• Published 1st Jan 2013
  • 8,408 Views, 327 Comments

Harry Potter, Knight of the moon - The Walker

Harry Potter, asking for the power to destroy his enemies, and recieves it after agreeing to serve Nightmare Moon eternally serve her..

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Return to Canterlot

The road leading up to Canterlot was clear of ponies one moment. Then with a small cracking sound a pony appeared. The pony was black with emerald eyes that seemed to stare into your soul. Upon his flank sat a curious symbol consisting of a triangle surrounding a circle and line. The pony, also known as Harry to his friends was carrying saddlebags across his back as he stood in the middle of the road for a moment. He had been away for a long time. Two years from what he had gathered while he traveled the lands. Harry smirked at the memories of his travels. This land held so many magical creatures that Harry couldn’t help, but be amazed by it.
On his travels, Harry had learned a few tricks on using the hollows.
Harry could successfully use apparition which had cut down on travel time. He could call on the cloak’s power to travel unseen and unnoticed. Harry had realized that there was a difference between going invisible by other methods and his cloak. His cloak prevented anyone from finding him magically as well as being impossible to dispel. He could walk unseen and unfelt when he drew on the full power of the cloak, but this left him exhausted afterwards. Harry couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t use the elder wands power other than apparition and he didn’t dare use the power of the resurrection stone without someone to help him.

Harry turned to the city and started to walk towards it. He noted the glowing pink barrier and snorted to himself in amusement. He really didn’t think anyone would find a pink barrier threatening. He reached inside his mind as he grasped the power of the cloak and felt himself go invisible. He didn’t want to let people know he was here just yet.

Harry watched the guards throughout the city as he headed towards the castle. He was wondering why the guards were out in force. Maybe the city had been attacked. Harry immediately dismissed that theory, as he would probably have heard about the capital of Equestria being attacked by anyone. Harry stopped before the closed gates of the castle and frowned. He could have sworn that the gates were never closed, but then again, he hadn’t been in Equestria for over two years.

Harry shook his head and drew more deeply on the power of the cloak and felt his body become weightless. It wasn’t truly weightless he knew, it only felt that way because gravity had less grip on him now that he was intangible. He passed through the gates and released the extra power he had drawn from the cloak and felt himself be weighted down once. He shook his head as he felt a weariness in his legs that came from being intangible. He really needed to figure out how to lessen the energy drain at a later date.

Harry passed through the doors to the castle and took to wondering through the halls. He was wondering where Luna was at the moment. He wanted to surprise her with his return. He stopped for a moment and thought. He could either search for Luna the hard way or take the easy. The easy way would be faster, though it was a pain to use. Quite literally as it made him get a headache the longer he did it. Just as he was about to use his technique to locate Luna, he noticed the guard carrying food past him. Normally this would matter to Harry except this guard had bat wings. He shrugged and followed the guard as he headed up. Maybe he did get lucky sometimes after all.

Harry looked around at the tower they had been climbing for a few moments. It had a slightly gloomy feeling that he found symbolized the things that Luna was associated with. He watched as the guard stop outside a door which had two other guards in front of it. The guards nodded at each and the guard knocked.

“Come in.” Harry blinked at the sound of Luna’s voice. She sounded different then he remembered. He shrugged as he followed the guard into the room and glanced around it. It was big, comparable to his dormitory at Hogwarts. He supposed it was a castle thing that made the rooms in it big. The room itself was covered in shades of blue and symbols of the moon were plastered on some of the things there. Harry blinked as he realized the guard had put the food down and left the room. Harry turned to the bed in the room and blinked.

Luna had most definitely changed. She was bigger now and her mane and tail were shimmering with stars. Harry tilted his head to the side as he mentally compares Luna as he had seen her when he had left and now. She seemed happier and healthier then she had then. He smirked as he saw her levitate the food to the bed where she was reading a book. Harry walked up to the side of the bed and slightly to the left of Luna. He released the power of the cloak and smirked as he spoke.

“What are you reading?” Harry had expected a reaction of course, but not for her to twist around and kick him in the chest with her hind legs. Harry felt a rib break as he flew backwards and smashed into the wall. He slid down to the floor and twitched a bit. “That hurt.” He fell on his face and groaned as he heard Luna get off the bed. He heard her trotting closer.

“Who are you and how did you get into my ro…………..” Luna’s voice trailed off as she got a closer look at Harry. “Harry, is that you?” He made a small groan in response. He was most definitely not expecting her to pick him up and sweep him into a bone shattering hug. “HUZZAH. HARRY HAS RETURNED FROM HIS TRAVELS.” Luna turned as the door was busted down by the guards outside it.

“Your majesty what’s wrong?” He stopped and stared at Luna for a few moments and then hesitantly spoke. “Your majesty, I don’t think the pony you are hugging can breathe.” Luna blinked and looked at Harry’s face and noticed that his eyes had rolled into the back of his head. She dropped him immediately.

“Harry, we apologize. We hadn’t meant to stop you from breathing.” Luna looked closer at Harry and poked him. He flinched a bit. “Harry are you okay?” Harry wheezed out a sentence.

“I think you broke two of my ribs.”

Author's Note:

I used a cliffhanger deal with it. I apoligise for how long it took for me to get the chapter out. At least it felt like a long time to me.