• Published 6th Feb 2012
  • 1,812 Views, 74 Comments

Portal 42 - Paradox

short description ftl

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Chapter 18


So, I'm kicking ass and Chris is standing there like a drooling idiot (just kidding). I had just finished making two of Arcane's guards punch each other into submission (wasn't really hard, I just had to act like a fly and get in front of them and move at the right time.) when Arcane appeared with a high and mighty look on his face (someone took their pills today!). Being the smart guy that I am, I teleported up and smacked him right across the face. When he turned to face me, I was already behind him. He kept turning, and I kept sidestepping to stay behind him. Some of the guards were actually watching us and laughing.

"What are you laughing at!?" Arcane snapped at one of them. The guard only pointed while he tried to stifle his laughter. Arcane spun around to face me, while I kept a manic grin on my face and stared him directly in the eye. While he was distracted, I could see Chris flying above the fight and heading for us. Arcane was about to follow my gaze, but I slapped him again.

"You insolent fool!" he almost shouted, rubbing his cheek with a hoof. "I'll roast you where you stand!"

"Have fun with that," I replied, sidestepping as Chris tackled Arcane to the ground and knocked him out with a punch to the forehead.

"That was too easy," Chris said, rubbing his chin. No sooner had he said that, 'Arcane' started to change colors. Pretty soon, there was a unicorn guard laying unconscious on the ground.

"Very intuitive, aren't you Mr. Paradox?" said a familiar voice. I turned to see the real Arcane standing behind us, an unconscious Pandora held between two guards beside him. Now normally, I don't get angry very easily. But after seeing how bruised up Pandora was, I had pure murder on my mind. I was ready to turn Arcane's head a full 360 if I had to. Before I could, Chris grabbed me and pulled me closer.

"You teleport and get Pandora out of there, I'll distract Arcane," he whispered, glaring at me to make sure I got the message. Immediately after he let go, I did just as I was told. When Pandora was safely in Twilight's house, I went back outside to see Chris dodging fireballs with a bad limp in his left leg and most of the feathers on his left wing gone. Running over to him like an idiot, I mistakenly jumped right in front of a fireball. But instead of getting incinerated on the spot, I was hit by a smoldering corpse, which I recognized as Chris when it began to talk (he wasn't really badly burned for some reason... Equestrian physics, Y U NO NORMAL).

"Do you ever listen?" he coughed.

"You know I don't, and you never know when to quit," I replied, grinding my teeth from how angry I was.

"Well, have fun with the rest of your life here," he said, his voice getting weaker, reminding me that when we die we go back to Earth (It also made sense that way how he didn't really care.). However, my thoughts were interrupted when the previously burned corpse sitting next to me got up and ran away without so much as a scratch. My only thought as I was given my own fireball was 'Dafuq?'

Dying didn't really hurt that much, and you know I'm lying. I burned to death for crying out loud, and I have no idea how Chris wasn't screaming before he died, because I know I did. Once that was over though, I was greeted by the familiar black abyss that led me to Equestria. Only this time I was going in reverse, and ended up collapsed on the floor in Chris's house for some reason.

"Looks like he got you too," Chris said, drinking some root beer while he played Battlefield 3.

"Yeah, and how the fuck were you not screaming?" I asked.

"Oh, I used the same ability I used when I accidentally created our 'sisters.'"

"Okay, then how come Paradox got right back up?"

"Same thing, I made sure that Paradox and Nightwish would become their own ponies and live their own lives. And before you ask, I also imagined Arcane being pushed back to the castle in the Everfree, so everything should be alright."

"Sounds good," I paused for a second, getting a mischievous grin on my face. "When can we do it again?" Chris groaned and facepalmed in annoyance.

Author's Note: If you're thinking of complaining, think of how I'm in college and I'm lazy.

Comments ( 2 )

-le complain-
not enough Peter and Matthew, dickhead.

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