• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 5,657 Views, 226 Comments

An Interdimensional Rainbow - Tom From Myspace

Rainbow Dash gets ported to our dimension. Oh, and she's a human now. And you need to help with this predicament.

  • ...

That Obligatory Intro

You sit against a tree with your forehooves behind your head. You watch the weather team at work and breathe in the fresh air as you listen to the faint sounds of “Rope” coming out of the headphones beside you. You can hear the grating guitar solo start, and glance over to your side. Jamming out to the Foo Fighters is a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane. It had to be one of the funniest things ever witnessed; a sky blue pegasus head banging to the Foos. The oversized sunglasses she wore just made it all the more hilarious.

Man, I wish I had a camera! This is gold!

As the song came to an end, Dash catches you staring with a smirk on your face. She takes off the headphones, and pushes up the sunglasses.

“What?” She asks.

“Nothing.” You reply, unable to hide your smile.

“Yeah, sure. What’s with that smirk?” She asks.

“What smirk?” You answer, earning you a hoof to the gut.

“Whatever.” Dash says, giving you the headphones. “I really liked the song.”

“Yeah, you looked like it.” You wheeze.

That gets a blush out of her, and she hoofs the iPod back to you. She looks so cute everytime she blushes, and it’s rather easy to notice.

Not that I think she is cute.

Oh, please.

Shut up brain. It’s just weird. I can’t like her like that... can I?


You realize you’re staring and turn away, feeling heat come to your face. Now it’s her turn to smirk.

“What’s on your mind?” She asks.

“N-Nothing.” You stammer.

“It’s me, isn’t it. My awesomeness is making you jealous.” She says, smiling smugly.

“Shut up Skittles.” You say, earning another punch.

“Oh, Sharpie.” She coos.

Why did I tell her that nickname?!

Yes, she called you Sharpie. You’d have never brought it up, but the name had stuck long ago. People had been calling you Sharpie ever since you had fallen victim to a horribly awkward prank. Basically, when a dozen Sharpie pens and a bucket of glue are involved, then the words “Bad Day” might as well be written on the bucket.

People. You begin thinking about your whole situation, and bring up your unanswered questions once more. How did I get here? Why am I a pony? How is that possible? And how am I talking?

You had been just an average human college student, doing average college...things, when the next thing you knew, you were in the land of Equestria. You still don’t know how, though it’s likely portals were involved. And you still don’t know why you were transformed into a pony either. You met Rainbow two months ago and became fast friends. You still have no idea why, either. She just seemed to like you after she got to know you a bit. You’d kept trying to explain you weren’t even a pony, but it’s doubtful she ever cared.

But the main thing on your mind, and which had been on your mind since you figured out what was going on, was getting back to earth where you belong. You put the iPod back in your saddlebag alongside a water bottle and some apples.

“Enough”, she laughs. “Lets get back to flying lessons.”

“Yeah, flying lessons. Do those come with a free punch too?” You ask sarcastically.

“Of course!” Exclaims Rainbow as she hovers off the ground.

You roll your eyes, and give a chuckle.You give your wings a sturdy flap, and fly up next to her. She smiles at you, and gives you a light punch on the shoulder. The two of you have a quick laugh, and then you resume your lessons.

“Today, I’m going to teach you some tricks.” Rainbow says, a smile on her face.

“Really? You think I’m ready for that?” You respond.

“Sure do. You totally learned fast enough to do some.” She answers.

“Alright. Teach away.” You say.

She nods, flying up to a nearby cloud. You follow her, somewhat awkwardly. She says you’ve excelled at flying, but you don’t see how.You were still barely able to fly steadily, let alone fast enough to do tricks. You think you hear a snicker coming from Dash as you land on a cloud.You look over to your teacher, and nod.

“Alright, let’s start. Watch me.” She says, taking off.


“Let’s start you off with something easy,” She says. “I call this one, number twelve.”

“Number twelve?!” You respond, bursting into laughter.

“Shut up. I’m bad at coming up with names, so I just number them ‘till I get an idea.” She snaps.

“Yeah, yeah. I get it. Are you going to show me or not?” You reply calmly.

“Of course.” She says, speeding off.

You watch intently as she zips about in the sky. She pulls off every twist, turn, loop, and dive without a hitch. She was breezing through it, and all you saw was a multi-color blur of loops and spins. She lands again, standing proudly on the cloud.

“Yes, thank you, thank you. No applause necessary.” She says, smiling smugly.

Once again, you’re dumbfounded and just sit there.

“Wait a sec, you just wanted to show off your new trick, didn’t you?” You ask, narrowing your eyes at her.

“Well...yes,” She replies. “There a problem with that?”

“Nope. Just making sure.” You say, smiling now.

“Tell me, on a scale of one to awesome, how good was that?” She asks.

“Point ‘oh’ one.” You answer.

She frowns and lowers her head, lips trembling.

“Dash, you know I didn’t mean that. It was incredible! My heart is still racing... and I don’t think I could pull it off.” You say.

She looks up, grinning. “Really? It was that awesome?”

You blink, then blush. “You...”

“Hehe, guilt trip. Always works.” She says, chuckling.

“No fair.” You say, still blushing.

“Who said anything about ‘Fair’?” She counters.

“Point taken.” You respond.

“But seriously, you wanna try some tricks?” She asks.

“Uh, no thanks Dash.” You answer.

“That’s cool,” She says. “You wanna hang out later?”

“You know it.” You respond.

“Cool. Just come on by...whenever.” She says, a bit dismissively.

“Sounds like a plan.” You reply.

She gives you a smile and takes off to her cloud house in the distance. You sit on your ass for a moment and get in a fight with your brain.

No. Nu. Nuh uh. Don’t even think about it, brain.

Think about what?


Hmmm... Nah. You’re attracted to RD. Heeeeheeee.

Shut it brain.

Nope. And stop arguing with yourself. It’s pretty weird. You know what you like. But take time to decide now, and take it slow if you do decide to start a relationship.

Yes, ‘mom’. I get it.

You remember what happened last time, right?


You sigh, and look over to Dash’s house in the distance.

Am I really?


But I...


But what about...

Man up already.

But she’s a pony, and I might be returning to earth soon. Speaking of which, I should probably check on Twilight’s progress.

You jump off the cloud holding your forehooves in front of you, as if you’re diving. You hold your wings to your sides and increase in speed dramatically. Soon, tears are running down your face as the wind stings your eyes, and that’s when you decide to end your fall. Wings flared out, you slow your descent and level off, now gliding your way over to the Library. You notice a eerie, bluish glow coming from all the windows of the library treehouse.

You land in front of the tree, and knock on the door. Twilight answers, and looks a bit surprised at first, but then a grin washes over her.

“Oh! You’re here. I was just about to go look for you.” She says.

“What? W-Why?” You ask, a bit surprised yourself.

“You know how I’ve been working on some spells Princess Celestia sent me after our visit?” She queries.

You nod, expecting the worst.

“Well, I’ve finally got a way to send you home!” She answers, with a smile.

Aaand, boom goes the dynamite.