• Published 6th Feb 2012
  • 1,812 Views, 74 Comments

Portal 42 - Paradox

short description ftl

  • ...

Chapter 16


Okay, so before I get started, I want to say one thing. Zephy? Is that some kind of pet name or something, because that's what it sounds like to me. I had to stop myself from laughing when I heard Dawn Whistle say that. I mean, seriously, Zephy?? So back to the story, I had fallen asleep before Pandora got next to me, so I didn't expect to wake up with her mane in my face. After falling off the couch in surprise, I rubbed the back of my head and wondered how the fuck I didn't wake her up. I was about to go into the kitchen in search of leftover waffles when I noticed something missing. Looking around, I zeroed in on the space Chris was sleeping in, and it was empty. Another thing was missing was Dawn Whistle, but she didn't stay that way for long.

"You looking for Paradox?" she asked, poking her head out from the kitchen.

"Yeah, do you know where he is?" I replied.

"I think Vinyl came and got him."

"And just how does she know we're staying here?"

"I may have told her last night while I was drunk." Her cheeks were flushed and her ears were lowered, though I didn't pay much attention because I was laughing on the inside.

"Do you know where they went?"

"Nope, I didn't really pay attention." I'm not surprised... Suddenly, my stomach decided to remind me what I woke up for by growling at me.

"Are there any waffles left, or did you eat all of them?"

"There's still a couple left, I only took one." Finally some good news. Without wasting any time, I went in and grabbed my waffles and ate them before anyone else could wake up, which didn't take very long. I was just putting my plate in the sink when I heard a yawn coming from the living room.

"Morning sunshine!" I called with a smirk.

"What time is it?" Pandora asked in response.

"It's half past I don't care."

"Ha ha, very funny." She yawned again and headed upstairs (I think she went to go comb her mane or something, but I don't really care). Meanwhile, I decided to go looking for Chris, mainly since I didn't really have anything better to do (it was either that or go mess with Lyra again). Pushing open the door, I was not surprised whatsoever to see Final Hour (maybe a little).

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to talk to Skamper for a little," she replied, and for once she didn't have that damn smirk on her face. I just shrugged and let her get past me before heading towards the bar where we met Vinyl (I couldn't really think of any other place she would go). When I got in, there was music blasting just like last time, but no DJ at the turn table. The missing DJ was instead sitting at a table with Chris, who was actually smiling and having fun. I could see he had the same drink he had when we came here (SISSY). Then I saw Vinyl lean towards him, and his smile vanished (What, you afraid of kissing a pony or something?). I decided to help him out, and used my fourth wall breaking powers to turn invisible. Moving up behind him, I gave him a shove, pushing him straight into her. The look on his face turned from discomfort to shock, and I made sure he spotted me before it wore off (He gave me a very big glare). Vinyl didn't notice, she was too busy kissing him (I was tempted to snatch her shades). Eventually, Chris loosened up and went with the program. Deciding my work was done, I put on my headphones and started my music. I pushed my way outside, and smacked heads with Lyra (Note to self. WATCH WHERE THE FUCK I'M GOING).

"Ow," I said, rubbing my forehead. "Sorry about that."

"No, it's my fault," she replied. "I wasn't paying attention."

"Thinking about humans again?" Her face turned red.

"Yes, I can't help it. I know they're out there, I just need to find one."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get lucky someday." She smiled and headed into the bar, while I laughed on the inside like an asshole (I really need to stop that...). After telling my inner self to shut the fuck up, I headed towards Sugarcube Corner for a bite to eat (Thankfully there was no Pinkie Pie there, otherwise I would've been there much longer than ten minutes.). With cupcakes and muffins in hand (errr hoof), I made my way back to Twilight's place, almost getting tackled by my favorite character on the way there, though I quickly solved that by giving Derpy all the muffins that I had (I love her eyes, they're so cute!). I opened the door to see nothing out of the ordinary, Peter was chatting with Final Hour and Dawn Whistle was napping (Not a very big surprise). Pandora was reading a book, and glanced up at me as I entered. I returned the look with a smile and she started to blush (HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG). Since I was pretty bored, I decided to just go in the kitchen and eat my cupcakes, completely ignoring the fact that Final Hour and Peter were holding hooves (well, maybe not completely).