• Published 27th Dec 2012
  • 18,198 Views, 439 Comments

Living the Good Life - Aetherpony

A human(you) lives a boring, meaningless life on Earth. You feel that you'll be stuck in a repetitive cycle for the rest of your life. But Discord, God of Chaos, has other plans in store for you.

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Chapter Six: Discord's Wrath and Anon's Recovery

// Chapter Six: Discord's Wrath and Anon's Recovery //------------------------------//

As Macintosh and Applejack rush to Twilight’s in order to save you, she’s enjoying a cup of hot chocolate Spike made for her. The little dragon told her about you going after Fluttershy and Applejack. Admittedly, she was worried. After all she didn’t want you to get hurt over her. Unlike Pinkie, Fluttershy has proven that she can be violent. She didn't want you to end up in a situation similar to your first day here.

Spike insisted that you would be fine, after all you’re fairly tall and you appear to have some strength behind you. He said that there was no way Fluttershy could take you on. The dragon had faith that you could handle anything she threw at you.

“Don’t worry, Twilight. What’s the worst that could happen?” He told her. With that mindset Twilight was able to fully focus on the treat given to her. After a hearty sip she sighs with contentment. She was sure to have Spike make a cup for you too after you came back. If you somehow managed to help out both her friends then the least you deserved was a warm beverage. As she continued to sip she’d take a few glances out of her window towards town. Due to the recent return of their homes some of the ponies had begun to wander around. Her home was slowly, but surely coming back to life.

Though the dancing bulls, stampeding rabbits, and card-lined streets and grass remained an issue, the ponies were more than free to move about. As she watched a few ponies start to set up stalls Twilight can’t help but wonder why Discord allowed the buildings to go back to the way they were. Discord’s magic is powerful, more so than the Princesses’, so why would he perform a kind gesture?

One possibility is that his magic has worn off and he has yet to take notice. Another is that because you made a friend, a single issue was fixed as a result. If the second one was the case, then that means she, along with her other friends, are possibly connected to the town. If he fixes Fluttershy or Applejack, and if something else reverts as a result, then her hypothesis may in fact be true. She doubts Discord would stop paying attention to his little tricks.

That in turn presented another question. Why would he let you do anything to help you or the other ponies in the first place? It’s obvious that you’re not an agent of Chaos like he or his spawn are. There was no way bringing you into the picture would spread more chaos, your first impression did more than enough to prove that. She became tempted to read a few books in hopes that something lying within their words would help paint a clearer picture. But as soon as the feeling came it was piled under a heaping amount of self-doubt.

‘Even if I did sift through them, I wouldn’t find anything anyway. I’m not smart, I’m just me.’ She thought, ‘Twilight the failed protégé. Couldn’t even stop Discord from taking over.’ She sighs to herself before taking a hearty sip.

“You okay Twi?” Spike looks over his caretaker with concern. Twilight turns to him and opens her mouth to speak, but a sudden banging on her door caught her attention. The loud knocks came at a rapid pace and showed no signs of stopping. Twilight levitates her cup onto a table and makes her way over to her door.

"Hey, the library is closed for today. What the hay do you... want?" Twilight opens the door and saw a site that caused her jaw to hang loose. She turns to look at her assistant, her eyes wide with terror. “Spike, come quick! It’s Anonymous!” Her shrill tone causes Spike to run over without bothering to set his cup down. It shatters upon the floor. He takes his place next to Twilight to find Big Macintosh and Applejack panting. His eyes wander to the cargo Macintosh has strapped to his back. When his gaze passes over you, he sees the terrible condition you're in. Your face is bruised and swollen from the abuse it took.

But that wasn’t the worst part; the thing that worried the two most was that your breathing was erratic and strained.

“We need to get him inside!” Twilight’s horn glows and your body illuminates in turn. She lifts you out of the cart and into the library. Applejack helps unstrap Macintosh and the two follow her inside. Spike runs to her basement door and opens it for all of you. Twilight gallops downstairs and hurriedly places you upon your bed. When you’re situated she turns to Applejack and Macintosh.

"What happened?!" She cries as she looks over them. Neither can seem to look her in the eye. Instead they cast their gaze to her basement floor. Despite Applejack’s fur having regained its orange color she still doesn’t fully trust her.

"Applejack, please don't lie to me. What happened?" Twilight trots over to her. Before she can place a comforting hoof upon her wither Discord’s voice resounds throughout the basement. His venomous tone causes a shiver of fear to travel down her spine.

"Yes, please. Tell Twilight what happened." Purple fire erupts in the form of a circle upon the floor. Slowly but surely Discord rises from it. When he’s in full view the flames disperse. He floats over to you and examines your broken body. Any sort of goofy antic or any sign of a smile is gone. When he’s done looking you over his red eyes stare down Twilight’s. She shivers out of fright before curling up. She’s trying to make herself seem as small as possible in hopes of avoiding whatever he has planned. None of them have seen Discord in this state. Macintosh stands in front of his sister, as if to protect her. Spike is nowhere to be seen.

"Please explain how Anonymous’ body could be so damaged, when all he's doing is making friends. That doesn’t seem very friendly at all does it? I expected better from you creatures.” His expression remains neutral, but his voice betrays his appearance. He’s quite angry.

Applejack finally speaks, D-Discord… Twi… it was all mah fault… ah-" She’s cut off when Discord back hands her with his gryphon claw. The force of impact sends her crashing into the nearby wall. Apparently that was all he needed to hear. When she lands on the table she ends up breaking whatever beakers happened to be lying on it at the time. Her fur drips with the wasted ingredients of Twilight’s various endeavors. Macintosh tries to move in, but when he sees the wisps of purple magic entwined in Discord’s digits he freezes in place.

“That’s not very wise, Macintosh. If I were you, I’d stay right where you are,” He knows he’ll suffer the same fate or worse if he tries anything.

"You know I'm a friendly Draconequus, but when my plans are pushed back due to somepony's negligence or impulsiveness I get irritated.” He turns to Mac and Twilight. Finally, she manages to find some courage to stand and shout.

"Why'd you hit her?!" Discord leans in until the two are face to face.

"It's as she said, it was her fault. Unless she was lying of course," he says with a smile, “is there something you're hiding Ms. Sparkle? Perhaps a minute detail Applejack failed to mention?" Twilight tries to look away from his fiery gaze, but when she moves her head he puts a paw under her chin. He forces her to look at him.

"He… he was trying to get Fluttershy to apologize for throwing water and a bucket on me, and… I guess he got hurt. He probably found Fluttershy at Sweet Apple Acres, and then things escalated from there.”

"Thank you for your honesty Twilight," he turns to Big Macintosh, "is there anything else that needs to be added?" Big Mac nods, “Okay then let’s hear it.”

"Fix mah sister," Big Mac says quietly.

Discord’s laugh is raucous, "YOU'RE ordering ME? Oh that's rich, perhaps you'd like to turn into a dog again," Big Mac starts to back away.

"N-no, not again," he backs up until his flank hits a wall, "Ah don wanna chase mah tail again, or lick mahself in public," Big Mac starts to shake.

"Then between Fluttershy putting a bucket on Twilight, to Anonymous trying to make her apologize, and then having him ending up back here bloodied and beaten, what happened? There are gaps that need to be filled," Discord explains.

And thus Big Mac tells Discord everything he knows. His sister had explained along the way that Fluttershy had taken advantage of your ignorance, and that Applejack convinced him that you tried to rape the two of them.

Discord nods once before looking over Applejack, he cringes when she makes no motion to move. "It appears as if I've overreacted," and with a snap of his fingers a purple aura consumes Applejack. When it dissipates he tries to diffuse the situation he created.

"She'll be fine in the morning. I suggest you bring her back to your farm. You're dismissed," as soon as Discord finishes Big Mac rushes over to his sister, he puts her on his back, and then he gallops up the stairs and out of the basement.

“You’re welcome,” he mutters under his breath. With Macintosh, Applejack, and Spike gone that leaves Twilight with him. He turns his back to her, flies over to you, and then stops above your unconscious form. "I'll be taking Anonymous. Despite what has happened, Anonymous was in your care, and he was your responsibility. The blame shall be shifted to you.”

"Hey! that's not-"

"Fair? Yes you're right. It isn't fair that you left Anonymous to fend for himself. Were he with you, you would have been able to explain to Macintosh that Applejack was lying," she opens her mouth in protest but Discord doesn't her the chance, “and Anonymous would have not have done such a thing to Fluttershy had you remembered to fully explain pony anatomy." he narrows his eyes and crosses his arms. He doesn’t realize how personal a subject like that is for Twilight. Of course she didn’t go into vivid detail about ponies and how they react to certain stimuli.

She didn’t feel that it was important at the time. You made no attempt to massage a pony’s scalp, rub a unicorn’s horn, rub a tummy, or massage the wings of a Pegasus. You have only been here three days. Such intimate subjects are best saved for when they’re needed. You’re not even a pony, so why would you need to know that information anyway?

"Why didn't you go with him? Is it because you were too busy crying over a little water? Oh, boo-hoo, Twilight. He needed you and you failed him. Just like how you failed to stop me. Because of that, Anonymous has to suffer. You're such a great friend Twilight." And with those parting words he teleports out with Anonymous. The gravity of your situation starts to play on Twilight… Regret and guilt for what has happened weighs heavily upon her, so much so she collapses into the floor and cries. As she cries she believes Discord to be absolutely right. Her fur turns a darker grey that day…

Meanwhile, Screwball and Eris are currently sitting on stools that face different corners of their living room, the ruins of their little battle lying around them. When Discord stopped in for a visit he didn’t appreciate the state their home was left in. He gave the two quite a talking to before putting them in their corners as punishment.

Screwball is obviously worse off than Eris in this little penance. She fidgets in her stool, curious as to what the room looks like rather than the wall she’s been forced to look at all day. Eris is a bit more subtle with her displeasure. She’s been grumbling for the better part of two hours. It’s already late afternoon and he hasn’t allowed either to move.

Screwball grimaces before looking to her obviously sore flank. As soon as her eyes turn away the crackling sound that signals Discord’s magic fills their ears. The two turn to see their father appear with you in his arms. The two cringe when they see your face, to them it looks like you’ve been through a stampede.

"Girls, your punishment is over. I'm going to need your assistance for a few moments.” His daughters are in front of him in a flash, neither wish to anger him lest they end up on the dreaded stools yet again. Besides, judging by his scowl he’s already let them know he’s in no mood for games. With Eris and Screwball in close proximity they can really see what happened. Both of your eyes are swollen shut, your jaw has swelled up like a balloon, your clothes are dirty and torn, plus the fingers in your right hand are bent at awkward angles. As if someone had stomped on them furiously.

"Whoa. What happened to him, Daddy?" Screwball seems more awestruck at how you look, rather than concerned.

"Screwball, Anonymous got in to a little scuffle," he doesn’t go into further detail. Instead he makes his way to your bathroom. Eris and Screwball follow close behind.

"A little scuffle? Dad, he looks like he got run over by a train,” She’s generous enough to hold the door open for Discord. As he floats inside he sets you down in your spacious tub. It seems like he intends to clean you before doing anything else. At this point you won’t feel a thing, so it’s better to do it now instead of doing it while you’re conscious, at least that’s how he thinks.

"Girls, remember that hospital I had you go to a little while back?"

"Of course I do! You had us get those hospital beds and we raced them down that hill!" Screwball shouts happily. She recalls the time where she won that race; she felt that it was too bad the humans that were strapped to them didn’t have any fun.

"Yes, now do you remember all that medical equipment around those beds?" The two nod in response. "Good, I'm going to need you to get those things, and I'm going to need you to steal everything from those little medical cabinets. I already healed Anon's ailments once. It'll be another day until I can heal him again.” He strips you of your clothing and turns the knobs on your tub. Water starts to pour over your battered form.

"Last thing I need to do is try to fix him with my magic still inside him. If I cast another spell I’ll probably turn his heart in to a parrot or something,” he puts his claws in the water to test the temperature, slowly but surely it’s heating up, “while the two of you gather the medical equipment, I'm going to clean him up and get him in bed. I sincerely hope he doesn't wake up during this little procedure. At least, not until we get the morphine in him.”

"He's gonna be hurting isn't he?"

“Did you really ask that? There is no way I’m related to such an airhead.” Eris is generally ignored.

"Oh, you have no idea, pumpkin," he turns back to look at his daughter, "can I count on the two of you to get the stuff I need?" They answer by saluting. "Good girls, now go."

Eris snaps her fingers and the two are teleported to Earth. They take to their mission with the upmost care and importance. While Eris gathers supplies Screwball uses her magic to terrorize the populace. It would have been a near instant process, but Screwball insisted on making a storm in the Atlantic Ocean. When the two appear in your room they find that Discord already has you in bed; clean as a whistle. When he sees their entrance he smiles.

"Ah, I see you've brought me… everything. Well, I never specified and it's better to have too much than too little," He motions for them to set their stuff down. When they do so he snaps his fingers. The medical items disappear and reappear properly applied to your body. Your hand has been put into a cast, and your veins are being pumped full of the items necessary for your recovery. A heart monitor and oxygen mask are there to keep your vitals checked and kept steady.

“That’s all that I’ll needed, I’m going to stay here and see if there’s any change. The two of you are free to do as you please.” Discord takes to your recliner, and with a flick of the wrist a book is brought into existence. He thumbs through the tome while Eris and Screwball take their leave…

The two sit in the ruins of their living room, all the while trying to come up with various schemes. Each idea seems to get progressively worse, but at least they’re passing the time in a way that isn’t destructive. Screwball has done enough damage to last a lifetime.

Eris comes up with an idea that does nothing to help Screwball’s boredom. In fact, it exacerbates it. She suggests that they work together to clean the mess from yesterday’s fight.

"But I don't wanna clean up," Screwball whines before lazily kicking her hooves.

"Screwball, we have magic. It won't take more than a few minutes.” Despite the labor being very easy, Screwball will have none of it.

“But that's too long, sis. I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I wanna do something fuuuuuun-ah.” She rolls around, only spreading the debris.

"Oh for the love of...Screwball we just came back from grabbing a mountain of electric thingies, you're putting forth more effort with that than this," her explanations fall upon deaf ears.

"Meeeeeeh!" Screwball’s whining raises in volume and she kicks her hooves again.

Eris cries out in frustration at her antics, "Fine! I'll do it, you lazy flank!" she snaps her claws and a broom materializes. Screwball looks on in wonder as more brooms appear and start sweeping. They work to put the broken pieces of furniture into separate piles. When she sees that she won’t have to do a single thing she lies back and crosses her hooves behind her head.

When she closes her eyes a broom sweeps into her side. She opens an eye to watch the enchanted broom continue to hit her. It’s not enough to hurt, but it’s quite an annoying sensation for the little chaos pony.

"Hey sis, I think you've got a "special" broom here.” When she gets to her hooves and starts to float in the air, the offending broom sweeps up the mess she was laying on. Screwball didn’t appreciate that one bit, "Hey, I was being lazy on that!" She shouts.

She tries to lunge for the treacherous broom, but it flies away from her. She ends up landing on her stomach. Before she can get up she can feel the bristles smack against her flank.

Eris starts laughing at her misfortune, "Why don't you just leave and let the brooms do their thing?" She points toward the door leading further in, "after all, there's a pool you can do nothing in.” Screwball’s ears perk up at the prospect of swimming. In fact, that would be the perfect thing to do in order to pass the time. She smiles before making a mad dash to the hallway leading to the pool and hot tub.

Thankfully, neither of them fought in that area so everything remained intact. She trots around the floating pool toys so she can get a clear view of the cold, crystal clear water. The tiles that made up the pool's floor and walls reflected the wacky color scheme the rest of your little home had. Multiple colors in varied patches cover the pools interior, even the pool lights were multi-colored. Screwball dips a hoof into the water in order to test the temperature. Realizing that it’s just right she wastes no time leaping into the air and doing a dramatic dive. Unfortunately she didn’t move forward at all, instead of ending up in the water she face plants into the concrete on the side of the pool.

When she’s able to lift her head she stops for a moment and counts the stars that swirl around her head. She shakes it rapidly in order to dispel the phenomenon. Then she crawls into the pool instead of risking another dive. The cool, refreshing waters work wonders on her now pained skull. She takes a deep breath before diving. No one knows how she does it, but she manages to move her hooves in a way that allows her to swim without any trouble. Every other pony has to doggie paddle, but not her. Then again, she’s not like every other pony. She spends the rest of her time enjoying the wonders of swimming beneath the waters of her pool…

"Mmph fmmph Hrmmfr?" You try to open your eyes, but your body refuses to cooperate with you. When you’re finally able to open your eyes they only get a few centimeters before you’re forced to close them again. You’d groan if your jaw wasn’t throbbing from the abuse you were forced to endure. Judging by the sheets you’re on and the needles in your arms you’d assume you were in a hospital of sorts. A light wrapping covers your face, though a portion has been moved around your nose so you can breathe normally.

Regardless of how your face feels, you need to try to move. At this point you’re in unfamiliar territory. You try to sit up, but your body refuses. The muscles spasm within, and your broken bones only enhance the agony you're feeling. You let out a closed mouth wail before lying flat on your back. You could swear you felt your ribs poking into your lungs. You’re almost afraid to breathe.

You’d feel angry were it not for your condition. You can’t believe you lost that fight with Macintosh. And it’s all because Fluttershy had to hit your nether region with an apple. Sad as it may be, that area isn’t actually hurting. Then again, when your arms feel the tubes attached to the needles you’re fairly certain you’ve got something pouring into you in order to numb the pain. You shudder at the thought of how much you’re not actually feeling. The short, steady beeping from above you matches your pulse… so you’re even hooked up to a heart monitor. Just how damaged are you? As you’re trying to establish just how broken your body is a familiar voice calls your attention.

"Ah, so you're awake," you hear Discord call to your right. You turn your head to the source of his voice, “let me guess. You can’t move your jaw, can you?” You shake your head. He in turn sighs before you hear him shut a book. “I can’t help but feel somewhat responsible for your injuries, considering I’m the reason why you’re here in the first place.” You can only grunt in reply. “And I bet you’re wondering why I haven’t healed you yet like I did a few days ago, correct?”

You don’t even have to respond to that for him to know you’re wondering that. If Discord is really with you then the medical equipment isn’t needed. He could just fix you up with the snap of his claws and you’d be right as rain. But, there seems to be a problem with that.

"The reason why I haven’t is because the chaotic magic I used from before is still dwelling within you. If I cast another spell on you my magic and the remaining magic won't mix well.” It appears as though you’re getting a crash course in Chaos and how its magic works. By the sound of it, you don’t exactly like where this is probably going.

“And I might end up killing you.” That’s exactly what you were waiting for him to say. You’d rather recover the normal way rather than risk dying as a result of botched magic. “It'll be another day before I can heal you.” Another twenty four hours of being stuck on a bed with no way to do anything? That doesn’t exactly sound like a good time.

“Screwball and Eris saw to making sure you had some semblance of recovery. The equipment attached to you should keep you somewhat comfortable during the duration of your wait.” You’d smile at that, but your body is no condition to do so. You find it pathetic that you can’t even smile. Though Discord gives you something that makes you wish you could.

“Also, I’ve been avoiding this, but I’ll answer any sort of questions you have when you’re well enough to speak,” you can hear him shuffle his feet, “I sort of tossed you into this mess blind… the least I can do is answer anything Twilight forgot to mention.” Discord snaps his claws and gasps when he realizes something he forgot to mention.

“I completely forgot to tell you this. You need to eat something a.s.a.p. You haven’t had any food or any water since you’ve arrived. It’s been days,” he’s absolutely right. You haven’t eaten or drank a single thing since coming to Equestria. You remember being hungry back in Twilight's library the first day you arrived, but after Discord cast his healing spell the hunger left you. You figured you'd end up being hungry or thirsty later, but it never came. You assumed it was just a bi-product of Discord's magic.

“A very unfortunate side effect. Your body still needs its nutrients, but it’s getting them from the magic that still remains, and nothing more. When that dries up and dissipates, your body is going to feel the effects of eating and drinking nothing over the course of three days,” you hear him start to pace around the room, “I honestly don’t know how you humans work in that aspect, but three days without water kills you, doesn’t it?”

You’d shout out of frustration at this series of events, but your jaw can’t open at all. Instead you can only grunt angrily. You wish Discord told you this sooner, now you're probably going to die after having to deal with being unable to move. You have no idea how dehydration feels when going without water for a long period, but you know it won’t be pleasant. Unlike you, Discord doesn’t seem all that worried.

“Bah, don’t worry about it Anon. It’s not all bad. We’ll figure out a way to keep you hydrated. We’ll probably give you water through a straw or something. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna let you die from something like this.” He’s reassurance does wonders to help calm the storm of anxiety currently coursing through you. “And my daughters will be more than capable of taking care of you for today and tomorrow." Discord finishes hearty laugh, “Here, allow me to demonstrate. Eris, could you come here for a moment please?”

Silence permeates the room as Eris makes no attempt at revealing herself. Discord chuckles nervously as the two of you wait. One minute passes, then two, then three. There is still no sign of Eris to be found. He taps his hoof on the ground impatiently at the five minute mark. He growls to himself when ten minutes have passed by.

“Anytime now Anon, have patience." You shake your head in disappointment. Discord is the one getting mad and he’s telling you to have patience. He grumbles again before turning to you. "Guess a number between one and twenty.” Yeah you know about this game, and you hope he knows you can’t exactly guess right now. You weakly raise an arm and point to the wrapping around your face. Your jaw won’t be moving anytime soon. “Oh, ah yes, of course.”

“Mmphfr.” Luckily that little bit with your arms gives you enough courage to try with your other arm, and then you try your legs. Thankfully they only focused on your torso for the most part rather than your legs. Well, aside from your hand of course. That was currently in a cast. You found that to be rather annoying, but it’s only one hand rather than both so you can live with it.

“I spy?” Discord suggests yet another game, this time you point to your eyes, “Oh, ah, yes of course.” A broken record if you’ve ever heard one. You believe he’s only doing this to get a cheap laugh for later. He obviously knows you’re in no condition to do anything.

Discord continues to list games as a way to pass the time and you in turn keep pointing to yourself. ‘How the hell is this amusing?!’ You think to yourself. Discord stops mid suggestion when something thumps against your door. With Discord silent you can hear frantic whispering on the other side of your door.

"No, I'm not going in there like this!" You hear Eris whisper.

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun," Screwball says in return before giggling.

"Screwball, no, this is demeaning.” Suddenly the door opens and you hear Eris get thrown into the room. She grunts when she lands on your floor. It’s too bad you can’t see what Eris is wearing at the moment. As it turns out they heard Discord call for them, it just took them a little while to prepare for you.

"Heeeey, Anon! Your maid is here!" You hear Screwball giggle after her little introduction, “Oh wait! You can’t talk… and you can’t see. Huh, that kinda defeats the purpose.” She sounds so disappointed. You feel a weight sit upon your bed; you assume it to be Eris. What you don’t know is that she’s donned a French Maid’s outfit. Screwball is doing her best to keep from bursting out into fits of laughter. Discord just looks on smirking at his daughter.

Eris waves a claw in front of your face to test if you really can’t see. Her cheeks are alight with blush at being forced into such an embarrassing outfit. But some of that embarrassment fades when she realizes only her family can see her in her get-up.

“Ha! You’re totally blind!” She cries triumphantly. You grunt in response, “Oh, I shouldn’t be happy about that… sorry.” You nod before giving her an confirmatory grumble. “So uh, what did you want, Daddy?” She turns to her father.

“Well, I don’t want anything, but Anonymous NEEDS someone to look after him. For starters he needs to drink some water. There should be a few bottles in the fridge, and we should have some straws on top of the microwave.” Eris nods before flying out of the room. All the while Screwball is too busy laughing and rolling around in your floor to care about your condition. And to think you actually considered her a friend. All you can feel for her right now is contempt.

Although, she’s not priority number one right now. That’s your position. Right now you need to get some water in you. It’s as Discord said, you’ll feel the effects of going without that life source, and you really do not want to know what dying from dehydration feels like. After a minute or two you hear Eris make her way back into the room.

“Got it,” she says before floating over to you, “here let me take care of this…” her gryphon claws tear through the wrappings keeping your jaw shut. Immediately she places the straw right on your lips, without skipping a beat you open your lips slightly and sip at its contents. Crisp, refreshing water makes its way down your throat. While the need for water isn’t there you know you need to drink as much of it as you can.

It isn’t long before you finish your bottle, and for a second bottle to replace the first. Like before you drink up the second bottle, but you’re unable to finish it. When you feel the lining of your stomach poke against something sharp you refuse to down any more. Eris notices this before taking the straw away from your maw.

“Anon needs to drink more than that, sweetie.” You point to your stomach so Discord understands what you mean. There’s no way you can drink anymore without putting pressure on your stomach. If you do that you’ll be having a bad time. It doesn’t help that the water you’ve just consumed is going to come out sometime.

“He can’t drink anymore. He’ll probably hurt himself if he does.” You hear the sound of Eris throwing your bottle at the wall, the sound of an explosion causes your ears to ring for a few moments. You bring your hands up to them and cup them in obvious pain.

“Great job Eris, now he’s probably deaf too.” Eris giggles nervously before rubbing the back of her head with her claws.

“Oops?” Discord sighs before shaking his head out of disappointment.

“I can fix this!” Eris prepares to snap her fingers.

“No! You’ll just make it worse!” Discord rushes over and grabs hold of her claws. “Just give him a few moments, maybe he’ll be fine,” the two look you over for a few moments before Discord decides to lean in and speak. “Hey Anon can you hear me?” You nod. He breathes a sigh of relief before wiping his brow, “bullet dodged.” You’re thankful that the ringing went away without any trouble. You didn’t need to add to the list of issues you had to deal with at the moment…

Over the next few hours your issues came to light more than you would have liked. Eris, being the good friend she is, kept going back and forth giving you both soup and water in hopes of stemming the tide you’ll be forced to endure once the magic leaves your body. The discomfort in your abdomen became too great and unfortunately the majority of what was made for you went to waste.

You were surprised at her willingness to do this. Perhaps you were more important to them then you thought. You haven’t known them for long at all, yet one of them is taking time out of their day to keep you comfortable and taken care of. She seems a lot more mature than she lets on. Unlike Screwball who ended up leaving as per Discord’s orders. Everyone in the room was getting sick of her laughing.

During the entirety of your day you can’t help but wonder why they’re even doing all of this in the first place; after all, Discord is probably going to heal you as soon as the magic runs out. You’ll probably get dehydration and starvation for a few seconds at most.

Regardless of whether Eris knows that or not, she keeps doing her little routine. That is, until the need to urinate arises. Naturally she was against doing such a thing, but after a little coaxing from her father she left the room and came back with a bedpan. Admittedly it was awkward for you considering you didn’t feel comfortable doing such a thing with the two of them right there, but nature calls no matter how you feel about something like that.

Thankfully no one said anything about it, and Eris handled it quite well. You were expecting her to sound disgusted or for her to freak out at seeing that part of you. Instead she was silent. It was a welcome change to what you had to deal with before from her. Then the moment of truth came to light. Your bedtime, basically Eris and Discord increased the flow of whatever was attached to you. All too soon you feel your eyelids grow heavy and your breathing began to slow…

“Ffmank moo,” you say as sleep’s gentle embrace overtakes you. Eris sighs, tired from having to go back and forth for you for the better part of the day.

“You’re welcome,” she leans in thinking you’re still awake, “but I swear if I have to do this again I’m going to tear my hair out.” You wouldn’t be surprised that she didn’t have any fun. Taking care of someone in your condition isn’t supposed to be so. But with you sound asleep she takes your bedpan and leaves the room, being sure to shut off the lights before shutting your door...

The moon hangs high in the sky, its gentle light cascades across the landscape. But not all is as calm and serene as the quiet land of Equestria. While the majority of the populace sleeps safe and sound in their beds, two girls break the norm. Screwball uses her hooves to slowly push your door open. They find you sound asleep in your bed. The medication they have pumping into you is really doing the trick.

“Yeah, he’s asleep,” Screwball whispers out into the hall, slowly Eris slinks around the corner and up to her.

“Screwball, this doesn’t seem like a good idea,” She peers into Anon’s room as she speaks.

“Well it was your idea, sis. I’m just helping you because I’m such a nice sister,” Screwball whispers back to her before smirking.

“Yeah. Is it because you’re nice, or is it because you’re curious too?”

“What I’m curious about is irrelevant. This is because YOU wanted to do this.” And with that Screwball flies into your room. Eris creeps in right behind her. They freeze when they get halfway to your bed. When they see that there is no change in your breathing they keep going until they’re right next to you.

“Okay, since daddy didn’t put his clothes on after his bath this should be easy.” Screwball grabs hold of your blankets and starts to slowly pull them away from you.

“I’m still not sure we should do this. I feel… I dunno, guilty.”

“Hey, you’re the one who said he was cute. I’m just helping you along,” Screwball continues to pull the covers back.

“You said it too, you little harlot!” First your feet are exposed, then your thighs. Screwball stops for a moment and turns back to Eris.

“Wait, didn’t you get to see it earlier?” Eris’ cheeks take on a pink tint before she turns away, embarrassed beyond all belief.

“I… uh… when I put the bedpan down for Anon I kind of shut my eyes.” Screwball giggles before shaking her head.

“Then this is your second chance. Come on, Eris, don’t be a wimp,” she sticks her tongue and Eris grumbles under her breath in response.

“Fine. Hurry up and do it,” Screwball needs no coaxing beyond that. In a quick movement she pulls back your covers to fully reveal your lower half. Eris' face goes red and she covers her eyes, then she moves her digits so she can peek, eventually she's able to actually look without being embarrassed. Screwball is a lot less reserved when it comes to things like this so eyeing your package isn’t an issue for her.

“There, remember what it looks like, cos you’ll never get to see it again.” Screwball taunts. She sticks her tongue out at Eris only to have her glare in response.

“This is already awkward enough as it is, you don’t need to piss me off too.” She says its awkward yet she doesn’t take her eyes off of you, though she does occasionally glance at the lumps rising from your abdomen. The two of them hope their father will be able to fix you tomorrow. You don’t need to suffer any more than you already have.

After a minute they lean in and look over your lower half in greater detail.

“Why is it so small?” Eris squints her eyes in concentration. Screwball scoffs at her sister.

“Don’t know you know anything? Stallions are always this small down below. You gotta make him bigger.” Her explanation only causes Eris’ cheeks to turn a darker shade of pink.

“Okay I get that, so how would you do it smart mare? It’s not like YOU’VE ever seen one before.” Screwball puts a hoof to her chin in thought for a moment before shrugging.

“I dunno. Daddy never taught me stuff like this.”

“That he hasn’t. Say, aren’t we over a thousand years old or so?” Screwball nods, “We’re sheltered aren’t we?” She nods yet again. Apparently Discord couldn’t handle the thought of either Eris or Screwball finding that special someone. Even if they did, Discord would probably vaporize their suitors. As the two reflect their father’s protective nature, Screwball finally breaks the silence.

“So, wanna boop it?” She points to your lower half…

Author's Note:

This particular chapter is shorter than the others because there was a portion to this chapter that turned it into a crossover.

Considering this story isn't a crossover I had to delete that portion and in turn nearly four thousand words were deleted as a result. Changes had to be made as a result.

However, this will be the shortest chapter, the others will more than likely exceed the length of the previous ones.

Also, I cannot stress this enough, if you find something wrong readers please PM me and let me know. I have no proofreaders.

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