• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 5,342 Views, 500 Comments

Thanatos' Creed - Shadowflash

Rainbow Dash ends up in a pretty bad storm. Turns out that the storm sent her to a place of insanity, desperation, and a man named Aeron.

  • ...

Not Going To Lose Another...

Chapter 9

Not Going To Lose Another...

Edited by:
Narlepoax III


Twilight flopped down onto her bed, letting out a loud groan. She was tired, she was worried, and above all else, she was confused. The newspaper Zecora gave her was a massive mystery, and it barely lead them to any further clues. It still didn’t help that Zecora only gave a cryptic answer to her question.

“What am I going to do...?” The unicorn sighed, rolling onto her back, and staring at the ceiling of her room.

I need to send a letter to Celestia soon, if we can’t find her... Twilight thought as she levitated the newspaper in front of her face.

What does this even mean? Dash could be anywhere, and my only clue is this? She sighed and set the paper down. I can’t give up, I know Rainbow Dash can’t be missing. Maybe it’s all a big prank... But if it was, then where’d this paper come from... ?

Twilight sat up and groaned loudly with frustration. So many questions that I can’t get answers for!

“Hey, Twilight, you okay in there?” the voice of Spike bounced through the door. “I know you’re having a bad time and all, but I found something interesting while cleaning the library today.”

Twilight sighed and looked over at the door. I need to relax... The day is almost over, and we still have one more to go.


“Y-yeah! I’m fine! One second!” Twilight rolled off the bed, and trotted quickly to the door, opening it to see the dragon holding a large, pristine, light blue book.

“This is what you found? A book? That’s not very amazing...” Twilight said.

“Yeah, I know, but read its title,” Spike mumbled as Twilight levitated the book from his hands.

Twilight looked at the title, which read The American and Chinese War - The Stars and Stripes of Communism - Edgar Rosalov. Twilight’s mouth was agape now.

“It’s not in the directory for books. It was out of place entirely,” Spike said with confusion. “So, do you know what it is?”

“Y-yeah... I know what it is, Spike! This might help me find out where Rainbow Dash is!” Twilight picked up the baby dragon, hugging him tightly.

“R-really?” Spike struggled in Twilight’s grasp.

“Yes! Thank you, Spike. Feel free to take tomorrow off, I don’t mind,” Twilight was smiling, slowly flipping the book open and reading its contents.

“Wow, thanks!” Spike gleefully ran off as Twilight walked back into her room, closing her door.

“America Versus China: The Sino-American War,” Twilight read aloud the first sentence in the book, slowly scanning through its contents.

This may be connected to the newspaper in a way. I really need to study this to find out. Let’s just hope Rainbow Dash is alright, wherever she is... Twilight sighed softly as she began to focus on the large book’s contents.


“Fucking dammit, Dash, stay with me!” Aeron yelled and shook Dash to keep her awake. He was running towards a metal door labeled “exit”.

“I... I’m...” Dash groaned, her eyes slowly closing.

“Stay awake, Dash, don’t let it knock you out!” He yelled at her again. Jericho ran ahead of Aeron and opened the door for him.

They found themselves in a large and brightly lit utility room filled with circuit breakers, exposed sewage pipe entrances and generators. Along with a metal staircase leading up to an overhanging metal-grated balcony.

“Jericho, we need a stimpak or something to keep her awake. Check my armour’s pockets,” Aeron said frantically.

Jericho nodded and quickly patted all of the pouches on Aeron’s armour. Many of them were empty or filled with casings of his assault rifle. “You don’t have anything, kid.”

“Fuck, there has to be a first aid box. Dash, are you still awake?” Aeron looked at Dash who only let off a quiet groan.

“Y-yeah... Mrmmm...” The mare groaned in pain while answering Aeron’s question.

“Dammit... Jericho, do you see any medical kits around here?” Aeron was looking around and Jericho soon joined in.

Jericho quickly spotted one and ran over to it and Aeron followed suit. He opened it up and it only revealed a bottle of irradiated water and buffout. “Fuck, nothing.”

“Shit, we need to find one. C’mon, let’s get upstairs.” Aeron ran up the staircase with impeccable speed, constantly shaking the pegasus awake. Don’t you dare fall unconscious, Dash.

When they reached the top of the stairs, they found a utility hallway similar to something you’d find lining the sides of a metro tunnel and made their way into it. Aeron and Jericho were greeted by more stairs and they both ran as fast as they could, only stopping to check a closet which contained nothing but a massive assortment of empty, rusted barrels... Along with a duffle bag loaded with their weapons. Jericho nabbed the weapons quickly, pulling out his “trusty” shotgun, leaving Aeron’s assault rifle and Dash's small sniper strapped to his back.

“Hey, kid, check your map, maybe it picked up some data, or something,” Jericho suggested as they reached the top of the stairs.

“Good idea, here, hold her,” Aeron gently passed Dash off to Jericho and quickly turned on his Pip-Boy’s map generator.

It revealed a small array that was mapped out, which included the caves they had been in and highlighted hallways they were dragged into. There were many more utility closets, small offices and a few lit up hallways that appeared on his map. However, the Pip-Boy had labelled one of the rooms as “Medical Offices,” which was on the other side of the building from their current position.

“There is a medical area that we can get her to. It’s far away; we still need something to keep her awake, but if we get her there we can perform surgery,” Aeron stated to Jericho.

It took us about three hours to get to Dunwich, if my senses are right, Aeron thought, frantically, So going back to Tenpenny while carrying Dash means another three hour walk; two and a half if we hurry. There’s no way she’d make a trip that long, with a bullet hole in her.

“Alright, lead the way kid. I got her,” Jericho responded as Aeron ran up the continuing stairs, Jericho following suit once more.

The two had opened another door leading to one of the office areas the Pip-Boy had mapped out. The office was littered with rubble, destroyed computers and desks, along with the occasional burnt skeletal remains. The office was also quite small, but still traversable for the duo.

Aeron quickly spotted another medical kit and ran to it. Quickly, he opened it and inside was more water, Rad-Away which he took and Med-X.

“Good news is that there is Med-X and Rad-Away in here, bad news is, no stimpak,” Aeron told Jericho as he held up the Med-X needle. “This will keep her awake long enough, assuming we don’t run into trouble.”

“I thought Med-X was just a pain killer?” Jericho asked.

“It also contains similar properties to adrenaline, although not as strong. It’ll do for now, until I get her under the operating light to remove that bullet,” Aeron explained simply.

“Dash?” Aeron gently nudged Dash who groaned once more.

“I’m going to give you something that’ll dull a bit of the pain and keep you awake. Do you understand?” Aeron asked the mare, who took a few seconds to give a nod in response.

Aeron slowly looked at the needle’s contents squeezing some of it out for safety reasons before feeling around Dash’s neck for her jugular. Although Aeron had some knowledge of horse anatomy from pre-war books, he still had no clue where it may lie.

Relying on his index and middle finger to feel the pulse of her heart, he found one of them resting just next to her esophagus. Gently, he pressed the needle into the newly found jugular and squeezed slowly. Once all the contents of the needle were expelled, he pulled the needle out and tossed it on the ground.

“Alright, it should hit her in a minute or two. Let’s get going before it’s too late,” Aeron began to hop over some of the piles of rubble as he made his way to the opened hallway just outside the office.


“Alright, girls, it’s been two days so far,” Twilight announced to the other mares, and Spike, as she walked down the stairs of the library.

“Where else is there to search, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked meekly. “I don’t want to give up hope, but we’ve searched everywhere.”

“Not everywhere,” Twilight smiled softly as she levitated the book Spike gave her last night, as well as the newspaper article she received from Zecora.

“A book and that newspaper article? I doubt she is in there, darling,” Rarity joked dryly.

“I know, but Zecora said Rainbow Dash wasn’t exactly here anymore. She’s somewhere else. Our only clues are the newspaper and this book Spike found in the library last night,” Twilight gave Spike a mild smile before returning to the conversation. “I’ve been reading through it and it speaks about some war between a country called China and one called America.”

“An’ who are they, exactly?” Applejack asked while fixing her stetson.

“It’s not so important about who they are, but where they are,” Twilight opened the book with her magic, flipping through its contents until it stopped on a page with a large map. “This map isn’t one of Equestria. It’s of another place entirely.”

“And this is a good thing because...?” Rarity rolled a hoof for Twilight to continue.

“Last night, Zecora told us that Rainbow Dash is dealing with ‘forces of hate.’ If these ‘forces’ somehow captured Dash and hid her away, and the only clues that have popped up are a book, and a newspaper. Both speaking of places we don’t even know about. Doesn’t it put a thought into your head that she might not even be in Equestria anymore?” Twilight explained quickly.

Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack all pondered this for a second before all nodding in agreement.

“Well, if she’s not here anymore, that’s not good news!” Pinkie Pie frowned.

“It’s good and bad news, Pinkie. The good news is that we know where she could be. The bad news is that we don’t know how to get there...”

Everypony in the room looked at the ground in a fit of disappointment. All but Spike. He was still processing this information and thinking up some way he could help...

There has to be a way to reach Rainbow Dash and bring her back... Spike thought, scratching his scaly chin. I mean, the Princesses have a lot more power than ponies give credit for. Maybe they’ll be able to reach Dash with no effort at all? But, I can’t be certain... It’s worth a shot.

“Why don’t you send a letter to the Princesses? I mean, they might be able to reach Dash no problem, right?” Spike offered to the group of mopey ponies.

“Yeah, Twi, didn’t ya’ll say you were gonna do that?” Applejack asked.

Twilight nodded. “Yes, I was. I don’t know if they’ll know a lot about this, but we have no other choice. Spike, will you take a letter for me?”

“Anything!” Spike quickly ran off to grab the writing materials.

“What exactly are we going to ask, though?” Fluttershy looked at Twilight with curiosity.

“I’ll tell them our situation, what has happened, what we have found, and ask if they can help in any way,” Twilight answered softly. “It’s the only option we have left. Who knows what Dash is going through right now... I just hope she’s safe.”


“Fuck sakes, these ghouls don’t let up!” Jericho yelled as he fired another round from his shotgun.

“Just keep covering me while I get this fucking door open!” Aeron commanded as he fumbled around with the complex utility door.

Dash was pressed up against the wall next to the utility door. Her heart was racing quickly and her eyes were fully opened, watching the scene unfold before her. She was shot, she was in pain, and she wanted to go home.

“Dash, how are you doing?” Aeron asked quickly as a loud clink gave way from the door.

“I... I-I’m alright... It really hurts...” Dash forced the answer from her throat.

“I know it hurts, just hold in there for a few more minutes. I’ll have this stupid door open and I’ll make that pain go away. I promise,” Aeron encouraged the mare as another clink sounded off.

“P-promise?” the pegasus asked as Jericho yelled and fired off his shotgun again.

Aeron stopped what he was doing and looked directly at Dash. His piercing blue eyes were all she could see besides the small lights from his Pip-Boy and the light from Jericho’s shotgun.

“Dash, I promise you, I’ll get you in this room, fix you up, and get your ass home. I promise on my own life, you hear me?” Aeron told her sincerely. “I just need you to stay awake. Please.”

He really means it... “I... I understand... I’ll do my best,” Dash answered, a stab of pain shooting through her ribs for a moment, making her cringe before stopping.

“You shits can’t stop, can you?” Jericho bashed the butt of his shotgun against the fleshy skull of a ghoul.

Feeeeeeeeeeed...” the ghouls sang in unison, as they charged for Jericho.

“Kid, get that fucking door open NOW!” Jericho fired off more bursts of his shotgun as Aeron quickly did more work on opening the door.

Jericho fired more rounds into the darkness as the sound of the ferals hissing filled his ears. “Fuck this is getting on my nerves. It’s like we found the headquarters of the zombie fucking apocalypse here.”

Aeron continued his work on the door, frantically trying to work with its complex mechanism as ghouls poured in behind him. Another two successful clinks bounced into his ears as he neared opening the door.

Two more ghouls came at Jericho, one taking him down to the ground and another rushing for Dash. The pegasus’ eyes went wide as the ghoul reared back its clawed hands, ready to strike.

Jericho pushed the ghoul off of him, firing off another round and eliminating it. He looked around for the other one and saw it aiming to strike Dash. Jericho quickly raised his shotgun and fired a large hole appeared in its back as bits of its torso flew everywhere.

“Kid, I swear to fucking God if that door isn’


The utility door’s dial-like knob spun wildly and the door’s clamp let go. The door swiftly slid into the ground, opening up finally.

“It’s open! Get the fuck in!” Aeron picked Dash up as fast as he could and carried her inside.
Jericho shot off more rounds before running into the newly opened door. As Jericho made his way in, Aeron attempted to close the door the door's gears screeched to a halt while sparks began to fly towards the two. The door had jammed.

"Aw, God dammit!" Jericho yelled.

"God dammit! This is seriously not the time for this!" Aeron frustratingly said as he began to back away from the door.

"Fleeeeesh..." The echos of ghouls came through the jammed door and soon so did their bodies as they began to climb over its half-closed state.

"Shit! Jericho, you deal with this shit while I fix Dash up!" Aeron then ran into the room just behind him.

"Fuck sakes, kid, you better hurry!" Jericho began firing off rounds into the ghouls, holding them off as best as he could.

Aeron rushed into the small medical clinic, placing Dash on the large operating table. Okay, I need lights in order to see... Pip-Boy won't help... C'mon... His eyes wandered the room before they gazed up at the ceiling and spotted the operating lights. Quickly, he felt around its circular shape for its switch and turned it on. Its ancient bulbs sparked to life, only giving a dusty and very weak light upon Dash.

"Fuck, that'll have to do. Okay, I need some shit... Books, gotta be a book around here..." Aeron turned away from the operating table and looked behind him.

He spotted a small array of cabinets and rushed for them, pushing old tanks and monitors out of the way. Aeron busted each cabinet open, and quickly threw their contents out onto the floor. Aeron's heart raced as each cabinet began to give no sign for a medical book.

"C'mon, there has to be something in here! I don't have all day!" Aeron shouted as he pushed a bag of garbage to the side.

His eyes then locked onto a small set of books. He immediately pulled all of them out and set them on the counter the cabinets created. Aeron's eyes quickly gazed over each book's title, throwing away the ones that were too burned and the ones that were irrelevant to him. His eyes then fell upon the D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine.

"Thank Christ!" Aeron quickly flipped the book open, looking through its table of contents to find what he needed to save Dash.

"Disease treatment, radiation treatment, HIV treatment, cancer treatment... Where the fuck is the God damned bullet wound treatment?" Aeron frustratingly yelled. He looked back at Dash and saw that she was still moving, her body twitching ever so slightly.

"Fuck, c'mon, find it!" He continued to frantically search through the table of contents of the book. "Oh, fuck, I'm on the fucking wrong section of contents!"

Aeron raced to find the right section and soon found it. "Fuck, there it is! Treating internal damage from external objects, page eight-forty-seven."

Aeron's fingers shook violently as he began attempting to turn the pages. His entire body was shaking for the need to save Dash's life and for the fact that a pile of ghouls were attacking Jericho not too far away. Aeron finally stopped the book on the correct page and he gave a small sigh of relief.

"Okay, I need fucking tools..." Aeron began to look around again, "Didn't find anything in the bottom cabinets... Let's try the top."

His hands ripped open the upper-cabinets doors, and he quickly began pulling junk and other miscellaneous gear onto the floor. A vein began to appear on Aeron’s forehead as more frustration built up in him.

"This isn't the fucking time for nothing to appear! C'mon, give me a fucking chance here!" Aeron yelled to himself as he opened up another cabinet.

To his avail, a medical kit fell out and landed on the floor. He quickly fell to the floor and opened the kit, revealing a small assortment of rusted medical tools.

"Okay, this'll work. Rusty, but fuck it," Aeron picked up the box and set it on the table. He quickly looked back at the book, to see what tools he'll need to finish the operation.

"Scalpel first... Makes sense, alright, scalpel... Scalpel..." Aeron's hand slowly and nervously sifted through the rusty tools until they gripped the scalpel.

He immediately turned around and rushed for Dash, ripping off the shirt that was tightly wrapped around her torso. Aeron looked at Dash for a moment. Fuck, she ain't going to last long if I keep sitting here like a fucking moron. C'mon, brain, just do what you need to do!

Aeron brought the blade to the small open and bloody wound. The blade quivered violently as his right hand agreed with his fast heart, and the blade slowly slipped from his grip from the sweat now coating it.

"C'mon, this isn't the time to lose it! I'm trying to save someone's life, you piece of shit!" Aeron yelled at his hand, grabbed the blade with his left instead.

He took in a few deep breaths, attempting to calm his fast heart. Although it was to no avail, Aeron decided to give himself the illusion that it was and brought the blade to Dash's wound once more. He began to make an incision ju

"FUCK!" Jericho reared back and fired his shotgun as two ghouls dove at his body.

The pellets from the blast directly hit the operating light, causing its many bulbs to shatter.

Aeron jumped back from the explosion of the shattering lights, crashing into the counter behind him and falling into the pile of useless junk.

"Holy fuck! That got into my Goddamn eyes!" Aeron yelled. as his eyes slammed shut and tears streamed down the side of his face.

The ghouls that attacked Jericho began to crawl over to Aeron to finish him in his weakened state. Jericho, however, recovered much faster than the ghouls anticipated if they could anticipate anything at all and quickly bashed in the skulls of the vermin immediately.

"Fucking Christ, kid," Jericho breathed heavily.

"Are you mad, Jericho?" Aeron yelled.

"Well, shit, sorry! Not my fault that those two caught me off guard!" Jericho retorted.

"Well, now I can't fucking see! How the hell am I suppose to save Dash now?" Aeron asked, attempting to stand up, only to collapse in the heaps of garbage and useless junk on the floor.

"I don't know! How about we just leave the bitch and save our own asses? It's not like she's that important anyway!" Jericho answered honestly.

"No, Jericho! I told her I'd get her home alive, not in a fucking body bag!" Aeron slowly attempted to open his eyes, finding that his left eye was the least effected. "You're going to have to operate on her, Jericho, I can't do it with one eye, this job needs two."

"What? Are you kidding me? I don't know shit about this stuff!" Jericho admitted.

"Well, I guess it's your day to learn, Jericho!" Aeron blinked his left eye multiple times, trying to clear it of its blurriness.

"Dammit, kid, I'm running low on ammo and I don't expect you to be able to fight off all those ghouls! Why don’t we just leave her?" Jericho asked violently.

"I can deal with the ghouls, you need deal with Dash!" Aeron replied hurriedly.

"And how are you going to deal with them with one eye?" Jericho retorted again.

"I'll think up a way, okay? Deal with Dash! There's a book on the counter and tools in that medical kit, along with a dying pegasus on the Goddamn fucking table! Alright?" Aeron pushed past Jericho, handing him the scalpel, and began stumbling into the hallway, looking for a means to stop the ghouls.

"Ah, fuck me!" Jericho set down his shotgun and rushed over to the book, looking at the page that Aeron was on previously.

"Dealing with Communism bullet treatment. Two hundred years later and we still gotta treat everybody like communists,” Jericho announced to himself.

"Jericho, stop screwing around!" Aeron yelled from the small hallway.

"Fuck me. Alright... Let's see... A lot of big words here, that I don't know... What the shit is a ap... Appent Dicks? I don't want that on my junk..." Jericho sifted through the pages contents, to find that he couldn't read over half of the words.

"Fuck! The kid is counting on me, and I can't read half of this shit! C'mon, brain, help me out here!" Jericho's eyes squinted at the text as the page began to end. He turned it to find many diagrams on the next page.

The diagrams showed different areas on the body that were common for a bullet to enter. It also displayed where one should make an incision on these areas, what tools to use and how to close the wound. Jericho sighed. As he looked over at Dash he grabbed the book and rushed to her side, looking at the wound.

"Ugh. Man, I've been shot at before, but that's gross. At least she ain't bleedin' rainbows." Jericho raised the scalpel to her wound, looking down at the book as to where to make the incision.

"Alright... Pretty sure this looks go " Jericho's thoughts were stopped by a loud crash. He quickly stood up and looked out at the hallway.

Aeron had begun to rip filing cabinets from their respective walls and causing them to collapse. Jericho only shook his head.

"That ain't gonna hold!" Jericho yelled.

"Work faster and stop eyeing me, then!" Aeron roared back, continuing to rip filing cabinets down.

Jericho returned to Dash. He knelt back down and brought the scalpel back to her wound. His hands shook gently with nervousness, but he began to make the incision. Immediately, Dash groaned in pain as blood began to stain the surgical blade. Jericho decided to ignore this and slowly cut a big enough incision for him to work with.

Jericho's eyes darted back to the book. "What the fuck are forceps...?" Jericho asked himself.

"Hey, kid, what the hell are forceps?" He called out to Aeron.

"They're tweezer-like-grabby things!" Aeron answered.


"They look like scissors, only they're more blunt and they can grab shit! They're in the box!" Aeron answered again.

Jericho quickly stood up and rushed over to the box. His hand moved through the bundle of tools, throwing things he thought were useless out onto the counter. His eyes spotted the scissor-like-tweezer-things that Aeron described vaguely and he quickly grabbed them, rushing back over to Dash.

"Alright... Shove these in hole, retrieve small bullet shit, throw away. Seems easy enough," Jericho told himself as he began to eye the wound, attempting to see in its dark and bloody cavity.

"C'mon, where the fuck are you?" He asked no one in particular, attempting to spot the small bullet that had entered Dash.

"Kid, I can’t fucking see!" Jericho yelled over to Aeron.

Aeron was now in the small hallway, attempting to pull the nearby filing cabinets down. Their base was bolted into the ground, but Aeron tossed his body into it several times, weakening the rusty material until it came loose.

Thunk, thunk

The filing cabinet fell as the bolts removed themselves. Aeron moved quickly out of the way as it crashed violently into the opposing wall, making a perfect angled barrier between the door and the medical office.

“Fuck, this needs to hurry up...” Aeron told himself. “I really hope Jericho knows what he’s doing.”

Jericho didn’t receive a reply and shrugged, moving back to the box. “Maybe there’s a flashlight in here,” he said as his hand began rummaging through.

His hand soon found a small penlight. Jericho shrugged and attempted to turn it on, receiving a dim light in response.

"It'll work," Jericho returned to Dash, shining the dim light on the small hole, attempting to find the bullet once more.

The hopes that the bullet would gleam were shattered as everything inside the small wound was giving off a bright red appearance and the slight movements of the internals coming from Dash’s breathing. Jericho attempted to move the light closer so more of the cavity was lit up. To his avail, he spotted the small, rusted, bullet not too far past the incision he made.

"Finally. Alright, scissor things, let's do this," He grabbed the rusty pair of forceps, slowly sliding them into the cavity.

Since Jericho had no idea what he was doing, he realized he wouldn't know whether he had the bullet or not. So, he began to slowly clamp down and pull out, in hopes the bullet would pull out with the forceps. The first time had no luck, the second and third tries yielded similar results. The fourth made Dash groan in pain, he assumed he grabbed something he shouldn't have. The fifth was another failure. He pushed a bit deeper and clamped down again. As he pulled out, the bullet came with.

"There you are, you bitch! Alright, what next?" Jericho tossed the forceps and bullet behind him and returned to the book.

"Okay, a surg... Surgical needle and... Sut... Satire...? No... Suit turn? What? That can't be right... !" Jericho forced his eyes to scan the word, trying to think of a proper way to say the world.

"Sir-gih-cahl sue-chur... Surgical suture. What the hell is that?" Jericho poked out to the hallway to see Aeron stumbling back into the room.

"Kid, what's surgical suture?" He asked.

"It's metallic thread that's used to stitch wounds closed. Again, it’s in the box, on a reel. Y'know, cylindrical looking thing with a hole through it," Aeron continued to stumble into the room, cringing in pain. "I need water for these eyes."

Jericho ignored Aeron and went back looking for the needle and thread. He found both quite easily, as the thread was already knotted onto the needle. He moved back over to Dash and looked at the diagram on how to sew the wound back up.

"Insert in here..." He spoke to himself as he pushed the needle through Dash's tough hide, slowly making his way across the wound, making a line of "X's" in her fur. As he began to thread through her skin, the wound slowly closed and Jericho attempted to knot the end of the thread so it wouldn't open the wound again.

"Alright, she's fixed, kid, what next?" Jericho stood up to see Aeron splashing irradiated water into his eyes.

"We need a stimpak to wake her ass up. Help me fin "

"Deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaath!" The sound of ghouls quickly interrupted Aeron and caused him to whip open the rest of the cabinets in search for a stimpak.

"Quick! Before they break the filing cabinets!" Aeron shouted as he began to pull more junk from the cabinets above.

The ghouls had started to beat upon the filing cabinets, thrusting their bodies into them and wearing down the already deteriorating metal. Their claw-like fingers dug deep into the weak metal, and began to rip it to shreds, sending metal shards flying in the hallway.

Meanwhile, Aeron and Jericho found two more medical kits, opening them in search for a stimpak. They removed more useless junk, throwing things like water bottles and tubing on the already junk infested clinic floor, until Jericho stumbled upon a lone stimpak in the bottom of his medical kit.

"Got one!" Jericho pulled it out.

"Quick, here!" Aeron held out his hand and Jericho handed over the stimpak.

In a hurry, Aeron rushed over to Dash, placing his hand on her chest to feel around for her heartbeat. Having difficulty feeling it with his nervous and sweaty hands, he placed his head on her chest, listening with his ear. Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum, her heartbeat arose and Aeron placed a finger on the area where his ear was.

"Jericho, my hands are too sweaty. You have to inject her," Aeron handed the stimpak back.

"What?" Jericho asked, confused.

"Just do it!" Aeron commanded.

Jericho took the stimpak and held it in his right hand. "Alright, tell me what to do!"

"Hold it like you would if you were to stab a knife," Aeron clenched his fist and began to make a stabbing motion towards where his finger was pointing. "Then stab and inject! Quick! The ghouls are coming!"

"Feeeeeeeeeeed," the ghouls sang in unison.

Jericho looked at where Aeron's finger was pointing. He gently brought the needle down to where it was and Aeron moved his finger. Jerichio reared back the stimpak and quickly stabbed it into Dash's breastplate, the contents of the stimpak quickly injecting themselves into her heart.

Dash's eyes went wide and she quickly started gasping for air. The ghouls began stampeding over the rest of the barriers and Aeron took no time to hesitate, picking Dash up and quickly running out of the room. Jericho ran over to his shotgun, picking it up and firing off some bursts towards the ghouls, soon following Aeron.

The duo ran down a back hallway from where the clinic was. At the end of the hallway was another utility door and Aeron ran as fast as he could to it. He and Jericho made it to the door, Jericho quickly spinning the dial-like knob and opening the door. The duo ran inside and immediately closed the door, Jericho shooting the knob off on the alternate side in an attempt to either break or jam the door.


The ghouls behind the door were very faint with their noises, and it brought a sense of relief to both Jericho and Aeron.

"We just narrowly escaped catastrophe, and quickly fixed up a magical pegasus pony. Didn't think we'd do that anytime soon, did ya kid?" Jericho laughed softly, attempting to catch his breath.

"No... Not one bit. C'mon, let's keep going and see if we can find a place to rest..." Aeron spoke softly, turning around and continuing to walk down the hallway.

No way in hell am I losing another one. I promised you, Dash, and this is a promise I’ll keep, Aeron sighed as he continued to carry Dash.

Author's Note:

It's here! Sorry about the long wait. Exams and shit on my mind, worked on another fiction (which is still going) and I had to prep up for Summer! Expect more updates frequently! I'll try to deliver as quick as possible!

Please, keep in mine that I had to edit the final scene twice. By edit, I mean re-write. I want you all to appreciate that because... Well, it took a really long time to get it right. So, yeah.

Also, I went through this with the mistake of forgetting to say where Aeron and Jericho found their weapons. I tossed it in (you'll see it) randomly in hopes to get rid of that notion. Sorry if it's out of place.

Also, chapter two of Thanatos' Creed!: