• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 1,578 Views, 80 Comments

Subsolar's Super Short Stories - Subsolar Drift

Super short stories inspired by pretty much anything.

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The Princess (Sad)

The sun sank low in the sky casting an orange glow through the throne room of Canterlot Castle. The Princess sat in her throne, listening to the petitioner before her, one of the nobles trying to further his own goals. She waited patiently for him to finish his proposal before simply shaking her head.

"No." She turned her head to look out the window as the last sliver of sun slipped beneath the horizon. "And Dusk Court is now over. Guards if you could let the rest of the petitioners know to come back tomorrow, I will be on my way to dinner." The guards nodded, heading out the door to disperse the crowd.

The noble pony stuttered, "B-but your majesty!" His voice fell on the deaf ears of the alicorn as she made her way past him.

A glow opened a small pair of doors which lead to an inner passageway through the castle. It was less grandiose and much more discreet. Servants trotted to and fro, carrying out their duties. Despite all her efforts, they still stopped and bowed to the princess whenever she passed.

She paused in her walk, reaching her hoof up to her neck and rubbing under her regalia. She let out a quiet snort of annoyance then resumed her walk.

Further down the hall she turned and made her way through a door on her right, coming out into the royal dining room where several chefs and kitchen workers were still setting up the evening meal.

Her head chef stumbled as he saw her. "Your majesty! I'm sorry we're not quite prepared yet. I didn't expect you to come through the servants passageways." He turned and motioned for all the other ponies to hurry. "I hope you won't mind waiting for just a moment as we finish."

"Not at all." The head chef bowed and quickly resumed his duties. The alicorn made her way slowly to the head of the table where she sat. Her chair was pulled out for her. She paused then thanked the servant and sat down.

As her chef had told her, dinner was but a moment away. It was as usual, a grand spectacle. There were foods from around Equestria, each cooked perfectly and arranged to look as appetizing as possible.

One of the servants came up beside her, asking her what she would like for dinner. She looked over the spread before her, eventually settling on a pasta dish closest to her. A moment later a healthy portion was on her plate and another servant was asking her what she would like to drink.

"Just water," she sighed. The servant nodded then floated a pitcher of water over and poured some into the Princess's glass.

An hour passed and like clockwork the Princess rose to her hooves and made her way to her room, leaving her dinner mostly untouched. The halls were silent. The moonlight shone through them illuminating the Princess's path.

The doors to her room swung open to let her in. She let out a breath as the doors closed behind her. Twilight was alone. She shook of her golden shoes and left them strewn on the floor. She threw her crown carelessly onto the large plush bed. She quickly levitated the necklace off and tossed it on the bed next to the crown.

She stepped out onto the balcony, closing her eyes and feeling the wind in her mane. When she opened them, she was greeted with the Mare in the Moon above her, looking down coldly. Twilight quickly looked away.

Her gaze came to fall instead on the North Star. She sighed breaking the silence for a moment before it returned. On her balcony there was nothing but the sound of wind.

"You said I had the strength." The wind rose and fell, blowing in cold air from the north. "I'm not sure I do."

Twilight shivered. "I feel so lost."

She took a shuddering breath. "I'm supposed to be your most faithful, but I feel like I don't have any faith."

Her eyes never left the North Star. "Please, Celestia. Come back. I need you."

The star only twinkled in return. A tear fell from Twilight's eye.

The Princess stood on the balcony for a moment longer before turning her back to the stars and the moon and returning inside.

Author's Note:

Kinda broke my writer's block a little.

Written for TMP prompt 407