• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,408 Views, 327 Comments

Harry Potter, Knight of the moon - The Walker

Harry Potter, asking for the power to destroy his enemies, and recieves it after agreeing to serve Nightmare Moon eternally serve her..

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Harry shuffled nervously next to Luna as they headed to the dining hall. He wasn’t really worried per say. He just didn’t want ponies asking him a lot of questions. Questions like where he came from or why he was qualified to lead the night guard. His thoughts on ponies questioning him stopped as they stopped outside of the dining hall and Luna walked in. Harry quickly trotted after her.

“Luna, it’s good of you to join us for breakfast.” Celestia’s voice trailed off as she noticed Harry following Luna. She looked at him while Harry stared at her. She was about to say something, Harry could tell, when a voice that sounded a bit like Malfoy’s voice sounded at times, pompous and arrogant, spoke.

“Who are you to be barging into the royal breakfast?” Harry turned to the speaker and found a white unicorn looking down his nose at him. “Well, who are you?” Harry looked at him before answering.

“If you wish to know who I am, then I shall tell you. I am Captain of the night guard, appointed by Princess Luna herself. I should be asking who you are to address me with such disrespect.” The pompous unicorn seemed to swell even more before speaking.

“I am prince Blueblood. I can have you dismissed from your post at any time I desire.” Harry blinked at this statement before smirking.

“So you are indirectly threatening Princess Luna by removing the captain of her guard. I believe you can be punished for that.” Blueblood blinked.


“I think removing your horn should be punishment enough for indirectly threatening Princess Luna.” As Harry spoke his shield lifted off his back and shifted into the shape of a sword. The sword swung at Blueblood’s horn.

“THAT IS ENOUGH HARRY.” With a thunderous hoof strike to the table accompanying her statement, the sword stopped inches away from removing Blueblood’s horn. Blueblood looked at the sword for a moment before his eyes rolled back into his skull and he collapsed. Harry snorted and returned his sword to shield form and sat down besides Luna who had seated herself during the commotion. Harry looked at Celestia before opening his mouth to speak when the doors burst open. Another white unicorn stood there though this one wore armor.

“Princess, are you alright?” The unicorn took in the state of the room before he noticed Harry next to Luna. He frowned. “Who are you?” Harry looked at the unicorn and spoke.

“I am merely the captain of the night guard. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” The unicorn seemed taken back by this statement. He hesitated for a moment before speaking.

“I wasn’t aware the night guard had a captain.” Harry smirked again at the unicorn’s obvious discomfort.

“I arrived in the city yesterday, shortly after noon. I doubt word would have spread of my presence quite yet.” The unicorns frown returned at this statement.

“You arrived yesterday.” Harry nodded. “You got through the city gates and into the castle without anyone seeing you to spread rumors of you presence.” Harry merely nodded again.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think we were introduced properly. I’m Harry Potter, captain of the night guard.” The unicorn actually scowled at him before replying.

“I am Shining Armor, captain of the day guard.” That explained why he seemed so angry at the fact Harry got into the castle without anyone seeing him. That would mean there was a security breach.

“So I hear you are getting married to Princess Luna’s niece.” Shining blinked as his mouth dropped open slightly. Harry merely smiled to himself as he turned back to the table and started to put food on his plate for breakfast.

“Where did you learn that?” Shining seemed surprised at his knowledge. Harry turned to look at Luna who shrugged.

“The wedding hasn’t been announced to the public yet.” Harry nodded to Luna and turned to Shining Armor.

“I learned about it from Princess Luna.” Harry turned back to his head and laughed on the inside at the expression on his face. Celestia finally spoke up.

“Captain, Could you go and see if there are any more security breaches that somepony could get through.” Shining nodded as he backed out of the room and closed the doors behind him. Celestia looked at Harry and spoke.
“So Harry, how were your travels? Meet anypony interesting? Fight a five hundred year old dragon for no reason?” Harry choked on a grape he was currently eating at Celestia’s last question.

“How in the blazes did you hear about that?” Luna stopped eating and turned to look at Harry. When she spoke, her voice had become colder.

“What did my sister just say you did?” Harry seemed to shrink in on himself.

“I may or may not have fought a small dragon on my travels.” Harry’s face turned white at Luna’s darkening expression. “It wasn’t that big, only a hundred meters or so.” While Luna didn’t understand the measuring system used, she could tell by Harry’s squirming that he was trying to get away with something wrong. Harry was trying to sink under the table when Luna exploded into noise.

“YOU WENT AND FOUGHT A DRAGON. WHAT POSSIBLE REASON COULD COMPEL YOU TO DO SOMETHING SO STUPID? IT SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING AN IDIOT FOAL WOULD DO TO WOO HIS FIRST CRUSH.” Harry sat in his chair with his mane blown back and his eardrums slightly blown from the noise. The only reason guards didn’t come to investigate was that Celestia had soundproofed the room after Shining had left. Harry shook his head as he felt his magic repair his eardrums from the damage.

“If you must know Luna, I was protecting a couple of zebra children who had wandered near the dragon’s lair while it was in a bad mood.” Luna’s bad mood seemed to subside at that statement while Harry turned to Celestia. “If your niece is getting married soon, then where is she?” Celestia merely shrugged. It was Luna who answered his question.

“Most ponies don’t get up at the crack of dawn to get breakfast Harry.” Harry pointed a goof at Blueblood who was still unconscious on the floor. “I believe Prince Blueblood is trying to get into our sister’s favor by having breakfast with her.” Luna stood while yawning. “ I believe I am going to take a nap.”

“What am I supposed to do while you are napping?” Luna looked at him before smirking.

“I believe the guard could get to know their new captain.” Luna turned to Celestia. “What do you think Tia?” Celestia actually giggled at the question for some reason before answering.

“I believe that is a wonderful idea.” By now Harry was suspicious.

“What exactly is so funny?” The Sisters grinned at each other before they turned and answered Harry simultaneously.

“The night guard is mostly female.” Harry whitened.


Author's Note:

New chapter really soon after the old one. I am on a roll with this story. You learn of something Harry did during his travels.
Let me know what you guys think of the story and this chapter in the comments section.