• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 5,658 Views, 226 Comments

An Interdimensional Rainbow - Tom From Myspace

Rainbow Dash gets ported to our dimension. Oh, and she's a human now. And you need to help with this predicament.

  • ...

Going Home

“A way home?” You ask immediately.

“Yup! I can send you home tonight.” Twilight answers, still smiling.

“Uh, great, I guess.” You say.

“Is something wrong?” She inquires. “You seemed so eager to get back to your own dimension.”

Part of you is drawn to go, but the majority is saying you’d rather stay. Everypony here has only shown you kindness, and love, and care. It would be hard to leave them all behind so suddenly.

“Umm... no. Everything’s fine.” You force a smile.

“Alrighty then... Would you like to see the portal?”

Your curiosity peaks. “S-sure.”

“Follow me!” She sing-songs.

You follow her inside, and into the main room. On the wall you see a glowing blue oval that looked awfully familiar. Through the center was pitch black darkness. You stare at it.

“What’s wrong?” Twilight questions.

“I don’t know. The portal just seems familiar.”

“Oh. That’s... something.” She stares. “Well, I had worked on the spells, and finally came up with one that works! This portal should lead right back to your home world...hopefully.”

“Wait, what do you mean ‘Hopefully’?” You respond.

“I tried to place another portal in an area where your DNA was... most concentrated.” She states.

“How does that work?” You ask.

“Do you really want an explanation?” She counters.

“On second thought, forget I asked. But, how did you...get my DNA?” You answer.

“It should be the same here.” She says.

“What should be the same?” You shoot back.

“Your DNA. Your mane for example.” She responds calmly.

“Wait, why wouldn’t my DNA change?” You ask.

“Do you want me to explain this, too?” She counters, raising an eyebrow.

You shake your head. “When am I gonna be leaving?”

“Tonight if you’d like. I just have to finish up a couple things, and it should be ready to go. Be here around eight.”

Your head droops, and you turn to leave. “Thanks Twilight.”

She blinks in confusion as you exit the library, but brushes it off and returns to work.


You head to the center of town, and find a place to sit and think for a bit. You know how hard it can be to say goodbye, and ponder just leaving without doing it. But what would they think? What would AJ think? Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike. What would they all think? Worst of all, what would Rainbow think?

Knowing AJ, she’d probably be mad that you left without saying goodbye. Honesty is her thing, after all. You know Pinkie would probably be hurt. Hell, she’s friends with everybody. It’d be flat out rude to leave her without so much as a goodbye. Though you didn’t form much of a relationship with Fluttershy or Rarity, you still like them. Though saying goodbye wouldn’t be as imperative, the kind thing to do would be to tell them you were leaving soon at the least. Spike, though, is pretty much your bro. You know he’d be fine with a “See ya around, man.”

Rainbow though, she’s the one to worry about. Not because you think she’d cry or anything, no. She’d never let herself come off as “Sappy” in public. It’s more of the long term hurt you’d put on her for just abandoning her like that. So far, she’s been your best friend. She’s been awesome in every single way imaginable, too. No, the last thing you’d ever let yourself do is hurt Rainbow.

Speaking of Rainbow, you take a look at the clock tower. After checking the time, you get off your ass and head off in the general direction of her house. You’re still not sure of what to do, but try and ignore it for now. Maybe hanging with Rainbow will help get it off your mind.

You fly off towards the edge of town, waving to ponies below as you pass them. As you get closer to her home, you slow down and take in its beauty. Liquid rainbow flowing down and gentle wisps of rolled clouds make up the base, and the remainder is a house that looks rather elegant. To top it off, the whole place feels like a giant pillow! You land, and go to knock on the door, and notice a note stuck to it.

It reads “If it’s you Sharpie, you can just come on in. Anyone else: Go away. I’m busy.”

Busy with what? Napping?

As per the note’s instructions, you head inside. You hear things shuffling around in the next room, and decide to investigate. As you enter the room, you see a multi-colored blur whipping around. In the blink of an eye, whatever had been out has been put away, and Rainbow is now standing before you. You blink, a bit stunned by the speed and precision of her organization.

“So...what were you working on?” You ask.

“Working on...?” She stalls.

“Your note said you were busy with something.” You explain.

“Oh, that? That was just an excuse.” She says, waving a hoof.

“Excuse?” You reply, confused.

“Yeah, so I wouldn’t have to deal with anypony else right now.” She explains.

Eh, I guess that makes sense.

“Uh, alright then.” You respond.

An awkward silence begins to brew. The both of you begin looking around the room as you try and think of something to say.

“Wanna go fly for a bit?” You question.

“You never have to ask.” And with that, she’s already out of view.

Once outside, the two of you fly towards the Everfree Forest, land on some clouds, and begin talking about...things. There’s really no specific topic, it’s just a conversation. You’re both lying on a cloud, Rainbow resting her head on your chest, and just chatting away. Eventually, the conversation turns to you. While the two of you talk, your brain starts another debate.

Tell her.


Why not?


You know I can think for a reason, right?


If you DON’T tell her, then you’ll just hurt her more. Really, it’s better to tell these things to people.


Is that really important? If she were human, you’d be ALL OVER her. Who could give a flying fuck?

Brain, STFU. Like now.

Powering down.

Haha, very funny.

You notice Rainbow staring at you.You quickly realize you’d been staring into space for the better part of three minutes.


You sigh. Your brain is right. If she doesn’t know, she might not take that news as well later. Hell, you know what it’s like when people don’t say goodbye.You can’t imagine putting that kind of heartache on Rainbow. I mean, you know both of you are very close. Really, you can’t imagine putting it on any of the ponies you’ve befriended since you’ve been here. But you can’t imagine putting it on the cyan pegasus currently using you as a pillow.

“You okay Sharp?” She asks, sounding concerned.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” You lie.

“Is something on your mind?” She queries.

You sigh again, “Yes.”

“What?” She responds.

“Twi found a way to send me home.” You fake a smile.

She blinks, “Well, uh, when are you going?”

“Twi wants all of us at the library by eight.” You explain.

“You’re going tonight?” She blinks again, sounding a bit hurt.

“Yeah. Everything okay?” You respond.

“Uh, yeah. Everything’s fine.” She says, clearly lying.

Normally, you’d call her out on it. But you understood the lie. You’d probably lie too if you were in that position, having your best friend suddenly leaving.You look down at her, and notice that she’s just staring off into space. You assume she’s just trying to process the news, and look back over the forest. You watch the clouds roll by on their own, which is quite contrary to how it works in Ponyville. It’s peaceful over the forest. It’s a good place to go when you just want to forget about things that trouble you. Especially losing a best friend like this.

“W-we should probably get to Twi’s.” Rainbow says, standing up.

She sounded different now; her voice almost had an empty tone. To this, you slowly nod, and look down.

You whisper to yourself, “I really don’t wanna go. I really really don’t. I love it here. Everything’s great. I’ve got more friends here than I do there, and not to mention you... Rainbow. You’re just...beyond amazing.”

She didn’t hear it. Your little adventure has come to an end, and it leaves you feeling almost sick. You came here, just waking up in a field, and were welcomed by the entire village. Everypony met you, welcomed you as though you were their own kin. Pinkie even threw you a party that everypony attended.

You don’t get that kind of treatment on earth. You’re just kinda that guy in the background; the guy who's not depressed, but not overly happy. You choose to be alone a lot of the time, and spend almost all of it in your room. You have friends, yes, but they’re not close. They’re just people to have fun nights out with. Here in Ponyville you were out with Rainbow, who you’ve grown so close to over the past...however long, almost ALL of the time. However, you do miss your family, even if it’s just your brother and your mother.

You look at Rainbow. She’s hovering in place, waiting for you to go. Without a word, the two of you head off towards the library.


The library comes into view, still glowing that blue glow from earlier. You glance over to Rainbow, who looks a bit confused, and land in front of the library. Before you can reach up to knock, Twilight opens the door. She seems excited for some reason.You just assume it’s because of the portal she’s created, and ignore her grin. Entering the treehouse, you see the other four ponies you’d come to know so well and of course, your bro, Spike the dragon. You smile sadly at them, and turn to Twilight.

“So...this is it?” You ask.

“Yes. This portal should send you back to your home.” She answers.

“But, what about my form? How will I change back to a human?” You counter, trying to make up a reason to stay.

“I thought you might ask!” She responds quickly, “The Princess included an enchantment to cast on this portal. Anypony who goes through will become a human on the other side. Simple!”

You open your mouth to ask a question, but close it again. Trying to get into the specifics of magic is not something you’re going to do again. You look at the five ponies behind you, and notice they’re all smiling sadly. All except for Rainbow, that is. Never had you seen a face more neutral than hers was right now. She looked as though she’d had all emotion stripped away in an instant. It hurts so much, but it’s time to go. After all, you still have a life back on earth. You open your saddlebag and take out your clothes.

You sigh, “Well...I guess this is goodbye.”

“Ah’m gonna miss ya, sugarcube.” Applejack says, stepping forward and giving you a hoofshake.

“I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t miss you as well.” Rarity adds, giving a reassuring smile.

“Umm...have a safe trip.” Fluttershy says quietly.

"I’m gonna miss you a bunch. Hope you have fun back home!” Pinkie smiles, and places a cupcake on your head. You can’t help but smile.

Last but not least, Dash steps up. Neither of you say anything. Instead, she just hugs you tightly. You hug back, the smile vanishing.

She pulls away, “I’m gonna miss you, Sharpie.”

“I’ll miss you too, Skittles.” You answer.

For once, she doesn’t punch you. She just nods. You turn towards the portal, and take a deep breath. You look at Twilight, who smiles back and even gives you a little wink. You blink, but continue on.

“Goodbye everyone.” You say as you step through the portal.

You stumble forward, and land with a thud. Wherever you are, it’s dark. You reach out in front of you, and push open a barely closed door. Your closet. Of course you had to come back in your closet. The light hits your hand, and you stare for a few moments. It feels awkward, yet perfectly normal to have hands again.

Coming to your feet, you stumble a bit as you remember how to walk. Being on four legs for so long made this feel just as awkward as having hands again. Once you get your balance, you pull on your shirt and pants and head to your door and check to see if anyone’s home. You call down the stairs, but get no answer. The house is empty. You put your phone on the charger, and head downstairs. You decide to grab a bite to eat, and just as you open the fridge to grab a snack, you hear a thud from upstairs. It sounded like it came from your room.