• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,407 Views, 327 Comments

Harry Potter, Knight of the moon - The Walker

Harry Potter, asking for the power to destroy his enemies, and recieves it after agreeing to serve Nightmare Moon eternally serve her..

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Monster fromm the void

Harry’s horn flared and the ground ripped upward in front of the beast. It jumped over the ground as it continued straight towards Harry. Harry merely raised an eyebrow as his sword shot from his back, impaling the monster and carrying it back. He turned his head and saw the others frozen stiff.

“Why are you idiots still standing there? Run while I hold the thing off.” They jerked at the sound of his voice. Twilight opened her mouth, but Harry interrupted her. “No arguments. Just go.” Harry cracked his neck as he turned in the direction the beast. “I’m going to go kill me a monster.” Harry disappeared with a crack.

He reappeared in front of the monster as it was embedded in a wall by his sword. Its head snapped up as he appeared and it let out a growl. Harry merely looked at it. “You aren’t so tough are you?” It raised its right arm and brought it down on his sword. Harry winced as he felt the blade crack. His eyes widened. “Don’t you dare……” It roared as it brought its claw down again and the blade snapped. Harry felt pain as it did so. He let out a growl. “You are going to pay for that.”

The beast pulled itself off the remains of his blade and let out a growl of his own. It swung its claw at him and he moved backwards. This thing had broken his sword. No more mister nice Harry. “Avada Kedavra.” His horn flare green as the killing curse was released and slammed into the monster.

The beast rushed forward even as the curse hit it. Harry’s eye widened as it didn’t even stumble and dodged out of the way of its claw. Harry disappeared and reappeared farther up the street. He watched the thing’s head shift in his direction. This was going to be more difficult than he had hoped.

“Everypony please move out of town as quickly as possible without panicking.” Twilight Sparkle organized the crowd of ponies as they moved out of the town. She was interrupted by the sound of Ron’s voice.

“We’re just going to let Harry fight that thing on his own?” Scowling, Twilight turned to Ron who shrank into himself at her look.

“I don’t know who you are or how you know Harry, but if he told us to evacuate the town, we’re going to evacuate the town.” Before Ron could open his mouth again, a black blur slammed into the ground in the middle of the group. Harry stood and walked out of the crater he had made with his landing. He was mumbling to himself.

“I was right. Much more difficult than I hoped.” He noticed the group. “Why are you guys still in town. I told you to get out.” Ron spoke at this.

“Harry mate, we can help you fight this thing. Just let us….” Harry’s head snapped towards him and when he spoke his voice was icy.

“Ron, kindly shut the hell up. I don’t want to deal with you or Hermione because last I recalled you abandoned me on the hunt and now you brought this thing here with you. SO KEEP QUIET.” Harry roared his last sentence at Ron and turned to the girls. “Twilight, I need you to hurry the evacuation of the town. This thing is mean and magic resistant.” Harry paused for a moment. “Also it broke my sword and refuses to die. So please hurry up.” He disappeared with a crack. Twilight turned to the town’s ponies that stood there watching. She stared at them for a moment before yelling at them.

“YOU HEARD THE STALLION, MOVE YOUR FLANKS.” The ponies jumped at her voice and started to run as they evacuated. Twilight turned to Ron and Hermione. “You two are also getting out of town. Harry clearly doesn’t like you and you apparently brought that thing here.” They jumped at her tone of voice before Hermione glared at her.

“It’s not like we brought it here on purpose.” Before Twilight could deride the unicorn more, they were interrupted by the sound of the Royal Canterlot Voice.

“HAIL TWILIGHT SPARKLE. MAY WE INQIURE WHERE THE CAPTAIN OF OUR GUARD IS.” Twilight looked up and saw a royal chariot descending to the ground bearing three alicorns and a disguised changeling queen. “WE CAME AS FAST AS WE COULD AFTER WE GOT YOUR LETTER.” Before Twilight could tell here where Harry was an explosion rocked the area and Harry fell from the sky like a meteorite. He rose to his feet and wobbled around a bit before speaking.

“That was my fault. I was seeing if it was immune to explosions. Good news, it isn’t, bad news is it can now make explosions with its claw.” Harry turned his head and saw Luna. “Hey Luna, when did there become four of you?” His eye rolled back in his head and he collapsed. Luna looked down on him and poked him with a hoof.

“That cannot be good.” They all turned at the sound of a deep roar and saw the beast at the end of the street. Its claw’s edges were now glowing an orange color. Luna glared at it before shifting into the Royal Canterlot Voice. “FOUL BEAST, YOU DARE ATTACK THE CAPTAIN OF OUR GUARD. HAVE AT THEE.” Luna shot from standing still to sixty miles per hour and slammed into the beast with a noise akin to a thunder clap. The others watched her drive it back into the town. Finally Nightmare Moon spoke, her voice filled with admiration.

“I forgot just how dangerous we are when we’re angry.” The shadows at her feet shot up to encase her. When they cleared away, she was encased in pitch black armor with her eyes glowing ominously from inside her helm. “We are going to assist our better half.” She shot into the air and flew in the direction Luna went with the beast. Celestia turned to Twilight.

“Twilight what is going on here.” Twilight’s mouth hung open as she tried to come up with an explanation. She was about to tell her what she knew when a better idea struck her. She pointed at Ron and Hermione.

“They did it.” Having said that, Twilight turned to where Harry laid and moved to help Chrysalis, who was trying to heal his wounds. Celestia turned to Ron and Hermione and stared at them. They froze at the power in her gaze.

“I am going to make a few assumptions here. Don’t speak; merely nod your heads if I’m correct. You two are from Harry’s universe.” They both nodded. “You somehow followed him here and in the process let loose a seemingly unstoppable monster on my citizens. Is that correct?” They both glanced at each other and nodded hesitantly. “I see.” Celestia closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them pure rage burned in them. “What in your right minds would seek you to cross the void between worlds? I may not know much about dimensional travel, but I know there is a reason it isn’t allowed to be done. Now you’ve unleashed something that I don’t know if I can stop. WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELVES?” Celestia’s voice turned into a roar in the end and shook the earth around them. There was a soft groan and Harry’s voice spoke.

“Stop yelling at them.” Celestia turned to Harry about to yell at him before he spoke. “That’s my job.” Harry got to his hoofs and stumbled before righting himself. He looked around. “Judging from the lack of Luna and Nightmare Moon, I assume they are fighting the monster.” Celestia nodded. “Alright, I think it’s time we learned what the hell our opponent is.” The Resurrection stone floated up to Harry’s eye level and he spoke. “Death, you are called forth by the master of the Deathly Hallows.” The air chilled and frost creeped over the ground as being wrapped in a black cloak appeared with two pinpoints of light for eyes.

Yeeeeeeeees.” Hermione and Ron let out a whimper. Harry glared at Death.

“We don’t have time to play your games. What do you know on beings that dwell in the void between worlds?” Death seemed to freeze before reaching up and pulling the hood down revealing he still wore Harry’s form.

“Why do you want to know?” Harry let out a grunt.

“Because something from there is tearing apart the town and it won’t die.” Death let out a long sigh before snapping his fingers. Everything around them froze except for Death and Harry.

“The thing you’re probably fighting and the only thing I can think of that can survive in the void is one of the bodies of the first dead.” Harry looked at Death, his gaze stony.

“Go on.”

“The first dead weren’t like other mortals in that they wouldn’t die normally. From what I could learn after they reached my realm, something cursed them all and ripped the souls from their bodies. They thought it would kill them.” Death shuddered. “They were wrong. The bodies didn’t die, but they couldn’t truly live either. They just stood in place for a long time until a human discovered their cities and they all attacked. They consumed his soul trying to replace the ones they lost. When they failed they became ravenous beasts that rampaged across the planet killing. Finally I, along with several others ripped a hole into the void and banished them there for eternity.” Death’s voice became desperate. “They were never supposed to escape master. They don’t fall under the jurisdiction of any of the entities and they don’t die even with my scythe.” He put his hands over his face. “We can’t destroy them, they just reform. We just don’t know what to do.” Harry stood there for a few moments.

“We need to send it back to the void.” Death looked at him. “If we can’t kill it then we banish it to where it can’t harm others.” Harry looked Death in the eyes. “To do that I need a proper melee weapon and that thing broke my sword.” Death held out both his hands face up and Harry’s sword appeared in the two broken pieces. He hummed to himself as he examined them.

“Interesting weapon my master. A weapon that has no stable shape and is forged from your power. Reminds me of my Scythe.” Harry blinked at Death’s statement. “Unlike mortals, I have no need for physical weapons. If I must fight, I create a weapon from my own power.” His hands became covered in darkness that flowed onto the broken sword pieces. They sank in and Death brought the two pieces together with a click. The crack where they were separated disappeared in a burst of darkness. “There better than it was before.” Harry lifted it from Death’s hands and noted that they had become skeletal. The blade thrummed with power. He grinned.

“I like it.” Everything suddenly rippled and things started to move before stopping. Death looked around in worry.

“It’s getting stronger the longer it remains here. We must do this now.” Harry nodded as he drew the hood of the Cloak up and his head disappeared in shadow, leaving two glowing green eyes. Death snapped once more and everything resumed. Harry looked around before speaking to Death.

“Prepare the tear, I’ll drive it over here.” He disappeared with a crack. Death flexed his skeletal hands and watched shadows crawl over them as they were covered in flesh and blood. He was ready. He looked up at the ponies who were watching him. He grinned.

“You might want to step back.”

Harry appeared in the middle of the street with his new sword. He glanced up as Nightmare Moon flew over his head. He stared at the monster who was currently trying to get Luna with its claws. He shook his head.

“Yeah, no.” He disappeared and reappeared on the opposite side of the monster. “Hey eyeless.” The body turned its head towards him. “Catch.” His sword shot out shifting as it flew. When it smashed into the beast it was a giant hammer. Both the beast and the hammer shot down the street. Harry quickly moved over to Luna, who was covered in small scratches. He frowned.

“You should rest. I can take it from here.” Luna looked at him and blushed as he smiled at her. Harry turned down the street and disappeared as he followed his weapon. He appeared in front of the monster where it was laying on the ground with his hammer on top of it. He looked up and saw Death at the end of the street. They nodded at each other. Harry’s hammer floated off the beast and it got to its feet. Harry smirked at it. “Fore.” The hammer swung and hit the beast with a tremendous force that launched it down the street. Death’s hands flew up and the air rippled as a hole in reality was torn open. The beast flew through it. Death nodded as the hole closed and he spoke.

“That’s the end of that one.” Harry looked at Death before shaking his head.

“We should probably go deal with the others.” Death nodded and snapped his fingers. They disappeared and reappeared in front of the group. Harry looked at them and frowned as he noted both Luna and Nightmare Moon were wounded. He turned to Ron and Hermione. He made a smile that bared his teeth at them. “Let me make some introductions. Ron, Hermione, this” Harry gestured at Death. “Is Death. He serves me now. Death, these two are former friends of mine. Normally I might forgive them, but they’re trying to take the Hallows and they unleashed a dangerous beast. So, I want you to send them home.” Death tilted his head as he examined them. Hermione scoffed.

“Like we will really believe this is death Harry. Just because you don’t want to return the Hallows doesn’t mean you can make up ridiculous stories.” Harry raised an eyebrow at her.

“Death send them home.” Death cracked his fingers and when he grinned his head flickered into a skull.

“Gladly.” He raised his hand and the two unicorns floated off the ground. He examined the nails on the hand he hadn’t raised. “Normally, I would send you back through the void, but I don’t know what the two of you have stirred up. So.” From behind Ron and Hermione two pillars rose from the ground. A black curtain waved in an unseen breeze hung between them. “I’ll just throw you two through Equestria’s Veil and out Earth’s Veil. Bye.” Before the two unicorns could speak, they were thrown backwards into the Veil Which flickered to transparent as they hit it and disappeared. Harry looked at the Veil.

“Death, does every dimension get one of these?” Death looked at the Veil and nodded.

“Pretty much, this one is normally kept at the bottom of Tartarus.” The Veil slid into the ground without a sound. Both Death and Harry turned to the others, who were staring at them. Harry nodded to himself.

“Guys, this is Death.”

Author's Note:

Here you go. Let me know of any mistakes.