• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,408 Views, 327 Comments

Harry Potter, Knight of the moon - The Walker

Harry Potter, asking for the power to destroy his enemies, and recieves it after agreeing to serve Nightmare Moon eternally serve her..

  • ...

The changelings are dealt with

The group had moved to the dining room after Luna’s awkward entrance. Harry was whistling to himself as he ignored the group’s stares. He was going to tell them about Nightmare Moon, he really was. He just didn’t have time before everything happened.

“So Harry, may I ask why you didn’t tell me you had NIGHTMARE MOON IN YOUR HEAD?” Harry felt his mane get blown back while Chrysalis who was next to him in the form of a nondescript pony clapped her hoofs over her ears. Harry glanced at her to ensure she was alright before answering Luna’s question.

“I was going to, but the invasion threw off any plans I made. I have a more important question.” Harry stared at Luna. “How does one sleep through an invasion of an entire city if you don’t mind me asking?” Luna seemed to squirm as everyone turned to look at her. She blushed.

“I have silencing spells laid over my room during the day when I am asleep.” Harry raised an eyebrow at this statement. “The city is much louder than it was a thousand years ago and I have trouble sleeping with the noise.” Luna turned her gaze upon Chrysalis who seemed try to hide behind Harry as she remembered that this was the princess who Nightmare Moon had originally been. “What are we going to do with the Changeling queen?”

“Nightmare Moon did tell her serve me and obey any orders I gave. So I got to thinking and decided….” Chrysalis seemed to shrink into her seat expecting Harry to order her to do something she didn’t want. She was sure he was like some of the stallions she had met before becoming the queen changeling, thinking of only thing. “that we could have the changelings as part of the night guard.” Chrysalis’s head jerked as she looked at Harry and yelped.

“What?” She wasn’t alone in this statement as the others at the table started to all speak at once, all trying to tell Harry what a bad idea that was. The only quiet ones at the table were Harry, Luna and Celestia, the last two having thoughtful looks on their faces.

“Go on.” Celestia’s voice cut through the noise as everyone stopped talking and turned to look at her. She made a motion with her hoof for Harry to continue. Harry nodded at her in thanks.

“I was thinking about what I know of the changelings. They can look like anyone they want to correct?” Harry made this question to Chrysalis who nodded. “They could be a valuable part of the night guard. From what I’ve seen so far, the night guard is smaller than the day guard and they are generally focused on more stealthy aspects of the job.” Luna nodded at this statement and quirked an eyebrow at him wondering where he had learned this. Harry smirked at her. “You would be amazed at how much information is in the library of this place on the night guard. You would think that kind of information on their jobs would be a secret.”

“It was.” Luna turned and looked at her sister with a small glare. “I wonder who could have put it in a library where anybody could read it.” Celestia coughed as she turned away from Luna’s glare.

“I wasn’t really thinking about it at the time Luna. I will have the information removed right away.”

“Already done.” They turned to looked at Harry. “I couldn’t just leave that kind of information lying around now could I.” Harry noticed Twilight open her mouth. “I didn’t destroy the books Twilight if that is what you are thinking. I merely put them somewhere that the information in them couldn’t be easily found.” Twilight blushed as everyone looked at her as she sank in her seat. Harry’s answer had preempted her question correctly. “Anyway, to continue my line of thought from earlier, wouldn’t it be possible to use the changelings as sort of a spy network to gather information?” Everyone turned to look at Chrysalis. Her eyes shifted side to side at their stares.

“I guess the hive mind could be used like that. I don’t believe any queen had ever used it in that way though.” Harry smiled at Chrysalis who blushed. She really didn’t want to like this stallion in case he was like the others, but he was just so likeable.

“See, it is a great idea.” Luna stared at Harry for a moment.

“Harry, you do know that changelings feed off love right?” Harry froze at this question.

“No, I didn’t.” He turned to Chrysalis. “So how does that work exactly?” Chrysalis blinked at the question.
“How does what work?”

“Feeding off love.” Harry raised his hoofs before lowering them and muttering to himself about missing his hands. “I mean love is kind of intangible isn’t it. So how do you do it?” Chrysalis looked and Harry and smiled.

“Like this.” Chrysalis brought her horn down to touch Harry and just as it started to glow and the others getting up to stop her, there was a white flash where her horn touched Harry and Chrysalis seemed to become boneless as she slid to the floor. Harry looked down at her in concern.

“Are you alright?” Chrysalis looked up at him an undefinable look in her eye.

“I’m great.” She practically purred as she said this. Luna took this sight in before bursting out into laughter as she fell to the floor. Harry looked confused as he looked at the others. Celestia had a small grin on her face and was giggling at the sight. Pinkie Pie was staring in Chrysalis while Rarity who sat next to her seemed to be muttering about things a lady shouldn’t do in public. Applejack along with Rainbow Dash had both averted their eyes while blushing. Fluttershy was hiding behind Twilight while she took notes on something while muttering to herself too soft for Harry to hear. Harry opened his mouth to ask them what was going on when jumped as Chrysalis who had risen from the floor was holding on to him while rubbing against him with her cheek.

“A little help here would be nice.” Luna just laughed harder at him from the floor.

Author's Note:

The next chapter. I have also just learned in a completely unrelated note to this chapter, that Chuck Norris has shaved his beard off.