• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 18,890 Views, 1,281 Comments

Canine Complications - Wages of Sin

Twilight wakes up after a failed experiment and quickly finds out just how bad it failed. Can she make it as a predator in peaceful Ponyville?

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~~Two Months Later~~

"How's she doing?"

"Much better, her speech is improving faster the more she learns, I don't know if it's latent learning or what, but I think she'll be fluent before the year's out."

"That's good to hear."

"You're telling me! I've been feeling bad about her since I started working at that hospital. It's great to see her not only improving but happy! We always assumed she was just low-functioning delusional, we never would have figured out she was actually speaking canine without your, and miss Fluttershy's help."

"What about her habits? Are the therapy treatments helping?"

"As you are aware, it is only 'treatment' if the disorder being addressed interferes with proper functioning. When it was brought to our attention that she was a properly functioning member of The Pack, we stopped the behavioral therapy. Without trying to sound cliché, it really was a matter of just finding her people."

"Well then, that's great to hear. I'm sure she'll be happy to- oof!" Catcher fell as he was tackled by a familiar pony, or rather, wolf.

"Come on Screwy! You promised not to tackle me anymore!"

"No! Promised not to lick!" She said, before licking him straight across the face, "but still lied!"

The doctor merely laughed, "Miss Screw Loose, Mister Catcher, you are permitted to leave for the day once you've checked out at the front desk. Remember next week's appointment has been moved to one-thirty due to-" just as Catcher before him, Screw Loose tackled the lab-coated doctor, giving him a short lick, "You'd think I'd get used to that, or at least start anticipating it..." The doctor bemoaned in a lighthearted manner.

"Just stupid!" Screw Loose barked triumphantly before turning and marching away towards the check-out. Catcher lost no time turning and catching up as the doctor sat, chuckling to himself. When she had first come to the hospital, he had been part of the team that had tried everything to snap the odd mare out of her seemingly nonsensical delusion. Little did he know that all this time later he would be teaching the mare Equish while at the same time learning a good bit about the canine behaviors as well.

And little would he have suspected that would only be the second strangest case he would be working with.

"Doctor Positive Reinforcement?"

Doctor Positive reinforcement, or "Dr. PR" as most referred to him, turned, spotting the individual that took the cake for the strangest task he currently undertook.

"Miss Twilight? Ah, right on time as always! Are you ready to begin? Let me just grab my tools. Why don't you head out and get prepared?"

With a nod, the mare went out, leaving Positive Reinforcement once again to his musings.

Though he had not been a part of it, he had been briefed on how the librarian had been “cured" of her prior “curse”. It was as not as simple as that though, and after a long discussion with the princesses, it was decided that she would be given free discretion to transform back into of her wolf form while in the Everfree with her wolves and would even be permitted to do so in pony-populated areas after such time as a professional (like himself) had helped her acclimate to her new body and the influences that came with it.

With a sigh he grabbed his “tools” from the table, turning towards the door he considered the progress she had made these past two months. She was still a ways from being in full control of herself, a lifetimes worth of factors could not be simulated by any amount of therapy and it was clear still had a ways to go, but any misgivings about violence towards ponies had been quickly addressed and dismissed. Now it was just the more subtle quirks he had to deal with.

Reaching the workout yard, he found the mare already replaced by the towering wolf.

Setting his bag down, he withdrew today’s study tool and watched as the wolf’s ears perked.

“Moderation and self-control are the purpose of today’s exercises,” he said, leaning down to place a dish with the intention to scoop some of his “study materials” into it, “I want you to only eat half of- what?” he questioned when his free, reaching hoof found only air. Raising his head, he found no wolf where he expected, “Where did you-?” turning he found his patient, looking sheepishly back at him with an already empty jar of peanut butter between her paws.

It was going to be a long day...

Author's Note:

You may notice I didn't address another conspicuous plot point, namely some Screwy-Catcher shipping, but I supposed that would best be addressed in a spin-off one-shot, so expect that (eventually).

In the mean time, check out some other Twi-shenanigans in the next big project I'm undertaking wherein Twilight accidentally ends up Conquering the Griffon Empire.

Thanks for sticking around till the end! It's been a journey, and it's one I fully intend to keep going!

Comments ( 73 )

Hooray, fluffy Twiwolf for the win forever more.

Wow. That was an incredibly disappointing ending, lots of grammar issues, abrupt timeshifts, and hugely rushed. If you were gonna release four chapters all at once at such short lengths, why not release them all. This story was fun from the beginning, but the manufactured drama was annoying and the resolution through exposition was totally unfulfilling. It really feels like you just got bored with this story and decided to finish it off as quickly and as meaninglessly as possible.

I am both satisfied, yet disappointed. That is all.

5422643 maybe but at least it was finished. Too many times have a story been forgotten and unfinished.

Though I agree that the ending was a disappointment I am glad that I actually got an ending to this story. The fact that these last 4 chapters are obviously rushed does not change the quality nor the majority of the story written before it. The story itself was excellent and masterfully told. Hats off to you Wages for finishing it!

In the mean time, check out some other Twi-shenanigans in the next big project I'm undertaking wherein Twilight accidentally ends up Conquering the Griffon Empire.

*grumble* *grumble* Still waiting for that one.

5422708 That is true, but I rather have a good story unfinish, instead of a finished bad story. The story ending and now we can't do anything. An unfinished story however, can be worked on later, picked up by a different (sometimes better) Author. And with it not having an ending, People can make up their own head canon endings and what happens next.

I really want other Authors to continue this kinda story idea. One of the Mane 6 turning into a Wolf. It's very interesting and as far as I know, only been done twice. This one, and a story about all the Mane 6 turning into wolves, tho that one was scrapped if I remember right and no longer exists.

As the story stands right now tho... Got to switch the Up vote to a down, and take off the Bookshelf. Not worth a second look later anymore

What was included in the ending worked well enough for me, and this epilogue itself was truly charming, I thought. What was missing, for me, was the reunion of Twilight with her friends. The explanation from Fluttershy covered a lot of the needed discussion to reach an understanding and reconciliation between them, so it's a shame that Twilight wasn't in the room for that. But still, I would have really enjoyed seeing them all talk it out to some degree, as well as such a meeting between Twilight and Celestia.

However, I quite enjoyed seeing this update through to completion... A nice Christmas morning surprise! It was a fun, inventive tale, and I look forward to more from you!

I just thought that they were used as a plot point a bit too much. It became a little worn out, and unbelievable.

I've been keeping an eye on this story for a long time, and to see the concluding chapters brought up on my feed was quite exciting to see!
I'm sure that this has been brought up many times before me, but I do believe that we all had quite a bit of fear of a "hashed-out-ending-just-to-end-it" before reading the new additions. Expectations were high, but in different ways to different people.
I, speaking on behalf of me, must say that this conclusion was very well done (With exclusion to typos), and that it has accomplished the one thing that would solve this seemingly abrupt end to such a wonderful journey (Differing expectations). With the story being ended where the ends are fashioned in a way to be expanded on, this will finally allow fanfics to be created off of this "Canine Complications Universe".

TL;DR :moustache:
Story arcs meet their end quite suddenly (Again with my expectations. I like to read long, intertwining stories)
Room for fictions based off of the story thanks to the ending
Canine Complications is a fully finished jewel that I will gladly give a full review and grand recommendation thanks to its completion, and it will be one that I will most likely make my first fic based off of.

Great job on this story! :twilightsmile:

5424994 There were ninjas in this story? I never noticed them.

While I would have liked a more fleshed out finalie, this (finally completed) story has well earned a permenant place in my favorites list.

5426853 I KNOW THAT! I was wrong, you were right. I'm a massive derp and I should go back to school even though I'm still in school. Happy?

This was a very good read. :yay:

The switches between comedy and drama and outright epic-ness was a joy to see. Definitely a favorite, and a NICE fight between Twilight the wolf and Celestia. Just the right amount of angst from both of them too. Glad you didn't overdo it.

5439046 Wow, what a coincidence, I was re-reading this story when you came along

5438692 How's it coming? Still learning, but I found the lyrics so it's getting a bit easier.

One thing left unanswered - how did Screw Loose end up speaking canine? Was she raised by dogs, or was a dog who got Twilight-cursed in reverse? If so, what happened to her canine family? If it was something else - ???

prequel please :fluttercry:


5497677 XD Wait, wouldn't AJ need a translator to understand Twi? In that case, WHERE THE FUCK IS FLUTTERSHY. :derpytongue2:



love this story, some parts need to be edited, but still love it!

it was decided that she would be given free discretion to transform back into of her wolf form while in the Everfree with her wolves and would even be permitted to do so in pony-populated areas after such time as a professional (like himself) had helped her acclimate to her new body and the influences that came with it.

So wait, she gets to chose between wolf and pony form.:rainbowhuh:
Sweet, I wonder how that turns out.:rainbowdetermined2:
Maybe a short story about this development of her character would be nice, please.

This has been sitting on my list for a while, and I finally decided to finish it. Great job! Very original plotline, and an interesting conflict. It was also fun learning a bit about an existing species, but with new lore.

If I were to offer any advice, I might suggest that you have a proofreader look over it, as there were a number of typos. :twistnerd: Other than that, it was well done, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing this with us! :twilightsmile:

More so love this story 10 out of 10 :heart::pinkiesmile::heart::twilightsmile::heart:

please make sequal

Yay, happy ending :yay:

HUZZAH! Loved it! I also loved that Twi stayed a wolf~

Comment posted by GodlyPudding deleted Aug 18th, 2015

6329300 Um, what? That's a pretty bold claim, considering not only are our writing styles not very alike, but also that the story adapted in real-time to comments made in previous chapters. I can assure you that this was 100% written by me.

Do you know the name of the story that you claim this to be a rip-off of? Because I'd be interested to see it.

According to site info, AuroraDawn only wrote 7 stories: Rainbow Factory, A Turn for the Worse, Pegasus Device, Mythbuckers, Trust Exercises, Subject of Revenge, and Fall From Grace. The last four have been removed, as you said, but are still perfectly reachable in the archives. Here.Here. Here. and Here. If the story you claim exists, it would also be archived and reachable, but no such story exists.

As a side note, I see your account has only existed for a few minutes; did you specifically create it just to make this claim? I'm flattered.

6329495 why yes i did :D its always nice to flatter people lel

6329495 I aplogise for everything. I just had it set in my brain the she wrote it. ;-; i cri eri teim. now that i see all the fact, i apologise.:applejackunsure:

BTW: Thank you for the archived stories. I really wanted to find them. how do you look at them?

Comment posted by GodlyPudding deleted Aug 18th, 2015

6332749 No worries bro, I just get a little worked up at accusations like this. I've never been accused of taking someone else's work before, but I have had my work taken before so I understand the importance of getting this kind of thing straight. (and so does the guy who's account got banned.)

(I'll address the archives question on your page.)

All in all, I was actually pleasantly surprised by this story, as well as its sudden twist. Very well done.

Have an upvote and a fave!

Well...I came back and finished reading this.

I guess you rescued things with the ending, though the way things were going in the middle really, really strained my credulity at times.

Thumbed up, but not fav'd.

This needs a sequel

6524350 I agree with my whole heart. It was awesome.:rainbowkiss:

Liked and favourited! :heart:

I can't blame twilight for not having control around peanut butter, that stuff is good *says while licking peanut butter off lips and hiding empty jars under the bed* :pinkiehappy:

Nicely done, it's a bit speedy in spots and the ending feels a bit too wish-fulfillment for my taste, but it's a solid enjoyable fic overall. Bravo n_n

6016002 I was mentally debating the merits of titanium vs aluminum for aerial armor when I read an article about new "high entropy alloys" even lighter than aluminum yet stronger than titanium.

I know what I want for my birthday now, Pinkie!

This was great. It wrapped up kinda fast, but werewolf fiction (especially when they're not mindless slavering monsters, but "people who turn fuzzy sometimes") has always been one of my favorites.

Or would this be eponawolf fiction? :D Close enough!

Anyway, this ought to be a movie. Good morals, too. Once again, High And Mighty Sunbutt leaps to conclusions and makes a mess of things. :D

Remember, kids. Even Perfect Ponies make mistakes!

7221197 57 weeks later. nice. lol.

This is a great fic.I wish there would be more twi-wolf themed fics like this.:twilightsmile:

Brilliant story. I had just binge read it.
Although the end seems like it could be leading onto a sequel type scenario, i doubt it.

Although I, and i would like to think, others would wish for a sequel

do I have permission for a sequel? just wondering, i will give you credit!

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