• Published 27th Feb 2013
  • 18,902 Views, 1,281 Comments

Canine Complications - Wages of Sin

Twilight wakes up after a failed experiment and quickly finds out just how bad it failed. Can she make it as a predator in peaceful Ponyville?

  • ...

Better and Better

"So what am I supposed to do for food!"

Twilight was understandably upset with this latest revelation.

"Calm down Twilight," Fluttershy felt odd saying those words that she herself were so often told, "It's not like you can't eat a daisy sandwich, it's just that you won't get enough nutrition for that to be a long term solution."

"So what? I'm slowly going to starve to death unless I find the counter spell soon? Am I going to-"

Fluttershy could tell Twilight was in full freak out mode. "No, there are plenty of things-" she attempted to calm Twilight down, but the panicking wolf paid no attention.

"-what about Celestia! Promise me you won't tell her!"

"Twilight I think it would be best if we did tell-

Twilight unheedingly continued "If she finds out she'll have me hunted! I'll be banished! I'll have to leave Equestria and fight animals for scraps of food! what if-"

"NO! She can't find out about this! If she hears I tried a spell without knowing what might happen- Or if she finds out what I've turned into- Promise me you won't let her find out!"

"But I think she might be able to-"

"Promise me!" Twilight's mane was frazzled and only getting worse as she frantically glanced around the room, as if expecting the solar monarch to be hiding in the room, ready to jump out and banish her.

Fluttershy hated seeing Twilight like this, but sometimes friends just need a little- what did Applejack call it?- "hoof-to-flank motivation."

Fluttershy had long since sworn to herself never to use the stare on any of her friends. In fact she only used her power on her animal friends when they threatened herself or others, but in this odd situation Fluttershy decided to ignore the paradoxical nature of Twilight's predicament and use it on her anyway. Fluttershy held the stare on Twilight and called her name, when she looked she was frozen immediately.

Twilight's spiraling decent into social, ethical, and dietary madness was stemmed before it got too bad, but seeing as "too bad" in Twilight terms case meant she hadn't yet begun to plot any elaborate and ill-contrived conspiracies, she was still far from ok. When she was sure Twilight had stopped her panicking Fluttershy averted her gaze from the frozen wolf.

"Twilight, I Pinkie-Promise I won't let Celestia Know until you're comfortable with it." That visibly calmed her formerly frantic friend. "Now, I have an idea for something you can eat, but I don't have any right now. So for now we'll just have to go to the Cakes to get something else, ok?"

Twilight nodded, "Yes, I'm starving. ...and thanks for stopping me. I know how I get when I'm stressed and... well... thanks."

"It's not a problem, I just don't want you to be upset. I'm sure we'll have this sorted out soon."

"Thanks Fluttershy, So off to the cakes then? I'm starving!"


Most ponies were off the streets by dusk. Other than for good reason, almost all ponies were home safe by the time Celestia's sphere crossed the west horizon and Luna's broke the east.

This night was no different, Twilight had worried about the reactions she may get, but that became a non-issue as they walked the empty streets to Sugarcube Corner.

"Thanks for doing this for me Fluttershy."

"Oh it's no problem Twi. I'll just go in and get the food for you and we can go back to the library with it. ...if that's ok with you?"

"Why should you do all the work? I'll just go in and get... What are we getting me for food again?" Twilight just realized she had never been told what exactly she was expected to get in the way of ...meat... in a bakery.

"Oh, we'll I would have gotten you some fish, like I give to some of Mr. Bear's friends when they need help, but I was all out... Sorry..." Fluttershy looked at the ground and fiddled with her hoof.

"It's not a problem Fluttershy, I don't think I'm quite ready for something so... previously alive." she shuddered at the thought of eating something that used to be, at least partially, self-aware. "But that doesn't explain why we came to Sugarcube Corner. Why would the cakes have anything I can eat amongst their cakes and cookies?"

"Oh, we're not here for their cakes or cookies, we're here for what I brought over this morning: eggs! They are high enough in protein that they should be good for you, they are readily available (my chickens are always happy to oblige!) and best of all you don't have to feel bad about eating them, because we all already eat eggs!"

It's kind of funny now that she thought about it. It's obvious in retrospect that eggs would work, she just hadn't thought of them in that way before.

"Wow Fluttershy, I hadn't thought of that before, but why did we need to come here again? Don't you have eggs? I know you have chickens."

"Well, I do have chickens, but I was actually bringing a load over to the Cakes when the whole 'predator' scare happened this morning. Right as I came in to deliver them, I found you and Pinkie on the floor... and ran to get the girls." Fluttershy said as she continued to hoof at the ground again.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you did what you could at the time, and thanks for that."

The mare and wolf had made their way to the Corner and had stopped to chat, but in the awkward silence that followed said conversation, Twilight absent-mindedly pushed open the door to the corner and went in.

Understandably the Cakes were upset to have a wolf walk in to their store after closing time, but when Fluttershy followed it in they were less upset.

"Good evening Mr. Cake, It's Twilight if you were unaware. Fluttershy has recently informed me that due to my current form I am in need of a high-protein diet, would you have the resources to prepare me an egg meal?" Twilight asked, trying to sound as analytical as possible to clear up any doubt to her identity.

The cakes responded by staring at Twilight then to Fluttershy.

"...Please?" Twilight added as an afterthought.

"Fluttershy, could you leave your animals at the door? Please? Your wolf seems ready to eat somepony." Mr. Cake said dropping down behind the counter slightly.

"Mr. Cake, I assure you that I am-"

"Fluttershy could you put a muzzle on him or something? Mr. Cake interrupted.

"Mr. Cake! I am not-"

"Uh, Twilight... You... I'm sorry, I thought you knew..." Fluttershy eeped, not looking anywhere near her canine friend.

"Knew what Fluttershy? That Mr. Cake has finally gone deaf? I told Pinkie that practicing eleven instruments at once was bad to do indoors!"

"Oh my, uh... no, he's not deaf."

"Well something's wrong here! He's talking as if he can't hear me!"

"It's not that he can't hear you, it's that... well... you are a wolf... and wolves don't talk."

"Fluttershy, we're talking right now." Twilight said. As the obvious dawned on her she brought a paw to her face, "...and you can talk to animals. Right. Ok, so now I'm scary, hungry, and unable to communicate with anyone other than you."

"AND ME!" Pinkie said as she bounced down the stairs in her own wolf Nightmare Night costume. "I can speak with you too! Isn't that awesome! We can all speak in wolf code! You're like a secret agent now! Ooh! ooh! Can I be a secret agent too Twilight?"

"Pinkie how can you- Ah! I almost... Eh, never mind." Twilight gave a world-weary sigh, and looked back to Fluttershy "So that's why Applejack bucked me while I was talking to her?"

"Probably, after you passed out I came out of the closet and took you home." Fluttershy said.

"Oh! I remember that" Pinkie said as she sniffed at Twilight, hunching down and wagging her tail like a dog wanting to play. "after Fluttershy took you Applejack felt real bad about hitting you and went home all sad..." the pink wolf-pony sat now looking like she was going to cry before her mane proofed back up again. "But if you're awake now then you're ok and AJ can be stop feeling bad!"

Twilight's stomach began to grumble and the vacant ache in her stomach that had been plaguing her all day returned.

"Well," Twilight began, "It sounds like we should head over to Sweet Apple Acres after I'm done eating."

Author's Note:

This was originally supposed to be the first half of the next chapter. (For all those who complain about short chapters) but, it would be another few days before that would come out, and despite what I said, this actually makes more sense as it's own chapter anyway.