• Published 27th Dec 2012
  • 18,198 Views, 439 Comments

Living the Good Life - Aetherpony

A human(you) lives a boring, meaningless life on Earth. You feel that you'll be stuck in a repetitive cycle for the rest of your life. But Discord, God of Chaos, has other plans in store for you.

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Chapter Twelve: Anon's Rage Unbound, Burning Bridges, Princess Plans, and a Chaotic Proposition

// Chapter Twelve: Anon's Rage Unbound, Burning Bridges, Princess Plans, and a Chaotic Proposition// Story: Living the Good Life// by Aetherpony//------------------------------//

You let out an audible groan as you get to your hands and knees. Your head is tender with pain from the blow you’ve just received. Thankfully nothing’s broken, but everything below your nose is pulsating, you can feel blood pooling in your mouth. As you try to collect yourself you try to shake the disorientation you’re feeling.

You don’t know how something so little can hit so hard; even after fighting her twice prior to this. It just doesn’t make any sense. Regardless, this is the last time. With the thick taste of copper invading your mouth you part your lips slightly. With that the crimson liquid formed from your bleeding gums is expelled. A single stream trickles from your lips and onto the door.

You wipe it away and shoot the back of Fluttershy’s head an angry glare. The rage you’ve felt from the first day you two fought, from being tricked, and being put into a bed for a day. All of it begins to culminate.

She’s berated you, she’s hurt you, and she had a stallion turn against you. It’s about time you gave her a taste of her own medicine. With fury dictating your actions you get to your feet and walk over to the two mares. A familiar feeling within the confines of your chest begins to rise. Hot flashes of your time in high school only add to the raging inferno begging to be released. Twilight leans around Rarity and sees the anger seething from you and she backs away.

“What’s wrong with you egg head?” It takes Fluttershy a moment to register what Twilight is staring at. By the time she turns to face you it’s already too late. You’ve brought your right leg back and you’re ready to strike. When she turns to face you, you don’t give her time to react.

You bring back your right leg and swing horizontally. Using your waist and abdominals you not only add power to your kick, but speed. The tip of your shoe nails her right in the right side. She lets out a breath of air as she goes sailing into the book shelves. As soon as she makes impact they splinter and fall apart.

Fluttershy hits the ground stomach first with a loud thud, she struggles to get up but broken pieces of the book shelf give way and smack her right on the top of her head. She drops back on her belly.

Rarity does nothing more than gasp and back away from you. At this point you don’t really care about her. Fluttershy is going to get her punishment first. You walk over to her as she finally shakes away the dizziness. The books that litter the ground around her give her little time to balance. She actually slips upon an encyclopedia. She can’t seem to stand on her own so you’ll give her a hand.

You wrap your fingers around her mane and lift her up. When you bring her to eye level hers bore into yours with pure malice. You can’t help but smile at what you plan on doing next. You walk her over to the desk Twilight was using to look through her books. Fluttershy struggles to pull herself from you grip but you don’t let up. She does nothing more than cause more stress on her roots.

You can feel her swinging her hooves into your arm, but you can barely feel their blows. You’re way too angry, and your adrenaline rush is too much for her to hurt you now. You bring your arm back and slam Fluttershy face first into the desk as hard as you can. The desk snaps in two right down the middle. You fingers tighten around her locks.

“How does that feel huh?!” You shout as you pick up Fluttershy. You turn her towards you so you can look at the damage you’ve done. Fluttershy’s right eye is forced shut and her lip is bleeding. It’s good, but it’s not enough. You run full speed towards one of Twilight’s front windows. You stop right before one and chuck the Pegasus as hard as you can at it.

The window shatters as Fluttershy goes through it face first. You watch as she lands, and then slides along the poker card laden ground. You calmly walk out of the treebrary and over to her the satisfying sound of glass crunching under your shoes is like music to your ears.

You take this time to look over the various red lines dotting her coat, face, and hooves. The glass cut her up pretty well, and you’re going to add to it. You’re about to bring your foot down upon her skull, but as it turns you didn’t do enough to daze her.

She’s flies up like a bullet; you feel your feet leave the ground as the top of Fluttershy’s head slams into your chin. Your neck pops back from the sheer force exerted. You’re lucky it didn’t snap from the sudden movement. Instinctively bring your hands to your chin and grunt through the agony coursing through your head. You feel the air leave your lungs as you land flat on your back. Luckily your shirt provides ample protection from the window shards. As you sit up you take a moment to rub your chin.

You look to find yourself at eye level with Fluttershy. She’s smirking and trotting to you, thinking she’s got you on the ropes. Even though you’ve had the wind knocked out of you you’re anything but beaten.

“Stupid monkey, you better stop before I kick your flank again.” Fluttershy taunts as she sticks her tongue out at you. You feel something snap in the back of your mind and everything goes black…

Fluttershy doesn’t seem to like how silent you’re being or the vicious glare you’re giving her. So she decides to taunt you again.

“Did you hear me you ugly, hairless ape or are you too stupid to—“you cut her off with a feral roar. She has no time to react as you bring your foot back and slam it right into her snout. She yelps and shuts her eyes, backing away from you as she does so.

You’re on your feet in an instant and are readying another kick. You’re about to punt the little Pegasus like a football. The air leaves her lungs when your foot is driven right into her solar plexus. It knocks her up rather than forward, allowing you to reach your arms up and grab her out of the air.

As soon as your fingers tighten around her sides you lift her over your head and throw her straight down with all of your might. She lets out a squeak of pain upon impact. Before she can get up you roll her on to her side, then you press your knee into her wing to keep her pinned. Your left hand wraps around her neck and keeps her head from moving.

With her being unable to move, and not capable of flapping her wings, you take advantage of it. You ball your right hand into a fist, bring it up, and then smash it down upon her muzzle. You don’t stop with one punch though. You keep them coming. Like a jackhammer you land blow after blow upon the side of her head. After your sixth strike her only working eye has tears pouring from it, and that only causes you to put your whole body into your blows.

You don’t notice it due to your blinding rage, but with each hit her fur becomes canary yellow and her mane slowly turns pink. She’s openly sobbing now but she’s cut off with each punch you throw. A crowd begins to gather around you to see what the commotion is about.

“S-stop,” she manages to blurt out in between hits. You don’t heed her words, instead you keep going. The color spreads throughout her coat, mane, and tail. For you that just gives you a brighter target.

Twilight, Spike, and Rarity watch from the treebrary’s entryway. Each sports an expression of varying levels of shock as you mercilessly beat the Pegasus. Their eyes move with your fist. Fluttershy’s whimpering and pleas finally help Twilight snap out of it.

”P-please—“her swollen jaw takes another hit. When you bring your fist back you plan on this one sinking into her large eye. But it stops mere inches away, a purple aura surrounds your arm stopping you from doing more damage. You turn to look at Twilight to find that she’s holding you back with all the magic she can muster.

Twilight shakes her head. “Anonymous, please that’s enough.” She tries to calm you while slowly pulling you from Fluttershy.

“I’LL TELL YOU WHEN IT’S ENOUGH!” Your yelling startles Twilight, causing her to lose her grip on you. Regardless you’ve forgotten all about Fluttershy. She’s done anyway, but the fashionista is a whole other story.

You give Rarity the same murderous stare you gave Fluttershy. You get off of the beaten Pegasus and move over to her, she’s too scared to move. Her gray eyes stare at you with abject horror. Her fear holds her in place for you.

When you grab hold of the back of her head she manages to snap out of it long enough for her to shout, “Let go of me you brute!” Despite her yelling and struggling you manage to drag her out of the doorway and out into the street. Everything else she utters is muffled when you push her muzzle into the poker cards.

“God, I wish this was fuckin dirt!” You push her head further into the ground. Her hooves move about frantically, “So that way I could tell you to get a good taste you uppity high class whore!” The crowd lets out a collective gasp at your insult.

Rarity’s horn is being applied the same pressure as the rest of her face is. Because of that she’s unable to conjure up a spell to defend herself with. It doesn’t help that she’s too scared to think logically. You lean in and growl into her ear.

“Wanna know what I had to do yesterday? I had to help your little sister because she couldn’t walk! I had to carry that little filly to Sweet Apple Acres. Do you have any idea how far of a walk that is?!” Rarity’s muffled whimpers are her only response, “here’s an idea: how about you stop treating your little sister like trash and stop being such a greedy little cunt? You get one chance Rarity, if I see Sweetie Belle hurt because of your selfishness again,” you pick her up by her mane so she can get a good look at Fluttershy.

“Then you might as well consider what I did to Fluttershy a fucking massage.” You turn Rarity’s head to face yours. “Do you understand?!” You dot her face with spittle as you yell. She whimpers before nodding frantically. “Good!” You toss her over to her little accomplice. She gets to her hooves and gallops away like a bat out of hell.

“Anon, listen,” Twilight starts. You turn to her and she doesn’t utter anything further.

“No YOU listen. I know you were going to let them do whatever they wanted. You weren’t going to stop them.” Twilight shakes her head.

“You don’t know that An—“you cut her off.

“Yes I fucking do! I’ve been here long enough to know you don’t have any backbone. You’re a damn coward who cries about everything, and that’s why I have to clean up this fucking mess!” You motion to the ground and cotton candy clouds as you yell, “You can’t help your friends, only I can! Well you know what; I just gave Rarity and Fluttershy some tough love. So how about you get off your flank and go help Rainbow Dash?! Oh, that’s right you’re going to have me do that too. Well fuck you!”

You see tears begin to form in Twilight’s eyes. Her lower lip begins to quiver. You turn your back to her and start walking away. “I’m going on a walk.” You intentionally step on Fluttershy’s unfurled wing as you walk away; the crowd of ponies that have gathered to see you beating Fluttershy part for you.

Twilight takes one last look your way before running inside sobbing loudly. Spike shakes his head at you before following her inside. A few ponies dressed in scrubs come out of the crowd to carry the sobbing and shivering Fluttershy away on a stretcher. The rest of them disperse now that there isn’t anything going on…

After about an hour of walking aimlessly around the town you finally start to calm down. When you find a bench you decide to sit upon it you recline. Your heart is still going a mile a minute in your chest. The soreness from the head butt and bucking is starting to make itself apparent. Your mind is plagued with the thoughts of what you’ve just done. Unfortunately you weren’t given the mercy of forgetting everything you did when you snapped this time around.

Fluttershy’s broken and battered face, Rarity’s fear, and Twilight’s tears. All of it is freshly implanted into your mind. You were angry, not only at them, but at yourself. You did what you promised yourself you’d never do. Fluttershy deserved a beating, but not like the one you gave her. She wouldn’t be able to see or speak for quite some time. You put your head in your hands before sighing.

And you blew up at Twilight too, you know she can’t help being like that. She acts that way because of Discord, but apparently that didn’t matter to you. You’re going to have to give her some space for a little while, you’re sure she doesn’t want to see you right now.

That means you won’t be going home tonight, so you need to decide who you’re going to stay with. You’d stay with Pinkie but she probably saw what happened. No way will she let you stay with her after beating up Fluttershy and making Twilight cry.

You don’t want to impose on Lyra and Bon Bon either. With no way to Discord’s home it looks like you’re stuck on this bench for the night. Perhaps you should learn to control that anger of yours. All that will ever come if it is harm. Friends, enemies, bystanders it doesn’t matter. You obviously can’t tell the difference when you’re like that. At least you didn’t hit Twilight. If you did you could never forgive yourself.

As you sit in self-pity you don’t notice as two very familiar characters slink out from the shadows under your bench. It’s none other than Eris and Screwball. Screwball takes a seat next to you. She’s so quiet you don’t even notice.

“Hi Nonny,” Screwball shouts happily into your ear. You unleash a cry of terror and flail your arms. Unfortunately Eris was in the process of climbing over the bench to sit on the other side. One of your hands smacks her across the face. She recoils and rubs her cheek gingerly.

It takes a few seconds for you to register what happened but when you do you can’t help but feel annoyed. You really don’t need this right now.

“What do you two want?” you ask while facing forward. You didn’t want to look at either of them right now.

“Well that’s rude. Daddy wanted us to check up on you, and that’s how you act?” She moves her jaw around to make sure everything’s in order before sitting with you.

“I gotta say, Anon, you seem to be doing fine. I didn’t know you could beat up a pony like that!” Screwball seems amazed by your supposed prowess. The following glare you give her makes her ears flatten against her head and shrink back a little.

“I’m still pissed about what you did, Screwball.”

“I said I was sorry.” You scoff before throwing your hands up.

“That’s just great, that makes everything all better.” You flash her a fake smile.

“Really?” She smiles hopefully.

“No, you idiot,” you drop any premise of happinesss, Screwball does so in turn. You look to Eris, “And you can tell Discord that I fucked up pretty good, and that I probably lost half the friends I made.” You turn your attention back to Screwball, “And I can’t believe you’d approve of what I did. I beat up one of your kind! Aren’t you the least bit angry at me?” Screwball shakes her head, only adding to your disbelief.

“It wasn’t me, so I’m fine,” Screwball opens her mouth to say something more but she stops. Eris looks to Screwball expectantly.

“Isn’t there something you wanted to tell Anon?”

“But,” Eris’ eyes narrow at Screwball’s disposition, “O-okay, fine, I’ll do it.” You have to say this is throwing you off. You wonder what Eris means by that. Screwball looks off to the side for a moment before sighing.

“I know I sound like a broken record, and I know I wasn’t thinking when I did that to you. If you still hate me I understand, but I really didn’t want you to get hurt, honest.” Her melancholy gaze bores into your very heart. You stare at her in silence for a few moments.

Judging by how you’ve acted today, can you live with yourself if you stay angry with her like this? You know full well what it did to Twilight and the others. Do you really want to stay as you are towards her, or do you want to give her a second chance? You sigh to yourself, you realize this might not be your wisest decision, but you can’t keep things the way they are now. You find that it’s best to take care of it early, rather than letting these feelings fester within.

“I don’t hate you, and I accept your apolo—“you’re cut off as Screwball wraps her hooves around your neck and squeezes. You feel her snout nuzzle into your cheek.

“I’m so glad. You have no idea how much that helped. Feels like a weight’s lifted off my chest ya know?” Screwball happily nuzzles your cheek. Eris looks over the two of you with narrowed eyes. Her claw and lion paw pull the two of you apart.

“Okay, Happy Hug Time is over. Break it up you two, you’re making me sick.” Eris tries to pry Screwball off of you. She sticks her tongue out and clings tighter.

“No, you’re just jealous cause he likes me more.” Your eyes widen, surprise by Screwball’s sudden accusation. You glance over to see Eris’ face light up with blush. Okay, what the hell is going on here? This is coming out of left field something fierce.

“Why would he like a little trouble maker like you, anyway! You’re too immature!” Eris shouts before shooting Screwball an angry glare.

“Is this because tomorrow’s Hearts and Hooves Day or something? Cause you’re both sounding pretty desperate.” At this point you’re trying to find an escape route, “Seriously, what brought this on? I haven’t spent that much time with either of you. What gives?” You start trying to pry Screwball off of you. You freeze in your tracks when gryphon talons are laid upon your shoulder.

“That’s the point, you haven’t. We feed you, and help clothe you. We keep you healthy when you’re injured, and what do we get: the cold shoulder.” She shakes her head disapprovingly.

“So you’re gonna make it up to us.” A smile forms on Screwball’s face. You look into her purple, swirling irises. You’d be a fool not to see the mischief behind them.

“And how’s that?” you ask, unsure as to whether or not you should have done so. Both Eris and Screwball give you evil grins.

“Oh nothing much, you’re just going to spend Hearts and Hooves Day with us. We have some ‘special plans’ in store for you.” Eris’ smile turns sly.

“Why do I not like the sound of that?” you ask as you try your best to scoot away from Eris. You only manage to make it worse by allowing Screwball to hug tighter.

“Let me answer your question with a question. Would it sound better to you if I told we have these?” Eris removes her hand and snaps her talons…

The Element of Honesty appears within her grasp. The illustration within the book Twilight showed you did it no justice. The gold used to make the necklace shines brilliantly in the light of day. The orange, apple shaped gem reflects your visage perfectly upon its face. Your eyes widen in surprise, so those two are the reason why the elements were never found. You can tell what Eris is about to say next.

“You spend the day with us, show us a good time, and maybe we’ll give you the elements.” Eris says smugly as she twirls Honesty on one of her talons. You turn to Screwball and see that she’s wearing magic on top of her beanie. Well looks like you’re in a bit of a pickle.

“Besides, you didn’t think we’d just let you undo what daddy built did you?” Eris asks as she places her lion’s paw under your chin. She forces you to look her way. Eris thinks you know exactly what she’s talking about. She knows about Twilight and I…

“I wasn’t planning on helping them all.”

Eris laughs, “Yeah, I’m sure it would have happened completely by accident.” She snaps her fingers and both elements disappear.

“You know, I don’t like the concept of being turned into stone. In fact I hate that thought. I’m sure Daddy and Screwball here think the same thing.” Eris says motioning to Screwball as she does so.

Screwball nods, “Yup. I don’t want to be separated from daddy ever again! So no elements for you!” Eris smacks Screwball over the head.

“Ow,” Screwball starts rubbing the back of her head gingerly.

“Idiot! You weren’t supposed to say that part!” Eris snarls; her voice full of malice. You smile. Knowing that they weren’t intending on really giving you the elements leads you to believe that they’re quite villainous. Going back on one’s word is not the makings of a good individual.

“What’s the big idea sis? You weren’t being subtle either!” She exclaims as she points a hoof accusingly at Eris.

“So I have no reason to do anything with either of you tomorrow? Good to know,” you smile before adding, “nice try on the blackmail though, not gonna lie.”

Eris groans out of frustration, “Listen, how about you spend time with us and we’ll see where your loyalties lie. If it’s true that you have no intention on helping these ponies, we’ll give you the elements.” Now things have become interesting, if she’s being sincere that is. You lean in and listen.

“But, that’s quite risky. We’ll trust you, at that point you’d be able to either help us rule for eternity, or have us be imprisoned. I guess you could say we’d be at your mercy.” Eris explains as she reclines upon in the air above you. You swear this Draconequus must be trying to sweet talk you or something.

“Are you serious?” Eris nods. You turn to Screwball and she does as well. As long as Discord doesn’t find out about this then you’re all for it. It wouldn’t help you with your decision, but when you do make it it’ll hold a much larger impact than before.

Actually, do you want something like that on your shoulders? If you change your mind after making your decision you know one side will be out to get you. And whoever you choose will seal your fate in this place. You might as well go with the flow now, and then make your decision later. You’re sure you’ll be able to weigh your options at a later date.

There’s also the possibility that Eris is just toying with you in hopes of getting a free date. After all she said, maybe; even if she’s gauging your loyalty she can still say no. And what could you do about it? Fighting a Pegasus is one thing, but fighting an Agent of Chaos is another. As far as you know she’s out of your league when it comes to fighting. A simple snap of her digits and you’d be done for.

Well, here goes nothing. You sigh when you come to a decision. “You know what? Sure. Let’s do it. What do I have to lose?” Screwball hoof pumps while Eris seems indifferent to your decision. “But you better not be screwing with me. I better have a damn good chance of getting those elements.”

“Yeah yeah, whatever,” Eris sports with a smarmy grin now that you’ve agreed, “let’s get you home then shall we?” She leans in and wraps her lion’s paw around your shoulders.

“Wait how are we,” your vision blurs and suddenly you’re in your room, “going to get home?” you finish. You realize just how foolish that question was, as do Eris and Screwball. “Well, that was an interesting experience. I’m gonna get out of these and take a shower.” You start to remove your shoes.

“Yeah, you do that.” Screwball gags when she gets a whiff of your feet. Immediately she heads for the door. You sniff your feet as well and realize that you didn’t dry them properly. Your shoes, socks, and feet all smell from yesterday’s river adventure. You’re going to need a washer and dryer or new shoes.

As you get to your feet you walk over to your dresser, pull open a drawer, and find a towel. With towel in hand you make your way out of your room; Eris floats out after you.

“If you want to discuss tomorrow with either of us you know where we are.” She informs you as she opens to the door to her room. As soon as her door shuts you proceed into your bathroom. When you get your shower ready to go you step inside and shut the glass screen behind you. You sigh in contentment as the warm water envelopes you.

Today was another one of those days. You really need to stop wondering if the next day is going to be more chaotic than the last. You should just come to accept that as inevitability. As you start to scrub yourself clean your thoughts drift onto Rarity. You have faith that she took your angry words to heart; Sweetie needs her real sister back. Hopefully your threats will be enough.

As you shower yesterday’s and today’s grime and sweat from your body Rarity paces around the foyer of her boutique. She has been doing so for many hours.

The sun has since set over the horizon, and the moon has made its way into the sky. As She moves back and forth her mind replays her day over and over again. Your words from earlier repeat over and over in hear head; as do your actions. She would admit that you scared her beyond belief and she would also believe that you were an evil, immoral creature.

But, your words may hold meaning to Rarity. Her thoughts then drift over to her dear sister Sweetie Belle. The more that she thinks about it the more she realizes she really has been treating her like dirt. Whenever Sweetie was hungry, and whenever she asked for something to eat Rarity would make things for her. But there would be this, this urge in the back of her head forcing her to steal away Sweetie’s food.

And the things she said to Sweetie when she caught her making things for herself. Rarity’s surprised Sweetie managed to get anything in her stomach at all. Were it not for Ms. Cheerliee and her sharing her lunch with Sweetie she’d probably starve. What kind of sister would that make Rarity? A terrible one, as much as she hates to admit you were right. Rarity sighs as she trots over to one of her windows. She sees the far off silhouette of Sweet Apple Acres in the distance. Maybe Rarity would get around to checking up on her sister.

But would Sweetie want to see her? Rarity wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t. She’s been, less than engaging to say the least. Well there’s only one way for Rarity to find out. With her sights set upon Sweet Apple Acres Rarity takes a step out into town. It looks as though tonight is going to be one to remember for her. And maybe, just maybe she’ll be able to make things right with Sweetie…

After about an hour or so you feel clean enough to finally stop scrubbing yourself. When you step out of the shower, dry off, brush your teeth, and take care of your business you finally make your way back out into the hallway.

You take notice of its appearance. It’s changed significantly since you first arrived. The intricacies of the first patterns have given way to a more basic pattern. The design that now lined the walls, ceiling, and hardwood flooring was diamond patterned. It also retained its checkered-like appearance. Whatever diamond shaped parts that weren’t white were instead black. You noticed that very rarely a red, yellow, or blue diamond would break through the repetition of black and white. The only thing standing out from all of this was your white painted wooden doors leading to your bathroom and bedroom; at least those two parts of the hallway retained normality.

You sigh irritably before shaking your head. Discord has a funny way of giving you a headache. This color scheme is painful to look at. It doesn’t help that each color is bright. In fact, you have no idea how this hallway is illuminated. You don’t see a single light upon the celling and the tiles that make up the wall, ceiling, and floors aren’t glowing.

Why does nothing make sense around here? How come Discord has to piss you off? You decide to take the time to look at everything else. You need to see what has changed, or if it has been changed. As you walk down the hallway and into the living room you were right to think that Discord made a few renovations. The living room seems to have grown to twice the size since you’ve seen it last.

On the far right wall sits an eight cushioned rainbow striped couch. In front of the couch sits a stained glass table. In the center of the room is a ping pong table. Luckily that’s retained a normal design. It seems to be the one thing sticking out. Ha, look at you thinking something normal is standing out. Upon examination of the floors, walls, and ceiling of this room you compare this pattern to that of a rubix cube; except each individual square is no larger than a finger print. And each square is a different color, and like the hallway it retains no repetitive pattern. The color scheme upon one wall is different to its adjacent wall.

At least the squares aren’t in a constant state of motion; now that would mess with your stomach big time. You spot another stained glass rectangular table on the left side of the room. There are four chairs around it; one red, one blue, one black, and one purple. This can’t be it though; you distinctly remember an opening that used to stand in front of you upon the opposite wall. That opening led into the pool/hot tub area of this little apartment. Maybe it’s still there, after all Eris’, yours, and Screwball’s doors are still in their same positions.

You walk over to where the opening used to be located. You run your hands along the small tiled squares in hopes of finding a niche for a door at least. When the tiles began to move under your touch you jerk away in surprise. You watch as the blocks disappear one by one until an opening of your size is created. You walk in, perplexed by this occurrence. You’ve never a wall do that before.

You find that the pool and hot tub are just as you remember them. The design in this room is the only one to remain the same. At least there’s some familiarity in this place. You spot Discord lounging in the hot tub. Upon entrance his eyes open and he turns his attention to you. He motions for you to come over to him.

“Good evening Anonymous, I trust your day went well?” You see he’s sporting a smug grin. Bastard probably knows all about what happened today. As you walk over to the side of the hot tub you answer him.

“Cut the bullshit, Discord. If Eris and Screwball saw what happened then I know you did too.”

Discord chuckles before shaking his head, “oh no, I didn’t see anything, Anonymous, I FELT it. The only other creature here that surpassed your anger was Nightmare Moon and even she wasn’t as prone to such savage acts. I was right to choose you. You’re a little firecracker filled with chaos.” His smile grows wider.

He motions for you to enter the hot tub, “care to join?”

You shake your head. “Nope. Also, you say Nightmare Moon in such a casual manner. You’re acting like I know who the fuck you’re talking about.” You make no move to get into the hot tub.

Discord smacks his forehead, “Of course! Sometimes I forget you’re new here. She’s of no importance. Nightmare Moon died long ago. Well, the personality is dead anyway.” Discord scratches his head with his talons as he attempts to come up with a better explanation.

You hold your hand up to stop him before crossing them, “don’t bother, I don’t even care. What I do care about is why the hell you’re letting me befriend ponies who wield the Elements of Harmony. Isn’t that bad?”

Discord shakes his head, “Anonymous, if I restricted who you could befriend that’d be defeating the purpose. I want you to makes friends with whoever you want. If that involves the Element Bearers so be it. It makes no difference to me. Besides even if you did, and even if you managed to remove my influence it’s not as if they have the tools to stop me. Eris has those.” He motions in the direction of Eris’ Room.

After that you sigh to yourself. Discord has a good point; if he restricted you then he’d be the one keeping you from doing your “job.” But you can’t figure out why he’s being so calm about all of this. Shouldn’t he be worried you’ll help out Equestria rather than look out for his best interests? As you stand and ponder what he told you he brings forth a cotton candy cloud.

With a snap of his claws a cup appears in his lion paw. The cloud rains chocolate milk into the glass. As Discord takes a drink you strike up the second portion of your conversation. You still have questions that need answering.

“You have a good point; now on to other matters. One: When do you want that friendship report? And two: Why are your daughters wanting to take me out on a date tomorrow?”

Discord projectile spits out his chocolate milk like a highly pressurized fire hydrant. Judging by how wide his eyes got he had no idea about this. He hacks violently on whatever he didn’t spit out.

“W-what!” he manages between wheezing breaths.

“I said,” he cuts you off before you can continue.

“I heard what you said, I just can’t believe it. I didn’t think they were serious when they- wow,” Discord is actually surprised by something? You figured nothing did that. Then again, he’s as much of a dad as he is a God of Chaos. He’s probably thinking something along the lines of “This monkey isn’t good enough for my daughters” or something like that.

“Now you have to join me.” He points to the hot tub. “We’re gonna have a little talk.” You respond by looking down at your towel. You hesitate for a moment before realizing all these creatures are naked all the time.

“Fuck it.” You strip yourself of your towel before stepping in. The water is a good, warm temperature. Not too hot, but not lukewarm either. It’s actually more relaxing to sit in this than it was to shower. But you digress, you’re not going to disobey or disregard the father of the two girls you’re forced to going out with tomorrow. There are some things you’re going to respect even if the dad is completely insane.

As you lie back your inner thoughts take precedence over Discord’s words. I haven’t exactly had any luck with human women; maybe a non-human would be fine… Wait! Listen to yourself! Going on a date with a chimera and a horse… err… pony. What the hell is wrong with you? They aren’t even your species! It doesn’t help that you’ve never been on an actual date before. Sure, you know how to act on one, your father and mother taught you to be polite and respectful should such a situation ever arise.

But it’s not as if you actually got to put their advice into action. Your sister saw to that; actually there were many times where she came close to having you swear off women. As far as dates are concerned, you don’t count that little get together with Bon Bon and Lyra, nor do you count that dinner at Sweet Apple Acres. So how’s this three way date going to… wait Discord’s talking?

“What was that?” you ask before shaking away your idle thoughts.

“Pay attention Anonymous. I was saying that the “Friendship Reports” are nothing important. You don’t actually HAVE to give me one. I just wanted to see if you would.” His smile widens.

“You dick.” Discord seems as though he’s about to laugh but he stops himself short before taking on a fatherly tone.

“Joking and anger aside Anonymous, tell me why I should allow you to go on this date.” He refills his glass as he waits on your answer.

“You shouldn’t.” you state simply, “I don’t know anything about dating a Draconequus or pony. I don’t know how to act, I don’t know what is and isn’t proper.”

“So what you’re telling me is that if I allow you to go on this little outing with my daughters it’ll crash and burn?” He taps his digits together as if plotting something. You nod. “How delightful, not only will I allow it, I encourage it!” Discord states happily. In your impulsive moment of anger you splash Discord’s face with hot tub water.

“You’re supposed to say “no you can’t date my daughters you’re not good enough!”” you state through clenched teeth. It’s almost as if Discord really wants to see you at your most miserable; and so much for being respectful.

“Oh come now Anonymous don’t be like that. I’m just getting enjoyment out of your misery.” Discord finishes with a chuckle as he drinks his hot tub water and chocolate milk mixed drink. “Now leave me to my precious nectar. I have many things I need to straighten out and your presence will ruin my concentration.” Discord shoos you out of the hot tub.

You’re too angry to respond. You know Discord’s lying, but if you call him on out on it he’ll probably dismiss what you have to say. So you grab your towel, get out of the hot tub, and make your way to the opening. As you exit to the living room you find Eris and Screwball with their backs against the wall on both sides of the opening. As soon as you cross the threshold into the living room the blocks that were missing rematerialize behind you; cutting you off from the pool/hot tub area.

“So you two were eavesdropping? Cool, then I won’t have to explain how tomorrow’s going to go down.” You attempt to head off to your room. Gryphon talons and a hoof wrap around each of your arms, stopping your movement. You sigh to yourself before you’re pulled over to the two.

“Oh, come on! It won’t be THAT bad.” Eris says as she waves her lion’s paw in a dismissive fashion.

“Yeah, I’m sure you’ll only be a little awkward.” Screwball insists, a cheery smile planted upon her features.

“You’re just saying that, aren’t you?” You ask without looking at either one of them,

“That may be, but I’m being optimistic.” At least Screwball seems happy about this.

“It’s not like we’re going to force you to bend over backwards, and if it goes well you know what you’re reward is going to be.” Eris’ smile widens, unlike her father you see she’s sporting four fangs rather than just one. It’s a little intimidating to say the least.

You shudder at the thought of what those teeth could do to you. The elements are starting to become less appealing the more you think about it. They finally push you forward towards your room.

“Now go get some sleep, we’ll be waking you up a little early so we’ll have the whole day.” Eris says as she continues to push you. You move away from them and turn to the two.

“I’m perfectly capable of walking by… myself.” You notice that neither is looking you in the eye. They are both “studying” what lies below your waist. You never wrapped the towel back, you only grabbed it. You blush out of embarrassment before backing away. “My eyes are up here you know.”

“We know.” Eris says without averting her eyes.

“Uh huh.” Screwball says, neither seem to be paying attention to you.

“Perverts,” you mutter before wrapping the towel around your waist. They groan in displeasure as you turn tail and walk away. You waste no time in going into your bedroom, tossing your towel somewhere, and getting in your bed.

You don’t even bother to shut off the lights or putting on pants. You’re too focused upon getting sleep to care. As sleep’s gentle embraces overtakes you, you can only hope that you have a dreamless slumber...

While you’re sleeping peacefully, the two tenants upon the moon look towards their planet. Both of them have a look of concern planted upon their features.

“Did you feel that Luna?” Celestia asks as she looks towards the continent that Equestria claimed as their nation. Luna nods in response.

“We did, we have not felt such malice since—” Luna shuts her lips tightly, not wanting old wounds to resurface. Celestia responds without taking her eyes off of the planet.

“That, coupled with Fluttershy’s fear, my student’s sorrow, Rarity’s guilt, and Applejack’s regret… I worry for our ponies Luna. Whatever that thing is, it’s hurting them both physically and emotionally. We need to get off of this rock as soon as possible.” She turns her back to the planet.

“But sister, that thing… it’s as if we are sensing a third Draconequus among the populace. What if we are not powerful enough to stop it? In fact we are powerless as it is…” The Midnight blue alicorn turns to walk with her sister.

“That may be, but I believe in my student. She’ll find a way to fix this. When we’re brought back from this barren wasteland we’ll be able to clean up the mess.” Celestia explains as she and Luna continue to cover the landscape they’ve traversed hundreds of times prior.

“After all, the Elements cannot be used in rapid succession. They’ll only be able to stop Discord. His spawn and that thing down there will still be free. It’ll be up to us to take care of them.” Luna steps in front of her sister, blocking her path.

“You cannot mean we… “Luna trails off, she couldn’t think of doing what she believes her sister is planning on doing upon their return.

“I hope it doesn’t come to that, but if they retaliate, we will have no choice. Discord alone outmatches us. If we allow his daughters and that alien to linger then we risk Discord being freed immediately. I just wish we could at least see what was happening rather than sense it. I feel so useless.” Her voice is filled with hopelessness.

With that the two sisters go back on to their walk, Luna attempts to comfort her along the way. There is no doubt they are thinking of the possible outcomes that are sure to happen in the future…

“Hey…” came a voice from within the dark recesses of your consciousness. The sudden sensation of having your eyes opened by clawed hands and the light that invades them causes you to shout in surprise. You shoot up and out of your bed to find Eris lying upon it. She’s laughing at you while pointing to you with her griffin talon.

“Ha, you shoulda seen the look on your face!” she manages to say in between fits of laughter. You are not amused in the slightest. You were enjoying having a dreamless sleep… your dreams aren’t exactly the best ones.

“Well aren’t you just a joy in the morning?” You hope she understands how profound your sarcasm is. Eris responds by holding her head in her claws. She’s got a lazy smile on her face.

“I could have been a real pain in the flank by waking you up sooner, but you looked so peaceful I just couldn’t do go through with it… Well, for a few minutes anyway.” Eris giggles.

“Wait, you were watching me sleep?” You give her a disapproving look before walking over to your dresser. When you see her jaw drop, her cheeks turning red, and her eyes widen it seems she understands just how disturbing she sounded. Now it’s your turn to laugh, “Creeper.” You add as you dig through your drawers for your clothes.

When you find a pair of black boxer shorts, blue jeans, socks, and a red t-shirt you rush to put on your clothes. Lucky for you your black sneakers are set next to your dresser. Thankfully you don’t have to wear your smelly old shoes today, so that’s a plus. You don’t bother putting them on just yet, there’s no need to; at least you hope.

When you’re fully dressed you turn to see Eris is staring at you angrily, “Hey that wasn’t very nice you know?” Eris whines before pouting.

“Deal with it,” you say in return before adjusting your clothes. “So, where’s Screwball?” You take a seat with Eris.

“Still sleeping, she won’t be up for a couple of hours.” Eris explains while inspecting her claws. You lie back upon your bed and put your hands behind your head to act as a cushion.

“So what are we going to do until then?” Eris’ face fills your vision. A mischievous grin is planted upon her lips.

“I can think of a few things…” Her voice is barely above a whisper. Your eyes widen as she starts to lean in. A subtle hint of peppermint invades your senses…

Author's Note:

Here's yet another chapter. I hope you're satisfied with the beating Fluttershy was forced to endure.

So how will the Princesses enact their plan? Has Anon ruined their chances of succeeding?
Will his Hearts and Hooves Day be filled with misery? Find out tomorrow.

Quick note: Anon's thoughts are italicized.

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