• Published 27th Dec 2012
  • 18,211 Views, 439 Comments

Living the Good Life - Aetherpony

A human(you) lives a boring, meaningless life on Earth. You feel that you'll be stuck in a repetitive cycle for the rest of your life. But Discord, God of Chaos, has other plans in store for you.

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Chapter Sixteen: Discord's Lies, Anon's Insanity, and Zecora's Helping Hoof

// Chapter Sixteen: Discord's Lies, Anon's Insanity, and Zecora's Helping Hoof// Story: Living the Good Life// by Aetherpony//------------------------------//

You have no idea how, but you finally managed to go to sleep that night. Thankfully nothing invades your dreams; you manage to slumber in peace. When you wake up hours later you sit up and stretch. You were half expecting to deal with a hangover. Luckily your head wasn’t pounding, nor was the light bothering you. You were able to recall the events that transpired last night as well.

The breakfast Eris made for you, and the swim. Hanging out at the café where you had a muffin shoved down your throat. That dance where you ended up being passed around by Pinkie and Eris, and of course the karaoke bar. Despite having to deal with Lyra’s and her vomit you had the time of your life. You don’t know how it happened, but those ponies had one of your favorite songs primed and ready to play.

And boy did you sing your little drunken heart out. Remembering how you made an ass of yourself, yet managed to be entertaining causes you to grin. Then you, Eris, and Screwball did many pranks that night. You laugh as you recall launching Blueblood into a cake house. His screams were so delightful.

Then, of course, the last thing that happened before you went to sleep last night. You run your thumb across your lips. You could still feel Eris’ upon yours.

“So, that’s what it’s like,” You get out of your bed, and then you remove your robe. You completely forgot to get rid of it last night. You’re probably going to change your sheets today. It’s been a week after all. As you start to change someone knocks on your door.

“Just a minute,” you scramble into a pair of boxers and jeans so the one at the door won’t have to wait long. You walk over to it buttoning and zipping up your jeans as you go. When you open it you find Eris floating there.

“Morning, what ya want for breakfast?” she sports a small smile.

“Same thing you made yesterday.” You say recalling how delicious it was. She scoffs and her smile gets larger in turn.

“You really need some variety.” Eris says while crossing her arms and leaning against your doorframe.

“I think that kiss from last night counts as variety.” You retort with a grin of your own. A pink tint lines her cheeks, her eyes widen, and her smile disappears. So Eris can get flustered after all. Yeah you’re going to exploit this all day. You think you could vaguely recall not liking the idea of kissing something outside of your species. You chalk it up to you being close minded about your new surroundings.

“Eggs, toast, sausage, and bacon coming right up.” She states as quickly as she can before darting down the hallway and out of sight. You chuckle before shutting your door and walking back over to your bed. You leap on it and lie on your back content with simply staring at your ceiling. With the way things are shaping up to be, you might as well get used to the idea of finding a pony and taking her out. After all you’re sure you could do worse than Eris or Pinkie.

The more you think about it the more you realize you haven’t seen any of your new friends as equals. Sure they may have the same sort of emotions and tendencies of humans. But still, they weren’t. They were little pony creatures, that was a physical and mental barrier you couldn’t just magic away, but now…

You shake your head of that idea. You’re probably thinking into this a bit too much. You don’t have anything to do so you might as well lie there and wait on your food. You remain doing so for a few minutes, allowing your mind to categorize what you needed to do today.

After breakfast you’re going to go to Twilight’s treebrary and apologize to her. Next you’re going to find Pinkie and see if she was serious about that special somepony business. Then you’re going to find out where Fluttershy is and pay her a visit. As far as Applejack and Rarity are concerned you’ll just leave them to their own devices. You don’t feel like being around the Apple Family, or a greedy fashionista. Another knock on your door catches your attention.

“You may enter!” you shout while sitting up. You’re surprised to find Discord on the other side of your door. You watch as he floats inside and shuts it behind him.

“So, I see Screwball had fun yesterday,” Discord starts floating over to you. He doesn’t appear to be sporting a grin nor does he look to be angry. “Did Eris have fun as well?”

“Well, yeah,” you start to tell Discord how the day went. You told him about all the ups and downs. As you explain you see his neutral expression slowly turn into a smile. Soon he’s grinning like the mad man he is.

He laughs heartily. “Oh that’s something alright. No wonder why you look so cheery.” You decide to leave out the kiss considering he’d probably tear you a new hide. And just like that, it looks like you can’t keep anything a secret. “So did you like kissing my daughter?” You’d do a spit take if you had a drink in your hand. Here it comes, he’s about to bring down righteous fury upon you. You’ve touched his daughter and now the father is going to seek vengeance and he’s laughing… What? He’s laughing so hard he’s holding onto his stomach. “Oh Anonymous, you look like you just woke up a dragon!” He wipes a tear from his eye.

“Wait, you’re not mad?” Utterly confused wouldn’t cut it. When he’s able to speak again he tells you that he followed you three the entire day. Knowing that, your happiness seems to melt away bit by bit. You ask him how and why he did it. He won’t tell you the why but he tells you the how. Turns out he turned himself into a pony and watched. After his explanation his tone turns serious.

“Though, I can’t help but feel worried for you,” Discord states while stroking his beard.

“Why would you be worried about me?”

Discord sighs and looks over you. “There are a few things about my little Eris that you don’t know about. I feel like I need to explain them.” Now this catches your eye.

“Like what?” You lean in so Discord knows he has your attention.

“Eris loves the complexity of the brain, and how adjusting a few thoughts or stimulating the synapses could have the whole thing come crashing down. I did the same thing to a few ponies.” He explains, his voice taking a more sympathetic tone.

He floats over to you and puts an arm around you, much as you would a friend. His touch alone causes a feeling of dread to wash over you. While he seems to have your best interest at heart you have a hard time believing him. Eris may have a tendency to appear confident and overbearing, but there’s meekness to her. It doesn’t look like she’d mess with you like that.

“Discord, I doubt she’d do something like that to me. She doesn’t seem like that kind of Draconequus.” Discord shakes his head sadly, his eyes reveal pity.

“I guess I need to show you,” He places a griffin talon on your temple. You wince as a jolt of pain courses through your skull. It’s like the feeling you experienced when Eris did that to you at the karaoke bar, except the pain is at a higher volume. You spasm when Discord takes his talon away. “You feel that Anonymous? That’s what happens when we mess with creatures. They feel pain, and then after it fades they are no longer themselves. Don’t worry I did nothing to you, I just simulated the feeling. So, that song Eris picked out for you. Do you really like it, or could that have been the first time you ever heard it?"

Discord shrugs to emphasize his question. You open your mouth to tell him that yes you have, but that familiar sensation that Discord just showed you courses through your head again. Now you don’t feel so sure.

“I-I don’t know.”

“Just think, Anonymous. That song could have been made up. In that split second, Eris peered into your thoughts she could have taken words you know and twisted them.” The more Discord talks, the more his words seem to claw their way into you. They alone are able to wear away at you, filling your mind with doubt. Discord doesn’t stop, he keeps pounding his way through your resolve and you’re forced to listen.

“Did you honestly believe my daughter likes you? Do you think that little kiss she gave you meant anything to her? You haven't realized it yet, but you've become nothing more than my daughter's plaything. Would you have done such a thing the day before yesterday?” You turn your gaze to the floor. You would try to object, but Discord seems to know just what to say, “Just think, soon she'll be moving your memories around to suit her needs.” You wince as the metaphorical daggers dig deeper. “In the end you'll be just another faceless creature to be used and thrown away when she grows bored.” You don’t see it but Discord’s smile has returned. He seems to enjoy the reaction he’s getting out of you. "Face it, Anon, you're being used by my own kin. Screwball is just as guilty. Do you think she’ll lift a hoof to stop Eris from making a new playmate?”

Your mind is a blur of thoughts as you begin to pick apart what you once thought was true. You start piecing together the mental puzzle with the pieces Discord keeps feeding you.

“Anon, I'm your real friend, not them. I wish to keep you safe. I will not allow them to pull the wool over your eyes anymore." You feel his claws dig into your shoulder. “If I do, then I’m going against why I brought you here in the first place. I brought you here to be happy, to make friends. Not to be used as some pawn for the amusement of others.” His words are comforting. So why does it hurt when he speaks? His face contorts to show a cruel smile. “Do you understand?” You nod wordlessly. With that he floats over to your door. With his back turned to you he dons a cheerful tone, “Have a good day Anonymous.” You sigh as Discord opens the door and closes it behind him.

You stay there, with your feet off of the bed staring at your floor. You rub the spot both Discord and Eris placed their claws upon. You don’t want to believe it, but you’ve not been here long enough. You haven’t exactly wormed your way into their hearts so to speak. What did she do to you? After she worked her magic she made you have fun. You were so happy and drunk that you didn’t think anything about the pain you felt at the time.

The alcohol numbed it a great deal, and then you pranked ponies; the victims of Discord and his magic. You rubbed salt in the wounds of creatures who want nothing more than to try to live their lives. Even though none of them got hurt they didn’t deserve the humiliation you helped put them through, why did you do it?

You’re not some frat drunkard; you’re a guy who likes getting plastered and hanging out in a quiet place. Your mind trails on the kiss yet again, you feel disgust well within you. What if her magic was used to open you up when drunk, and then to get a kiss out of you? It could have sealed the deal for you if Discord didn’t open your eyes.

While she did that, what else could she have done to you? Did she make it to where you wouldn’t mind having a pony or chimera companion? Your hands creep up both sides of your head. What about Twilight and the others? Discord himself said he messed with their heads and they themselves confirmed it. It’s possible that they are nothing like their true selves. The discoloration could be nothing more than an aesthetic. There are so many things you don’t know and you’re afraid to ask.

You’re scared because you no longer know what’s real anymore. A headache forms the more you think about it. The familiar feeling of something moving about in your skull resurfaces. You grunt while rubbing your temples, when the pain subsides you start thinking yet again.

Those ponies, they aren’t themselves. Discord could make them anything he wanted. Whatever he felt like doing he did without hesitation. For all you know the “friends” you’re making is nothing more than a fabrication set up by Discord himself. He might even BE those ponies; he could just be sitting in their sub-consciousness using them like puppets. Your whole little quest for friendship could be nothing more than an illusion. Twilight, Pinkie, Lyra, Bon-Bon, Spike, Eris, and Screwball, could the things you’ve done with them be fake? There’s a possibility that everything he said could just be him telling lies. He could have brought you here himself for his own entertainment. That’s when you realize it…

You’re just a random guy who got very unlucky, that’s it. You have to be the unluckiest guy on the planet. You can’t trust him, you can’t trust his daughters, and you can’t even trust the ponies in Ponyville. Because it’s all lies, no one here is your friend. You’re just a pawn like Discord said.

Whatever’s within your head is writhing about frantically. Your hands start to shake, your breathing becomes ragged. The entire time you’ve been thinking a cold sweat has begun to pour down your brow. You’re nothing, Anonymous, just a plaything. You’re something to be used, broken, and discarded. The accusation of rape from Applejack is Discord’s doing. Fluttershy assaulting you, Twilight annoying you, Rarity stealing and running from you, Lyra pretending to be your friend and like you, it’s all him. How could you have been so stupid? You believed every word he said; when he offered you a chance at a new life you took it without hesitation.

You’re a fish that took the bait like a fool. You grind your teeth as tears begin to form in your eyes. Your grip on your blanket causes your hands to turn pink. It wasn’t enough was it? Growing up being helpless to stop your sister, your unhappiness was her form of entertainment; in fact you could say you were her plaything as well.

This is all your life has consisted of. You were going through things like this since you were a kid, and everyone thought it was so funny. Your bullies laughed at you, your sister laughed at you, your parents laughed at you. Now these chimeras and ponies are laughing at you right now. Why are you surprised? You swear you can hear their snickering as it echoes throughout your skull. You are Anonymous the broken human, and you have had enough…

Luna watches her sister from her position on the surface. Celestia stares intently at the massive orb they silently orbit around.

“Sister, thou hast been staring upon our planet for quite some time. Perhaps thou should play with us; another game of Tic-Tac- Toe perhaps?” Luna offers her a small smile.

“I-I can’t,” Celestia trails off while she shakes her head, “I hate him for this Luna. I really do.” Luna gets to her feet and trots over to her sister.

“Celestia, please, sit down, do something else. Thou hast not slept in days,” Celestia snaps her neck back to look at Luna; she has a crazed look in her eyes.

“I CAN’T SLEEP!” Celestia’s shrill voice causes Luna to jump, “How can I? All I can sense is that thing! Every time it’s angry or lonely or sad I can feel it eating away at me!” Celestia trots towards her sister talking all the while. Her blood shot eyes and the bags under them show the strain she’s undertaken since your arrival; whatever Discord is trying to do to Celestia, it’s working.

“When I lay down to shut my eyes that alien keeps me awake. And right now,” Celestia turns back to the planet, her eyes begin to water. “All I can feel is his pain. He’s tearing himself apart. I don’t want to have him banished anymore. I can’t believe I considered that in the first place. All I want to do is help him, or at the very least talk to him. And I can’t even do that.” When Luna gets to her sister’s side Celestia yells in frustration. ”Stop crying!” Celestia shouts to the planet, “I can’t take it anymore, just stop! Please!” Celestia hangs her head low.

The sound of a resounding crack of hoof upon head could be heard echoing throughout the empty landscape. Celestia collapses to the ground unconscious. She groans once before growing quiet.

“We apologize sister. We did that for thine own good… “Luna nuzzles her for a moment before turning to look at a few nearby craters. “Now, what sort of games can we play alone?” She bounces her way over to a collection of rocks in order to scratch up a game board.

Meanwhile, whatever was holding your emotions bottled within shattered. You find yourself staring at yourself in the mirror on top of your dresser for the longest time. The veins are bulging in your neck; a blood vessel has popped in your right eye causing a red tint to slowly spread throughout it.

Your head feels like a jackhammer is pounding its way through. Your hands shake as the grip on your dresser tightens. Suddenly you bring your right arm back and swing. Your fist collides with the mirror shattering it. That set you off for the rest of the events to come. With a feral roar you lift the mirror off of your dresser and toss it at the far wall. What bits of it didn’t crack completely shattered upon impact.

After that you turn your attention to the furniture itself, you bring your right foot up and bring it down onto the front of your dresser. Your foot goes through the wood of one of the drawers. You feel the now fragments of wood cut into your foot and ankle, but the pain has been numbed. You bring your bleeding foot out of the hole and slam it into your dresser yet again in a new spot. After a few stomps your vision fades to black…

You stand, panting heavily while looking around at the destruction you’ve caused by your own hand. Both your dresser and nightstand are no longer recognizable. All that remains of them are large, broken piles of wood. Your bed lies in ruins. The sheets are shredded; cotton from your pillows lay strewn around.

The box spring is splintered and the railings of your bed frame are warped and bent to the point of being unfit to use. Your blankets sport various holes throughout them. Your walls have countless scuff marks and holes from you throwing your furniture up against them. Blood and broken finger nails lie near the areas of the dry wall that you’ve pulled off with your bare hands. Light brown bile stains run along the lower portion of your walls in some areas.

That’s when you decide to look over yourself. Small red streaks line along your skin. The blood from your self-inflicted scratch marks run down your body. Each provides a subtle stinging sensation for you to deal with. Patches of hair have been torn from your head. Your lips bleed from you biting them as hard as you could.

Your throat feels like it’s on fire from the whiskey you vomited, your head is pounding, and your body is exhausted and broken. Yet despite all of this, your anger, the feeling of betrayal and resentment, you feel great. For once in lord knows how long you feel liberated…

No one made you do this, it’s all you. It’s your decision, there are no outside influences causing you to do what you did. As your eyes scan the ruins of your room your anger finally subsides. You feel overwhelming joy welling in your chest. You did it, you went against Discord and those traitors you thought were friends! Oh if you could see the looks on their faces when they get a load of your work!

A small smile forms upon your lips, and soon you find yourself cackling. Joyous, enthusiastic laughter resounds throughout your room. You can’t control the pleasure you feel from this moment. Your laughter doesn’t stop. This is the greatest feeling in the world, but if that’s true then why are tears pouring down your cheeks.

You fall to your hands and knees unable to stand from the sheer feeling of it all. Your perspective on Equestria has crashed down upon you. You’re alone on a strange world and all you can do is laugh about it, it’s hilarious to you. Your glee is cut off as your body begins to shake. You feel another wave of vomit creeping up your throat. You unleash another stream of last night’s whiskey.

When you’re done you sit back on your knees in hopes of catching your breath; you think you’re done. You really think you’ve released every single speck of anger you had dwelling inside, and all the alcohol you consumed. When the sound of your door creaks open you turn to face it.

“Hey Anon breakfast… is… ready…” Eris looks around your room in disbelief. Her smiling face is replaced with a look of horror. Her hands lose their grip causing your breakfast tray goes crashing to the floor. “Anon, what…” Eris is a loss for words as she looks upon the destruction. Her head snaps in your direction when you start to laugh yet again.

Her eyes and that slack jawed expression, it’s so god damned funny! You unsteadily get to your feet, still chuckling. You throw out your arms wide before doing a three sixty in order to point everything out.

“Do you love it?! It’s like fuckin’ Picasso came rollin’ on through!” you shout as you step towards her. She seems to have forgotten her ability to use magic. Because instead of casting a spell she backs away from you, her eyes filling to the brim with fear. Your steps begin to pick up in speed as you close the distance between you and her.

She’s got her back to the wall out in the hallway and you’re now standing a single foot away from her, your smile widens as she starts to whimper.

“Shh, don’t be scared Eris, it’ll only hurt for a second!” The last part of your sentence comes out in an animalistic growl. She’ll be the first to receive retribution for ruining you. You start by bringing your fist back. She shuts her eyes tight, her whole body shakes. Instead of hitting her you slowly bring an index finger towards her. You push her snout.

“Boop,” you start cackling before taking off towards the darkened portion of the hallway. You can’t wait to see Twilight; she’s going to be so happy to see you. After all it’s been a few days. You have so much to catch up on; you hope she has enough time to listen to your rambling.

As you crawl out of the bed in Twilight’s basement you take a look around the room. It seems the same as always to you. The little unicorn really takes care of her workspace. You take a mad dash up her stairs and burst through her door. You bask in the light for a few moments before looking around the main floor of the library.

As you’re getting ready to unleash your happiness upon all the denizens of Ponyville Eris remains floating in the hallway. She’s still in shock from seeing you in such a state, and from seeing your room in ruins. She stays frozen in place for quite a while before her claws close into shaking fists.

“DISCORD, GET OUT HERE!” Her shouting wakes Screwball right up. Her head shoots straight up and her body goes with it.

“Where’s the fire?!” She screams as she looks around the room. When she sees that there’s nothing wrong she breathes a sigh of relief. “Eris, you can’t just shout like that when I’m asleep! You scared me.” Screwball’s smile of relief disappears as she walks out into the hallway and she sees her sister’s agitated face. Eris’s eyes are twisted with fury; her teeth are bared ferociously. She lets out a snarl before floating over to Screwball.

When Eris is standing right before her sister she casts her gaze to the ceiling. A fireball springs forth from her gryphon hand; with a quick swing she tosses the fire at the ceiling. In a purple colored explosion it gives way to reveal another room.

“I know you’re up there! Come out!” Her voice echoes throughout the room above. Discord sticks his head and neck through the hole. When he finally spots his daughter he gives her a grin.

“Hey honey! What’re you doing on the ceiling?” He chuckles at his own joke, “what’s goin on with you? The only time you say my name is when you’re mad,” Discord’s eyes widen when he sees Eris grinding her teeth.

“What, did you do, to Anon?” Eris asks, her voice dripping with malice. Discord gives her a look of pure innocence.

“Honey, I have no idea what you’re talking ab-RIBBIT!” He croaks like a frog when Eris grabs him around the throat and pulls the rest of him through the hole. When he’s right side up she tightens her grip and looks him right in the eye.

“Don’t give me that bullshit what did you do?”

Discord sighs before slapping Eris’ hand away. He gingerly rubs where she grabbed him.

“Lighten up Eris, you’re no fun.” Discord voices his displeasure.

“Get to talking,” Eris crosses her arms and waits, Screwball looks between the two in confusion. The poor mare has no idea what’s going on, but if it involves you she wants to know.

“I have merely undone the damage you’ve inflicted.” Discord answers simply before giving Eris a sly grin, “Don’t tell me you’re mad about that?”

“You’re damn right I’m mad, do you have any idea what you’ve done?!” Discord strokes his beard as he pretends to think.

“Well one thing I did was give him back his inhibitions. I noticed those went out the window after last night. I wonder what the cause of that was?” Discord adopts his daughter’s posture.

“This isn’t about that dad, you didn’t see what I saw, and there is no way your magic did anything to help him!”

“And why is that?”

“You said it yourself, about what would happen if you used your magic on him!”

“So?” Discord shrugs.

“SO?! It’s what stopped you from healing Anon a few days ago remember? You said you had to wait or else the magic in him would react badly with yours!” Eris explains, her anger only rising

Discord tries to retort, but he stops himself in order to recall the events of what happened the day he smacked Applejack into a wall.

“So, you did more than read his mind? You really did release his inhibitions didn’t you? I was just joking about that! What did I say about messing with the human Eris? I am disappointed in you!” Discord’s reprimanding falls on deaf ears.

“This isn’t about me you bumbling idiot! You made things worse!” She exclaims before dragging Discord to your room.

“Look at that he tore up everything!” Eris places her hands around his head so she can guide it around the wreckage.

“Oh wow, he did!” Discord cries with joy. To him it seems like he’s made you better; after all, you destroyed the norm you were living with.

“You wouldn’t be happy if you saw him. He turned on himself when he ran out of things to break in here,” Discord’s eyes narrow as he comes across traces of hair and blood that you’ve left in your floor.

“I-huh, I guess what I said coupled with my magic and yours must have made a very chaotic mess indeed.” Discord’s eyes widen with fear when he realizes what he just said.

“And what did you say to him daddy?” She asks quietly before turning Discord’s face to look at hers. She sports a sinister smile. He feels a lump in his throat.

“I may have told him that I was his only friend, and that you and Screwball were using him. That may have caused him to think that, well, no one was really his friend and that everything’s a lie? The angry father in me made me do it I swear.” Discord smiles nervously.

He can see the impending massacre playing out from behind Eris’ eyes. Discord looks to Screwball as she sits in the hallway staring at the two of them.


“Yes daddy?” Screwball asks with a goofy grin on her face.

“Get daddy’s first aid kit please?” Eris balls her lion’s paw into a fist and swings…

One dozen ponies comprised of stallions, mares, and foals stand on the edge of a precipice overlooking a large valley that separates Ponyville from Canterlot. A single Unicorn mare is leading the group on a tour around the outskirts of Ponyville. She wears a blue collared uniform provided to her from the company she works for.

“And if you look to your right you’ll see a lovely view of Canterlot and—“the tour guide mare’s jaw drops as a purple mushroom cloud rises from the center of Equestria’s Capital. She and the patrons stare at the mushroom cloud as it dissipates. Silence resounds through the valley they overlook. The tour guide gets with it and attempts damage control. ”And if you look below you’ll see lovely lush green landscape…”

“Oh Twilight?!” You shout in a fit of exaggerated joy. You giggle to yourself as you walk around the ground floor of the library. You feel the crushing need to poke each and every book on the shelves so they slide just a little bit. With so many books this will take a while.

When you get to what you believe to be your thirtieth book you hear Twilight descend her stairs. You turn your attention to her and snigger with excitement. Her gray mane, fur, and tail have disappeared to give way to a combination of purple and a single magenta streak that runs through her mane and tail. You don’t know how it happened but it looks like she’s managed to get her color back all on her own. For once there was a pony here that DIDN’T need your help.

You see she has an open book floating next to her, covered in a magenta tint. It’s been a while since you’ve seen her cast a levitation spell.

“You! You have some nerve coming back here Anon!” Twilight shouts before slamming her book closed. She floats it over to a nearby table and sets it down. “Ever since your little freak-out I’ve been reading night and day! I’m going to SHOW you that you’re being an inconsiderate jerk and that I’m not—“Twilight’s anger evaporates when she sees your damaged form. “What happened? You look like you fought a group of Timberwolves, Anon. Anon?” You’ve started laughing again. The sight of Twilight being brought back to normal is making your glee sky rocket.

Sure, she’s not really your friend, and it might be true that she isn’t even real, but she proved to you that she could stand on her own hooves without you being around! Twilight backs away slowly, unsure how to gauge your reaction. While she’s in arms reach you quickly snatch her up and wrap her up in a tight hug.

“You did it! You did it! You did it!” You repeat over and over again happily as you spin her around in your arms.

“Whoa, Anon put me down!” Twilight cries out as you spin her faster and faster, “I’m getting dizzy!” When you feel you’ve spun around enough you stop suddenly and set the dizzy unicorn down. With that done you feel you should move on to another pony. As you walk towards the front door you walk over to a nearby shelf of books.

”I’m JUST so happy for YOU!” while you can’t seem to control the volume of your voice you don’t care. Your excitement shouldn’t be judged by something so insignificant. You reach out and swipe a good dozen books off of the shelf. You grab hold of two and toss them towards one of Twilight’s windows.

The sound of glass being shattered fills your ears with a sharp clamor that sends a shiver down your spine. You cackle madly before kicking open Twilight’s door and running out to Ponyville. As you step outside Twilight stumbles around on her hooves. After a few moments she shakes her head of the dizzying feeling she’s experiencing. When her eyes realign themselves she looks at the mess you made, then her open door.

“What has gotten into you? And why is your skin so gray? Did Discord…” She gasps before quickly galloping outside after you. She looks both ways down her street, when she doesn’t find you she lets out a frustrated groan. She’s going to figure out what’s wrong with you, but first she needs a helping hoof…

Meanwhile you’re skipping through town, loving the feeling of grass in between your toes. You do the occasional twirl as you round a corner of random buildings. Right now you’re taking it all in. The poker cards have vanished only to be replaced with dirt, cobblestone, and grass. All of the stampeding animals are gone. The only thing wrong with Ponyville is the cotton candy clouds that rain chocolate milk. Everything else has returned to normal.

As you merrily make your way through the busy streets ponies all around seem to have forgotten who you were with yesterday. They send smiles your way and you smile right back. Why can’t this be real? All those ponies waving to you, saying “Hi how are you” and “Thank you so much.” You would give anything to have this. Unfortunately you’ve failed to realize just how far you’ve fallen into insanity.

You notice a few are looking at you with worry. What was it Twilight said got you? Timber wolves or something, you can’t remember how you got these cuts but they do sting. Maybe claws got you.

“Timber wolves are gone! Won’t be botherin’ ponies again!” you announce as you skip around the towns ponies. You’ll pretend for just a little while longer. You find Berry Pinch sitting with who you assume to be her mother.

Their coat colors look eerily similar, though while Pinch is a shade lighter and a unicorn, the other next to her is darker and she’s an Earth Pony. You spot the cutie mark of a collection of berries on her mom’s flank. You merrily make your way over to the two and Pinch giggles at your antics.

“Honey, was this nice monkey thing you were telling me about?”

“Uh huh!” Berry Pinch smiles your way, she lets out an excited squeal when you reach out and put her on your shoulders. When she’s set she starts to giggle as you parade around with her. You make your way along, a giggling little unicorn your only companion. Pinch’s mother walks with you obviously concerned for her child, but she doesn’t dare disturb you.

She can see the far off look in your eyes, and to her your skin color seems abnormal. Pinch’s mother isn’t going to let you out of her sight. But you don’t notice any of this; your eyes are looking straight ahead.

As you make your way through town you can’t help but feel the sensation of wanting to sing rise in your chest. Everything seems so great, nothing can bring you down! Your force a smile as the words comes to your lips. You open wide and pour your soul to the ponies that trot along with you.

“Raindrops are fallin' on my head.” You start and the music just seems to sweep its way through you. “And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed. Nothin' seems to fit. Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'.” You look around as ponies happily trot in beat to the song that you believe to be playing in your mind.

What you don’t notice is that the interior lining of your mouth is giving off a purple glow. The music is literally playing from within you. While your voice isn’t pouring out sweet notes at least you have music accompanying it. Too bad your muddled mind doesn’t realize this. You chalk it up to nothing more than being free of Discord’s blinding influence. Your mind has allowed you to experience something grand and it’s because you’ve stopped being a fool.

“So I just did me some talkin' to the sun. And I said I didn't like the way he got things done.” While singing you leap up on the stone railing of the bridge and gain your balance. You move along while keeping yourself on the railing.

“He’s sleepin' on the job. Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin.'” At the end of the railing you leap down and stroll around Town Hall. Pegasus ponies who are giving the building a fresh coat of paint turn your way when they hear the music. You wave to them, “But there's one thing I know. The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me. It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me.”

You continue to serenade your dancing entourage while a certain white unicorn with a royal purple mane and tail comes trotting you way. Like Twilight she took your words to heart. What you don’t know is how she managed to bring herself out of her discorded state of mind. She gave her gem back to someone close to her. She told him that a mare like her didn’t deserve such generosity. After that she went back to her boutique, tossed away her boulder, and got to work.

To the ones who wanted her beautiful dresses, she made them free of charge. With each thread she stitched more of her color returned until she finally returned to her normal state. Sweetie Belle trots alongside her, when they see you they make their way over. Rarity clears her throat dainty in order to get your attention.

Your singing, coupled with the music, makes her go unheard. She trots closer and when she does she gasps in horror. Your gray skin, your bleeding cuts, your patches of hair… you look so uncouth to her it should be against the law to have you walking about in public.

While your choice of music isn’t bad your dancing is horrid to her. She shakes her head in disgust before making her way over to you. She believes you have obviously lost your mind.

“Anonymous, darling, what exactly are you doing?” when you hear her accented tone you turn her way and give her a smile. She grimaces when she sees your bleeding lips. “Anonymous you simply must cease what you are doing and come with me right— WAAA HA HA!” She doesn’t get to finish. You’re so happy you helped her that you pick her up by her front hooves and spin her along. You’ve taken this classy mare by surprise alright.

Berry Pinch holds on to your head giggling innocently. Rarity’s eyes are open wide with fear as you gaze at her. Like Berry Punch she notices your thousand yard stare.

“Raindrops keep fallin' on my head.” Rarity tries to reason with you in between your lyrics, “But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red. Cryin's not for me.” You set her down and she struggles to keep herself standing. You set Berry Pinch on the ground and get back to singing. “'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin.' Because I'm free, nothin's worryin' me.” you make your way around Town Hall and over the central bridge. The crowd of ponies has stopped following you.

You find yourself leaving Ponyville and heading into the Everfree. “It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me,” the wood line is growing closer. “Raindrops keep fallin' on my head. But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red.” The Everfree Forest is now a few yards away. “Cryin's not for me. 'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin.’” You step through a few bushes leading into the forest and walk in.

Rarity and the others look on with worry, but none step forth in order to stop you. Both Berry and Rarity are afraid and the others think it’s a part of your gimmick.

“Because I'm free, nothin's worryin' me…” your voice, along with the music fades as you disappear into the thicket of the Everfree. You have no idea what you’re doing or where you’re going, but you couldn’t stand being around them anymore. You were playing pretend long enough. The bright and sunny sky, the happy faces of those you’ve come to enjoy being around all of it…

It took everything to convince you to keep going. When your legs cry out in protest from walking through a briar patch you lean up against a tree and take a break. Just how long have you been walking? The thick foliage doesn’t allow much lighting, in fact, the area you’re in has barely any light at all.

A few rays force themselves through the thick leaves and branches. They cast multiple spots of light giving your small clearing some illumination. Your eyes have managed to adjust fairly well. You’re able to see the various lines of silhouettes that make up the plant life around you. While you’re able to take in your sights you can’t help but wonder where all the animals are. Usually you’d hear birds chirping or squirrels running about where you in the woods.

But here it’s silent, eerily so. Not a single sound accompanies your breathing as you look around. The hair on the back of your neck stands on end. There’s something wrong with this place, maybe Discord didn’t like how you acted. This could be another one of his little tricks in order to mess with you.

You chuckle, “Discord, seriously, I know you can come up with something better!” Only your echo as it carries around the area is what you hear in response. You stop leaning on the tree behind you and look around. “I know you’re out there somewhere you damn freak of nature! Come out!” You don’t have to wait long. Something DOES come out to greet you. You freeze when you hear the low growling of an animal in the bushes to your left.

You turn to the source to find at what first glance appears to be a large dog. Though there are a few things off putting about it. For one it’s staring at you much like a wolf would its prey. Another thing is that this particular creature is made out of wood, timber to be exact.

Discord must think he’s hilarious, “Oh man you’re so funny! A TIMBER wolf, good stuff, good stuff.” You take a look around, trying to find the Draconequus among the foliage. The timber wolf seems to study you while tilting its head. It’s as if it understands you and is thoroughly confused. It’s wondering why you aren’t afraid.

It doesn’t matter to this creature though. To it, you’re lunch. It licks its chops hungrily as it lets out another threatening, throaty growl. You turn to it again and shake your head. Wait a minute… if Discord is mad at you… he might be mad enough to hurt you. Like he did when he put his finger to your head… and like Eris did…

You clench your fist, and your knuckles pop from the stress. So that’s it, Discord wants to hurt you again huh? He doesn’t like you going against him, he must hate it when pawns get tired of his nonsense. You laugh as you look down at the creature walking around you.

“Oh I get it now! I hope you don’t mind if I fight back right? I don’t think I deserved to be punished for getting sick of your shit!” the muscles in your neck twitch causing your head to spasm a little. When more growling can be heard around you, whatever confidence you had melts away. Soon two timber wolves join the first, then three, then four.

An entire pack of them are looking at you like you’re going to be their next meal. At this point you would consider yourself intimidated. You know how dangerous wolves are from those national geographic shows you watched back when you still lived at home. You assume these things are probably as dangerous.

You might be able to face one of these things alone, but a pack? You’re going to be food for these things. Discord is going to get his way. Neither you nor the pack notice the fog as it slowly creeps its way into your clearing. The sound of high pitched screeching catches yours and the pack’s attention. All of you look around in hopes of pinpointing the location of this racket, but none of you manage to accomplish that task.

The bushes and the trees seem to move, as if the forest itself is coming to life. The rustling bush seems to startle one of the timber wolves. This causes a chain reaction and soon all the wolves are yelping among themselves while looking around in fear. When they can’t take the noise anymore they take off into the thicket and out of sight.

When they disperse the woods around you seem to calm down and grow still. You can hear the crunching of leaves as a single creature steps out from behind a tree and over to you.

It’s the size of a pony that much is for certain, but unlike the others this one appears to be wearing a dirty and patchy brown cowl. Pale yellow eyes shine out from behind the concealed area of the hood. Whatever this thing is, it’s not something you seen before. It trots over to you and you back up to your tree. With nowhere to go you wait as the small pony-like creature closes the distance.

It stands only a few feet from you now. It reaches up and removes the hood, as the hood reveals the black and white striped mohawk that lay beneath the yellow glow around its eyes disappear. What stands before you is not a pony as you first thought. The black and white stripes that cover its body dismiss that claim.

This is a zebra. You and this creature lock eyes for a few moments. Like the wolves she studies you, and like the ponies you left behind she can see your condition plain as day. An uncomfortable silence hangs in the air. Finally you work up the nerve to speak.

“Uh, hi.” You wave at the zebra. When she speaks you’re surprised by her rhyming couplet that acts as her response. Her unique tone graces your ears.

“Anonymous the Human so large yet meek, I’ve heard of you from the ponies who speak; A kind stranger from an even stranger land. Seems to have taken to these ponies hand in hand.” You open your mouth to speak but she cuts you off.

“I believe my shelter you should seek, in to the depths of your mind I wish to take a peek. I have what is needed back at home; now please let’s go, this forest is not something you wish to roam alone.” You stand there dumbfounded by this creature unable to decide on what you should do.

Should you listen to this rhyming zebra and follow her to who knows where? Or should you remain where you are now? For all you know this could be a trick or a trap, but something within tells you that isn’t so…

You nod, causing the little zebra to smile. “I can see you are in pain, and if you follow me not only will I help you, but all shall be explained,” almost in a trance you follow this new acquaintance to a destination unknown…

Author's Note:

And here we're nearing the end of this little story.
All have been brought back from the brink except for Rainbow Dash.
Like previous chapters I noticed a lot of repetition with my words, again I hope you can look past it.

What does Zecora intend on doing?
What did Eris do to Discord?
Where will Anon go from here?

Find out in the next installment.

Song Anon Sang: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT1HCQcSHW0

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