• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 3,556 Views, 341 Comments

Stability - SlightlyOnline

Even the closest of couples can experience turbulence; it's climbing over the obstacles that block their path that pulls them that much closer. Can Lyra and Bon Bon dispel their troubles in time?

  • ...

House of Horrors

The door groaned as it opened, a sound that immediately wasn’t a good sign. Lyra worried that it would just fall off, right there. The next thing she noticed was the reeking air; the pungent odor reminded her of her own attempts at cooking for Bon Bon. Dust filled her vision, obscuring the rest of the interior; she assumed that she wasn’t missing much. A distant hum, presumably coming from an old boiler, resonated under the building.

Despite all the horrors, Bon Bon seemed to retain an excited demeanor. “Oh, isn’t this just awesome? I do hope that the owner doesn’t mind that we’re dropping in to take a peek.”

“Yeah...” Lyra muttered, staring at the failing structures and peeling wallpaper. “I know that I wouldn’t mind at all.”

Bon Bon took a deep, energetic breath, making the unicorn wince at the thought of all the dust. “How about we take a look at the other rooms?” The earth pony giddily trotted down a hallway, pushing her way through a cobweb.

Wordlessly, Lyra followed her. In reality, she didn’t want to see any more of the small building, if it was even deserving of the term; she would have been perfectly content with turning flank and never taking a look at the shack again. She supposed that, at the absolute least, she could pretend to be excited for the mare she loved.

“This must be the kitchen,” her marefriend stated as they entered a bare room. Lyra couldn’t tell; it could have very well been an extensive collection of seven different types of dust.

“Yeah. Uh, spacious,” she said with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.

“Isn’t it?” Bon Bon said with a massive smile. “Just look at everything I could do here! I could put a machine there, a candy press here, a wrapping station over there...” She ran around the room like a puppy who just found her legs. “Oh, this is just so exciting!”

There was no way in the unicorn’s mind that her mare could possibly be so excited about such an awful building. Something wasn’t adding up. “Bonnie, are you on drugs?”

“What? No! I just can’t wait to own this place. It’s so... awesome!”

Something had to be wrong. Maybe she had been sampling too much of her own chocolate. With a sigh, Lyra trotted over to her and draped a hoof on her shoulder; she had to support Bon Bon, no matter what. “You know what? If you like this building, then I do too. I’ll help you make this the best damn sweet shop in all of Equestria.”

Bon Bon shifted to quickly return the half-hug. “You really mean that?”

“Of course. I-” She was interrupted by her own coughing from the dust the earth pony had accidently kicked up.

“Oh no! I’m sorry! Are you alright?”

“Yeah- ack! Just give me a moment...” Lyra forced out in between coughs.

“Hold on, let me get you some water.” The mare swiftly searched some cobweb-covered cabinets and pulled out a relatively clean glass. Lyra watched as she deftly brought it to the sink and turned it on. At first there was nothing, but then there was a quiet rumble as a disgusting green sludge spewed from the faucet, causing Bon Bon to drop the glass in fright. “Eep!”

With one final cough, the unicorn trotted over to her. “If it’s alright with you, Bon, I’m not drinking that.”

She just stared at the glass for a moment, a look of shock remaining on her face. Lyra would be laughing hysterically if she didn’t still have some dust in her throat. “It is alright with me. That’s just foul.”

For a moment, Lyra thought, and hoped, that her marefriend would give up on this broken building because of that. To her disappointment, Bon Bon spoke up and her face returned to that strange smile that she had been sporting.

“Oh well. That would only be a minor setback, right? Some bad plumbing can’t stop me from following my dreams!”

Lyra could have facehooved right there. She decided that it would be a good time to say something. “Um, Bon Bon? Don’t you think that this building may not be worth it?”

“May not be worth it?” Bon Bon echoed. “You saw the price! We can’t go wrong with that! It’s just so... perfect!”

“Yeah...” the unicorn muttered. “Perfect.” She shook her head. “But don’t you think that there may be a reason that it’s priced so low? Maybe we should save our bits for a little bit. You know, save up to buy some place nice.”

“There is no place nicer than this,” the earth pony said, clearly trying to retain the excited facade she had adopted. “This is the absolute best place for sale. This is my only chance to do what I was born to do.”

Lyra shook her head once more. “Yeah, I get it. I know that this is your dream, but don’t you think some things can be too good to be true? I mean, look at this place. The entire building is falling apart!”

Bon Bon took a deep breath, looking contemplative. Finally, her features softened. “You know what, Lyra? You’re r-”

Whatever she was about to say was interrupted by the click of a handle turning and the creak of a door opening. Both mares froze in place, staring at each other. Slowly, Lyra motioned for them to take a look at who entered; she may get to meet the owner and get them to talk Bon Bon out of buying the place.

She went into the room first. “Hello, my name is Lyr- oof!” She almost immediately ran into some sort of structure. The unicorn took a step back to find that the structure was actually a walking, breathing skeleton. “Ahh!” she screamed in unison with the creature, both of them cowering away from each other. She hid behind hind her hooves for a moment before taking a peek out and seeing that the skeleton was actually an old stallion.

“Listen t’ me,” the elderly colt spat out. “I don’t know what yer here for, but if you’re thieves, I ain’t got nothin’ to steal, you hear?”

“We- we’re not thieves!” Lyra stammered. “We’re potential buyers!” She immediately covered her mouth with her hoof, realizing the mistake she made.

Bon Bon trotted to her side. “Yeah, we’re just taking a look, sir.”

“What fer? My shack ain’t fer sale!”

“But... but we saw your ad and thought-”

“Ad? What ad? I didn’t put out any ads!”

The earth pony quickly pulled the ad out of her saddle bags and hoofed it to the elderly stallion. “This ad.”

Lyra watched as he pulled out the most comically massive glasses she had ever seen. She made sure to stifle a laugh. “This ain’t mine. This is the one I bought this awful place from.” He shook off his glasses, pulling out a pipe and dropping it into his mouth. Bubbles slowly floated from the end of it.

“So it’s not for sale?” Bon Bon asked sounding disappointed.

“Why in Luna’s name would I want to sell this trash heap? Who wouldn’t want a building that’s going to collapse any moment on their heads?” He, with swiftness that didn’t seem possible for such an old pony, trotted forth and thumped Bon Bon on the back of her head. “Hell, I’m closer to just givin’ the place away to a wrecking ball than selling it.”

“Is it for sale or not?”

The stallion thumped her once more, muttering something about “youngsters” and their “stupidity”. He blew more bubbles out of his pipe. “I’m tryin’ to protect you from this monster of a place. You don’t want this building.” Lyra was glad to see that the stallion had a sense of reason.

Bon Bon looked sad. Horribly sad. Her ears drooped and flopped against her head. “Oh... Well, I guess if you’re not selling it, there’s nothing we can do...” Lyra was mentally doing a victory dance.

“That’s right. Now if you could kindly get off my land before ya hurt yerself, or me, that would make my day.”

Lyra was about to give the stallion a hoof bump right there as they left; he had just done what she had been trying to do all day. Just as they were almost out the door, Bon Bon turned back with a sigh, and looked at the pony. She reach into her saddlebags and pulled out a small sack and presented it to him. “I’ve got one hundred bits. I’ll give you that for the building.”

Immediately, again using his eerie swiftness, the stallion jumped up and snatched the sack from Bon Bon. “You’ve got yerself a deal, filly!” Lyra could but watch with her jaw on the floor as the old pony tossed out a scroll, presumably the deed, and galloped out into the daylight, the bag of bits in his muzzle. He was excitedly skipping and shouting something about being “free from tyranny” and “bingo money.”

“Interesting stallion,” Bon Bon said as she picked up the scroll.

Lyra frantically shook her head. “Wha- what just happened?!”

“I just bought the building. Saved quite a bit of bits too.”

“But... but he was... and you were... and what?”

“I was worried that he really didn’t want to sell. Probably why he was making up all those things about it being a ‘trash heap’.”

The unicorn’s mind was racing. Despite all of her, and the weird old stallion’s, best efforts to deter Bon Bon from buying the building, she had lost. The earth pony must have somehow subconsciously used the prospects of bingo winnings to win the stallion over. Lyra was just baffled. Reality was like a crushing, destructive hammer:

They were now the proud owners of a dumpster.

“Isn’t it just great?” Bon Bon said excitedly. “Now we can turn this building into our own! I’m so excited!”

Lyra just fell over. She had lost. Worse, she was taunted with the prospects of victory before her hopes of winning were completely and utterly annihilated by her marefriend. “That... that’s great, honey...” she muttered from the floor. There was nothing she wanted more than to wake up from whatever horrible dream she was in.

“Lyra? Lyra, are you alright?” a worried Bon Bon said to her.

Whatever she said next wasn’t heard; Lyra passed out.

*** *** ***

The blinding rays of Celestia’s sun peeking through the windows was an utter annoyance if nothing else. The mint unicorn’s heavy eyes barely peeked out from their hiding places before shutting tightly again. There were times when she enjoyed being lightly woken up by the sun; now was not one of those times. There was nothing she would like more than to be back in the embrace of sleep.

Lyra slowly sat up, her eyes still tightly sealed shut. She found her hoof tracing the soft bedding she was seated upon. Wait, she thought. I’m in... my room? Her eyes burst open, quickly taking in the sight of her and Bon Bon’s shared bed and room; the earth pony was nowhere to be found. How did I get here? she pondered, retracing her steps.

The last thing she remembered was falling to the floor in that disgusting building Bon Bon bought. She winced at the thought of her marefriend throwing those one hundred bits at that stallion; she had thought, and hoped, he had convinced her otherwise. I know I’m supposed to be supportive of everything she does, but how am I supposed to do that if she makes awful decisions? I mean, that place was just awful! A blind pony could have seen that! She fell back with a tortured groan.

Maybe it’s my fault, she wondered. Maybe I should have taken a stand and said “No, Bon Bon. We are not getting this building.” She brought pillow above her and buried her face into it with another groan. I should have said something other than “If you like this building, then I do too”. That’s a lie if I’ve ever said one.

“Why does being a good marefriend have to be so damn difficult!” she nearly shouted, not caring who heard. I shouldn’t have to lie to make her happy. I should have told her everything I really thought, no matter how much it would have hurt. Oh Bon Bon... She rubbed her temple with a hoof. She definitely would have hurt, knowing her. I mean, how would I feel if somepony suddenly told me that what I believed in was stupid?

She thrust her hoof into a nearby pillow. “Celestia damn it! There is no right answer!” She turned over on the bed. Suddenly, her eyes widened. What if Bon Bon heard that? Her gaze softened. If she hears, good. If yelling to myself is the only way I can get the truth out, so be it.

Lyra shifted her body so that her hind hooves were hanging off the bed. Her gaze found the clock on the wall. Two o’clock, she thought. So Bon Bon is probably downstairs selling candies. Great. I’ll just have to avoid her until I can find a way to talk to her.

Her eyes scanned the wall while her mind attempted to recall all of the events of yesterday. She found them to be hazy and blurred. The unicorn looked at her bed; she didn’t even remember how she got there. In her morning mentality, it all pointed to one answer:

“It was a dream,” she laughed to herself. “It was all an awful, awful dream.” She fell back, giggling. “It never happened. We never looked at the building and Bon Bon never wasted a hundred bits on an oversized trash can. I woke up, I’m going to go downstairs, and everything will be normal. The world will be absolutely perfect.” Almost in a daze, she stood up to test that theory.

She stumbled out of the room, tripping over her hooves just at the top of the stairs. Cursing herself for being so clumsy, she stared at the steps she almost fell down. Mornings suck, she thought to herself. Getting up felt like the last thing she wanted to do; she searched her brain for a reason to just lay there for the rest of her life.

The reason came. Her ears perked at the sound of familiar voices coming from the downstairs living room. “...I just wish that I wasn’t so impulsive sometimes, you know?” There was no mistaking it; even in Lyra’s tired state, she knew that was the voice of Bon Bon. “It seems like I can’t make a right decision to save my life.”

“Do what I always do,” came another voice. It sounded shaky to Lyra.

“And what would that be?”

She heard the crack of a can opening. “Nothing. Don’t worry ‘bout your problems. They’ll go away eventually.” The words slurred a bit; it sounded like it could be Berry Punch. The sound of a pony gulping down a can soon followed, followed by a satisfied release of breath. “That’s good. Where does Lyra keep the rest of her cider?” Yes. Definitely Berry Punch.

“You drank it all,” came Bon Bon’s reply, making Lyra wince at the thought of her reserves running dry. “But I don’t know, Berry. I... I thought I was so sure. I feel like I made a big mistake.” She sounded like she was choking on those last words.

“Take it from somepony who’s made a few mistakes in her time: this one’s not a big one. You could have gotten busted for public intoxication or knocked up.” Lyra could tell that Bon Bon wasn’t taking the joke too well. She could hear choking sobs echoing in the room. “Oh, c’mere. Tell Auntie Berry what’s wrong.”

She heard Bon Bon cry for a moment before she spoke once more. “I just- I just don’t know what I did! Now I’m stuck with this disgusting building that’s falling apart!” Lyra’s attention was immediately grabbed as she eavesdropped; there went her dream theory. “I mean, I really didn’t even want it that much! I just... I just...” She broke down once more, crying loudly.

“Shh... shh...” Berry comforted, interrupted by a hiccup. “Take your time. I charge by the hour.” At least that got a pained laugh out of her.

“Lyra was just so supportive... I felt like... like I couldn’t let her down. I just had to buy it. I just had to.” Thorough confusion washed over Lyra. What? she thought. “She wants me to follow my dreams and... and it’s like I can’t live up to it. She’s too good for me. And now I’ve got an ugly building that will only disappoint her.”

Berry paused for a moment before responding, letting out a barely audible burp. “Listen. I know Lyra, and there’s nothing you could ever do that would disappoint her. She loves you. You know that, right?”

“I just don’t want to let her down. I mean she wants to see me be successful more than I do! I’m just a big disappointment.”

“No. Don’t say that. And please don’t cry anymore. You’re getting my coat all wet.”

Bon Bon replied with another pained chuckle. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t worry you with my problems.”

“Damn right you shouldn’t,” Berry laughed. “Listen, all I know is that she supports you because she loves you and believes in you. Nothing will change that for you two. You’re the best couple I’ve ever seen, and I don’t just sexually wise.”

Lyra heard Bon Bon sigh, her tears subsiding. “Thanks, Berry. You’re a good friend.”

“It’s the least I can do; you let me drink Lyra’s cider.”

Bon Bon laughed once more. Lyra continued to listen at the top of the steps, hearing a long moment of silence coupled with shuffling movement. Her marefriend had stopped crying and Berry was probably making herself comfortable on their sofa. Lyra began to slowly take steps down the stairs, halting as soon as she heard Bon Bon speak up once more. “So how is Pinchy?” she asked, a hint of sadness still in her voice.

“A little bundle of joy, as always. Although, I do wish she wouldn’t go snooping around in momma’s refrigerator.”

“It must be difficult, having a filly and all.” Bon Bon was audibly trying to sound as normal as possible. “I couldn’t imagine the responsibility it must take.”

“Oh, it’s not too bad. Just feed her and walk her and she’s happy. It feels good to see her smiling face at the end of the day though.” She paused for a moment. “You sure that you don’t have any more cider?”


“Darn. Oh well.” There was another pause. Lyra began sneaking down the stairs once more, stopping again when Berry spoke up. “What about you two? Have you ever thought about having a foal?”

“Oh... no- I mean, yes. Well, sort of,” Bon Bon stammered. Lyra knew that stammering; it was the stammering her marefriend did whenever they talked about a topic she was really uncomfortable with. “Um, maybe. I guess... I guess I’ve always thought about it being nice.” The unicorn imagined she was blushing up a storm.

“Well, why don’t you?”

“Well, um, first there’s the, uh, mechanics of it... Lyra’s kind of a mare.”

Kind of? Lyra thought. I’ll have her know that I’m one hundred percent mare! She almost wanted to trot down the stairs immediately and clear that up, but she decided that it would be in her best interests to continue to listen; she had occasionally breached the topic with Bon Bon, but every time she mentioned foals her mare turned red and shied away from the topic.

“Pfft. That’s not a problem,” Berry countered. “There’s that artificial insemination thing that’s real big now. Or you could just get with any stallion that catches your eye.” She snickered a bit. “And also adoption is always an option if you really want one. Hell, there’s even unicorn magic to give Lyra a-”

“I’m well aware. Thank you, Berry.” Lyra really, really wanted to see what shade of red Bon Bon was.

“No problem. But really, you two should think about it. I mean, look at you. You’ve got an excellent foal-bearing figure.”

Silence followed. Lyra recognized the silence. It was the somepony-commented-on-Bon-Bon’s-weight silence; the one that the unicorn always dreaded. Luckily, Bon Bon broke it before things got too tense.

“That... that’s a good thing?” Her tone wasn’t one if irritation but one of curiosity.

“Oh yeah,” Berry responded casually. “Nice and wide hips. I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only pony who’s jealous of your curves.”

“But... I thought...”

“Thought what? Not everypony can be scrawny like Lyra. You’ve got the goods.”

I’m not scrawny! the unicorn retorted in her head. I’m... petite!

Bon Bon sighed. “It’s just that... ever since I started making sweets I’ve gained some pounds from... sampling. I mean, I know that Lyra has noticed. I haven’t been to the beach in so long because of it.”

“Sounds like you need Lyra to make you feel like a desirable mare again.”

I do that all the time! She’s definitely desirable! She knows that, right?

Bon Bon paused once more. “I guess... I guess you’re right. I’m just being silly. I need to stop worrying about silly things.” Lyra’s jaw dropped; Berry had just done what she was never able to do, which was calm Bon Bon down about her figure.

“That’s right. Just know that I would trade bodies with you any day of the week.” There was an audible pat on the back. “Where is Lyra, anyway?”

“Sleeping. She just collapsed yesterday when I bought that building. I had to carry her back home. It made me realize how big of a mistake I had made.”

Lyra heard the sound of a pony moving. “Yeah. That’ll do it. It’s been nice, Bon Bon, but I’ve got to head home. Pinchy’s got a playdate with Derpy’s kid, and there’s some potential in that mare for me. I’ll see you later.”

“Goodbye, Berry. You have fun.” The sound of a door opening and closing soon followed. Then there was silence. Lyra sat midway down the stairs, contemplating her next move. She couldn’t just walk down the stairs and say ‘Hey Bon Bon, I was listening in on your conversation,’ could she?

Oh wait, yes she could.

“Hey Bon Bon, I was listening in on your conversation,” she said as she hopped down the final steps. The mare jumped in surprise, almost hiding behind the couch. Lyra’s gaze scanned the room, falling upon tissues strewn about and some empty bottles of cider.

“You... you were?”

“Yeah,” the unicorn confirmed lamely. She slowly walked over to the couch and seated herself next to her marefriend. Time seemed to halt as they stared at each other, Lyra putting on a rather awkward smile. She didn’t know what to say next; she had not thought this plan all the way though.

Luckily, Bon Bon was the first to speak. “I’m sorry!” she said as she hopped on top of Lyra with a tight embrace. “I’m so sorry. I should have to you the truth. But you were... We just...” Tears began to well up in her eyes once more.

“Shh...” the unicorn said, putting a hoof to her lips. “It’s okay. I’m not mad, or sad, or anything. It’s alright.”

The earth pony relaxed slightly. “It’s just... I should have told you the truth from the beginning. I should have said that I didn’t really want the building instead just getting it on a whim. I mean, it just looks awful!”

“That it does, Bon Bon.”

“I just didn’t want to disappoint you. You were so supportive of me and it felt like I would only mess what you wanted up.”

“I only want you to follow your dreams, Bon Bon. That means you doing what you want. I hated that building the first time I saw it. I only supported you because it was what you wanted.”

Bon Bon snuggled up to her. “Well, I guess neither of us got what we wanted.”

Lyra thought for a moment, hoping that she could think of some response that would result in some sort of bedroom activity. Landing on the first thing she could think of, she spoke. “As long as I have you, I will always have what I want.”

Her marefriend giggled and held her tighter. “Oh, Lyra. That’s so sweet. And corny.”

She responded with a laugh. “You know it. That’s just who I am. And you know what, Bon Bon? I’m going to help you reach your dreams.”

“Oh? How so?”

“We have the building. We just need to do something with it. I’ll do whatever it takes to make it the best damn sweet shop in all of Equestria.”

“You’d do that? For me?”

Lyra nodded ever so slightly. “Of course, and that’s just the bare minimum. I’ll put in whatever time we need to turn that dump into a beautiful, working building. Whatever it takes to make you the happiest mare on the planet.”

The earth pony seemed to try to look concerned, but still had a smile spread across her face. “You really think we can do it? I mean, it will be really expensive.”

“Of course we can. It’s not too much. We just need to fix the plumbing, repair the walls, put a new roof on it, paint, probably buy a new kitchen, move your candy making supplies, hang a sign, put in new furniture for the customers, and put in a bed.”

“A bed?”

“A bed.”

Bon Bon smirked, catching on to what Lyra was saying. “Well, that sounds fantastic. Do you really think it’s doable?”

“I don’t think so, I know so. I know how you get when you’re determined, and I’m just as determined to help you.”

With a beautiful smile and glistening eyes, Bon Bon snuggled up to her. “I love you. I just love you so much.”

The unicorn wordlessly relaxed in the mare’s embrace, perfectly content to let her words settle in and run a hoof through her mane. She was very glad to have a little bit of honesty back between them. Despite her earlier rest, she would be perfectly happy with drifting to sleep right there. Unfortunately, Bon Bon spoke to her before she could drift into dream land.

“Lyra... am I fat?”

She mentally groaned. She had thought that Berry had cleared this up with her. “Of course not. You’re absolutely beautiful.”

“But I’m... big...”

“Well, I always like something to hold on to,” Lyra chuckled. From the look on Bon Bon’s face, her joke wasn’t well received. She quickly remedied her mistake with a peck on the cheek. “You’re not fat, Bon Bon. You’re curvy and stunning.”

“Curvy?” Bon Bon said with a frown. “That’s what fat mares call themselves.”

Lyra pressed a hoof to her marefriends lips. “Stop it, okay? You are perfect. Absolutely perfect. Don’t you ever, ever think otherwise.” She drove her point home with a loving kiss. It wasn’t a particularly fervid kiss, but there was a certain force behind it that brought a smile to Bon Bon’s face when she pulled away.

“Thanks. I... I needed that.” She shifted her body, her hooves still wrapped around the mare in front of her. “It’s just been so hectic lately. With the sweet shop, and your auditions and all. It was only luck that Berry came by asking for cider. I let her have some on the condition that she just talk to me.”

“She didn’t drink all my cider, did she?” Lyra said quickly, staring in a no-nonsense fashion.

“Oh, of course not. I would never let her clean out your stash. I just told her that was all we had to make sure she didn’t.”

Lyra pecked her on the cheek in an ‘I love you for that’ sort of way. “Thanks. Berry... she’s definitely an interesting pony. She’s fun to go out on the town with.”

“Well, it’s not fun for me. I usually have to clean up the mess you make.”

“Yeah...” the unicorn replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck with her hoof. Another silence soon followed, the pair just staring into each other’s eyes for a spell. Lyra would be perfectly content with sitting there and observing her marefriend’s familiar features all day. She always loved the color of her coat and how her beautiful blue eyes accented it; she loved how her mane curled and rested upon her head. How this mare could be insecure about her looks, she would never know.

Still, a thought wiggled in the back of her mind. As beautiful as the mare in front of her was, she still felt a need to address the distracting question. “Bon Bon, have you ever really thought about... it?”


“You know... it? Umm...” Even knowing how uncomfortable Bon Bon was with her question, she decided it would be best to come out with her inquiry. “Foals, I mean.”

“Oh...” The earth pony blushed heavily. “Well... I mean... h- have you?”

Lyra expected that she would try to dodge. “Of course. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have another set of feet running around the house. But I want to know what you think of it.”

The shade of red she turned made her look too adorable to Lyra. “Well... I- I guess... M- maybe in the future? If we have the money?”

This was the biggest answer Lyra had ever gotten from Bon Bon. She guessed it just took a lot of coaxing. “Well, yeah, not now of course, but it’s always something to think about, y’know?” The earth pony just squeaked and nodded. “Plus, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a-”

“That’s enough,” her marefriend said sternly, pushing through her embarrassment. “Now I don’t want to think about... that... You’re a mare for a reason.” Bon Bon looked away for a moment, visibly trying to hide her facial expression.

“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?” Lyra teased.

“No!” The unicorn raised an eyebrow. “Maybe...” Bon Bon sighed. “A bit...” Lyra responded with a good-hearted laugh. The mare continued to blush furiously. She seemed to want nothing more than to hide behind her hooves. “I mean... what if the magic wasn’t reversible?”

“Then I guess I’d be your stallion marefriend,” Lyra chuckled.

“Oh no. Gross. Let’s... let’s not think about that.”

“Heheh. You’ve got yourself a deal. For now,” she replied with another chuckle. She let her hooves tighten around her mare. Once again, she found herself lost in the calm blue sea that was the mare’s eyes; it felt good to go swimming. She was almost disappointed when those pretty eyes began to close. Slowly, the mare turned, releasing a large and exhausted yawn. It didn’t take long at all for the pony to curl up, a soft, cute snore escaping her lips with every breath. Lyra smiled at that.

As creepy as it may or may not be, Lyra loved watching her lover and marefriend sleep. There was something about the way her ear twitched while balled up as she snoozed that just made the unicorn’s heart melt. Wrapped around her, she could feel the mare’s steady heartbeat as her chest rose and fell with her breath. She just wanted to hug her as tight as possible and never let go.

Lyra felt her own yawn break out of her muzzle. As much as she didn’t need sleep, it would still be completely fine with her to drift off with her last feeling being that of her marefriend’s soft coat. Slowly, she closed her own eyes and took one last sniff of the air, taking in the candy maker’s sweet scent. Content with the arrangement, she allowed herself to slowly disappear, the only thing in her consciousness the mare in her hooves.