• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 5,652 Views, 226 Comments

An Interdimensional Rainbow - Tom From Myspace

Rainbow Dash gets ported to our dimension. Oh, and she's a human now. And you need to help with this predicament.

  • ...

Stuff Happens Part 2


After what felt like an hour, you finally manage to find your friends.

"’bout time you got here." Ben says.

"'I’m not the one who broke down in East Bumfuck." You reply.

"Can you just give me a jump already?" Ben groans, taking a peek at your friend in the passenger seat.

"Who is your lovely friend here?" He flirts, receiving a smack on the back of the head by Jen.

"Don't harass his girlfriend. Remember what happened last time?" She says.

"She's not my girlfriend!" You yell at him, tempted to hit him too.

Having some knowledge of cars yourself, and not wasting time explaining everything to your friends, you work to swap both your own and Ben’s batteries. Ben goes back into his car and attempts to start it multiple times.

"Nothing. Shit. Fuck. Assfuck." Ben groans.

"Clam yourself Ben. It takes time."

"Did you just fucking say 'clam yourself'?"

"Yeah, as in shut it and be patient."

Ben continues his attempts at starting his car.

"Its gotta be a problem with the sparkplug." He complains.

This makes you stare at your friend, questioning how low his IQ really is.

Ben stares back at you and whines, "Shut up, can you just give us a ride?"

"Come on... Please? For a friend?" Jen said, getting close to you.

"S-sorry guys. I'll give you a ride, but Ben needs to get his own tow this time. My mom wasn't happy with the last charge you put on our insurance."

"Fine." Ben said, as he made his way to your car.

"Who is this girl anyway?” He looks to Rainbow and back at you before whispering, “Did you bang her yet?"

“You have such a one-track mind.” You and Jen say in unison.

"Dude... That was awkward." Ben said, reaching your car.

“Not as awkward as your loud fucking whispers.” You say, chuckling.

"I think it was cute." Jen said, leaning on you.

“Uh, heh, yeah.” You smile a bit.

You get in the drivers seat, and turn down the music Rainbow had made ear-piercingly loud.

"Hey! I was listening to that!" Rainbow complains.

"It's still on, calm down." You reply.

Your friends get in the back as you speak to Dash, both slamming their door shut as if to remind you that they're here too.

"Ugh. Where am I taking you?" You ask, looking back at Ben.

"Home." He replies.

"Why do I put up with you?" You ask Ben, as you shift into first and continue down the road.

You look over at Rainbow Dash, who is looking back at Jen.

"Who did your hair? It looks completely natural!" Jen whispers.

"It was like this when I was born." Rainbow Dash replies.

You look in the rearview mirror and see Jen, steaming with a tad bit of jealousy and confusion. She's wanted to dye her hair similar to Rainbow’s for most of her life, but could never get it right.

"How is that even possible?" She grumbles

"I dunno, my dad says its hereditary." Rainbow replies.

"By the way, I forgot to ask, what's your name?"

"I'm Rai-" Rainbow begins.

"Chel. Her name is Rachel." You hastily interrupt.

"Nice to meet you Rachel." Jen smiles.

Rainbow Dash looks at you in confusion. You shake your head. "Tell you later." You mouth to her.

"Dude!" Ben interrupts. "Lets go to the bar!" He says, pointing out a small bar on your right as you get off the highway.

"It's eleven A.M." You deadpan.

"So?" He replies.

"My god you're stupid."

"So.. we going or not?" Ben asks, getting weird looks from Jen.

"No." You declare.

"You're no fun." He groans, crossing his arms like a child.

“You just fucking told me to drive you home! That’s where you’re going, dammit.”

You roll your eyes and keep driving. You spot Rainbow reaching for the volume knob, and stop her from blasting the music again, much to her dismay. She sits in the passengers seat, arms crossed, bored. Finally you come to Ben's house.

"Get out Ben." You command him jokingly.

"Ooh do you and your new girlfriend have some plans?" He taunts.

“She’s not my girlfriend.” You say, rolling your eyes.

“Yeah, sure. She’s the queen of Sweden.” He chuckles.

“Shut up.”

"We still on for the race Saturday night?" He asks.

“I told you you’re on your o-”

“Race?” Rainbow suddenly interjects.

You both look at Rainbow's outburst. Up until now she’d been oddly silent. Normally she’d be trying to chew your ear off about the Wonderbolts or her awesomeness, and occasionally gossip about her friends.

"No Rai..chel. Its not a race you want to be a part of."

"Shut it Sharpie, I want to race." She commands.

"Sharpie?" Ben laughs. "I like this girl already 'Sharpie'" He taunts. "So, you in or are you a purple haired chicken?"

“What is wrong with you?”

“Everything! But that’s why you love me.” He smiles.

"He's in." You look surprised, as Rainbow speaks up for you.

"So what's the prize?" You ask.

"How about I sleep with your girlfriend?" He asks, earning a chokehold from Jenny.

"Leave before he gets any more ideas." She instructs.

She winks at Rainbow and then waves as she drags Ben into the house by his ear. He scrambles a bit, and suddenly falls halfway down in surprise. He follows her as best he can, wincing and complaining.

"That was weird." Rainbow remarks.

"Not for those two." You mutter as you back out of the driveway.

"So... whats next?" She asks, twiddling her thumbs.

"Hungry?" You ask.

"Yeah, I haven’t exactly eaten since we left." Rainbow mutters.

“Since I left. You told me you fell in.” You look at her suspiciously.

She says nothing, and instead begins trying to dodge your death stare. She knows this stare a little too well, seeing as its weaseled the truth out of her many times in the past...however long you were actually gone. It’s obvious she’s hiding something. She’s been acting a bit odd for a little while - about two weeks in Equestria time. The thought begins to cross your mind that her following you was completely premeditated; that it wasn’t some spur of the moment thing she’s been trying to play it off as.

“Well...I did. So weboth left, right?” She says, cleverly saving herself.

“Oh. Yeah, that makes sense.” You respond with a nod.

You put your theory on the back burner for now. There’ll be plenty of time for it later. Right now there are only three things that matter: Getting her fed, getting her home, and getting out of that dumb race.

Author's Note:

Sorry if it isn't up to snuff. But hey, I finally dragged my ass back into this. It'll get back there. Pinkie Promise. As usual, point out any errors for me to fix.

Comments ( 34 )

Good to see this continued.

NO, i hate running out of chapters...

As response to the vid:

Featured in less than 2 hours. I don't even know why.

5429514 Probably because 300 people were waiting 11 months for a new chapter =P

5429514 More. Please write more. It's the best thing ever. I am waiting. As a writer should know writing takes time. Especially a story of this caliber.

Just read this to my Brony friends last night. We had had a sleepover and I suggested this story.

Time management problem? Don't worry about it, I'll wait forever if I have to. You should see the update (or lack thereof) disparity between my chapters. A few months is nothing. Nice to see this again, and in the future. Whenever you have time, of course.

This needs more cowbell! I mean chapters! Yeah!

5448967 Well duh. I mean, it has President Lonestar and Will Smith!

This is a story I'd be willing to pay to see finished and that's saying something because I don't pay for food unless I'm down to Ramen and mayonnaise. Is there any chance you'd pick it back up again soon?

Wright moar! I've been waiting half a year for more chapters! That's right, this is the only reason I say this! Now I sound like a jerk...

6229009 look man, I work full time and am getting ready to go to college. I'm a season and a half behind on mlp, and I'm tired most days. So I want to just veg out with some games for now. I'll continue when I'm caught up and have a bit more time.

This Fic is perfect, continue pl0x

Update Plz
Also MOAR badgur

Nuuuuu! The 'I'm back!' Was over a year ago, with nary a peep since then! Why must all the good and promising fics die?!


The wait does not have to be much longer. TBOT and I are finally back to write ;)

Woo! I can't wait!

It's all because I finally found out that DGGames was still alive. My first coauthor abandoned me, so I've been in limbo with him for a while.


In the meantime... if youve got some spare cash, and want to buy your ponysona in 3D, you should check out my blog... for a link to my furaffinity journal hehe. I dont really use fimfiction much anymore.


I was alive, my life was just super duper busy, and i wasnt in the mood to write about ponies.

6933492 I would if I could, but I'm as broke as a joke.

6933492 You're fuckin' advertising on my shit bruh? And I don't even get a cut of the profit?

6934321 lol yup... totally!

6934321 you wanna make some money help spread the word then numbnuts!

Can't wait to see this story continued.

Pinkie promise huh, its been so many years that you sir have lost your freinds trust.....

FOREVER!!!!!:pinkiegasp: *spoopy noises*

Well since my coauthor bailed on me after I'd been written into a corner I don't know where to go with this.

hay do more chapters

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