stop her by grabbing one of her rear hooves and pulling her back into the kitchen.

“Oh no. These are as much your bills as they are mine. We have to find out if we are completely out of money sometime, and that might as well be right now.”

Lyra sighed. “Fine. I’ll help you by looking over your shoulder and offering words of encouragement.”

“That’s all I ask for,” Bon Bon replied with a smile.

The unicorn opened a bottle of cider on her horn. It’s average size! was all she could think.

*** *** ***

“What’s that number mean?”

“That’s our house number.”

“Oh.” Lyra rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof. “I knew that.”

Bon Bon didn’t seem to be paying too much attention. She was speedily writing checks, taking notes and keeping track of their money. Lyra always knew that she was the one who was good at that. The unicorn was much more content with sitting back and drinking yet another bottle of cider. Her attempts to help had resulted in Bon Bon having to clean up the floor. Maybe she was drinking just a little bit too much.

Lyra was idly attempting to balance a bottle on her muzzle, to little success, when Bon Bon spoke up. “Done.”



“Well, what’s the final answer?” Lyra asked sluggishly, attempting to drink out of an already empty bottle.

The earth pony held some paper in front of her in her muzzle. “See for yourself,” she said through the paper.

The inherberated unicorn shakily grasped it in her magic and squinted at it. “Two... Five... Three... S-”

“That’s our house number. Again.”

“Right. I was just testing you.” Her eyes scanned the page. She pointed her hoof at one figure that stood out to her. “What’s that number?”

Bon Bon had a grin as wide as can be. “That’s our balance.”

Lyra squinted harder. “And... and it’s positive?” The earth pony nodded excitedly in response. The unicorn sloppily threw her hooves around her. “I don’t know what that means, but I think it’s a good thing!”

She felt Bon Bon’s lips against hers. “It is! It means that we can keep everything! And more!”

The mint pony, in her clouded state, still didn’t know exactly what it was, but anything that got a fantastic kiss from Bon Bon must be great news. “You know what we should do to celebrate?” she said, continuing to kiss her marefriend.


“Drink more cider!”

Bon Bon looked at her with a concerned look; at least it was what Lyra thought was a concerned look. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough? You started ‘celebrating’ before we- I even figured out our finances.”

“I’m an optimist,” she replied as she popped open another bottle. Taking a swig, she added, “you’re probably going to have to re-explain all this stuff to me in the morning anyway.”

Lyra stared at her for a while before the earth pony’s stern gaze relaxed and she laughed. “Well, I guess I can’t argue with that.” She trotted over and grabbed herself a bottle, laughing as she opened it on Lyra’s horn and lifted it. “To us!”
“Sure! Whatever gets to the drunken sex faster!”

*** *** ***

The couple laid back on their bed, doing something that Lyra hadn’t expected; talking. They were discussing either the political implications of the Solar Monarchy or dogs. Lyra couldn’t tell, nor did she care. She just enjoyed being able to have a massive weight removed from her shoulders. She didn’t remember what it was that Bon Bon had told her that had put them both in such a good mood, but whatever it was, it was big news. No use worrying about it now.

“...and then I told her, ‘no, you listen here. I play my lyre when I want, and if you’ve got a problem with that, you’re gonna have a chat with my hooves. Or my marefriend’s hooves. She’s tougher.’ I think that’s what really brought her down.” Lyra stretched while telling the story, nuzzling Bon Bon.

“How heroic,” the earth pony said in a loving tone. “If only I could have been there.”

“Yeah. Well, yeah. I handled it pretty well.” Lyra was surprised at how few bottles of cider Bon Bon was drinking. She always was a lightweight. “What about you, Bonnie? You have any good recent stories, you magnificent mare?”

The unicorn always liked to see her giggle. “Well, nothing compared to yours, of course.” She was the only pony Lyra had ever seen who would take tiny sips of cider. “Same old, same old. Customers and sweet making.”

Lyra stretched once more and wrapped both hooves around her. “You know what, pretty filly? You’re cute. I like you. We should hang out sometime.”

“I think I’d like that,” Bon Bon giggled. “Although, I do have something I want to ask you,” she added.

“What’s that?” Lyra questioned, yawning.

“Do you realize how cute you are when you’re drunk?”

“Well, do you realize how cute you are when you’re not drunk? And I’m alright with that. More cider for me.” The unicorn yawned and stretched one more time before curling up into Bon Bon’s soft fur. “G’night, Bonnie. Hope I learn what those numbers mean in the morning.” The earth pony probably replied, but Lyra wouldn’t have heard her; she was already fast asleep.

*** *** ***

Lyra’s head hurt, but it didn’t matter; the excitement of the news overcame her. She hadn’t realized it during the previous night because of her stupor, but her and Bon Bon had succeeded; they weren’t going to lose the house. In fact, they did better than Lyra could have ever imagined. The two were enjoying a nice breakfast in bed.

“This wouldn’t have been possible without you,” Bon Bon said, laying on Lyra.

“Oh, please. It was all because of your delicious sweets.”

“That had nothing to do with it. It’s all you. You really do care.”

Lyra blushed. “Well, thanks. I guess working for an awful boss paid off in the end.”

The earth pony looked at her. “You’re not going to quit completely, are you?”

“Maybe.” Lyra shrugged. “I mean, if we aren’t broke, there’s no reason to, right?”

“But you were playing your lyre so well. I can’t imagine you stopping already. I love to hear you play; it is your cutie mark after all.”

The unicorn looked back at her flank. “Well, yeah, but Cinnamon Swirl is just such an awful pony. I don’t know how long I can work for her. And stuff.” Yeah, that’s it, she thought.

She received a skeptical look in return. “Well, you’ve already beat her once and received the pay you needed. What’s the problem?”

“Well, um, what about the crowd of ponies? They’re pretty nerve wracking. It’s not easy being the center of attention.”

“But you love the attention.” Bon Bon sat up and looked her in the eyes. “Tell the truth; you just want to sit at home and drink cider all day.”

Lyra passed a glance to the relatively large amount of bottles beside the bed. “Well, um... maybe?”

Bon Bon kissed her. “Well that’s too bad. You’ve started working, and I can’t let you stop just yet. Just because we aren’t completely out of money doesn’t mean we can just give up.”

“But... but working is so hard... It’s not very fun.”

“That’s why they call it ‘work’, Lyra. Don’t worry your pretty little horn about it; the more you play the lyre, the better it will get.”

“Yeah, but how do you kn- hey! It’s not little!”

She received a smile in return. “Fine. Petite. But really, Lyra. You should keep playing. I think it’s what you were born to do.”

The unicorn thought for a moment. On the one hoof, she really did enjoy it; it was a fantastic stress reliever for her. On the other, however, working was work, and Lyra liked the lazy lifestyle she had been accustomed to. With a sigh, she stared at her marefriend. “Now, if I do keep playing the lyre, will you promise to come see me play every time?”

“Of course.”

“Even when it sounds awful and ponies are booing me?”

“Especially when you’re a laughing stock.”

Lyra finally smiled. “Alright.”

“You’ll keep playing?”

“Only for you.”

Bon Bon cheered, tackling Lyra in a hug. “You won’t regret it! I just know you’ll be able to make some fantastic music!”

The unicorn could but clutch her head. “Ow...” There was that hangover she had been ignoring.

The cream mare shrank back with a sheepish smile. “Sorry. I forgot how hard you were hitting the cider last night.”

Lyra rubbed her head with her hoof. “It’s fine, it’s fine. I just need to relax someplace silent. And quiet. With no sound.”

“Alright. I’ll let you sleep. Or pass out. Or whatever.” She looked over to her night stand. “Oh! I almost forgot!” Lyra groaned once more. “Sorry. Anyway, look at this.” She passed over a clipping from Ponyville’s real estate.

“Yeah? It’s just some rundown building.”

“But look at the price.”

She levitated the paper to her eyes and squinted at it. Then she glanced at Bon Bon and squinted at it again. “You’re going to have to give me another math lesson.”

Bon Bon chuckled and then looked at her. “But... but do you think it’s something we could eventually afford? I mean, moving the sweet shop to Ponyville square would just be fantastic.”

Lyra shook her head and then gave the paper back to her with a large smile. “You know what, Bonnie? I think that you’re crazy.” Before she could adopt a disheartening frown, the unicorn wrapped her hooves around her and kissed her. “But it’s the beautiful, brilliant type of crazy that I love. I think that’s a great idea.”

The earth pony replied with a merry laugh. “I love you, Lyra.”

Lyra smiled, laying back on her bed. “I know.”

“Well, goodni- er, morning.”

“Good morning,” she chuckled. With that, she turned off the light and curled up to enter the bliss of silent sleep.

*** *** ***

With each night at the restaurant that passed, Lyra’s confidence grew. She found herself exploring the limitations of her instrument, playing more intricate pieces of improv as well as venturing into different types of scales. Her efforts seemed to pay off; each evening she would see more and more ponies gather to see her play. On multiple occasions, she asked her friends, Carrot Top and Blues, to sing as she played. It all seemed to be paying off, and that goal of buying a new store for Bon Bon seemed attainable.

A Friday evening had gone perfectly; Lyra was just finishing packing up her instrument. She gave one last glance at the audience and noticed a familiar stallion approaching her. “Hey, you’re that Creeper McCreeperson.”

The stallion raised an eyebrow before giving a light-hearted chuckle. “My apologies, Miss Heartstrings. I suppose last time I didn’t bother with a proper introduction.” He bowed low. “Concerto, at your service. I represent Canterlot’s musicians. I believe I told you that we’ll be watching your talent.”

Lyra felt somewhat uneasy. “Are Canterlot’s musicians all creepy? Because I’m pretty sure that you said you’ll be keeping your eyes on me, and I don’t think that’s legal.” She wasn’t ready to admit that her marefriend had been right just yet.

Concerto seemed taken aback at first, but then allowed his expression to ease. “Again, my apologies. What I meant was that we would be checking out-”

“My flank?”

“Not at all, Miss. I mean that we would be observing how you-”

“Sing in the shower?”

“We just want to see-”

“My tail swishing side to side?” At this point Lyra had him blushing a deep shade of crimson. “Sheesh. At least buy me dinner first.”

“That’s not what I meant at all!” he stammered.

She arched her neck to take a look at him. “Yeah, you’re not really my type anyway. You’ve got the wrong machinery.”

The stallion took a breath. “Alright. Now, if you will let me speak, I represent the Canterlot musicians, and I am pleased- well, disgruntled at best, currently- to tell you that we would like you to come up to Canterlot for-”

“Group sex?”

He toppled over. An even deeper blush covered his face and Lyra couldn’t help but laugh. The stallion picked himself off of the floor and rubbed a temple with his hoof. Slowly, he drew out a letter, and hoofed it to the unicorn. “Here- here’s a letter explaining everything. Take it before I change my mind.”

Lyra quickly snatched it up as Concerto turned and left, the embarrassed stallion hanging his head low and hiding his face from any onlookers. She admired the handiwork of the envelope before taking one last look at the escaping pony.

“Geez. What’s his deal?”

Author's Note:

I surprised myself by making it all the way through the chapter without making a "horny" joke.