• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 5,658 Views, 226 Comments

An Interdimensional Rainbow - Tom From Myspace

Rainbow Dash gets ported to our dimension. Oh, and she's a human now. And you need to help with this predicament.

  • ...

Stuff Happens Part 1

God dammit Mark. Why are you such an idiot.

Why did you hit my future prodige?

Fuck off, brain.

You grumble a bit as you wash your brother’s nose blood off your knuckles. He is a persistent one, that Mark. Perhaps a little too persistent for his own good. When a clothed Rainbow Dash returned to your room, he tried making a move on her. And as she became more and more uncomfortable, you planted a solid right hook across his face. He’s probably tattling on you right now like he always does.

You return to your room, and watch as Rainbow interacts with your fish. Your phone vibrates in your pocket. You pull it out, and see the number 867-5309 on the display. You smile and snicker a bit. That inside joke has been going on for six years now, and is still funny every time.

“Y’ello?” You answer.

“Before you say anything, it’s not Jenny.” The voice responds.

“Hi Ben.”

“Hi Sharpie.”

“I thought I told you never to call me that again.”

“Kill my fun why don’t you.”

“That’s my job. Look, I’m kinda busy right now. What do you need?”

“I need a jump.”

“Why don’t you finally get a new battery?”

“Because I don’t have any money. Just be a bro and give your old friends a jump.”

“You and Jen are stuck on the highway again, aren’t you.”


“You seriously owe me.”

“Anything. By the way we’re before exit 373.” He hangs up.

“What did you just do?” Dash asks, pointing to your phone.

“I just talked to one of my friends. This thing is called a telephone, or phone for short, and it allows people to talk over long distances.”

Her expression is blank, “What?”

You laugh, “I’ll show you later.”

“Okay....” She says, still sounding confused.

You grab your keys, and notice Rainbow looking at you. You think for a minute, and decide it might be best to take her along. Leaving her alone with your brother probably wouldn’t end well.

“Come on Dash. Let’s go.” You say.

“Go where?” She replies.

“We’ve gotta help out a couple of my friends.”

“Well, why does that involve me?”

“Do you want to be alone here with my little brother?”

She goes wide eyed, “No way!”

“Then let’s go.”

She gets up off her knees, and walks over. She stumbles slightly, but appears to have gotten the hang of walking on two legs. She smiles, appearing happy with herself. You smile in return, and help her out of your room and down some stairs. She slips off the third step, and you wind up carrying her down. Your mom intercepts you as you head to the door, Rainbow still in your arms because you... just don't want to put her down. Your brother has another smirk, which looks ridiculous with the paper towel stuffed in his nose.

“Why did you hit your brother?” You mother asks.

“Can we talk about this later?”

“Just answer the question, and you can go.”

“Because he wouldn’t leave Rainbow alone and wouldn’t leave my room no matter how many times I asked.” You explain.

“Well, according to him, you just walked up and punched him while he was talking to this girl.”

You sigh, “That’s a lie.”

“Well, how about we hear what the truth really is.” She looks at Rainbow, “Which one of them is telling the truth?”

Rainbow points to you, and your mother nods. She turns on your brother, and you get a very welcome sight. She starts chewing him out for tattling on his brother like a first grader. You just stand there and savor the moment. It was funny, watching that little punk shrink back like a turtle into its shell. You finally move on when Rainbow pokes your cheek a few times.

You put Rainbow back down, causing her to frown. You assume she was happier when she didn’t have to walk. She follows you outside, and stops as she stares at your car.

“What’s that?” She asks right away.

“My car. It’s like a cart, except it powers itself. Like that cider thing you told me about.” You answer.

“Really? I mean, it doesn’t look like that machine....”

“Really. It powers itself. I’ll explain more once we get going.”

She nods, and follows you over. You open the door for her, and she gets in with no problem. You watch as she studies the inside of the car and it’s cute how genuinely interested she is. She’s messing with the different knobs and buttons, trying to figure out what they do. You smile a bit, and get in yourself. You help her with her seatbelt and turn the key. The sound your car makes both surprise her and intrigue her further. You chuckle as she messes with the knobs and buttons again, expressing a childlike wonder as she learns what they all do. The car's shifted into first and slowly driven out of your driveway. You smile and look over at Rainbow, stopped in the street, and push in the gas and clutch, revving like mad and becoming the loudest thing for miles. Rainbow freaks and spastically looks around for the source of the sound. When her gaze reaches you, the clutch pedal slips from under your foot, causing a shit ton of squealing and smoke to billow from your tires. You accelerate like mad before stopping quickly, throwing Rainbow forwards. She didn't enjoy any of it, as you could probably infer from her screaming, but it all made you laugh very hard. You love your car.

"What-- just-- happened?"She wheezed.

“We went fast?”

“No shit, but why’s this thing so loud and smelly? and why was it flopping around everywhere?”

“I made it that way… (You and Ben like tuning up your cars to race occasionally) and I was trying to scare you.” you turned to her with a giant grin on your face, “It worked.”

You place “Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace” into the CD player, and crank the volume. Dash grins as “The Pretender” starts playing, and you chuckle. You just focus on driving and allow the music to fade into the background. Knowing those two, the album will be over by the time you get to them.

*****Meanwhile, in Equestria*****

The five mares still remaining in their homeworld stand before the portal, stunned. Rainbow Dash had just...bolted into the portal. She didn’t give any reason, nor did she give any warning. She just bowled over Spike, and followed the other pony through.

“Twilight, is there any way t’ git Rainbow back?” Applejack asks.

“I don’t know. I think it’s just a one way portal.” Twilight admits.

“So...you mean...” Rarity begins.

“She might be gone forever.” Twilight replies.

“Are ya sure it’s just one way?” Applejack inquires.

“I...I don’t know!” Twilight answers, seeming a bit scared.

“Um...maybe...we could...” Fluttershy whispers.

“Can’t you just use your magic to check, Twilight?” Pinkie asks, poking the purple unicorn’s horn.

“But...w-what if...umm”

“I don’t know how to check, though.” Twilight responds.

“Perhaps the spell the Princess sent you has more details.” Rarity tries.

“B-But wouldn’t it make sense to...umm...”

“I checked the spell ten times, Rarity. It doesn’t tell me anything.”

“Um, T-Twilight. I have an idea.”

“Huh? Did you say something Fluttershy?” Twilight asks, turning to her.

“Um...well...I have an idea.”

“What is it?”

“What if we...um...tied something to a rope, a-and tossed it through. And then we pulled the rope back to see if we can bring it back. I mean, if you think that might work.”

Twilight blinks, “Fluttershy, that’s perfect! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that sooner.”

Twilight grabs a Daring Doo book from a shelf nearby, along with some rope. Using her magic, she ties a very tight knot around the book.

"Everypony stand back," she commands.

As the others back up, she tosses the book with her magic into the portal. The rope snags, and sits there.

"Uhm... nothin's happenin'. Pull it back," applejack says after several seconds of silence.

She begins to pull the rope back, getting a tug as she does.

“It doesn’t wanna come back,” Twi said.

The mane 5 looked to the portal, which had a gray hoof sticking out and reaching around. They all started backing up, bug eyed.

“W-who’s hoof is that?” Twi sputtered.

The hoof reached around a bit more, when another hoof appeared. They both held the sides of the portal, and a face started to peek through. He was looking at the floor and around the portal, and then looked straight at the five. His eyes bugged, and he looked left to right, at all of their scared faces. This lasted for half a minute or so… all of them exchanging awkward glances. The face whispered, “blasphemy,” and then started to retreat back into the portal, along with his hooves. Twilight gives the rope a hard tug, and the hooves and head return. Their eyes meet, and they stare at one another.

How is another pony coming through the portal? Twilight wondered.

“Ok... this is fuckin’ beyond trippy. Who are - wait... What are you?” the face asks, looking from face to terrified face.

"We are ponies... If you don't know what we are, then what are you?" Twi asks.

"Human?" the face says. "That's it... this is too much for me." The face then proceeds to back up into the portal again, disappearing.

Unfortunately, Twilight was too interested to let him get away. She tugged and tugged on the rope, but couldn’t manage to pull him back.

Back in your room, Mark has tied the rope to your closet door knob. He began a process of looting your room, but the closet door kept slamming at random intervals. After about five minutes of this, Mark untied the rope and stuck his head back in the portal.

“WHAT!?!” he yelled.

“Well, hello to you too,” Twilight snipped. “I’ve been here pulling on this rope for forever!”

“You think I haven’t noticed? It has been nothing but slamming from this damn door!”

“Door? What door?” Twilight asked curiously.

“The door of my brother’s closet that I tied the rope to.” Mark replied.

Twilight stared blankly at the pony head from another dimension.

“You okay...whatever you are?” Mark asks, strangely uninterested in the fact that he was talking to a unicorn.

“Yes, I’m fine,” Twilight responded, “How are you?”

“Good. Are you one of those magic talking ponies my brother was rambling about earlier?” Mark responds.

“Um, I guess. My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“Sweet. Am I really seeing this other dimension? Or am I just really high right now?”


“Nothing. Can I take a look around?”

“Well...I guess there wouldn’t be any harm in it. But you have to promise you won’t leave the library.”


With that, Mark crawls into the portal, and immediately faceplants onto the floor.