• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 1,578 Views, 80 Comments

Subsolar's Super Short Stories - Subsolar Drift

Super short stories inspired by pretty much anything.

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Expectations (Slice of Life-ish)

Twilight Sparkle, once one of the most talented unicorns in the world, now an alicorn princess with incredible power. She was renowned worldwide for her level head and compassionate heart. Everypony loved her.
Rainbow Dash, captain of the Wonderbolts, the only living pony to have ever done a Sonic Rainboom, and the mare who captured the heart of a princess. She was renowned worldwide for her dedication and masterful flight. Everypony admired her.

In a far corner of the royal library inside the Canterlot castle, a young filly sat dejectedly with a book in her hooves. She let out a sigh as she fluttered her small wings and looked out the window. She couldn’t yet fly even though every other pegasus her age could. She crossed her eyes and looked up at the her rather small horn. Every other unicorn her age was already in complete control of their magic and learning more and more spells. Aurora, the daughter of Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, began to cry.

“Aurora?” Came a voice from a ways down the shelves. Aurora sat bolt upright and quickly wiped away her tears with a hoof. The voice came again. “Aurora is that you?” Twilight Sparkle galloped to her daughter’s side, a worried look in her eyes. “Are you alright?”

“Y-yeah, of course! I’m just reading.” Aurora tried to stop her voice from wavering as she spoke, trying to not to give anything away.

“Aurora, you know you can talk to me anytime right? Being your mother is my job first, even before being a princess.” Twilight rested a wing over her daughter, drawing her closer.

Aurora was quiet for a minute, finally sighing before she spoke. “I just feel like I’m a huge let down for you and Dash. I can’t fly, I can barely use magic, I’m just a failure.”

Twilight stared at her daughter. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered. “I never really thought about all the expectations that would be placed on you. I want you to know that we are so proud of you. You are in no way a let down, even if you can’t fly or do magic very well, we still love you.”

“I know mom, I just want to be good at magic or flying. I want to follow in your guys’ hoofsteps.” She sniffed once more and leaned into her mother.

“Hey, don’t give up hope. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ll be great at both one day. I bet it’s just because your a little slow to grow. After all, how many other alicorn foals are there?”

“You’re right!” Exclaimed Aurora, giving her mother a huge hug.

“Feeling better?” Twilight smiled.

“Yeah, Thanks mom, you’re the best.” The mother and daughter embraced.

“Not nearly as great as you! Now what were you reading?” The two ponies stayed there for a while, leaving all of their problem behind for a time while Twilight read to her daughter.

Author's Note:

Another prompt from the TwiDash group.