• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 5,342 Views, 500 Comments

Thanatos' Creed - Shadowflash

Rainbow Dash ends up in a pretty bad storm. Turns out that the storm sent her to a place of insanity, desperation, and a man named Aeron.

  • ...

Blood Off The Scalpel

Chapter 10

Blood Off the Scalpel

Edited by:
Narlepoax III

Pre-read by:


Luna walked through the large door that barred outsiders from the throne room. When she entered, the many stained glass windows were projecting their beauty onto the large, red carpet that lead to the golden thrones at the end of the hallway.

“Your highness,” A royal Celestial guard greeted Luna as she stepped into the throne room.

“What is it sister has asked us to do?” Luna stared at the guard with a curious eye.

“She wishes to speak with you in regards of a letter sent by Twilight Sparkle, your highness,” The guard answered with a courteous bow.

"Thank you. Return to your duties," The princess stepped past the guard, approaching the throne where Princess Celestia sat.

As she neared her sister, Luna put on a smile. However, her sister didn't give one in return. Instead, she sat there with a distraught look upon her face, and her yellow aura surrounding a piece of parchment which she assumed was the letter from Twilight.

Odd... Sister always greets me with a smile... This isn't normal. Luna's eyes glossed over the parchment for a moment, and then nodded to herself. Whatever Twilight sent her must be troubling. Let's hope it is not.

Taking in a deep breath, Luna trotted forward and removed her smile. Celestia's eyes moved from the assumed letter down to her sister. Immediately, she got off the throne and approached Luna.

"Luna, I am glad you arrived," Celestia said with no hint of emotion. "I have troubling news."

"What is it, sister?" Luna raised a brow.

"Read it for yourself, Luna," Celestia floated the letter to Luna, who took it within her own magical grasp.

"Dear Princess Celestia..." Luna began.

We have an issue with Rainbow Dash. She's missing. I didn't want to report this early, but now... I have no other choice, Princess. I write this to you because we have checked everywhere for Rainbow Dash. Cloudsdale, Ponyville even the Everfree. Our only clues were a newspaper and a book, which I will have sent to you with this letter. But... we have no other clues. I'm really worried for her, Celestia. I kind of blame myself for this, because I let her travel through the recent storm alone and now she's gone. Please, if there's anything you can do, we'll take it. Anything to have Rainbow Dash back home.


Twilight Sparkle.

"This... This is most trouble, sister," Luna looked up from the letter and saw her sister walking towards one of the stained glass windows.

"Celestia, what is it she sent you that may have a clue to where Rainbow Dash is?" Luna soon joined Celestia, looking up at the window.

It was the window which bore all six of the ponies that saved Equestria. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie Applejack and Rainbow Dash. They all surrounded their respective element and Nightmare Moon. Celestia sighed and closed her eyes.

"The newspaper and book that Twilight sent me are not from our world, Luna. Which is why it is very troubling to me because Rainbow Dash is no longer here," Celestia answered her sister's question.

"Celestia, that's absurd! Nopony could even fathom travelling to a different world! Not even Starsw "

"I know Starswhirl couldn't!" Celestia yelled at her sister. Her sister reared, her ears flopping backwards in fear and confusion.

Sister never yelled at me like this before... Luna thought, composing herself for a moment before speaking.

"I'm... I'm sorry for yelling, Luna. It's just..." Celestia sighed deeply. "If Rainbow Dash is no longer here, harmony may go unbalanced. Not only that, but one of our ponies is no longer in Equestria."

"I understand sister... But, if they're not in Equestria, then where are they?" Luna raised an eyebrow.

Celestia removed her gaze from her sister and placed it back on the window. Her horn's yellow aura began to show as she levitated a dirty piece of paper and a pristine, blue, book. Luna looked at them for a moment, opening her mouth to speak.

"Earth," Celestia stopped her from speaking, floating the book closer to her younger sibling.

"Earth? As in in the soil bel "

"No. The planet Earth. A planet much similar to our own, but with different inhabitants," Celestia quickly corrected. "...and I fear that she may be in danger, if what this book says is true."

Luna looked at the books title and her eyes went wide. Quickly, her eyes moved to the piece of paper that was a newspaper article. She quickly read over it and shook her head.

"Sister, this is most dreadful news!" Luna declared.

"It is... But, I do have a solution. A very small one. It won't bring Rainbow Dash back, but, it will help us greatly," Celestia finally turned back to her sister, a small smile on her face.

"What is it?" Luna asked curiously.

"You know how you helped Scootaloo get over her nightmares...?"


Aeron tossed in turned in the flat cot that he laid in. The three had found a small place to rest some sort of waiting area or something for a good half hour before the wandered off again, but Aeron couldn't help but stay awake. He sighed, sat up and began to fiddle with his Pip-Boy, turning its light on to a dim setting so he wouldn't wake Jericho or Dash up.

He began to go through the Pip-Boy's data, looking over old pictures of Amata and his father, along with pictures of his mother. Aeron couldn't help but keep a small smile formed on his face, thinking back to the days before he left the vault. Life was great. Just dad and I hanging out... I helped him with projects, he helped me with schoolwork...

The smile was wiped off his face as his thoughts twisted. Until he decided to disappear many nights... I never knew where he was, Jonas just told me he was busy with the Overseer. Well, he was actually at that damn purifier having sex with some skank. Aeron growled softly. And then I have to leave and find his stupid ass because the Overseer wanted to kill me... along with me becoming a huge disappointment to my father.

A small tear welled up in Aeron's eyes as he sighed softly. Not only did he take my life away from me and replaced it with insanity, he took my only friend... Amata... She pushed me away like I was some hogwash vermin after she learned the things I did in the wastes. Thanks a lot, dad, you're a real chap.

Aeron sighed once more, moving away from the pictures of his past life. He turned off the Pip-Boy light and let his head rest against a wall for a few moments. His gaze slowly moved over to Rainbow Dash, who was lying still, sleeping, next to him. Now I'm here with you, Dash, and I can't even keep you alive for longer than two days. Fuck, you've nearly died and I couldn't even operate on you properly.

His sight moved over to Jericho. I had to have a grizzled raider, one who barely knows how to read, operate on you while I could've done it. God damn it, I can't do shit right! Aeron's fist clenched tightly as a vein began to appear across his dark forehead.

And I also brought you here for no reason. We gained nothing from this experience except a new insane friend and some occult bullshit. Fuck my life, why is it always going downhill? Aeron had tears streaming down his face; a lump building in his throat I have so much shit going on and I can't even do the most simplest tasks!

Gently and quickly, Aeron wiped the tears from his face, forcing the lump away. I won't start crying like this. No, I'm a man. Men are suppose to be strong. Men are suppose to be tough with no emotion like a soldier... He let the thought linger in his mind for a moment before returning to it. A soldier... that's what I am. Just some soldier no, a mercenary for hire. Here in the wastes to deal with other people's problems. Well, no... they're my problems. I just happen to be other people's problems now.

Aeron brought a knee up, resting his arm on it and taking care not to move Rainbow Dash. A merc who is other people's problems. That's all I am. God knows how many want me dead for what I did... I can't apologize for it. It's too late for that now...

... but I can remove myself from the Wasteland. Not have others deal with the misery of my existence. Wander off and hope for the best, living in burrows and caves. The wastes would be better off without me. Jericho doesn't need me. Dash doesn't need me. She can handle hers


Aeron stopped his thoughts and looked down at Dash. She was awake and her magenta eyes were staring up at him.

"Yes, Dash?" He spoke softly as he tried pushing the lump down his throat.

"I'm having trouble sleeping... I can still feel it hurting..." Dash explained.

"Don't worry. I can't sleep either. But, I promise, after this rest is over, I'll bring you back to Tenpenny and have a real doctor patch you up. He'll make the pain go away," Aeron answered honestly.

"Okay, Aeron... I... I-I trust you," Dash slowly let her head fall into her forehooves, closing her eyes gently.

Dash... Dash does need me. She trusts me to get her out of this hellhole. I may not have helped her so much with the operation, but I sure as hell will get her ass out of this place. If I can't make up for my sins, I can still wipe some blood off the knife by helping Dash get home, Aeron smiled at his personal encouragement, setting his previous thoughts aside.

But... where do I start? I still don't know where that book is, and this place was just a nightmare... Aeron sighed once more, looking at his Pip-Boy's clock.

06:38:47AM, TUESDAY, MARCH 26th, 2278.

The sun should be rising by now. Hopefully we can get to Tenpenny without incident. I need her fixed up and then I need to make her some armour... I can't have her continue to take blows like that. Aeron slid himself gently off the cot, walking over to Jericho and shaking him.

"Mrm?" Jericho grunted.

"Get up," Aeron whispered. "Be quiet, though, I want Dash to rest a bit longer."

Jericho slowly sat up and yawned, smacking his dry lips. "Shit, kid, you got any water or somethin'? I'm thirsty over here."

"I found a fountain just in the hallway we came from. It's a few feet away from that door," Aeron answered quietly while he pointed to a door near his cot. "It may be a bit irradiated, but, it'll do."

"Eh, alright," Jericho stood up and walked to the door, slowly opening it and walking into the hallway.

Aeron, meanwhile, picked up his and Rainbow Dash's guns, strapping Dash's onto his back and holding out his assault rifle. He quickly patted some of his pockets and found two rifle clips left. Shit, some must've been in that duffle bag... Well, we have more at home, and I don't mind buying more, either Aeron told himself.

"Mrmmm..." Dash slowly stirred and sat up, rubbing her left eye.

"Time to go, Dash," Aeron said. "Do you think you can walk?"

Dash stood up weakly, letting her tired muscles regain some energy. She stretched out before cringing in the pain that her torso made. Slowly, she eased off the cot and onto the dirt covered floor, trotting a few feet and then back.

"As long as we don't go over a massive hill, I think I'll be alright... It hurts a bit, still, but I can push through it," Dash said softly.

"Well, if we find any more medical kits and they have some Med-X, I'll give you some more painkillers to hold it off. But, for now, toughing through it is our only choice. Besides, it's the morning, so we'll be safe for the few hour trip, as all the creatures and critters go back into their nocturnal hidey-holes," Aeron joked.

Dash couldn't help but giggle softly, cringing in pain once more.

Jericho walked back in, wiping his lips. "Fuck, that shit is gross. Can't wait 'till we're back at Tenpenny. Jesus Christ."

"Don't worry, I'll get us some Rad-Away once we're back, as well. Last thing we need is radiation sickness." Aeron handed Jericho his shotgun. "Ready to go, you two? The faster we get there, the faster Dash can be fixed up."

Both nodded and then Aeron turned around, walking towards a door labelled "Maintenance Exit."


"Your majesties, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are here to see you," a deep, booming voice of a royal guard announced to both princesses. "Would you like me to send them in?"

"Yes. Do so quickly," Celestia answered softly.

Luna only looked at her sister with worry. She must have a lot on her mind, but what she suggested to me will help us know if Rainbow Dash is safe, at least...

As Luna finished her though, a certain purple unicorn and a few of her friends came running down the velvet carpet to greet both her and her sister. Luna looked back over to Celestia, whose expression remained placid no emotion to it. Celestia, this isn't like you...

"Princess!" Twilight announced, as she made her way closer to the throne, struggling to catch her breath. "W-we... We came as fast as we could!"

"Indeed you did," Celestia agreed.

Twilight stood there, breathing heavily as she caught her breath along with her friends and Spike in silence. Celestia direct eye contact with Twilight and her expression remained the same. A few more minutes passed by and Twilight finally raised a brow.

"Princess... Did you fi "

Celestia raised a hoof, stopping Twilight. "Twilight, do you know what the Elements of Harmony do for this world?"

Twilight was taken aback by this question. Why would she ask me that, of course I know... "I-is that rhetorical, Princess?"

Celestia shook her head.

"Well, yes, of course I do. They help maintain balance between chaos and harmony, and making sure everypony is happy in Equestria," Twilight answered.

"Do you know what happens when one is missing?" Celestia asked.

"Uhm..." Twilight thought meekly for a second. I... I don't know... Why is she asking me this? Isn't Rainbow Dash more important right now?

"Well, do you?" Celestia asked again.

"N-no, Princess," Twilight answered as honestly as she could.

"Then, you do not see the situation we have at hand, Twilight," Celestia stood from her throne, trotting closer to Twilight. "If any of the elements or element bearers go missing, then evil can easily take over and cause Equestria's destruction. I did not want to put you on the spot, Twilight, but I need you to know this for any future endeavors."

"I understand, Princess. Rainbow Dash is important for the safety of Equestria... But, do you have any clue where she might be?" Twilight asked.

"I might. Luna, everypony, follow me," Celestia began to trot behind the throne, leaving everypony befuddled.

Twilight looked to Luna for answers, who only nodded to Twilight and gestured her to follow Celestia. The group soon followed silently behind Celestia.

The princess lead them to a ratty wooden door, hidden behind a curtain. The door had the symbol of a crescent moon etched on it, and a small star above a small, sleeping, pony. As Celestia opened the door, the rush of dust and wind flew at the group, filling their nostrils with the scent of decaying books and aged rugs.

The group coughed, excluding Celestia and Luna, and they proceeded in. The hallway was shallow and dimly lit; cobwebs and dust covering old paintings and large, plain-stone pillars. As they proceeded down the hallway in silence the light began to become darker and darker. Soon, all they could see was a white glint at the end of the hallway; all they could hear was the clopping of their hooves and the creaking of what sounded like an old building on the verge of collapse.

As they neared the glint, Celestia had lit up her horn and illuminated the room. It was a massive dome structure, lined with what looked like thousands of empty picture frames. But, in the center of the room was a large throne. Much similar to Celestia's or Luna's, only this one was surrounded by four ornamental torch stands and had a large, white, stone sitting upon its headrest.

Twilight, unable to keep the silence going, turned to Celestia. "Princess, what is this place? How come I've never seen it before?"

Celestia's expression finally changed to that of a smile. "This is Luna's domain. During the night, Luna resides in here to watch over the many ponies dreams. She helps maintain harmony in the dreams of ponies to help them conquer their nightmares."

Celestia walked forward, the group following, and pointed to the throne. "This is where Luna sits to await the signal of a nightmare, which is marked by each of the four torches changing their colour to black, which is normally white. The moonstone upon the throne will then emit a light to the area in which a nightmare has occurred. However, for the past few days, she's been unable to watch over the dreams of everpony, which is why each frame is blank."

"So, you're telling us that Luna can see everything we dream about?" Fluttershy asked meekly.

"Yes, Fluttershy. Although it may look like invasion, Luna never tells anypony what she sees. Not even me. However, for this special occasion, all of us must see what will occur," Celestia explained.

"What do ya mean, Princess?" Applejack raised a brow.

"Well, the only solution in which would work, to find Rainbow Dash, is to find her in her dreams. Wherever she may be, Luna's power to view the dream will be able to extend to it and we'll be able to contact Rainbow Dash easily," Celestia smiled for a moment, and so did everypony else.

"So, can we bring Dash back?" Pinkie Pie asked happily.

Celestia's smiled faded and she shook her head. "No. The power can reach and communicate, but it cannot withdraw somepony from where they are. Even if we do have the exact location, we'll never be able to bring her back through any means."

Celestia looked at everypony. They all looked at the ground with grim expressions. "We want to do more... We really do. But, our magic isn't strong enough to pull them over to us like that... This is as much of an issue to us as it is to them..."

"But," Luna stepped forward. "At least we can speak to Rainbow Dash through her dreams. Well, I can and you may all watch. I will be able to figure out everything about Dash's current situation and whether she is doing well or not. Don't let it bring you down that we may not be able to bring her back, but she may be able to be more encouraged to find her way back with us supporting her."

Twilight smiled at Luna's sentiment, looking at her friends. "She's right. As much as we need Rainbow Dash here, we can at least speak with her and make sure she's alright."

"Well, we might as well take what we can get," Spike said. "There's no point in moping about it all."

Everypony nodded and put on meek smiles, looking back at the Princesses. "Then, Luna, if you will..."

Luna nodded, trotting up to the elegant throne. She slowly sat down and, as she did, the four torches immediately lit up to the white flame that Celestia told the group about. As the torches lit up, so did the many picture frames in the dome-like room. Each illuminated to display different pictures and detailing different ponies in each. However, Luna used her magic to target six specifically the Element bearers.

As she used her magic to turn the throne to the six pictures, one of the flames changed to a bright red. Celestia raised and eyebrow at this, something that wasn't supposed to happened and Luna soon halted the throne's movement.

"Why's that flame red, I thought it's only suppose to be black or white?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Luna, what's going on?" Celestia asked. Before Luna could answer, the other three flames had change their colour's to red, joining the lone flame.

The moonstone upon the throne had emanated a bright white beam, aiming it directly at the picture of Rainbow Dash. Luna shooked her head and stared in disbelief.

"Luna, what's wrong?" Celestia asked again.

"Rainbow Dash's... Rainbow Dash is hurt... She's awake right now, I can't communicate through the dreamscape, but I can feel her pain..." Luna finally answered. "It's in her side. A burning fire like no other rages in her body as she struggles to move..."

Everypony gasped behind the Princess. Twilight, however, had no reaction. She sat on her rump for a moment, waiting for something more.

"What else, Luna? Are the flames red because of this?" Celestia asked hurriedly.

"No... It's much worse than we imagined, sister... There's something wanting Dash. Something ready to take her away. A demon, of some sort. I can hear it whisper in the back of her mind, telling her to give up, telling her to accept her ultimate fate... She's barely fighting it, sister," Luna answered, her eyes cringing shut.

Twilight cringed at the thought of what might happened to Dash, along with the others, but remained to hear more information.

"What else can you tell us? Is she with anypony? Where is she?" Celestia pushed for answers, needing them urgently.

"Your suspicions were true, sister. Rainbow Dash is no longer in Equestria. She is on the planet Earth... And yes, she is with someone. Someone who is... Erg, I cannot push myself too much more, sister. She is not asleep and it makes this harder, I must stop..." Luna got off the throne the flames, the beam of white light and the many pictures disappearing.

She sighed heavily, looking over at Celestia. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't push myself. Perhaps tonight, I can. By then, she'll be asleep."

"It's fine, Luna... Twilight, may I speak to "

As Celestia turned around, she noticed Twilight was gone and no longer by her side. Looking to the other ponies, they all shrugged. She sighed and nodded. "Luna, take everypony to the mess hall and get them something to eat. I will go and find Twilight."

"Yes, sister," Luna agreed. "Come, everypony, let us eat."

Twilight sat outside her head parked on a railing on one of the castle's many balconies. In particular, the one to the old library she use to reside in. Tears had pooled on the railing and thoughts raced through her mind. Many of them being negative.

This is all my fault... I should've had Dash stay in my library... She would've been safe! Now look what I've done! She's hurt, there's some demon wanting to hurt her even more and she's most likely alone! Twilight sniffed, placing a hoof over her muzzle and lettering her tears soak into her coat.

I'm sorry, Dash... I really am... Please, please, please, come home! I didn't mean to have you go to some other world and end up getting hurt! I should've pushed you harder to get you to stay in my library... Not let you fly off and get stuck in a storm... I'm so sorry, Rainbow Dash...

Twilight let out another sniff, more tears building up in her foreleg's fur. A lump in her throat had built up for the past three minutes she had been holding off the urge to bawl her eyes and scream to the skies. As she continued to cry, her ears perked up at the some of hoofsteps.

She didn't move, but only felt a gentle hoof being placed on her shoulder. "Y-yes, Princess?" She forced out of her mouth.

"Twilight... I want you to know that Luna and I will do everything we can to ensure Rainbow Dash's safety. We know how much of a friend she is to you and I promise you, she will return home. It may not be right away, but, we cannot let this bad news stop us from keeping her going," Celestia spoke softly.

"B-but there's nothing we can d-do!" Twilight stuttered, sniffing heavily as the lump in her throat continued to build up. "A-all we can do is sit and w-watch as she feels more pain!"

"Twilight, enough! Set those thoughts aside, this is not the end of Rainbow Dash's world, and it will not be the end of yours," Celestia turned Twilight around, looking her in the eyes which were littered with tears and glossed with sadness. "Think optimistically about this, Twilight. You acted as fast as you could and now we are able to communicate with Rainbow Dash because of it. We'll be able to keep her going, Twilight."

"I... I-I just feel as if this is all my fault..." Twilight couldn't hold it anymore.

She let the lump in her throat burst and let out a groaning cry. Her hooves wrapped around Celestia's neck and she pushed her face into her chest. Celestia gently wrapped her foreleg around the small unicorn, gently brushing her mane.

"This is not your fault, Twilight. This was fate's idea of trying to disrupt harmony and your friendship. Do not let it be the end of your world. You're a strong mare and so is Rainbow Dash. Keep fighting, Twilight," Celestia encouraged, letting the mare continue to cry.

"Keep fighting," Celestia whispered softly into her ear, keeping Twilight close to her as a mother would a child. "Keep fighting..."


“Yeah? Who is it?” The voice of Roy bounced through the gate’s staticy intercom.

“Aeron,” Aeron stated.

“Ah, fuck, one sec,” the static faded and the doors to Tenpenny towers screeched open, Roy standing there to greet them.

“Why the gate greeting? Something up?” Aeron asked as Jericho and Dash stood by his side.

“Some fuckers decided it’d be a good idea to place a threat notice on our gates addressed to me and your new friend,” Roy explained.

Dash tilted her head at Roy. “What? What’d I do?

“You existed, that’s what,” Roy laughed. “Kidding, though, I don’t know why, but they want that pony’s head. God knows how they found out about her.”

“May I see the note?” Aeron asked.

“Sure,” Roy slipped his ghoulish hand into one of his pockets, retrieving a yellow-tinged piece of paper and handing it to Aeron.

Aeron took it and gazed it over quickly, giving a small read.

Dear Roy Phillips,

It’s probably best if you keep all your doors closed and security increased for the next two weeks. I’ve got word that the Talon Company mercs and the Regulators are searching for some mutated pony thing and your buddy, Aeron. I’ve been watching their movements out by the Junkyard and they seem to be heading to Tenpenny. I understand why they might want Aeron, but why they may want some mutated pony thing is beyond me. They’ve never been ones to contract for killing random creatures. They’re usually contracted for securing locations and buildings. I doubt they’d give less than two shits about a Yao Guai.

But, I highly suggest to watch out. God fucking knows what they’re bringing out there. I’ll send word to a few buddies to help fortify the place. I heard they got their hands on a new Fatman, too.



“Odd...” Aeron handed the note back to Roy, quickly tapping his chin afterward. “Why would the Talon Company and Regulator bounty hunters bother to search for Rainbow Dash?”

“I have no fucking clue, but I suggest you high tail it out of here so I have a reason to tell them to scram,” Roy said blatantly.

“We will. We just need to do a few things and we’ll leave until this blows over,” Aeron agreed as he walked past Roy and to Tenpenny’s doors.

“I’ll give you guys until tomorrow to pack your shit and hop out of here. Junkyard is quite a trip, so I imagine they’ll be here by tomorrow afternoon,” Roy advised Aeron as he began to walk through the doors.

“Alright, Dash, come with me. We’re going to have Doc Clyde properly tend to that wound. Last thing you need is an infection,” Aeron said as he walked to the left of the lobby’s main desk and to a back room.

Rainbow Dash and Jericho followed. The hallway was small and narrow but at the end a sign read “Medical Center.” Aeron opened the door, letting Dash in through first. She was greeted by a pink and slightly wrinkled-skinned man sitting at a desk, reading over something. His head was void of any hair and many of his veins were visible through his skin.

Is he even a ghoul...? He doesn

“Hello there, you must be that pony everyone is talking about,” he said in a very gentle and raspy tone, setting his papers down. “I am Doctor Phillip Clyde. Pleasure to meet you.”

“Uh... I’m Rainbow Dash,” Rainbow raised a brow at him.

Clyde sighed. “Yes I am a ghoul. The effects just... Took longer to kick in on me when I was exposed to radiation. So, I’m experience stage three effects loss of skin density.”

“Oh, okay... Uhm, sorry, I didn’t mean to offend or anythi

“It is okay. Many people ask me that question and I answer it politely," Clyde smiled. "So, what can I help you with?"

"She needs her wound properly treated," Aeron answered. "I fixed her up with rusty tools and improper procedures somewhere else just to keep her alive. I'm worried she'll get an infection."

"Ah, medical malpractice. Fun stuff," Clyde joked. "No problem, I can look at it and see what she will all need."

Clyde walked past his desk and into a small operating room. He patted the bed for Dash to lay on and she immediately did so, taking off the sweater Aeron gave to her. Clyde sat down in a chair and looked at the patched wound near her ribs.

"Where were you when this happened? Also, how did you end up having a patch job like this? It looks like you did this in ten minutes," Clyde said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Dunwich building. Ghouls were coming at us like a horror film and we just didn't have time to be accurate," Aeron answered.

"Dun " Clyde stopped and slowly turned his head to Aeron, giving him a cold stare. "What were you doing there?"

"We were looking for a book. A special book that apparently has the power to transport things from differen "

"The Krivbeknih..." Clyde sighed, putting his fingers to his temple.

"... You know of it?" Aeron asked.

"Know of it? I dealt with the damn thing before a nuclear blast went off and turned me into this," Clyde growled. "What are you trying to do with the book? Summon up demons? Bringing it back to Blackhall? What?"

"We're trying to use it to send Rainbow Dash home. She doesn't belong here, Clyde," Aeron explained through Clyde's hostility. "Do you know something about it that we don't?"

"Yeah... Yeah, I do. It's a very long story and I don't think leaving Rainbow Dash patched up like this is the best idea. Come back in an hour and she will be fine. Then, I will speak of Dunwich," Clyde gestured for Aeron and Jericho to leave.

Aeron pulled Jericho away from the small operating space and office and back out into the hallway. Aeron tapped his chin furiously.

If Clyde knows about the book Krivbeknih then maybe there's hope to get Dash home. Whatever his story may provide will help us in the long run... Or so I hope... Aeron thought as he tapped his foot on the ground.

"Somethin' on your mind, kid?" Jericho asked as he leaned against the wall.

"Yeah... Yeah, quite a bit," Aeron replied, letting silence succumb them for the next hour.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait. Was deliberating things a lot. Next chapter is exposition heavy. Be prepared.

PS: If I mentioned a date during the timeline of Aeron's universe, point it out to me so I can correct it. I can't be asked to sift through the previous chapters to check if I stated when this is all happening or not.


Also, I went back and added a small piece to show that Jericho picked up their weapons and stuff.

PSS: If you haven't figured it out by now, *** represent "HR" lines--large scene transitions for me--and HR lines represent quick scene transitions.