• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 1,578 Views, 80 Comments

Subsolar's Super Short Stories - Subsolar Drift

Super short stories inspired by pretty much anything.

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Excitement (Romance, TwiPie)

It was the big day, but Pinkie wasn't excited. It was odd for her. Pinkie was always excited for something. Good weather, bad weather, holidays, regular days, new friends, old friends, fresh sweets, sweets she found while cleaning out under her bed, it didn't matter to her.

Pinkie watched as her hooves shook. Not from a sugar rush or from a cup of coffee, but from fear.

Pinkie gave a half hearted laugh that sounded more like a sob. Her hooves shook more. This wasn't something she could just giggle away.

Her left nostril itched. Five minutes. She only had five minutes.

There was a knock at the door.

"Pinkie? Darling, are you okay?" Rarity asked.

"Oh, I'm fine Rarity! Just making sure that my mane is the most Pinkie-ist and perfect-ist it can be!"

"Alright, but do hurry!"

Pinkie half heartedly moved her limp hair away from her face. Something fell out, no longer held by her curls. It was a card.

The note shook as she picked it up and read it. It wasn't much, just a short poem.

Rose are red and violets are blue

I've never said it, but Pinkie, I like you

Pinkie smiled. She closed her eyes and pulled the note closer to her.

Pinkie jumped to her hooves, stashing the note in her mane. Hooves steady she pulled open the door and headed out.

"Oh, thank heavens. You're just in time." Rarity paused. "Are you ready?"

"You betcha!" Pinkie nearly sang.

"Well then, here we go!"

Pinkie walked with a calmness that was rare, moving her hooves in time with the music. The ponies on either side of her were smiling as they watched her. She was careful not to step on her dress.
She almost stopped when she turned her eyes to look to the far end of the room.

There was Twilight, waiting for her with glistening eyes.

Pinkie wasn't afraid or scared. No, Pinkie was excited.

Author's Note:

This was fun. I love TwiPie, it's just adorable.

Written for the Twinkie Group's prompt tag.

Prompt: Excitement