• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 15,857 Views, 2,401 Comments

My Little Titan - Tatsurou

Teen Titans/MLP crossover. Raven wakes up in Twilight's body and has to find out what happened and how to fix it. Finding answers proves difficult, despite welcome asistance.

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Return to Harmony

23. Return to Harmony

Pinkie Pie's shudders slowed and stilled, her breath low and shallow. Her lips pursed, and a low hiss of breath escaped her mouth.

From her place by the door, Trixie approached along the hall. "Pinkie Pie?" she asked, concerned, her actions more or less unnoticed by others, who were focused on each of their still suffering charges.

Pinkie's shudders came to a halt, her breath slowing further. Her breath came through her pursed lips like a hiss of steam, a barest whisper of sound.

Trixie leaned in close, trying to make out what Pinkie could be trying to say. "Pinkie?"

"surPRISE!" Pinkie burst out, leaping into the air as her mane and tail poofed back into their normally curly configuration, her shout sending Trixie bowling backwards head over hooves. A burst of light surged out of the Element of Laughter as she did so, echoed by lights in the other Elements. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy!" As Pinkie landed on all four hooves, she leaped into the wall-


-and popped out the window Discord was using to view events from the Celestial Plain, causing him to fall horns over tail. Ignoring him for the moment, she leaped past Starfire to seize the boundary between the Celestial Plain and the 4th and a half dimension. "Oh my gosh you guys, you're so wonderful! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!" With each thank you, she kissed the boundary. "Kisses for all of you!" Then she spun back to Starfire. "And it's all thanks to you, too. Thanks so much!" Grabbing Starfire by her shoulders, she pulled her into a quick kiss before spinning and bouncing back into the hall of Canterlot Castle.

Beast Boy blinked for a bit before speaking. "Well...that was different."


Back inside Canterlot Castle, the Element Bearers slowly got to their hooves as Spike rose to his claws. Celestia rose to her hooves as well, watching over them. "My faithful student," she said calmly, "it seems that you have indeed pulled through, you and the others, from the ordeal you have undergone. I admit, when I foresaw your destiny in your aura, I had not expected this."

Twilight looked up. "Foresaw...my destiny?"

Celestia smiled. "I knew you were destined to wield the Element of Magic. I had not expected anything the likes of this, though." She blinked as the Elements vanished. "It seems some magic cast by your other friends is still in effect."

Twilight shook her head, not really understanding. "Is...is it all over?"

Celestia nodded. "For the moment. Tirek is no more, and his last workings against you have been overcome. You are all quite safe now." Celestia turned, glancing over the others.

Applejack was being tightly embraced by Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom, smiling as she embraced them in return, although it looked like she might have trouble breathing soon. Fluttershy was completely swarmed by her animals, with Angel half burrowed in her mane as he snuggled into her. Pinkie Pie was bouncing around Trixie, babbling endlessly to her about what sounded vaguely like a description of a comic book battle. Rainbow Dash was holding Scootaloo close, Gilda preening Rainbow's wings gently as the cub looked up at Rainbow in curious confusion. Rarity held Sweetie Belle nearly as tightly as Sweetie was holding her.

Spike shook himself off gently as he staggered a bit on his claws, then he leaned forward and stretched. Celestia's eyes widened as Spike's body began to expand slightly. His torso fleshed out, becoming somewhat toned. His limbs, tail, and neck lengthened as muscle seemed to grow out of nowhere. His muzzle stretched forward as his teeth sharpened, and the spikes along his spine become somewhat sharper. As he finished stretching, he blinked. "Why is everypony smaller?" he asked in confusion.

Twilight, bracing herself between Shining and Cadance, looked at Spike with a raised eyebrow. "Spike, remember what I taught you about deductive reasoning?"

Spike nodded. "Right. So, if everything else is smaller, then..." He stared at his claw, which was much more developed and articulated. "Whoa..." He turned towards a mirror, staring at his image. "What...what happened to me?"

Shaking herself out of shock, Celestia smiled. "Dragons are built to be eternal, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Every battle scar incorporates itself into their makeup, and what doesn't kill them strengthens them. It seems in your case, your experience in Tirek's domain matured you mentally and emotionally, and your body has responded to the change, catching up to you."

"Wow," Twilight said, amazed.

"Wow, indeed," Rarity responded, observing Spike appreciatively.

Spike smirked at himself in the mirror as he flexed one arm. "Looking good, Spike. Looking REAL good." He braced himself on all four limbs, his tail snaking out behind him, now about the same size as Twilight and the others.

Twilight giggled. "Oh Spike..."

Pinkie seemed to have finished her conversation with Trixie. "So..." she began, "we'll be going back to Ponyville now?"

Celestia smiled. "Yes, Pinkie Pie, you may all return to Ponyville very soon, just as soon as you are all up to the journey."

"All of us...right?" Twilight asked, to the surprise of Cadance and Shining Armor.

Celestia turned to Twilight. "You wish to go to Ponyville as well, Twilight?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes. Right now I think I need to...be with my friends." Although it went unnoticed by most, Celestia and Cadance caught when Twilight's eyes ever so briefly flickered towards Rainbow Dash. "All of my friends."

Celestia smiled, nodding. "Very well. You will all be returning to Ponyville shortly. But won't you all at least stay the night? You have been through a massive ordeal, and returning immediately to the rest of your life might be too much of a strain so soon." As everypony nodded in response, Celestia smiled. "Come this way, please. I've had rooms prepared for all of you."

As they all followed Celestia into the castle, Twilight smiled up at her big brother and old foal sitter. "It's so good to see you both again, despite the circumstances."

"It's good to see you, too, Twiley." Shining nuzzled her mane.

"Anything I've missed this past year?" Twilight asked.

Shining shrugged his shoulders. "Well..."

Cadance nudged him firmly. "Tell her already!" she said insistently.

Twilight looked up confused. "Tell me what?"

Shining chuckled. "Twilight, may I reintroduce Princess Mi Amore Cadenza...my fiancé."

Twilight gasped, her eyes going wide joyfully.

Shining smiled, glad that Twilight apparently approved-

Twilight held her hoof out to Cadance. "Pay up!" she said smugly.

Shining stared in confusion as Cadance, giggling, handed Twilight a small sack of bits. "Huh?"


Discord closed the window in the Celestial Plain, turning back to the Titans. "Well, it seems that it is done. Trigon is defeated, Luna is free of the Nightmare, and Twilight and the others have been returned to their lives. You have done all I had hoped you would accomplish and more. You have my thanks." He bowed formally to the group.

"So...now you send us home?" Robin asked, his voice neutral.

Discord quirked up an eyebrow. "Is that what you want?"

"Huh?" Beast Boy asked.

Smiling, Discord leaned back and snapped his talons. Three large stone hands rose out of the floor of the Celestial Plain, two clenched in fists and the middle one open, the fingers arranged like a chair. Discord sat in the center hand, suddenly dressed in a black suit with dark sunglasses. "You see, you have done me a service, more than I could have ever asked for...and I am minded to reward you all. SO I am going to offer you a choice." He snapped his talons. The hand to his right opened, revealing seven dark blue spheres the size of gumdrops. "You take the blue pill, and our story ends. You wake up tomorrow in your own world, and believe whatever you want to believe." He snapped his talons again, and the other hand opened, revealing seven small spheres identical to the others, but red as blood. "You take the red pill, you stay here in Wonderland...and discover how deep the rabbit hole goes." He smiled widely. "You've only scratched the surface of adventures this world has to offer you, after all. But whatever choice you make...it cannot be unmade, so choose wisely."

Without hesitation, Raven walked forward, seized a red pill, and swallowed it.

"Raven?" Starfire asked, shocked.

Raven turned back to the others. "You've all seen how I am here, so different from back in Jump City. I don't have to fear my powers hurting others, fear my emotions. I'm free to feel: to live, laugh...love. I...I can't give that up. Maybe that's selfish of me, but..." She lowered her head. "I feel alive here, and I don't want to lose that."

Smiling, Beast Boy walked forward, swallowing a red pill.

"Beast Boy?" Raven asked, shocked.

Beast Boy smiled, walking up to stand beside her. "You still need me," was all he said, smiling at her.

Closing her eyes, glad her cloak hid her blush, Raven intertwined her hand with his.

Melvin smiled. "Well, I'm staying here then," she said, taking a red pill.

"But Melvin," Raven said quickly, "you have your whole life ahead of you-"

"So I might as well live it here as anywhere," Melvin interrupted. "Besides, Equestria strikes me as being safer and healthier than Earth. If nothing else, medicine is much better. And my Mommy and Daddy are already staying, right?" Smiling, she swallowed the red pill.

Smiling, Raven kneeled down to embrace Melvin.

Jinx rested a hand on her hip. "Let's see...back to Earth, where the villains see me as a traitor, the majority of the heroes are waiting for me to stab them in the back, the populace still judges me for my past, and I've got nothing and no one to call my own...or here in Equestria, where I get a fresh start, much less danger, and a little girl who sees me as her second big sister?" She smirked as she took a red pill. "Real tough choice there, Discord."

Cyborg smiled, taking a red pill himself. "Looks like most of the team's coming through, anyway...and Equestria's got everything I would want in my future, anyway." He smirked. "Besides, I'm used to being the odd one out in a new place."

Starfire turned to Robin. "Robin...what choice will you be making?"

Robin blinked. "Star? Why do you ask?"

Starfire sighed. "Robin, Equestria has been wonderful. I have enjoyed the time I have spent being Pinkie Pie, and I would surely enjoy it even more being me. And, after so much time spent in Jump City fighting the good fight...it is natural I would want to live quietly, and Equestria offers that. But...I would not want any of that, if it means I would not be with you."

Robin closed his eyes. "Starfire..." He was silent for a time. Then he turned to Discord. "Those we know back in our world...will they know what happened to us?"

Discord smiled. "If you all choose to remain here, I will see to it a message is discovered that you all chose to retire secretly from hero work. You have done more than enough, after all. I'll also pen a message to your guardian telling him that you've gone off somewhere with your girlfriend to live quietly."

Robin smiled. "...you're right. The Teen Titans will go on without us. Others will pick up the slack. And..." He took a red pill. "We have done enough."

Smiling, Starfire took a red pill as well.

Discord smiled once they had all swallowed their chosen pills. "It is so nice to see such good friends in..." He snapped his talons, and rainbow colored light emanated from the seven before him. "...Harmony."

When the light faded, they had changed. Robin had become a dark red earth pony with a pitch black mane and tail. On his flank was a mark in the shape of one of his birdarangs, but colored like an apple with green leaves at the tip. Starfire was an orange alicorn with blood red mane and tail, with a cutie mark that resembled her starbolts. Cyborg was a huge dark brown pegasus, but a good portion of his body - including both wings and where his cutie mark would have been - was still cybernetic. Melvin was a pale pink pegasus filly with blonde mane and tail, her mane done in the same twin pigtails she always wore, her cutie mark a teddy bear. Jinx was a pale white unicorn with bright pink mane and tail, with the arc of a hex bolt as her cutie mark. Beast Boy was a bright green dragon, mature in stature, about the size of a pony with full fleshed limbs and large wings.

Raven was the surprise. She was the same purple as Twilight, with mane and tail the same dark blue her hair had always been. She was also an alicorn, but her wings were bat-like rather than avian. And her cutie mark...was a blood red magic circle enclosing the mark of Scath.

Discord smiled. "Now that you've made the adjustments, you can live freely in Equestria. I'll be sending you to Ponyville shortly-" He paused as the sound of heavy footsteps approached. "What the?"

Bobby slowly walked into the area, grinning broadly. Sitting on his shoulders were two colts. The first was an orange unicorn with a bright red mane, younger looking than Melvin, and a megaphone cutie mark. The second was an earth pony foal, orange with a blonde mane and tail, and sticking out from his diaper was the edge of his cutie mark, a set of bear trap dentures.

Melvin smiled. "I wanted our family to be complete!" she told Raven happily. Timmy and Teether both waved to her.

Discord blinked, staring at the teddy bear. "So, you sent your imaginary friend to your world to retrieve your little brothers and bring them back here as ponies?" Melvin nodded. "That shouldn't have been possible."

Melvin blinked. "Oh. I didn't know that."

Discord stared at her for a time, then shifted to be hovering beside Raven, whispering in her ear, "It's not unreasonable of me to find the implications of that absolutely terrifying, is it?" Before Raven replied, he shifted back to his former position. "Well, off you all go." He snapped his talons, and they vanished.


Fluttershy walked happily to her cottage, Angel sitting calmly on her forehead. "It's good to be home, Angel."

Angel nodded happily. <"I missed you so much, Mommy!">

Fluttershy giggled. "Mommy missed you, too, Angel Bunny. Were you good for Melvin?"

Angel shrugged his shoulders. <"Well...define 'good'.">

Fluttershy chuckled. "You really should behave better, Angel."

<"I'll get right on that,"> Angel replied sardonically.

Fluttershy smiled, then blinked. "Who's feeding the animals?" She ran forward.

Melvin looked up from the feed dishes at Fluttershy with a smile. "Hi Fluttershy!"

"Melvin?" Fluttershy asked, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Well...Ponyville Library doesn't really have enough room for four adults and three foals, so until Mommy and Daddy get their own place, Mommy was hoping you would put us up." Melvin gestured towards where Timmy was giving some of the animals their baths. "Timmy thought that you'd be more open to the idea if we showed we could be helpful." Teether was sitting under a tree, napping.

Fluttershy smiled. "Aww, I'd be happy to put you up for a while. You three don't mind sharing a room, do you?"

"Not at all," Melvin said happily. "We're used to it, and Bobby prefers sleeping in the Everfree, anyway."

Fluttershy nodded. "Alright, let's finish up with the animals, and then get you three settled in."


As Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Apple Bloom walked up the path into the Sweet Apple Acres orchard, they were surprised to hear the sounds of applebucking. "Now who could that be?" Applejack asked, confused. The three walked towards the sound.

Robin stood with his back end towards a tree before lifting his hind legs to strike the tree with both hind hooves. Apples fell into baskets. He turned to the others. "I see you’re back. Granny Smith says there's chores to be done, so get to work."

Applejack smiled. "Right you are." As far as she was concerned, nothing else really needed to be said.

As they headed towards the barn to fetch supplies, Big Mac smiled to Robin. "It's good to have you on the farm...Night Seed."

The former Richard Grayson smiled as they walked away. "You know," he said to himself, "I could learn to really like that name." Turning, he went back to work.


Pinkie Pie pushed the door open as she entered Sugarcube Corner. She idly wondered how she would explain things to Mr. and Mrs. Cake, or even if she should. Maybe it would be better to pretend nothing had happened, and just go back to the life she'd left behind. "I'm home!" she called out happily.

"Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie was shocked as two familiar voices shouted that out, and even more so as Carrot and Cup Cake immediately rushed up to pin her in the middle of a group hug.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cake? What's going on? Why are-"

"Starfire told us everything," Cup interrupted her. "I had no idea you were going through something so horrible! Please, if you need anything, tell us. Let us be here for you."

Pinkie started to tear up a little. "Aww, it's okay. I'm alright now, really." She blinked. "Wait, Starfire is here?" She zipped out of the hug and into the kitchen, where Starfire was sitting. Pinkie immediately tackled her, grabbing her in a tight hug which was just as enthusiastically returned.

Cup and Carrot came in. "Given everything she told us, we thought it might be best if she were close, to help you readjust. We were just discussing where she would sleep-"

"She can bunk with me!" Pinkie said happily.

Starfire smiled. "Thank you friend Pinkie. This will be so much of the fun!"

Carrot smiled. "So Pinkie, do you want to see the twins? I'm sure they'd love to meet their Auntie Pinkie."

Pinkie gasped. "The foals!" She dashed off to the nursery, closely followed by Starfire and both suddenly nervous parents.

Trailing along behind the ponies was an overlarge, grinning silkworm, with a toothless alligator clinging to its back.


Rainbow Dash glided back to her cloud house, Scootaloo clinging to her back. Princess Luna had already begun the work of helping guide the seven of them through the year of memories they hadn't experienced, and Rainbow Dash was looking forward to getting back to sleep to continue...right after she signed the waiting adoption papers for Scootaloo. Opening the door, however, she froze.

Cyborg grinned back at her from the couch. "Hey Rainbow. Good to see you back."

Rainbow frowned. "You've got three weeks to get your own place, Vic."

Cyborg and Scootaloo both went wide eyed. "Huh?"

"Why can't he stay here with us?" Scootaloo asked, confused.

"I'll give you three reasons," Rainbow said flatly but without rancor. "First, this is a two bedroom house, and both rooms are already taken."

"I'm fine with the couch!" Cyborg interjected.

"Two," Rainbow continued, "I promised my dad I wouldn't share my house with a stallion unless we were dating." She then gave Cyborg a direct look. "And third, after a year living as me, you probably know my body nearly as well as I do, and that's going to be awkward enough without living under the same roof."

Scootaloo winced. Cyborg grinned sheepishly. "That's a good point," Cyborg admitted.

Rainbow smiled. "Don't worry, I'll help you find a place. I won't leave my friends hanging."


Rarity and Sweetie Belle entered Carousel Boutique quietly, just enjoying each other's company. Rarity glanced around at her place of business and residence, which she'd been away from so long. Smiling to herself, she nuzzled Sweetie Belle again, feeling at home.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique," a voice said from further inside, "where everything is chique, unique, and magnifique." Jinx stepped out from behind a ponequine. "Rarity's not here right now, but perhaps I can help- oh, Rarity, you're home."

Seeing Sweetie Belle run happily up to hug Jinx, Rarity smiled. "Yes...we are." She walked forward, glancing between Jinx and Sweetie, noticing that there was a great deal of familial resemblance. Idly, she wondered how her parents would react to learning they suddenly had another fully grown daughter. "So, do you have a place to stay?"

Jinx shrugged. "Not yet, but I'm sure I'll find something."

Rarity shook her head. "No, you'll stay here. I have plenty of room, and after all you've done for me and Sweetie, it's the least I can do."

Jinx smiled. "Alright. Besides, an extra set of hooves won't go amiss around here, will it?"

Rarity chuckled. "Especially not a skilled set."

Sweetie Belle cavorted happily between her two big sisters, smiling wider than should have been physically possible.


Twilight walked slowly up the stairs of Ponyville library, struggling to familiarize herself with someplace that she had - apparently - lived comfortably in for quite some time. "This place certainly seems comfortable, at least," Twilight said calmly. "Plenty of books. I'll never have to look far for something to read." She paused at a shelf. "Looks like we've got the entire set of Daring Doo novels. Maybe I can get Rainbow to actually read them, she might enjoy that."

Spike chuckled. "You're making yourself at home rather easily, aren't you?"

Twilight smiled. "This place seems calm, quiet. That's what I need right now. I certainly don't want to have to face some stuffy Canterlot noble while I'm recovering."

Spike nodded. "I can see why you wouldn't want that." He pushed open the door to the bedroom, then paused. "Awkward..." he mumbled.

Raven and Beast Boy lay on the bed, their arms wrapped around each other. Twilight coughed. "I know you're both used to living here, but I'm pretty sure that's MY bed, and I'd rather you not get up to anything in it."

Raven smiled sheepishly. "Good point." The two Titans vanished in a flash of light, leaving Twilight and Spike looking confused.


Raven and Beast Boy reappeared on a familiar looking bed in a familiarly creepy looking room. "This..." Raven said, confused.

"This is your room, Raven," Beast Boy said, surprised. "Back at the Tower."

"Not quite," Raven said, pointing at the desk. "Everything has been resized to the comfort of a pony."

Beast Boy suddenly smiled. "Of course! You're a princess. This must be your private retreat in the Celestial Plain."

Raven blinked. "What?"

Beast Boy smiled. "Each princess has their own private area in the Celestial Plain that only they can access, protected by the same spells as the Ponyville library. This must be your Retreat."

Raven smiled. "I see. In that case..." Raven pounced, pinning Beast Boy to the bed. "Where were we?"

Smiling, Beast Boy leaned forward until, at last, he and Raven shared the single, simple kiss they had waited so long for.

It was worth the wait.


Celestia sat on her throne, sighing sadly to herself. It seemed that, at long last, everything was more or less the way it was supposed to be. Twilight and the others were back to their own lives, Raven and the others now lived permanently in Equestria, seeming to have settled in Ponyville, and Luna had fully recovered, having already begun to see to her duties as Princess of the Night.

There was only one thing that still bothered her. Discord was still free. She had mixed feelings about that. She had never liked the fact that she had been forced to imprison him in the first place, but at the time it had been the only choice. However, he seemed different now. Perhaps...perhaps it was enough. She could only hope.

In a flash of light, the dragonequess on her mind appeared before her eyes. "It's been a long time, Celestia."

"Indeed," she replied, stepping calmly off her throne. "It has."

Discord smiled. "You're looking well."

"As are you." Celestia continued walking until she was right in front of him. "It seems your plan unfolded exactly as you wanted."

"Not exactly," he replied with a grin. "But then, that's chaos for you. Nothing is ever exactly how you predict. If it was, it wouldn't be chaos."

"True," Celestia replied. "You...also seem much more in control of yourself -and your powers - than you were all those eons ago."

Discord smiled as he rolled over and over in midair. "Control? Not really. Chaos can't be controlled, only guided. I have gotten much better at that."

Celestia nodded. "Indeed. And...are you...still..." She hesitated, unsure if she dared ask this last question.

"Mad?" Discord supplied for her. At her nod, he grinned. "I'm afraid so." He twisted his body into odd contortions. "Crazy, mental, completely around the bend."

Celestia hung her head. She had been afraid of this.

Discord floated down to land in front of her on his mismatched feet. "But I'll tell you a secret, Tia." Reaching out with his lion's paw, he gently lifted her chin to look her in the eye, a gentle smile on his face. "...all the best ponies are."

Celestia stared at him, disbelieving. Then, closing her eyes tight, she lunged forward, burying her face against Discord's furry chest as she began to cry. Discord rested his lion's paw on her shoulder, idly stroking her mane with his eagle talon.

Then, in a voice so quiet that only Discord heard, Celestia whispered, "...I missed you, Daddy."