• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 18,902 Views, 1,281 Comments

Canine Complications - Wages of Sin

Twilight wakes up after a failed experiment and quickly finds out just how bad it failed. Can she make it as a predator in peaceful Ponyville?

  • ...

Looking Up

"What do you want us to do mistress? Should we prepare for an attack?"

"No Bark Back, as strong as the pack is, we can't and won't fight Celestia head on. For now, all we can do is-"

"Mistress..." a timid voice interrupted, "I know this is a bad time, but I'm still hungry~"

"Ok, first things first I guess. Bark Back, were there any left-overs from this morning's hunt?" she looked hopefully to the large wolf, who shook his head.

"-Oh! Nevermind, she can't eat meat anyway... Uh... We could quickly go out and find some flowers. Maybe in the Whitetail?"
"We do have a small reserve-" he began, but Twilight interrupted.

"But, like I said, she can't eat meat..."

"It is not meat." Bark Back responded.

"Oh! Perfect! Where is it?" Twilight asked, turning around and scanning the walls as if she had missed it before.

"In the darkest part of the back chamber, you should have seen it when you went there to think before."

"I don't..."

"I'll show you." Bark Back said as he stepped past them towards the darker back-end of the den.

Twilight and Screw Loose followed as Bark Back led them out of the main chamber and into the dim back-shaft of the den.

The back chamber wasn't particularly long, but it was dark enough that Twilight lit the path with magic so Screw Loose's day accustomed eyes could see.

After only a bit of walking Bark Back stopped and turned to his followers. Twilight at first assumed that he was going to speak, but then she noticed he was pointing to a pile of mush against the wall.

Twilight examined the mound to see that it was, in fact, a pile of greens.

...or it had been a long time ago. Now it was closer to a compost heap.

"A little... old don't you think?" Twilight noted before giving her head a shake, "Never mind, we don't have time for this! Bark Back, are there any good places for her to eat without leaving the forest? It doesn't have to be a feast, just enough for her to keep her strength up?"

He thought a moment, "If we must, the Striped One has a small patch of flowers by her den."

"Of course!" The others almost recoiled at Twilight's sudden outburst, "Zecora! We were going to go to her before you all arrived in Ponyville and this whole fiasco began! We can go speak to..." The energy disappeared from her voice as fast as it came, "...but she'll probably try to run us off too..."

"Do not fear mistress, despite our aversion to pony Speakers, the Striped One has always treated us with respect."

"Wait, what? You've interacted with Zecora? And she's friendly?"

"I would not say friendly, but she tolerates us and helps us when we get sick in exchange for protection while she gathers her plants from four-head territory."

It was too much for Twilight to process, she sat utterly dumbfounded until she could articulate her surprise, "That- That's great! We'll go to her right now! She might even know how to help me turn-" the words died in her throat, "Ahem, anyway, we will head there now."

The trip to Zecora's was not long distance-wise, but when traveling with an entire wolf-pack, cubs and all, under the looming sun of one who wanted to hunt you down, it felt like it.

"Mistress, why did we bring the cubs? We would make better time if we left them at the den in the care of the non-hunters."

"We can't leave anywolf behind. Without me there, if Celes- if the White Hunter found them, I feel she would have no reservations about incinerating the whole den. With everywolf so close to me, she won't be able to go all out."

...I hope

"There it is mistress." one of the hunters near the front of the pack called.

"Good, Bark Back, You, Screw Loose and I will go and talk to Zecora. Everywolf else will just stay hidden here."

They nodded in confirmation, and when Twilight was satisfied with their hiding spots, she, Screw Loose, and Bark Back approached the hut.

"Striped One!" Bark Back called as they stood on the porch, "Once again the Everfree Pack requests your aid!"

There was some shuffling inside the home and before long a tired looking Zecora came to the door.

"My deep sleep you have disturbed,
so do not fault me that I am perturbed-
Please, fair Bark Back,
cut me some slack,
I see you are with guest,
But even I need my rest."

"Striped One, this is The Burning One and her second, they come with a request." Bark Back explained.

"Of the prophesy I am aware,
But do not think-
...Twilight? Is that you in there?"

"Hi Zecora."

Instantly the Zebra's demeanor changed from one of defended aloofness to one of concern.

"Ah, Twilight, now I see,
Why in need, you would come to me." she moved to allow entrance to her home, but blocked once again as soon as Twilight and Screw Loose were inside.

Twilight watched as Zecora whispered something to Bark Back before he ran back into the forest.

"What was that about?" Twilight asked as Zecora led them to some seats.

Taking a seat herself, Zecora sat for a moment before replying, "I asked that wolf to stay with the rest,
Happily, he did not contest.
Now I hear you have a request of me?
One that came up this early?"

"Yes, as you can see, I messed up, or rather, cast a spell without knowing what it did, it knocked me out and when I woke up I was like this. Things were fine for a while, but then..."

"Be calm dear Twilight, for you I have all night." Zecora comforted.

"But that's just it! I don't have all night! I need you to help me turn back as soon as possible! Celestia wants to catch me so she can turn me back, but before she does I think she's going to kill my pack!" Twilight was on the verge of tears as she finished.

"I see your mind connects,
to what your form reflects.
For your pack you fear,
even with means of escape so near.
But I am sorry my dear friend,
the spell upon you I cannot end."

"You have to be able to help me somehow! What else can I do! I don't have anypony else to turn to who wouldn't just run away screaming! I can’t try to use the elements, because I'd need my friends, and I can't go to Celestia without risking the pack!"

"One princess hunts you, that is true,
But what does the other think of you?
From what I saw on Nightmare Night, I think that she may help in your plight."

"Luna? Princess Luna! She should be able to help! Even if she can't directly help me, she should at least be able to talk some sense into Celestia in the mean time! Zecora! You're a genius! Screw Lose, come on, we've got a princess to see!"

Screw loose only whimpered in response.

"I thank you for your flattery
But do not be so quick to flee,
Your companion seems quite distressed,
Is there something else you need addressed?"

"Oh! Sorry Screw Loose! I was so excited about all this that I forgot why we originally decided to come! Zecora, do you have any food we can have? We've been trying to get Screw Loose some food all night!"

"It was just today that I had planned to rise
and make my monthly trip to town for supplies.
So while I have no food for you per say
I will help you gather along the way."

"Along the way? Where are you going?" Twilight asked.

"While I'm sure you would find your way eventually,
but guide would help, it is plain to see.
And when you arrive, at any rate,
Did you think of how you'd communicate?
That is why I offer to come along,
If I did not, I would feel it wrong."

"Oh! I didn't even- Thank you Zecora, this means a lot."

"Then we should depart immediately,
As I can tell, this one is quite hungry."

Screw Loose had practically jumped to the door when it was announced that she one would take them out foraging for food. So when Zecora had finished packing herself a small bag of various things from around her home, the group was quick to depart.

"Mistress, could she help you?" Bark Back asked as he and a few hunters came out of hiding.

Twilight took note that while they gathered around her and Screw Loose, they kept their eyes on Zecora, and that they also conspicuously avoided getting too close to the wise zebra.

"She didn't know what I was looking for, but she has decided to help lead us to somepony who can."

No wolf made to contest her decision, but she could tell that the news was defiantly making the pack tense. She knew now was not the time, but she made a mental note to ask about their relationship again in the future.

"For now though, she is leading us to some food for Screw Loose." She turned to their guide, "If you will Zecora?"

With a nod from the Zebra and a collective flinch from the pack, they set off…

...oblivious to the pair of armored pegasi quickly making their way back in the direction of Ponyville.

Author's Note:

It is quite the experience, writing dialogue for Zecora...

That said, critiques about how I did with it would be appreciated.