• Published 6th Feb 2012
  • 1,812 Views, 74 Comments

Portal 42 - Paradox

short description ftl

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Chapter 13


Why is it that Tyler always puts the pressure on me?

"Well we should probably tell Twilight what we came here to tell her," I said.

"Tell me what?" Asked said unicorn.

"We saw two ponies in black armor in the Everfree," Tyler said. "They're planning some sort of attack or something. They said it should be ready in a couple days."

"An attack? Are you sure?"

"Well I highly doubt they are planning a tea party."

"What kind of armor did you say they were wearing?" Twilight asked, wearing an expression that made me think that she was trying hard to remember something.

"Pink," Tyler said, earning him a smack in the head from my hoof. "Okay, jeez. They were wearing black armor." I could tell from the look that spread across Twilight's face that it wasn't good news.

"Let me guess," I said with an irritated tone. "They work for Arcane Darkness." The look she gave me told me I hit the nail on the head. "Fuck..."

"Wait a minute," Peter said. "Who's Arcane Darkness? I've never heard of him."

"Well actually he's not supposed to exist," I replied. "I created him for a fanfic along with other characters like Storm Shadow."

"Storm Shadow? As in the Storm Shadow who's dating Rainbow Dash?" he asked, a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"Pretty much."

"Damn it. I was supposed to be the one dating Rainbow Dash!"

"Well you don't always get what you want," Matthew said.

"Can we get back to the situation at hand?" Tyler asked. "We're getting way off topic." (Wait a second... He's actually taking things seriously... THAT TYLER IS A SPY!)

"Yeah, you can bitch about Rainbow Dash later, Peter." In response, Peter crossed his arms and frowned.

"Now what were you saying Chris?"

"I was going to say that we need to tell Storm Shadow, since he's really the only one who's actually fought Arcane."

"Then lets go tell him then!" Tyler said, heading towards the door. Shrugging, I followed him outside.

"He'll either be on guard duty or sitting on a cloud somewhere with Rainbow Dash," I said, looking around.

"He's over there," Tyler said, pointing toward Sweet Apple Acres. I glared at him before walking that way.

"You need something?" he asked when he noticed us approaching.

"Yeah, we think Arcane may be planning another attack."

"And what makes you think that?" He wore a more determined expression now, which wasn't surprising to me considering I created him.

"We saw a couple of his guards in the Everfree. They were talking about preparations for something. They said it should be ready in a couple days." Storm Shadow tapped his hoof against his chin, presumably thinking about what to do.

"Thanks for the info," he said after a few moments. "I'll notify the captain. We'll make sure Arcane doesn't do any damage." He looked around with a puzzled expression.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Didn't you have another pony with you?" ... Fuck. I looked around, but couldn't spot any sign of Tyler. Mentally cursing him, I ran back to Twilight's house, where I found a rather... unpleasant surprise. I barged through the door, and the first thing I saw was Dawn Whistle sitting on the couch, but she wasn't alone. Zephyr was sitting with her, and they were making out. With my eye twitching from thinking how wrong that was, I went to the other room to find Peter and Matthew playing cards.

"Where's Tyler?" I asked.

"He left about five minutes ago," Peter answered. "Said something about the Everfree Forest." With another round of mental cursing, I ran back outside, not even thinking about why Pandora was nowhere to be seen. Turning toward the forest, I saw a blue and white tail disappear into the trees.

Fuck, now I have to save Pandora too, I thought, running after her.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, but I really couldn't think of anything to continue what I had, so I got rid of it and came up with something new.