• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 5,342 Views, 500 Comments

Thanatos' Creed - Shadowflash

Rainbow Dash ends up in a pretty bad storm. Turns out that the storm sent her to a place of insanity, desperation, and a man named Aeron.

  • ...

Jaime's Tribulations I

Chapter 6

Jaime’s Tribulations I

Edited by:
Narlepoax III


“Ahg... Fuck, my back... My ass... My everything... ” Jaime finally woke up from his recent blackout.

“What the hell happ ” Jaime looked upwards to see a large hole above him. Squinting, he could see the body of his dead friend, Jarogniew.

“Ah, shit... Right... ” Slowly pushing his body up, the joints in his back cracking to signify his strain, Jaime decided to look around the room he was in.

It was dark, that was one thing made clear right away. Allowing his eyes adjust to the darkness squinting and focusing on one area for a few seconds repeatedly he found the outline of his flashlight.

Jaime grabbed the flashlight and turned it on. He allowed the ray of light fly across the darkness to reveal that he was actually in a cave. It was pretty normal to see dugout caves like this, but this one felt... eerie. Especially when his eyes focused on a large, black object standing upright at the end of the cave.

“What in God’s name...?” Jaime started to walk closer to the object. As he neared it, he could see it had stone carvings of people and vines wrapping around it. Arms reached out from its mass to the air, as if it was trying to find help.

“What the hell is this...?” he asked himself.

“It is the holy Ug-Qualtoth, my child,” a heavy, masculine voice answered.

Jaime jumped and reared around, looking for the source of the voice. It only laughed in return for his futile efforts.

“Where the hell are you?!” Jaime yelled. He reached for his pistol only to realize it was gone.

“Your weapons won’t harm me, even if you had them. As for where I am, why don’t you stare back at the holy Ug-Qualtoth.” The voice laughed again as Jaime slowly turned back to the pillar.

“T-this thing is you?” Jaime stuttered.

“Indeed, my child. I am the holy Ug-Qualtoth,” The voice chuckled silently, “and I know something is now bothering you.”

“Yeah. I’m either losing my mind or this is actually fucking real,” Jaime grunted as he looked away from the pillar.

“This is more real than you know, Jaime.” Jaime faced Ug-Qualtoth again, staring at it in surprise.


“I am more than just a simple holy altar, Jaime. I am a benevolent and omniscient being. I see everything that happens in this world. I have been keeping a watching eye on you, especially.” The voice’s tone started to lower, but not enough for Jaime to be concerned.

“What do you want with me, then? I’m just a simple Talon delivery boy. I didn’t mean to stir up any ancient grounds, if that’s what this is.” Jaime backed away a few feet, only to feel something grip his arms.

Turning his head, he saw the face of a disfigured ghoul. Its eyes were glowing white and its face was nearly mangled to the point of non-recognition. Jaime froze in fear and only stared back at the pillar.

“I want you, Jaime. I need a prophet. I need offerings. I am weak without them. I will grant you immortality, power, absolution, and anything else you want. All I ask is for your loyalty. Anything you need, I will service,” the voice offered politely. Jaime’s eyes wandered along the sides of the altar, staring at the arms that appeared to be moving.

“What about... these ghouls? They killed my squad and they’ll kill me if I stay here.” The ghoul that was holding Jaime hissed in his ear, which made him cringe in response.

“These ghouls are my protectors and servants. I will make sure that you, and only you, will be recognized as a member of their ranks. The offer is quite good, if I may say so myself.” The voice chuckled softly again and Jaime nodded.

“Yeah... That offer is good... But... ” Jaime brought his free hand to his chin, and began stroking a non-existent beard.

“But...?” The voice asked.

“But... What if I choose not to accept?” Jaime bit his lip as he asked this question.

“Well... I am sure my friend there will enjoy turning your body into a mangled corpse. This is not an option, Jaime. You accept my offer or you die. The choice is yours, my child.”

Jaime started to chuckle nervously, turning his head to look at the ghoul, and then turning his head back to face the pillar.

What about my father? The main purpose of this was to follow him... Jaime’s eyes focused on the pillar as his thoughts flooded with images of his dad.

The book must’ve lead him to this. That damn book... Maybe I can get answers out of this guy if I say yes...

“The holy Ug-Qualtoth is waiting, Jaime...” The voice spoke with annoyance.

“I’m just... Let me think, okay? I’ve had a lot of my mind with my father running out here. I’m mostly here for him, not for this.” Jaime sighed

“Your father, hm?” Jaime nodded to the question.

“Yeah... Did... You perhaps see him?” Jaime raised a brow.

“I have indeed seen him. He has passed through here for a good hour or two. Sadly, his fate was quite... Unfortunate.” Jaime stopped breathing when the voice offered this news.

Hesitant to ask, he forced the question through his lips. “Wh... What happened to him? What’d you do?!”

Jaime tried to pull away from the ghoul, but it only hissed and tightened its grip.

“I have done nothing to your father. He had declined the offer and met his fate. I suggest you take it if you would prefer not to die.” The voice sadistically spoke.

“I...” Jaime went back to raking through his thoughts.

I’m in a bind, now. This guy ... This fucking asshole killed my father for declining this offer! What the hell am I going to do...? Jaime brushed a hand through his hair.

I... My father is dead, my friends are dead and I’m being held captive by a voice that wants to kill me if I don’t take its offer. I really have nothing left but to accept this shit... Fuck, I really wish I didn’t take that job and never chased my dad... Jaime sighed heavily and looked at the pillar once more.

“I... I accept.” Jaime announced quietly.

“Good...” The voice started to laugh as Jaime accepted the offer.

As it laughed, it combined with several other laughs and soon sounded like the whole of a demonic being. Jaime started to shake slightly out of fear as the voice to spoke with several others, in a very low tone.

“Welcome to the nightmare, Jaime.” His eyes widened as the pillar in front of him expanded into a large, black mass.

The black mass started to emit tentacles and screams of agony and anguish, which then dove for Jaime’s body. They encased his entire body as he yelled in pain. Each tentacle dove into Jaime’s mouth, nostrils, and ears, as the tentacles squeezed his body. Jaime’s thoughts were littered with dread and confusion as all this was happening.

Serve the Lord.

Become the Lord.

Die as the Lord.

Alhazred, you will serve. Alhazred, you will die. Alhazred, you will find.

Kill. Die. Kill. Die. Kill. Die. Kill. Die. Kill. Die.

Eleven, nine, twelve, twelve... Four, nine, five... Eleven, nine, twelve, twelve... Four, nine, five...

These thoughts will continue, Jaime. Accept them. One of us... One of us...

One of us. One of us. Ug-Qualtoth is returned. You will kill all who defy Alhazred.

These... thoughts... Stop them... The pain....! Jaime finally let off a thought of his own in the midst of all that was happening.

This continued for several minutes. Thought after thought. Tentacle after tentacle. Both had entered his body until the mass was no more and the ghoul next to him had vanished. Jaime collapsed to the ground, writhing in pain, as he began to vomit a sickly, dark red liquid.

“What...?” Jaime stopped speaking as his voice had become scratchy and littered with phlegm.

“What did you do to me?!” he croaked, looking at the pillar for answers.

“You are the Lord’s servant, now. You will die serving. Let’s hope you don’t lose your mind like the others...” The voice’s spoke as if coming from Jaime himself.

After taking it all in, Jaime’s vision faded, and everything around him became darkness once more.

One of us... One of us... Are you one of us...?

Author's Note:

Re-editing chapters before this, as well. Formatting will change. Apparently, EqD may want this story.