• Published 22nd Dec 2012
  • 3,545 Views, 341 Comments

Stability - SlightlyOnline

Even the closest of couples can experience turbulence; it's climbing over the obstacles that block their path that pulls them that much closer. Can Lyra and Bon Bon dispel their troubles in time?

  • ...

Celebrating the Lyra and Bon Bon Way

Surprisingly, Bon Bon had taken the fact that she wouldn’t see her marefriend until late in the night rather well. At first, she was wholly against the idea, but that was before Lyra told her about how much more she would be paid. After she released that little detail, the earth pony’s eyes widened and she was tackled in an encouraging hug.

Cinnamon Swirl had given the unicorn until Monday to prepare and write a lyre piece to perform that night. She opted for playing an extended improv; one where she could just let her emotions flow from the strings. The mare spent the entire weekend practicing her scales, shifting between minors and majors and weaving an intricate quilt of notes. Bon Bon seemed to enjoy listening to her play through all those times, even if it was just improv.

This was no exception.

Lyra felt relatively nervous as she looked at the restaurant she would be playing in. What was normally a disgusting building had been cleaned up quite well. Elegant lighting was set up around a makeshift stage in the corner, the tables shined with a glossy glow and the foal’s high-chairs were moved out of sight. All this sudden elegance was probably a distraction from the mediocre food, of course.

Mares and stallions were seated in their fancy attire. Cinnamon must have really been wanting to establish the Everfree Café as an upscale eating establishment, even if it was only so for later in the day. All weekend she must have been working to get the word out that her restaurant would be hosting some live, proper entertainment. Even the food was fluffed up to look better, even though it was still the same stuff that they always served.

A knot twisted itself in Lyra’s stomach. Her nerves reached the point where she was glad that she hadn’t eaten anything in the past few hours. This would be her first live solo performance. She had played with the orchestra in high school, but never anything more than that.

She stared at herself in the bathroom mirror, splashing her face with water. Her eyes traced down the simple dress she was wearing. The simple, yet effective gown hugged her flanks tightly. In the back of her mind, she was glad that Bon Bon would get to see her wearing it.

The fact that her marefriend would be watching her play her instrument was the largest reason her stomach was doing backflips. The setting was less intimate, but far more intimidating. The times she had played for her at home was just practice; she wasn’t doing it to entertain anypony, just to sharpen her skills with a pseudo-audience.

This, however, was very real. All those other ponies didn’t matter. Most of them were probably only going to dismiss her playing as ambient background noise, just as Lyra thought they should. Still, the idea of Bon Bon’s eyes glued to her as she walked on the makeshift stage was a daunting concept.

She took a deep breath and turned off the sink. The unicorn couldn’t procrastinate any longer; it was time for her step out and let herself be known.

The bathroom door creaked open and she stepped through it. She carried herself with pride, walking into the restaurant, her lyre levitating by her side. Most ponies didn’t pay her any mind as she walked to the secluded area she would be playing in. It wasn’t until the mare seated closest to the stage started stomping her hooves on the ground in applause that the rest of the restaurant joined in. That mare was Bon Bon.

Lyra smiled at her. She really looked beautiful this evening. Maybe I’ll receive another type of reward for this performance as well, she thought to herself. The prospects of some sort of post-performance bedroom adventure excited her to no end.

The time had come; it was time for her to stop procrastinating and get down to business. She sat down in her chair and positioned herself to play, taking numerous deep breaths.

At the first note, the world around her stopped. Any idle chatter faded away. Lyra’s eyes locked themselves upon her instrument, not wanting to see all the eyes that would be upon her. She focused on each note, creating all the beauty that she knew she could.

It didn’t take too long for idle chatter through the room to resume. It calmed her nerves slightly to know that she was no longer the center of attention; it was just the initial note that drew everypony’s eyes. She would have to get used to this if she would be doing this nightly, after all.

The unicorn began to feel something that she hadn’t thought she’d ever feel on the stage: comfortable. She felt herself relax, despite where she was. Her relaxation reached the point where she felt confident enough to look up from her instrument.

Immediately, she caught the eyes of Bon Bon, those blue marbles taking in her every move. She couldn’t help but smile as she played, continuing to stare into her eyes. Her attention could not break from her marefriend; she just looked so beautiful watching her. The mare was giving her her full attention, dispelling all of her fears. There was nopony else in the room; there was only Lyra playing a song for Bon Bon.

Before she knew it, it was over; the song was done. All the ponies in the room applauded, but Lyra didn’t care. All that mattered was her marefriend’s happiness. Running purely on instinct, she dropped her instrument and hopped off of the stage.

Her hooves carried her to the cream colored pony that had so grabbed her attention. Without hesitation, she embraced her, throwing her lips upon her in a passionate kiss. She allowed the mare to dangle from her forelimbs, the pony fully trusting her to keep her safe. Gasps of shock sounded throughout the room, but Lyra continued to kiss her marefriend. Slowly, applause erupted through the restaurant, ponies cheering for the couple.

Lyra’s ears perked at the sound of her boss’ door opening. “Alright, Lyra, what’s going on here?”

The unicorn squeaked in surprise, accidentally dropping Bon Bon to the floor. That would be the last time she would be trusted with that type of kiss. She quickly picked the mare off of the floor. “Um, nothing, Cinnamon. I just finished playing.”

“Looked more like you were doing some early celebrating. I won’t be having any of that in my restaurant.”

“Why? Because we’re both mares?” That had to be the reason. Her boss was as intolerant as they come.

“What? No, because I’m not paying you to suck face with your marefriend. Seriously, this is not that kind of restaurant.”

Lyra still didn’t like the answer. She had finished playing her show; why shouldn’t she be able to celebrate? “Well, what do you want me to do?”

“I want you to save that stuff for when you aren’t on the clock.” She gestured to a clock upon the wall. Sure enough, it read 8:58.

The unicorn was baffled. Did two minutes really matter? As much as she wanted to protest, she knew that she couldn’t argue with such a stubborn pegasus. It was absolutely ridiculous, but she supposed that she would just have to deal with the stupidity. “Fine,” she muttered, trotting back to the stage. She looked to the clock once more, seeing 8:59.

She sighed, levitating her lyre and placing it in her lap. She looked out across the restaurant, noticing that most of the ponies had returned to their food. There were a few, however, who remained watching, no doubt curious because of the spectacle she and her boss had made. Her eyes eventually found Cinnamon and shifted between her and the clock. Using her last ten seconds, she mockingly played four notes, staring at her boss. She then hopped off of the stage, ironic applause echoing through the room.

“See? Isn’t it so much better to finish your shift? Now you can go home and do whatever it is you fillyfoolers do.”

Lyra didn’t know exactly why, but that made her mad. It took all of her self restraint to not reach out and smack the mare right then. That, and the pay was good. Wordlessly, she wrapped a hoof around Bon Bon, levitating her lyre and case as she led her out of the restaurant. She was sure that ponies were watching them as they walked, but she didn’t care at this point. It was time to get out of there.

They walked in silence, side by side, until the pair came upon a park bench. Lyra let herself plop down upon it, reclining and relaxing her back against it. The earth pony curled up next to her, being the first to speak.

“You know, you did a fantastic show.”

“Yeah? Well sorry it had to be ruined.”


Lyra adjusted herself. “Yeah. If it wasn’t for my stupid boss rearing her ugly head, it could have been the perfect evening for you.” The unicorn crossed her forelimbs.

She found herself in the embrace of the mare. “But it was, Lyra. It was beautiful and amazing. I didn’t know you could play so well.”

Still unconvinced, she continued. “Well, yeah. Even I can admit that I played well tonight, but two minutes? Seriously? Are the two final minutes really so Luna-damn important that I can’t celebrate just a little bit?”

“Well, Lyra-”

“I bet it’s because you’re a mare. That’s it. If you were some strapping young colt she would have pulled up a chair and some popcorn. Celestia, I can’t believe that ignorance.”

“Lyra, listen to-”

“I mean, nopony else had a problem with it! Just that stupid bigot that I’m supposed to call my boss. I can’t believe I’m working for her. If I wasn’t-”

“Lyra!” Bon Bon almost yelled before silencing her with a deep, passionate kiss. The unicorn was disappointed when she released her lips from her grasp so soon. “Lyra, listen to me. It’s not that big of a deal. I still know you did it all for me and I love you for that.”

“Really? Despite the fact that it was ruined?”

Bon Bon looked at her with forgiving eyes. “No evening with you could ever be ruined. You know that.”

“Well... maybe if Cinnamon didn’t have such a rod up her-”

“Lyra! Stop with that!” She kissed her once more. “No matter what, I will still love you. You did amazing up there.”

This time, Lyra had to kiss her back, smiling. She drew away, wanting to linger. “I know you do. I just... this whole job thing is so stressful. I don’t know how much longer I can take working for this boss. And that’s excluding all of the awful, awful customers.”

“Are you thinking of quitting?”

“No! Never! I took this job for you and I’m going to finish this job for you. Until we get back on our feet, I’m going to keep working.”

“You don’t have to-”

“Yes I do. Bon Bon, I love you, and dammit if I won’t prove that.” Once more, she kissed her, advancing and putting more pressure on the mare’s lips. She continued to move forward until she had her marefriend pinned to the park bench. Through her lips, she could feel Bon Bon moving with her, responding to each of her subtle actions. She was disappointed when the other mare broke away.

“Then we have a problem,” the earth pony said to her, gazing into her eyes. “I won’t let you work for that awful boss, no matter how much it pays.”

Lyra could but watch those eyes as the moved, taking in every feature of their deep aquamarine hue. “Are you saying that you would like to be my awful boss?” She gave her a quick peck on the lips. “Because I would be alright with that.”

Bon Bon giggled. “Oh Lyra, you know that I already am.” The unicorn felt her warm hooves running up and down her back. “But no. I can’t let you work for that Cinnamon Swirl anymore. She’s not a nice pony.”

The mint pony gave her a pouty look. “But I thought you liked bad ponies.” She fluttered her eyes.

“Well, I guess... but your boss- will you stop that? I can’t focus with you looking at me like I’m some sort of fiery vixen.” All was going according to plan.

“That’s because I’m looking at a fiery vixen.”

“Oh... Oh my.” Lyra watched Bon Bon frantically look around, no doubt to find that they were still out in the open on a park bench. The unicorn enjoyed watching her blush.

“What do you say we head back home and continue our private celebration?”

“Um. Yay?”

*** *** ***

It might as well have been Lyra’s birthday, minus the party hats. Those tend to get in the way. She knew that her back, among other things, would definitely be sore the next day.

The couple lay next to each other in their bed. Bon Bon tightly cuddled up to her marefriend as she liked to do. Lyra was laying back in a reclined position, her hooves behind her head, allowing the earth pony to gently run her hooves over her body. The unicorn was staring off into space lost in thought.

“Bon Bon,” she spoke up. “I was thinking...”

“Really? Sounded to me like you were doing a lot more than thinking.” The mare winked at her.

“Well, yeah, but really. I was thinking about that job and how much it means to me to make you happy.”

“Oh, you definitely know what to do to make me happy.” The candy maker was clearly still lost in bliss.

Lyra smiled. “Of course. But I’m willing to propose a compromise. I’ll quit my waitress job.”

Bon Bon seemed to snap out of her trance. “Really? You’d do that for me.” She looked away for a moment. “But how will you earn any money?”

“That’s the compromise part. Just the waitress job. You know how I told you my pay would increase?”


“Well I think it’s enough to more than make up for those lost hours. And we’ll get to spend more time together. I’ll only work from, what, seven to nine?” Lyra felt rather excited about this. Sure, she wasn’t working long, but the amount of time she actually had worked was just awful. Made her wonder why ponies worked at all.

The unicorn was happy to see her marefriend smile. “That actually sounds like a good idea. I’ve been needing some help out at the store. With Nightmare Night coming up soon enough, we’ll be as busy as ever.”

“Oh yeah. I’ve been meaning to ask you how the store is doing.”

“Cluttered and busy as ever. I sometimes wonder if turning the bottom section of our house into a shop was the best idea. I mean, look at all those booths and buildings down in Ponyville Square. They take home bags of bits every day.”

Lyra frowned. That reminded her of something daunting, yet important. “Another thing. Rent’s due soon. Are we going to make it?”

Bon Bon’s smile faded. “I... I don’t know at this point. We’ve been doing our best, right? That’s all that matters. If we have to move into a smaller home or get an apartment in Manehattan, so be it.”

The unicorn thought for a moment, continuing to frown. “No.”


“We’re going to stay in Ponyville and I’m going to help you reach your dreams. Sure, things are rough right now, but you had a goal to have the most successful sweet shop in town, and I’m going to help you reach it.”

The earth pony gave a wide smile before climbing up her body and planting a kiss on her lips. “I love you. Have I ever told you that?”

“Once or twice.” Lyra returned with a forceful kiss. She found her hooves automatically running along the mare’s body. Slowly, she broke away with a hopefuly grin. “Round two?”

“Round two.”

*** *** ***

“What?!” Lyra could only watch Cinnamon slam her hoof on the table. “You can’t do that to me!”

The unicorn looked at her nametag that she had placed on the desk. “Sure I can. I don’t want to work for you as a waitress, so I don’t have to.”

“Now why the hell wouldn’t you want to work for me as a waitress? It’s a great job!”

“Yeah, for you. I’ve had it and I refuse to put up with this anymore.” Lyra couldn’t help but smile.

The pegasus was visibly flustered. “Well... well... you’re fired!”

“Awesome. Severance pay.”

Cinnamon let out a groan. “No! You’re quitting!”

“Fine by me.”


Lyra smiled. “I’ll see you tonight, then.”

“What? No! You aren’t working for me anymore!”

“As a waitress. I still would like to play my lyre in the evenings.” She could tell that she was winning. More than winning; she was absolutely destroying everything her boss threw at her.

The mare was almost a deeper shade of red than her coat. “Then you’re fired!”

“Then I guess you’ll find somepony else to play for you,” she said with a smug grin, standing up and heading out the door.

She glanced back to see that Cinnamon looked like she was holding her breath. “Wait! No! You’re not fired! I need that money!” She seemed to be deaf to anything but money.

Lyra circled back and sat down. “Good, good. Now I’ll be working from seven to nine at triple minimum wage.”

“What? No! You’ll be working from six to ten at double minimum!”


“Fine! Fine!” The pegasus shoved some papers off of her desk. “Everything is just fine and dandy. Get out of here.”

Lyra complied, finding no reason to push the mare’s buttons any longer. Walking through the door, she turned back for one last look. “See you tonight?”

The mare looked a defeated mess. “See you tonight...”

The unicorn walked away, straight out of the restaurant. As soon as she stepped out into daylight, she stopped; she couldn’t help but let out a giddy cheer.

She finally won. For the first time in what felt like forever, she felt like she had control over her life. She had just absolutely decimated her boss’ tyrannical rule and still would get to play her lyre in the evenings. And for more pay too! She could hardly contain her excitement. She just felt like kissing somepony.

She quickly galloped home to do just that.

*** *** ***

Each of her evenings had been absolutely fantastic. Lyra felt that everything was finally falling into place. She would get to spend all day helping Bon Bon at home, sometimes doing more than simple helping, and spend seven to nine, just as she said she would, playing on the stage. It was a perfect system. She could feel her relationship with Bon Bon grow stronger, and the bits she was making weren’t bad either.

She had just finished another night of playing. It felt nice to know that ponies were enjoying it, even if it was just ambient background music. She was reminded of her high school days, back when she would play with the orchestra. It always made her smile to hear ponies cheering for them. Now it was her time to shine out above the rest.

As she was packing up, a stallion approached her. He was better dressed than most of the ponies in the room and carried himself with a certain poise. “You’re Lyra Heartstrings, correct?” he asked her.

“Um, yes sir.” She really didn’t know how to address him. He looked like one of those fancy-shmancy Canterlot types.

“I must say, you put on a fantastic show.”

“Thanks. I, uh, I did my best.” Sure, ponies applauded but she wasn’t used to being approached directly.

“We’ll be keeping our eyes on you.”

“That’s grea- wait, what?” By the time she had said that, the stallion had already turned flank and left.

Okay... Lyra thought. Now that was weird. She wasn’t too keen on the idea of being watched. Aside from onstage, of course. The only other thing she did that she would consider worth watching was with Bon Bon, and there’s no way she would let anypony watch that.

Well... maybe if they asked really nicely... She giggled to herself. There would be no way her marefriend would be up for that. She still was hoping to ease her up to the idea if hopping in the sack with Vinyl and Octavia.

Vinyl and Octavia... she thought. They would love to see me play. Well, Vinyl, maybe, but Octavia definitely would. The mare finished packing her lyre and trotted out the door. I’ll send them a letter sometime. It would be cool to have them here.

She trotted towards her home, alone on the road. Bon Bon couldn’t make it every time she played, but Lyra was alright with that. She could spend all day with the mare anyway, and she attempted to use every last second of those days.

The house peeked over the horizon. It was Friday evening, so they would have all night and all tomorrow to do whatever it is couples do when they’re alone together.

Walking into the house, she didn’t even bother with a “hello” before locking lips with her marefriend.

*** *** ***

“Um, Lyra? What are you doing?”

Lyra was shuffling around the room, checking every nook and crevice. It seemed a rather strange thing to do; normally they’d be cuddling right now. “I’m searching for cameras,” she replied flatly.

“Oh. I didn’t know you wanted cameras, Lyra. That can be arranged if that’s what you’d like.” The unicorn turned to see the blush on Bon Bon’s face. Her own face’s redness soon matched it. Cameras would be nice.

“Well... I... Uh. We could try that sometime...” She shook her head. “But that’s not what I’m looking for. I’m making sure we aren’t being watched.”

“Watched? Who would want to watch us?”

She continued to shuffle through any items in the room that could contain hidden cameras. “Earlier this evening after I played this stallion came up to me and told me that he’d be watching me. I need to make sure he wasn’t creeping on us.”

“Really?” Lyra watched Bon Bon blink in surprise. “That’s great!”

“Great? Do you want somepony watching us?” Was Bon Bon really that adventurous?

The earth pony laughed. “Not us, Lyra. You.”

“I don’t see how that helps me.”

“Don’t you understand? He’s going to be watching you play your lyre. This could mean great things for you! He could be a talent agent!”

“Oh...” Now that was embarrassing. The fact that her own mind had immediately thought of that somewhat worried Lyra. She considered that she may have sex addiction.

“Congratulations, Lyra! I’m so happy for you!” Bon Bon brought her hooves around her, dragging her back to the bed in a tight hug. She responded with a soft kiss.

“Thanks.” She had never thought that playing the lyre could ever really mean anything. Especially not something big enough for a possible talent agent to seek her out. It was an absolutely fantastic feeling. Again, she felt the urge to kiss somepony. Luckily, she could do that immediately. She always loved feeling how Bon Bon would react to her sudden, passionate kisses.

The mare tightly grasped her. “I would suggest more celebration, but I believe that we just did that.”

“Yeah.” Lyra didn’t want to admit it, but she was completely exhausted. “Think it’s time to call it a night?”

By the time she had finished asking, Bon Bon was already snoring.

*** *** ***

Bon Bon sat anxiously while Lyra paced. The day had come; the day that they’d find out if all their efforts to make money would be in vain. They waited and waited. Both of them knew that their futures would heavily depend on what would come in the mail this day. Lyra even took some sips of a “special drink” to help calm her nerves.

Her mane was an absolute mess, which was partially Bon Bon’s fault. They did anything they could to calm themselves in their desperate times of waiting. The clock ticked. Lyra debated taking a shower and trying to relax, but knew that would be the time that the mailmare would knock on the door. Dammit, Murphy, she thought to herself.

“Maybe the mail isn’t-” Bon Bon began, only to interrupted by a knock on the door. Time suddenly stopped; Lyra just wanted to hide.

She took a deep breath. “I’ll get it.” She stopped her pacing and slowly trotted to the door. Her fear of what could be contained in the bills overcame her.

Anypony but Derpy, she thought. Although she liked the mailmare, there were certain times where letters didn’t seem worth it. Anypony else, please, was all she can think as she approached their front door. Even Cinnamon Swirl coming to fire me. That would be fantastic.

The door creaked open. “I brought you a letter!”