• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 5,342 Views, 500 Comments

Thanatos' Creed - Shadowflash

Rainbow Dash ends up in a pretty bad storm. Turns out that the storm sent her to a place of insanity, desperation, and a man named Aeron.

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Dunwich Horror - Part I

Chapter 5

Infamous Dunwich

Edited by:
Narlepoax III


Rainbow Dash awoke from yet another nightmare. It was less persistent than the previous, and it held her in a state of shock when she awoke. Her heart was racing, her breath was heavy, and sweat was pouring down her forehead. Looking around, she could see Jericho reading a burned book, and Aeron working on her rifle again. She sighed, hopping off of the bed and heading for the balcony door.

"Hey, uhm... Going to get some fresh... well, going to get some air," Aeron looked over at Dash and nodded.

"That's fine, just be careful," He then went back to work on the rifle.

Dash opened the door and closed it behind her as she walked out onto the balcony. The pegasus looked over the same grim landscape with an unmotivated expression. She knew Aeron was going to bring her out to the Wasteland and that she would have to kill something.

I know I can't avoid it; just going to have to deal with it. But nopony is going to stop me from flying. Dash leaped off to the skies, a stream of color left behind from her mane and tail.

Flying swiftly through the air, she had a much better view of the area, and could even see a few landmarks. A large crater sat to the northeast, a massive city towards the east, and many factories to the west. Knowing this would be the only time to relax, however, she started to dart among the clouds. Trails of rainbows followed her and left a distinct pattern in the sky for anyone below to see.

Below, raiders were converging and pointing to the sky at the rainbow blur.

"The fuck is that thing?" one asked, pointing to the sky.

"Dunno. Shoot it and find out," another commanded, aiming to the sky and firing his weapon.

Feels good to fly with everything going on... Dash closed her eyes as the wind rushed through her mane.

Still... can’t help but wonder what Twilight and them are doing... Uhg, I gotta stop letting it worry me. Aeron said he can get me home... Dash sighed, opening her eyes again and coming to a stop on a nearby cloud.

Gosh, Aeron... I don’t get him. That story he told... it made no sense. Why would he blow up an entire town, rather than teach Moriarty a lesson? The pegasus groaned at the thought and brushed a hoof through her mane.

He’s taking me somewhere. Celestia knows where it could be. I just worry that I need to kill something, She put a hoof to her mouth, gagging lightly.

Even the thought of killing just makes me want to vomit... I hope I don’t need to kill anything... The pegasus launched herself off of the cloud, spiraling through the air.

The wind furiously attacked her face, but it only relaxed her. The exhilarating flight was enough to calm her down and ease her worries.

At least, until Dash heard the crack of bullets. Her eyes looked down to see the bright yellow flashes coming from below and aimed at her, tracers streaking near her. Flying off as fast as she could, the pegasus started to make swift movements up and down in hopes this would throw whatever was shooting at her off.

Thankfully, the firing stopped and Dash made her way back to Tenpenny Tower's balcony. Aeron was waiting for her, and he didn't look too happy, either. Landing, she gave him a sly smile, only for him to grimace at her.

"Do you realize how fucking stupid that was? Both Jericho and I have told you how much of a target you'd be if you started flying everywhere! You're a goddamned blue dot on a white canvas out there, you idiot!" Aeron's voice was louder than normal, and it was quite clear to Dash that he wasn't happy.

"I told you I was getting fresh air! You didn't care!" Dash retorted.

"Didn't you just hear what I said? Jericho and I have warned you before! Even then, I thought you were just going to stand outside like a normal person!" Aeron had his fists clenched in anger and a few veins across his forehead were bulging.

"Well, I'm not a person now am I? I'm a pegasus who enjoys flying, and I'm not going to let that be taken away from me!"

Aeron shook his head. "Fine. You want to get shot? Go for it. I told you we'd get you home, but you clearly don't understand how dangerous it is for you out here,” opening the door to the suite, he looked over his shoulder. "If you would like to actually live, I suggest you come back inside and start gearing up. Jericho and I are heading out to where we might be able to get you home."

He slammed the door behind him and left Dash speechless. Normally, Dash would get the chance to respond more than that, but Aeron made his point quite clear once more: stay with him, she lives. Fly away, she dies. Faced with the same decision as before, she decided she'd just have to deal with it. The pegasus opened the door and didn't speak a word when Aeron looked at her. Instead, he walked over and passed her her rifle.

"C'mon Jericho, we're heading out," Aeron announced.

"Yeah, yeah. Let me get my gun," Jericho stood up and grabbed his shotgun from the workbench.

Aeron grabbed a backpack and his assault rifle, putting the backpack on his back and holding his gun. Looking to Dash and Jericho, they nodded to him to signify they were ready.

"Alright. Let's get downstairs and start trekking. Going to be a long trip," Aeron then led the group out the door with not another word spoken.

After taking the elevator and heading into the main lobby, Aeron started to check over things on a device attached to his arm. They stood in silence, until Jericho noticed a small problem: Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, kid, wont having her following us be a problem? She’s... y'know. Bright and sparkly," Jericho whispered into Aeron’s ear.

"That's quite valid... Forgot about that..." "Especially when I gave her shit for flying..." Aeron noted quietly.

"What're we gonna do? Just cover her in some cloth, or something?" Jericho looked down at Rainbow Dash, who was tapping her hoof on the granite floors and looking around the room.

"I think that's a good idea. Until we can get her some armour. Rainbow Dash," Rainbow looked up at Aeron. "Mind coming with me to the clothing shop so I can get you something dark to wear?"

The pegasus nodded her head and followed him without a word. Aeron walked to the Urban Apparel store to their immediate left. It was quite small, but human mannequins wearing different assortments of clothing stood all around. A counter and a cash register hid the store owner, a ghoul wearing a pink dress. She immediately stood up and greeted them.

"Heya Aeron. How's it hanging?" The ghoul shook Aeron's hand.

"Quite well, Bessie. Need something from you. Do you have anything dark to conceal my friend here?" Aeron's hand moved and gestured to Dash.

"Hrm. Never seen anything like her before. But, I might have something. Give me a second," 'Bessie' made her way behind the counter and started fiddling with what sounded like a lock.

Aeron and Rainbow Dash stood in silence whilst they wait for her to grab the clothing. Many things loomed in the pony's mind as they prepared to greet the true nature of the Wasteland.

Wonder what it’s going to be like out there... I mean, I already saw some of it. Those 'raiders' trying to... Uhg... Dash shook off the thought, as her ears perked up a bit from a nearby sound.

Huh... Where’s that music coming from? Looking around, the pegasus spotted a small box that was labelled “Radio #403”. She trotted up to it and listened to the tune that was playing.

Cool. We don’t have this back in Equestria, Rainbow Dash looked over at Aeron.

“What’s this thing?” Her hoof pointed to the ‘radio’.

“It’s a radio. Plays music and broadcasts news by receiving radio waves from nearby towers. A lot more complex than that, but, it’s easier to explain,” Aeron removed his eyes from Dash, continuing to wait for Bessie.

Neat-o. The music isn’t bad, either. Kind of reminds me of some songs played back in Equestria, Dash’s stomach started to ache at the thought of home.

Mrmm... I still worry that Aeron won’t be able to get me back. I want to see my friends so bad... I don’t want to deal with this Wasteland, The pegasus sighed as Bessie popped up from behind the counter.

"Ah. Here we go," Bessie announced.

She stood up, holding a dusty sweater. It was black, and quite large. Large enough for most of Dash's body. The ghoul passed it to Aeron, who gave it to Dash.

"Put it on. Let's see how much it covers," Aeron commanded, and she obeyed.

After a minute of sliding her hooves into the sleeves and searching for the damn spot for her head the mare's body was mostly covered. Her back end was still exposed, but Aeron thought it would do.

"How much, Bessie?" Aeron prepared to pull out some sort of payment.

"Twenty caps sounds fair," Bessie awaited Aeron's payment which he delivered.

"Caps? As in bottle caps?" Rainbow looked up at Aeron.

"Yeah. Didn't I tell you this?" Aeron questioned.

"Oh... right. Forgot, sorry," She looked away and Aeron said his goodbyes to Bessie.

They made their way back to Jericho, who was smoking, and started to trek outside. Greeted by the sun and the green skies along with bad air the group proceeded out of the gates and into the Wastes.

Here we go... Rainbow Dash sighed softly to herself.


A new morning had dawned upon Ponyville, and Twilight was eager to start searching. She had gathered the others at Golden Oaks Library and explain the situation.

"It's not the first time she's been out of the picture, Twilight. Why fuss about it?" Applejack questioned.

"Because, it's been a whole day. Normally, I wouldn't mind either. But if she doesn't show up for her work or isn't anywhere near her regular spots, then she has to be missing. It's the only thing I can think of." Twilight was trotting around the room and floating certain maps and scrolls into her trademark saddlebags.

"Applejack, dear, I have to agree with Twilight. If our dear friend Rainbow is missing, it'd be best to look for her right away, correct?" Rarity offered to Applejack who nodded in agreement.

"That's true... Pinkie, Fluttershy, what's your input on all this?" The Earth pony's eyes moved to meet theirs.

"Well, I hope Dashie isn't missing... She's one of my best friends!" Pinkie pawed the library's floor anxiously.

"Me, either... Besides, it could pose a serious issue if we need her for something in Ponyville," Fluttershy looked over at Twilight.

"Exactly, Fluttershy. Not only is she our friend, she's another Element. Without all of them, we're just flowers in an open field for anypony to eat!" The lavender mare then levitated her saddlebags onto her back.

"Ready to begin searching?" Twilight smiled softly, and the others nodded.

Aeron, Jericho, and Rainbow Dash had made considerable progress through the Wastes. When they exited the tower, the group decided to take the route southward. Doing so rewarded Rainbow Dash a much closer view of the destroyed town nearby. Fires raged and many Wastrels were laying there, begging to die. Aeron only passed by them.

“Please... help me...” One of the Wastrels grabbed Rainbow Dash’s hoof, tugging on her. He was a complete mess, head to toe in grime and wearing rags for clothing. His hair appeared to be falling out, as well.

“I... uhm... How?” Dash looked down at him, his eyes filled with pain and suffering.

“Water... Purified water... Food... Anything... Ease the pain... Please,” The man kissed Dash’s hoof, only for her to quickly pull away.

She looked over at Aeron, only to see him walking still, “Aeron! Aren’t we going to help them?”

Aeron looked back and raised a brow. He sighed and walked back over to Dash kneeling down next to her.

“They need water and food, Aeron. Can’t we give them some?” The wastrel stared at the black man with pleading eyes. Aeron only smiled.

“Dash, helping them would be a sin. They’d expect to receive more food and water, thus, they’d die trying to get even more,” The man grabbed Aeron’s hand, gripping it weakly.

“We can’t leave them here to die, though! Please, Aeron, we have to help them!” Aeron only shook his head at her.

“The only way I can help them is by killing them, free them of their torment and suffering. I only have food for us three. Would you like to starve, Rainbow Dash?” Dash looked to the wastrel and then furrowed her brow at Aeron.

“I’d rather starve than watch you ignore him! They need our help!” Aeron only sighed.

“Don’t you get it, Dash?” Aeron gripped the wastrel’s neck, causing the scruffy man to cough. “This thing right here isn’t able to survive in the Wastes. He isn’t worth saving.”

He let the man go, withdrawing his pistol. “I can just end his life. That’s all I have to offer.”

“No... Please... I just want food and water. Just a sip or two... Please...!” The man was crying as Aeron put the gun to his head.

“Aeron, please, don’t do that! Just give him some food! Anything but kill him! He didn’t do anything to you!” Dash pleaded to Aeron, begging for him to stop.

“I can’t do that, Rainbow Dash. It’s not beneficial if I have any of us starving,” Dash shook her head towards him.

“Well, let’s go to Tenpenny Tower and get food for him! C’mon, Aeron, this isn’t right! Ponies back where I come from don’t starve like this! We help each other!” The pegasus had tears rolling down her face as her hooves jabbed at Aeron’s metal armour.

“You live in a society of Law and Order. We do not,” Aeron fired his pistol into the wastrel’s head. The wastrel let go of Aeron’s hand and collapsed.

"How–How could you just do that?!” Dash yelled into Aeron’s ear. His reaction was to cover it.

“Dash... I couldn’t explain it to you right now. There’s a reason for everything I do, but, you can’t understand... Not until you’ve learned what being a citizen of the Wastes is like,” Aeron stood up and spoke no more.

I... I can’t believe it... Rainbow Dash looked over at the rest of the begging wastrels. All searching for salvation.

“C’mon, Dash,” Aeron called back to her.

I could just leave... Never deal with this... I could just hide from everything and not bother to fight, Dash sighed.

... I’ll give him one more chance... One more. Maybe what he did was right, somehow... She flew over to Aeron and Jericho, finally rejoining them.

The group traversed over the hilly area around them; finding, surprisingly, nothing too bad to deal with besides the environment itself. In the distance, Aeron pointed out the building they were heading for. The trio sped up into a jog until they met its hilly surroundings.

The building that met them wouldn't have been brought justice if someone had described it as severely dilapidated. Standing alone on the cobbled road, its dreary colours and tall, square frame seemed to both blend into, and stand out from its surroundings. Rainbow Dash was having a hard time searching for anything that looked to be in good condition, at least from the outside.

Parts of the walls had rusted away, while other sections had been blown off completely, and Dash was amazed that even one window was still intact, let alone at least a dozen of them. A part of her didn't want to go through the steel door at the center for fear of what was on the other side.

"This is the Dunwich Building. Quite infamous for killing off hundreds of people who dare enter. Let's head on in. We only have..." Aeron checked his device, "... six hours left."

They all held a fast pace as they walked across the cobbled parking lot and walked up to its door.

"Kid, you sure we should go in? What if we go all insane like some people did?" Jericho piped up.

Was thinking the same thing Rainbow Dash added to herself.

"Of course. Remember, I have an internal map on this thing," he tapped the Pip-Boy. "It shouldn't be a problem. Besides, we're armed. C'mon."

Aeron opened the door and walked in, followed by Dash and then Jericho. After entering the hallway they were in was lit dimly enough to see a skeleton laying upon the floor. Rainbow Dash cringed and looked away. Aeron leaned down to see it held tightly to an ammo box.

"Shit... That's fucked up, man. Guess the rumours are true," Jericho pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

"Hrm... " Aeron was examining the skeleton closely.

He had seen many of them around the wastes. The worst was Springvale where he found over twenty children's skeletons hanging or locked up in a jail cell. The difference between theirs and this one was that the children were all burnt, eaten by raiders, killed, most likely raped to death, and the meat from their bodies cut off. They were not torn to bits, like the one before him.

Something isn't right. There's claw and teeth marks on this skeleton... Aeron looked over at Jericho and then back to the carcass.

"It has claw and teeth marks on it. Either someone is a cannibal, or a feral got him. Either way, we'd better keep our guard up. Jericho, see if you can't find anything in that room over there. Going to open this box," Aeron suggested.

"Yeah, sure thing. C'mon, lady," Jericho and Dash walked to the room which held a dying Nuka-Cola machine and a few tables.

Immediately, Jericho found a holotape labelled, "Jaime's Journal #1". He grabbed it and tossed it over to Aeron, hitting his side.

"Found that," Jericho laughed.

Aeron shook his head as he attached a small wire from his device into the holotape. The holotape started to spin, emitting a recorded voice.

"Why the hell would he come all the way out here? Dad's been a little nuts for some time now, but not like this. Anyways, I made enough selling the meds Billy and I scrounged to have kept myself fed for weeks. Decided to join up with Talon Company and see some excitement. Well, this is excitement right here. Currently, we're in Dunwich, and delivering a package to a man living in the basement. Probably going to leave these around so people can follow the trail. Can never be too safe."

"Seems like we got a buddy of Talon in this building. Whoever this Jaime is, sounds like he's still here. Or dead," Aeron went back to fiddling with the box and it sprung open.

Inside revealed a frag grenade and mags to an assault rifle. He took them all and put the grenade in his pocket.

"Just some ammo. Only for me, though. Sorry Jericho," Jericho shrugged.

"Rainbow Dash, are you scared of the dark?" Aeron looked over at Rainbow.

She shook her head. "No. Why?"

"Just wondering. We're going to be in the dark here. I have a flashlight, but, if there's anything here it's best to stay hidden," he stated.

"Gotcha," she responded.

"Alright, so, we'll chill out for a few more minutes while I get some mapping data. Afterwards, we' "

Hisssssssss... Raaaagggggkk...

"Kid... What the fuck was that?" Jericho pulled his shotgun off his back and held it close to his body.

"Sounds... familiar... I swear, I heard it before... A ghoul, maybe...?" Aeron tapped his chin as he aimed the flashlight down the hallway near a collapsed doorway.

"Why would a ghoul make that noise? Aren't they peaceful?" the pegasus questioned.

"Feral ghouls." Aeron looked at her, but she didn't understand. "They're delusional versions of normal ghouls. Ones who basically lost all form of thought and comprehension. They attack whatever they see, and eat it."

"Whatever it is, let's fucking kill it. I don't want that shit haunting me when I go to sleep," Aeron's companion said with a shake to his voice.

"Well, why don't we just find out? No point in standing around in hopes of it coming," Dash stated. "Besides, you two said this place is just a normal building. Nothing bad here."

"Good point. Might as well just shoot the thing and be done with it," Aeron agreed with Dash. "C'mon, let's head up those stairs."

Aeron lead the group to the nearby stairwell, stepping over bits of decaying bones and rubble. They, slowly, went up the stairs, Aeron and Jericho crouching and leaning against the walls. Dash just slowly climbed up while they did so. Aeron looked at his Pip-Boy to check his mapping data. Displayed before him were three red dot signals coming from around the corner. Taking a quick peek, he noticed a ghoul sniffing the ground and clawing frantically at nothing.

I hope there's only three. I don't even want to deal with this many. Aeron thought as he looked back to Jericho.

"Jericho, do you have my suppressor?" he asked his companion in a hushed tone.

"Yeah..." Jericho searched the pockets on his armour and pulled out a black tube, handing it over to Aeron.

"What's that do?" Dash asked quietly.

"Keeps the weapon quiet... Going to kill these ghouls without alerting any others," Aeron pulled out a pistol from his belt and screwed the suppressor on.

Here goes nothing. Aeron eased himself around the corner, aiming for the ghoul's head and ready to fire.