• Published 27th Dec 2012
  • 18,211 Views, 439 Comments

Living the Good Life - Aetherpony

A human(you) lives a boring, meaningless life on Earth. You feel that you'll be stuck in a repetitive cycle for the rest of your life. But Discord, God of Chaos, has other plans in store for you.

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Chapter Eight: Anon's Return, Lyra's Obsession, and The Elements of Harmony

// Chapter Eight: Anon's Return, Lyra's Obsession, and The Elements of Harmony// Story: Living the Good Life// by Aetherpony//------------------------------//

As your walk soon turned into a crawl you stop for a few moments. While you’re still in the dark abyss you reach down and rub your stomach wearily. In all honesty you were afraid of this. Not knowing when you were hungry or thirsty meant that you were going to have to keep up with making sure you got nourishment. You can’t allow yourself to forget again.

God help you if you don't eat anything over the next few days. At least with Pinkie Pie as a friend, you possibly had access to cheaper sweets from Sugarcube Corner. But there'd be no way you'd get anything for free. You're a new friend; you're not someone she's known for a while like Twilight or Applejack. You have no money and you don't have a job to rectify that. Perhaps Twilight will know someone in town who can hook you up with a job.

With that in mind, you go back to crawling. The longer you dallied the more time you’ll lose. Finally you emerge from under your blankets. You look around Twilight's basement to find that everything is as it was yesterday. You're not surprised; after all you were only gone for a little over a day. It’s not like Twilight would accomplish much in that time, especially with that poor attitude of hers.

You crawl out of bed and on to the hardwood floor. After standing up and stretching you ascend the small flight of stairs and open the door at the top. As you step out onto the main floor you find that not a single candle has been lit. It was an odd occurrence, and judging by the light pouring through a nearby window you assume Twilight would be up and about by now. As silly as it is, you believe you've made somewhat of an impact on her.

Though something really doesn’t feel right. You scratch you chin as you look out the window. You suddenly do a double take and approach it. Sure enough you look up to see the sun is near its midpoint in the sky. It’s odd considering you just ate DINNER with the Chaos Family naught but an hour or so ago. That raises more questions that you know will probably never be answered.

You assume that maybe she's out visiting Pinkie, or maybe she's just taking a nap. You decide to try and eliminate one of those possibilities by checking Twilight's Room. As you approach the stairs you swear you can hear some mare sniffling coming from the second floor. That opens up a third possibility: Twilight crying up in her room.

She can't possibly be like this over what happened with Fluttershy could she? Sure, slamming a bucket on her head was a bit of a rotten move, but something that small shouldn’t keep her down. You finish climbing to the stairs and look into her room. You find Twilight lying upon her bed on her belly.

She has her face buried in her hooves and you can see her withers hitching in turn with her sniffling. When your feet cross the threshold you clear your throat in order to get her attention. Twilight looks up from her position and your frown deepens. It's obvious that she's been crying for a while. Her red and puffy eyes attest to that. She looks at you for a few seconds before her eyes begin to water again.

“What's wrong?" Your voice comes out in more of a demanding tone than a concerned one. Whether you meant to sound like that or not isn't important, what is important is finding out why she's like this. If its Fluttershy did something again you're going to be pissed. You swear you'll be breaking her wings if she pulled another cruel prank while you were gone. Finally Twilight smiles, wipes her eyes, and speaks up through her sobs.

“I’m so happy you’re okay! I was so worried!" Suddenly she leaps out of her bed and gallops over to you. When she gets close enough she gets on to her hind hooves and wraps her front hooves around your waist. She openly cries into your jacket. At this moment you freeze in place and stare down in confusion. You can’t remember the last time something like this has happened.

It’s been so long since you had someone worry about you to the point of tears, or to be embraced tightly. This feeling, it’s foreign to you. You’re joyful that she was so concerned about you. It shows she cares, but why? A culmination of joy and utter confusion clouds your mind. You haven't even been here a week, why would she be so anxious over someone she doesn't know?

You wouldn't be this broken up if a new friend got themselves hurt, especially over doing something utterly idiotic. If anything, she should be angry with you for going off alone into unfamiliar territory. These ponies must really appreciate friendship, much more than humans do anyway. No one you knew would get like this over you, not even your own parents. In a way you find it refreshing.

“Well, yeah, I'm okay. Discord fixed me right up." You half smile before kneeling down to her level, forcing her to break her hug, “but you shouldn't be crying over me. It's not your fault I got my butt kicked." You say with a chuckle. Twilight drops her jaw in shock before shaking her head.

“But it’s my fault that happened! I didn't go with you, and you got hurt because of it. You're supposed to be my responsibility, and instead of keeping you safe I stayed inside and, well, I did what I’m doing now" Twilight sniffles as she looks at the floor gloomily, “it's just like Discord said, I am useless." Hearing her utter those words annoyed you.

You groan before putting a hand under Twilight's chin. You tilt her head so she's looking in to your eyes.

“Twilight, I'm only going to say this once so listen up. You are not useless. You're a unicorn capable of incredible things." Her sniffling appears to stop as she seemingly hangs upon every word you say. “For one, regardless of choice, you took me in. Instead of treating me like a burden, you were open and friendly. Kind of. You've done more for me than the majority of people I've known on Earth, and for that you're far from useless. On another note you can do magic. That's impossible to do on Earth. And I gotta say it’s pretty awesome. You should do it more often." Finish with a laugh. Twilight opens her mouth to protest but you cut her off before she can say anything.

“And I'm a big boy Twilight. I make my own choices. I deal with the consequences whether I make a good one or not. You shouldn't feel responsible for the things I do okay? That's silly." You hope she's getting the message. You're not being all that delicate, but you're not one to sugar-coat something like this.

“B-but, I should ha-"You put your free hand over her mouth to silence her.

"No buts. I was an idiot for going out alone. I had good intentions but poor execution," you take a breath and continue. “Instead of making you happy, I made you miserable. You were worried sick about me. If anything I'm a terrible friend and for that I'm truly sorry." you get back to your feet and walk over to Twilight's bed. When you take a seat Twilight joins you. “I did what I did because even though I've only known you for a few days, it hurt me to see you like that."

“You didn't have to go that far.”

“But I wanted to Twilight. Your happiness means a lot to me," Twilight's ears perk up and her smile grows, “sure, Pinkie seems fun, and I guess Applejack might be a good friend when she isn't being a lying bitch, but neither of them are you." A joyful silence befalls the two of you for a few moments before Twilight decides to break it.

“T-thank you Anon. I needed to hear that," Twilight says as she clops her front hooves in front of herself lightly. She turns her head away from you to fixate upon her hooves.

“Can you forgive me for doing something so impulsive?" Silence is your reply; Twilight appears to be thinking of an appropriate answer. Finally she turns back to you.

“I can, on one condition," Twilight flashes you a smirk before leaping off of her bed and trotting over to her dresser. Using her magic she opens up one of the top drawers. You hear the jingle of coins as a sack comes floating out of the dresser drawer. You watch as it opens and ten coins are levitated out of the bag. They fly over to your left and land next to you on the bed. After the coins land Twilight puts the sack back in the dresser.

“Grab those bits and get us some cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner. Ten should be more than enough." Twilight says happily before trotting back over to you. You pick the coins and look them over. They look like nothing more than simple coins about the size of a penny, though they appear to be gold in color, but that can’t possibly be right. Could gold be easy to come by on this planet, so much so that Twilight can have such a large amount in her home?

You think it’d be better to simply keep those kinds of questions to yourself. You stand and put them into your pocket, after that you give the little gray mare a salute.

“Right away. Any particular kind?" She shakes her head, “Chocolate cupcakes it is." With that you walk past Twilight and over to her door. Before leaving the room you stop and look to Spike's bed. You just realized he wasn't in the room, in fact he wasn't in the treebrary at all as far as you could tell.

“Hey Twilight?”

"Yes Anon?"

“Where's Spike?" You point to his empty bed. Twilight looks in the direction your pointing.

“Oh, he cleaned up the library for me so I gave him some bits. He went to Sugarcube Corner to get a few of those gem encrusted cupcakes he loves so much." You nod in understanding.

“I guess I'll meet up with him then. Want me to bring ‘em back here?" Twilight shakes her head.

“No, I gave him the rest of the day off, so he'll be back by sunset." That comes off as a little odd to you, after all your impression of Spike is that he's a small child. Or maybe he's nearing his early teens or something? Perhaps Ponyville is safe enough for a little dragon to be walking around unattended. Well, he's not your responsibility and he can probably take care of himself.

With that in mind you make your way out of the treebrary and into the now crowded streets of the town. It looked like no pony is afraid of the remaining animals, or the appearance of the town as a whole. Though you notice a good portion of them are walking around with their umbrellas at the ready. Those chocolate milk raining clouds seem to be out in full force today. You walk at a brisk pace in hopes of keeping from getting wet.

As you move around you find that there are much more than a dozen or so ponies today. Seeing them reminded you of looking at a palette of many hues. None seem like they have a matching color scheme when it came to coats, manes, or even eyes. In a way it gave you as much of a headache as it did when you stayed in your new home for too long. But you can’t let it get to you; after all you’ll be making friends with some of them.

What you find to be surprising is that some actually greet you as you walk along. They tell you “good morning” or phrases similar to that. If Twilight or Pinkie Pie were any indicator then all of these ponies are just as potentially friendly as they are. You reply warmly in turn by offering a smile and waving to those that speak to you.

You'd stay and possibly chat with a few of them but you don't want to risk getting covered in chocolate milk. Last thing you want to do is use Pinkie's water again for another bath. When you find a break in the clouds you slow back down to a walk. As you do so you take a good look at the surrounding buildings.

It's as Twilight explained, these homes are quite simple in appearance. Most of the structures in Ponyville appear to be timber-framed with distinct thatched roofs and overhanging upper floors. Without Discord's magic distorting them it's a lot easier to tell how they're made. You take a more scenic route to Sugarcube Corner this time around. There were a few things you have yet to see and you wished to change that. As your cross over a stone bridge you take a quick glance over the side to find a river running through below.

The once clear crisp water has been polluted by the chocolate milk. You can find multiple brown streaks in the water as the current carries the water along its path.

“Disgusting." You say to yourself. As you complete your trek across the bridge, you spot a large tower-like structure and an adjacent fountain when you finally hit the center of town. When you spot the gingerbread and stacked cake roofing of Sugarcube Corner you come to realize that this was much easier than walking around the town. Then again it's actually safe enough to travel through town. Thankfully Discord seems to be merciful. You hope he keeps it up, you'd love to see this place the way Twilight described it…

You continue to look around the adjacent buildings as you make you way over to your destination. Upon arrival you find Spike sitting at an outside bench. He's busy munching away on his cupcakes. His bench mate, a mint green and white unicorn, is sitting with an odd posture while sipping on some slurpie balanced on its belly. Its pose is eerily similar to yours when you recline in a seat.

That can't possibly be good for its back. You consider asking why it's sitting like that, but the call of cupcakes garners your attention. As you're about to turn to the door, you see the unicorn turn its head to you. You catch its gaze and turn back to face the pony. The two of you stare at each other for a few seconds before the unicorn rubs its eyes with its hooves. When it blinks its eyes and looks at you again its jaw drops.

The pony gets to her hooves, spilling her drink in the process. This is a first, as you figured every pony around here would react the same way, but it seems like this one is afraid of you. Well at least you thought she was afraid of you until you saw her start to grin. Then her smile got wider and her eyes appear to light up. She looked absolutely astonished to see you.

Suddenly, the unicorn takes off into a gallop in some random direction. You and Spike watch as she gallops out of site. When Spike turns to look where the unicorn was looking prior to running, he finds you. He waves a little claw at you and you do so in return. Since he's out of earshot you instead point in the direction the unicorn galloped off to and shrug your shoulders.

Spike repeats your motion before shaking his head and returning to his meal. With that weird tidbit out of the way you reach out, open the door to Sugarcube Corner, and promptly lose your footing as a pink blur races out of the store. You land on your back, as you do the playing cards that made up the ground are flung in to the air. They come down in a small rain around you and the pink ball of fluff upon your chest.

“Oh-my-gosh-its-you-hi-Anon-are-you-okay-I-heard-Big-Mac-hurt-you-real-bad-but-you-look-okay-now-I-knew-you'd-come-by-and-get-something-to-eat-what-do-you-want?" Pinkie asks excitedly. She gives you this huge expectant smile while her bright blue eyes bore a hole to your soul. You have no idea what she said her lips moved so fast they seemed to vibrate.

“Pinkie, take a deep breath, and ask me that again. But slowly this time." You eye Pinkie wearily, you prepare for another onslaught of rapid speech. Your eyes widen in shock as the pink mare takes a comically large breath of air. Her body is literally inflating! What's going to happen when she lets it all out?

Once she does, you feel the force from her exhalation push into skin and force your hair back. Now you know how a dog feels when it sticks its head out of a car window while it's moving. When she's back to normal she finds you glaring at her angrily. She giggles before blushing out of embarrassment.

“Sorry about that, Anon. I just get super-duper excited sometimes!" Despite seeming remorseful she still manages to exhibit this excited behavior. You feel your anger melt away at the sight of her smile. "So, what brings you by on this bright and sunny day? You’re hungry right?" Pinkie takes this time to step off of your chest, allowing you to finally stand.

When you get to your feet and wipe yourself off you answer, "I came by to get some chocolate cupcakes for Twilight. I’m looking to get a baker's dozen. How many bits is that?"

As you and Pinkie walk into Sugarcube she says, "That'll be four bits." you reach in to your pocket and pull out the necessary bits. When you put them in Pinkie's outstretched hoof she takes off into the kitchen. You have no idea how long it takes to bake that many cupcakes so you decide to you’ll sit and wait at a nearby table.

As you sit idly you rap your knuckles upon the table top in a repetitive beat in order to pass the time. Your eyes wander around the interior, you spot a few cakes and pies set up in various display cases throughout the ground floor.

All of them look scrumptious. The cakes seem like they were baked to perfection and the pies smelled heavenly. It was very tempting to buy a few things, oh so tempting, but you're not going to use Twilight's bits to fill your greedy stomach.

You don't even feel hungry, thanks to Discord's magic. That reminds you that you’ve basically gone without breakfast. So what if you did? You'll be getting cupcakes soon enough. Besides why would you want any heart shaped or red icing covered cakes? They seem a little too Valentine for your tastes, plus you'd feel a bit silly eating something representing love alone.

That reminds you of something very important. You make a mental note to be sure to eat and drink at least three times a day so you won't end up having to deal with the sensation of being starved or dehydrated. When your eyes get their fill of the sweets on display you turn to look out into Ponyville. The first thing you spot is that same unicorn from earlier.

This time she’s looking at you through a privacy hedge bordering a nearby building. The unicorn has a pair of binoculars and is looking at you through them. Half of the mare’s body is protruding from the hedge. The poor pony doesn’t seem to understand discretion or that you’re looking right at her. You narrow your eyes and lean in making it obvious that you know she’s there.

She gasps in abject horror before fumbling the binoculars in its hooves. The unicorn glows mint green for a split second before disappearing from sight. Unfortunately she didn't get a good grip on her binoculars, so they were left to hit the ground. Suddenly she teleports back to grab them, and then she teleports away again.

You sigh before shaking your head. That has to be the oddest pony you’ve met so far, and hopefully she’ll stop spying on you since you caught her in the act. You chuckle to yourself when you believe she’ll stop being weird the day Fluttershy stops being a bitch.

Your attention is drawn to the sound of a box being placed upon your table. You turn to find Pinkie Pie beaming at you from the side. How she's managing to balance on her hind hooves is amazing to say the least. In fact, her body structure at this moment seems to perfectly mimic a human’s.

“Uh, Pinkie?” She flutters her eyelashes before leaning over the table. She crosses her hooves in front of herself and smiles lazily at you.

“Yeeees, Anon?” Yet another human like gesture to tack on to your state of confusion.

“How are you doing that?” She looks over herself for a few moments before staring back up at you.

“How am I doing what, Anon?” She knows exactly what you’re asking about, you just know it.

“Standing like that.”

“What about it?” You groan before pinching the bridge of your nose.

“How are you standing on your hind hooves like that?” You hope she won’t be able to find a way to avoid your answer now. She shrugs.

“I dunno, I just do it.” You fight the urge to growl out of frustration.

“Aren’t you risking breaking something by doing that?” Your jaw drops when you see her wiggle one of her hooves like it has no bones in it at all.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Anon.”

“I— what- but, I—“ you try to formulate a proper sentence.

“Is something wrong?” She stops her odd movements. It’s now you realize that there’s probably no feasible explanation for what she just did.

“No, nothing’s wrong.” She beams at you.

“Okie Dokie Loki! Enjoy your cupcakes!" Pinkie says with glee before opening the box. You see that your cupcakes seem to reflect the overall theme the other baked goods are showing off.

Red icing in the shape of a heart, with pink and white sprinkles cover the tops of the chocolaty goodness now in your possession. This prompts the following question out of you.

“Pinkie, what's with all the hearts?" Pinkie gasps in shock; her body begins to float from the intake of air that came about it. When she finally stops she hits the ground landing flank first. Immediately she’s on her hind hooves yet again. She reaches over and mushes your cheeks in her hooves before pulling your face close to hers. You’re uncomfortably close.

"How can you not know about Hearts and Hooves Day?!" She’s looking at you like you’ve lost your mind.

“Because I'm new here. What, is it like Valentine's Day or something?" You break away from her surprised gaze to look at one of the confectionary goods in the box.

“What's Valentine's Day?" You take this time to explain to her what that day means and she nods in understanding. "That's just like Hearts and Hooves Day!" She exclaims before becoming giddy with excitement.

“So what, is that today or something?" you ask as you take a bite of your chocolate treat. Immediately an explosion of flavorful delights tickles your taste buds. A near perfect combination of chocolate and cherry, mixed into one sugary treat. You look in the cupcake to find that Pinkie baked pit-less cherries right into it. Despite the icing also having a cherry flavor as well it doesn't overpower the chocolate of the sweet itself.

You eat the rest of it without stopping. Pinkie giggles over your lazy smile as you slowly chew the rest of your treat in order to savor the flavor.

“They're that good huh?" you nod, "and no, Hearts and Hooves Day isn't today silly filly. It's the day after tomorrow! We're getting a head start!" Pinkie explains as she takes a seat across from you. “So Anon, do you have a special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day?" She wiggles her eyebrows as she asks.

You decide to ignore her gesture and dwell on her question for her moment. A special somepony is probably this world’s equivalent to a boyfriend or girlfriend. When you come to that realization the thought of getting with an alien pony is in fact alien to you. Hopefully Pinkie won't press the matter any further. There’s no need for an awkward conversation about relationships. It’s bad enough you’ve never been in one.

You shake your head before pointing to the window, "No I don't, but judging from the way this unicorn keeps spying on me, I might as well go ahead and say I do." You turn your head to where you’re pointing to find that the mint green unicorn has returned. This time she’s wearing a tan overcoat with a fedora, along with a pair of sunglasses. She's sitting upon a bench.

Despite wearing sunglasses, you can tell she’s staring at you. She’s got a pen and notepad, and she’s scribbling away furiously, occasionally glancing between you and her notepad as she does so. When she notices you and Pinkie staring at her she panics, before throwing the pen and notepad in some random direction. Then she picks up a newspaper that was lying next to her and opens it. It's a poor attempt at hiding, it doesn't help that the unicorn glances around the side of the open newspaper to see if you're still looking her way.

You sigh out of annoyance before turning back to Pinkie, "Pinkie, who's that, and why is she staring at me?" Pinkie turns back to you.

“That's my bestest buddy Lyra Heartstrings. And I dunno, maybe she finds you interesting?"

"Riiiight,” you say before grabbing the box of cupcakes and getting to your feet. "I'm gonna go now. Thanks for the cupcakes Pinkie." as you turn around and head to the front door you hear Pinkie call out from behind you.

“You're welcome Anon! Come again!" She waves goodbye to you as you open the door and step outside. You close it behind you and set off on your journey back to the treebrary. But before you go, you decide to try to get to the bottom of this spying thing. You approach Lyra as she pretends to read the newspaper in her hooves.

“Excuse me, Lyra?" You decide to stand in front of her. She doesn't look up from her newspaper.

“Yeah, what's up? I'm kinda busy at… the… moment…" She seems to hang upon each word for a moment as she realizes you’re standing right in front of her. Lyra cries out in surprise before scrambling away from you. She runs in the opposite direction of you, and she doesn't take her eyes off of you as she runs. That turns out to be a mistake.

When she finally turns around to see where she's going she runs face first into the side of a building. She stands there for a moment before slowly sliding onto her belly. You see stars swirl around her head. As she lies there in an attempt to recover from her self-inflicted injury, you use this as an opportunity to get close to her again. When you get within five feet of her she's back on her hooves. Lyra looks to find you right there near her. Before you can say anything she decides to teleport away.

“Hey wait a… never mind." You’re disappointed to find that she wasn’t willing to stay and answer your question. Your eyes scan over the pair of broken sunglasses and tan fedora she left behind. Before you can reach out to grab them a blur of gray comes running out of nowhere. Whatever it was manages to swipe the items before speeding away.

You hear the gray blur shout, "THOSE ARE MINE, YOU UNCOUTH BRUTE!" before disappearing from sight. You growl angrily before looking to the sky and shouting to no one in particular.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PONIES! ARE THEY ALL CRAZY?!" your voice carries throughout the town and some passing by ponies stop to look to you, more out of confusion than fear. When your small shouting match with the sky ends you look around you to find that you've drawn a crowd. You take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves before speaking to them.

“Sorry about that. I’m just a little mad, nothing to see here." You wave a hand at them dismissively before heading off in the direction of Twilight's treebrary.

A few passersby shrug before going about their daily lives as though nothing happened. None seemed too put off by your anger, after all they've seen worse. Before you came along they had utter chaos to deal with day in and day out. In fact, some ponies have started thinking that you're the reason why a good portion of the chaotic problems have ceased. That's why they approach you openly, that's why some say good morning to you. It's too bad no pony has actually told you that as of yet…

After a good ten to fifteen minutes of walking Twilight's treebrary finally comes into view. Fortunately the unicorn isn't following you anymore, or she's just gotten better at keeping herself hidden. Regardless, not feeling as if you've been put on display is a good one indeed. You open Twilight's door and walk in to find her sitting at a nearby table reading one of her many books. The noise of your approach causes her to turn your way. She flashes you a smile before shutting her book and getting to her hooves.

“I see you've brought the apology treats." She levitates the box out of your hands and over to herself.

“That I have." You flash Twilight a smile and a nod, when she opens the top of the box via magic she eyes them hungrily. Then you watch as her determined smile and ravenous eyes turn into a look of confusion.

“Anon, you do realize these are Hearts and Hooves cupcakes right?" Twilight asks as she looks up to you. You nod in response.

“Yeah, Pinkie said something about getting a head start on the holiday." you state with a shrug as you walk over to Twilight. You reach in and grab a cupcake, unlike the first one you ate back at Sugarcube Corner you don't take the time to savor the flavor of this particular sweet.

As you eat, you can't help but think of the two ponies that’ve made their mark on you today. Lyra the Stalkercorn, and the gray greedy blur of fur. Maybe Twilight can shed some light upon them.

“Hey Twilight, I ran into a few new ponies today." You tell her as you finish gulping down the bits of chocolate cupcake that remained in your maw.

"You did? Who?" Twilight wipes her mouth of the bits of chocolate that remained. As you tell her about how Lyra was acting, and about the gray pony calling you a brute the two of you walk to the purple cushioned couch she has set up on the far side of her library.

When the two of you take a seat she finally speaks up, "I have no idea why Lyra's like that. She seems so open and cheery. Perhaps she finds you interesting?" You shrug your shoulders in response.

“Pinkie said the same thing. What about the pony that swiped her stuff?" As you wait for her to answer you cross your right leg over your left knee for comfort.

“That's Rarity, the town's number one tailor and fashionista. She’s a unicorn as well." Twilight doesn't seem too pleased to be talking about her. “She used to be so caring and generous, and now she's a complete jerk!" Twilight shouts irritably before casting a hateful glance at her bookshelf. “It seems like a lot of ponies are jerks lately. Or maybe it's just Fluttershy. Who knows?”

“Wait, so she wasn't always a thief?" You ask before taking another cupcake. You feel as though you'll grow addicted to these things if you don't stop sometime soon. Twilight nods.

“No. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash all used to be such nice ponies until Discord came in and screwed everything up." Twilight casts her gaze to her floor.

That's the first time you've heard the name Rainbow Dash. Twilight only gave you the basics and Discord hasn't given you anything at all as far as information goes. Maybe it's time to get more educated.

“That means Discord only messed with you, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy right?" She shakes her head.

“No he's messed with other personalities too, but the influence on them wore off over time. The six of us don't have that luxury." Twilight states as she digs into another cupcake.

“And why is that?" Twilight turns to you.

“It’s because we are the only ones capable of wielding the Elements of Harmony. They’re the only thing capable of beating him,” she sighs sadly, “that's why we're like this."

You’ve never heard of The Elements before, and if what she says is true, then why would Discord be happy with you making friends with those he wants out of commission? From what you've seen, when you befriend a gray pony they become their natural pastel color, and no longer act as Discord dictates. Isn't that counterproductive for him? This bit of new information alone does little to keep your curious mind from asking the following...

“What are the Elements of Harmony anyway?" You ask as you put the cupcake you were holding back into the box. Food can wait, you need answers. Maybe this will shed some light on things once hidden away…

Author's Note:

The single shortest chapter in this 20 chapter story.

The others will not be this length, they will be longer.
Just like with the others any comments, questions, or feedback is appreciated and encouraged.
And again I ask you PM me any grammar errors you find in the text document.

*Spoiler Below*
I get it, I used a bit of Lyra's fanon, but don't jump ship just yet.

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