• Published 6th Feb 2012
  • 1,812 Views, 74 Comments

Portal 42 - Paradox

short description ftl

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Chapter 15


So we almost got killed, but luckily Final Hour is still a stalker bitch, and saved our asses at the last second. Not to mention the fact that she saved me from a lot of explaining to Pandora (Why the hell did she follow Tyler in the first place). I would've yelled at Tyler had I not been too tired to even consider it. The only thing I wanted to do was go back to Twilight's place and take a well deserved nap, which I would probably never get to enjoy. Speaking of Twilight's place, we reached it within minutes (which wasn't surprising since we were flying pretty fast). Final Hour had used magic to get rid of her horn, mainly so she wouldn't freak out Pandora (What would you be thinking if you met a third alicorn?). and decided to go inside with us. When I opened the door, the house was surprisingly quiet, at least until Peter poked his head around the corner.

"Hey you guys!" he said, munching on what looked like a waffle (Mother fucker, I want some waffles too!). "Where you been?"

"Long story," I replied. "Where's Matthew?"

"I think he went to the orchestra or something. Who's your friend?" I was about to answer, before she interrupted like the bitch she is.

"I'm Final Hour." She grinned, and I could've sworn Peter blushed. (She was back to a unicorn, so I'm assuming she froze us all and switched back.)

"Nice to meet ya. There are some waffles in the kitchen if you're hungry." Tyler immediately made a beeline for the kitchen, while Pandora and I took our time. Final Hour didn't follow us, she just looked around the place before making her way to the couch, and I could see Peter watching her out of the corner of my eye. I ignored it though, as I was focused on getting a waffle and taking a nap. Tyler had piled four waffles on his plate, and Pandora took two, which still left about ten waffles on the counter (Damn Peter how many did you make!?). After I grabbed one and poured a good bit of syrup on it, I fetched my notepad from my saddlebags so I could draw while I ate (I'm surprised I've never spilled or dropped anything on my notepad). While I ate, I couldn't help but look over at Final Hour, and for some reason I wasn't really surprised when I saw Peter sitting next to her, the two of them chatting idly. Tyler was already finishing his third waffle, and Pandora was barely through her first. All in all, it was pretty much a normal day (that is if you don't count the encounter with Arcane). I was just about to finish my waffle and take a nap when the door opened, revealing a much too happy Matthew.

"Did you get hit with a happy grenade or something?" Tyler asked.

"Nope, but I did get a date with Octavia," he replied, still grinning as he walked upstairs, completely ignoring the looks he was getting from everyone except Final Hour, who was laughing at us.

"You look like someone smacked you with a raw fish!" she gasped, pointing a hoof at Tyler, who really did look like that (Next to Derpy, Octavia is Tyler's favorite pony). Suddenly, something clicked in my mind. Dawn Whistle and Zephyr weren't here. I was about to ask where they were, but shut my mouth because I didn't really want to know. Twilight I learned was already asleep, apparently having been especially tired today (I don't blame her). Not long after I learned that, the door opened to reveal an obviously drunk Dawn Whistle (I think she might be worse than Tyler).

"Where have you been?" asked Tyler, though the poker face he was wearing was not very good. I could tell he was trying hard not to burst out laughing. I don't really blame him. Dawn Whistle had trouble standing up, and her eyes had a hard time focusing on us, well the eye that wasn't hidden by her mane anyway. When she finally did manage to focus on us, she grinned sheepishly and hiccuped a couple times.

"I was just *hic!* at the bar *hic!* with Zephy," she said. "Now if you'll *hic!* excuse me." She headed toward the second couch in the room, but only made it halfway before she collapsed and started snoring. Shaking my head, I got up and lifted her up onto the couch, (she was surprisingly light for some reason) where she curled into an adorable ball. Seeing her sleeping peacefully only made me more tired, so I went to the space I used the previous night. I was about to close my eyes when I saw Tyler curled up on the couch across from Dawn Whistle, though that wasn't what made me falter. The part that made me falter was that Pandora was sleeping soundly next to him. After my eye stopped twitching from how utterly wrong I thought that was, I reminded myself that Pandora and Dawn Whistle had completely different personalities, so they technically weren't Tyler and I in female form. Getting that through my head, I closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep. (Key word being tried.)

"What, no goodbye?" asked Final Hour, making me open my eyes again.

"I'll see you later, how's that?" I replied.

"That's better." She grinned and walked outside, closing the door behind her. That left me able to ignore Peter's new grin (which, come to think about it, I didn't really trust at all) and get some sleep.