• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 15,867 Views, 2,401 Comments

My Little Titan - Tatsurou

Teen Titans/MLP crossover. Raven wakes up in Twilight's body and has to find out what happened and how to fix it. Finding answers proves difficult, despite welcome asistance.

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Unexpected Ally

9. Unexpected Ally

Zecora calmly stepped out of the Everfree Forest, pulling the hood of her cloak up to shield her eyes from the bright sun. Sighing, she once more headed into the small town of Ponyville, seeking to purchase the ingredients for her potions she was unable to procure within the forest. However, she doubted she would be anymore able to do so this month then she had any other month, and would once more be required to search beyond her normal range for what she needed. She didn't know why the shops were always closed whenever she came into town. Perhaps she just had bad timing, or bad luck. So far, journeying from her homeland to discover other culture's ways was not working out well.

As she stepped into town, however, she noticed something different in the air. It was subtle, yet profound. Always before, every door would be locked tight, and not a sound could be heard throughout the whole town. Such impression would have led Zecora to believe that Ponyville was a ghost town, were it not for the sense of being watched she always experienced. This time, though, that sense of being watched was gone. Store's were open but abandoned, with the stock secured but unwatched.

All this made it clear that something was noticeably different about Ponyville this time...but not nearly as much as the noticeably egg heavy griffon preening herself on a nearby roof as she lounged in the sun.

"Hey," the griffon called. "Who are you?"

Zecora blinked. While not the politest of greetings by zebra standards, it was incredibly so by griffon standards, and left Zecora quite shocked. However, she recovered and smiled. "Zecora is my given name, what of you? Have you acclaim?"

The griffon blinked at her, seeming lost. Then she replied, "My name's Gilda."

Zecora nodded. "A pleasure Gilda, but can you say, where everypony has gone today?"

Gilda smirked. "Twilight and Trixie are having another game of Disqus in the Town Square. Everypony drops everything when that happens to go watch." Gilda rolled onto her back. "I lost interest after the fifth time. As much fun as it is to watch a fight, I lost interest when I realized Twilight could win the fight everytime in a second if she wanted to with an overcharged blast." She rolled her eyes. "After that, I couldn't see the point."

Zecora's eyes shined in interest. "Disqus? I don't know the name. Might you describe to me this game?"

Gilda shrugged. "It'll work better if you just go see for yourself." She closed her eyes as she spread her wings out to catch the sun.

Zecora smiled. "I believe I shall, it sounds quite fun. Enjoy your time under Celestia's sun."

Gilda grunted acknowledgement as she fell asleep. Zecora turned to head into Ponyville proper.

As she approached Town Square, she saw that it was full to the brim with ponies of all three primary variants. It was so full, it was difficult for Zecora to get a clear sight of the raised platform in the center, although she could see two Unicorns upon it, one purple, the other powder blue. Glancing around, she noticed some steps leading to another raised platform that overlooked the square. She climbed up to take a look.

She saw that each of the Unicorn's on stage had a disc of energy in their color floating about them, spinning rapidly. From each of their horns, energy blasts of various colors launched towards the discs to be rapidly evaded. Various objects and images of objects also flew after the purple disc, while a lash of light leaped from the shadows whenever the blue disc got too close to them.

Finally, one of the purple Unicorn's spells hit the blue disc...and it faded. This obviously wasn't supposed to happen, as she seemed quite confused. The blue Unicorn, however, grinned as a dart from a nearby bar embeded itself in the purple disc, causing it to shatter. A blue disc then appeared in the air behind the purple unicorn.

The Earth Pony on the platform held up a hoof. "Victory to the Great and Powerful Trixie!" As the cheers echoed, he continued. "Her final strategy of illusion and invisibility spells combined with animated objects proved too much for Twilight Sparkle's defense, bringing their current win counts to 7-6. Let's give our contenders a big round of applause!"

The pony audience pounded the ground with their hooves, while the flying Pegasi clapped. Zecora smiled. Apparently, she had just witnessed some sort of exhibition match, or at least the tail end of one. Stepping down from the platform, she stepped back, waiting for the audience to disperse a bit before she attempted to visit the shop. She wanted to say hi to the contenders.

When the gathering had dispersed, the two Unicorns - Trixie and Twilight, apparently - came walking down the road. "So Twilight," Trixie asked, "how much better does Trixie have to become before Twilight stops holding back?"

Twilight chuckled. "We've still got a lot of work to do before I start hitting full force with my spells, Trixie. Your illusion techniques are inspired, and your offensive techniques are improving immensely, but your defense is still lacking. My weaker spells still tear right through your shields. When you've improved your shield spells a bit more, then I can up my game further and give us both a real challenge." Twilight then smiled. "I must say, I am impressed at how rapidly you're developing, especially in an area of magic beyond your special talent."

Trixie blushed, but raised her head. "Did you expect anything less of the Great and Powerful Trixie?" she said haughtily. Then she ducked her head, pulling down on her star speckled hat. "And...thanks again for the lessons," she said quickly and quietly.

Twilight smiled indulgently. "I told you, Trixie. You have a great deal of potential. I'm happy to help you bring it out." She then turned her head. "Now, if you'll excuse me, there's somepony here I'd like to talk to." As Trixie left, Twilight walked up to Zecora. Raising one hoof, she put it to her own chest, forehead, and lips before extending it ceremoniously to Zecora. <"Welcome, honored sister, to my home. Good fortune aid you in all your endeavors.">

Zecora blinked in surprise. She had not expected anypony here to know enough about zebra culture to be able to perform the traditional zebra greeting between practitioners of the mystic arts...and in Zebrakin no less! Smiling, Zecora raised her own hoof to chest, forehead, and lips - signifying that her words were true in heart, thought, and deed - before placing the flat of her hoof against Twilight's. <"May Earth and Sky smile on your works, honored sister. The sun smiles on us.">

<"May wisdom guide our steps."> Twilight then smiled as they lowered their hooves, the ritual complete. "I hope you don't mind if I shift back to Equesh. My Zebrakin isn't quite good enough to hold a full conversation."

"Quite all right, young Unicorn. It was a treat to hear the language of the land where I was born." Zecora smiled. "I am Zecora, young Twilight. Tell me, what purpose was your mock fight?"

Twilight chuckled. "I've been giving Trixie magic lessons, to help her improve in areas she has undeveloped potential in. She's quite competitive, so a public competition to demonstrate her skills makes for a good motivator to keep her nose to the books. So what brings you to Ponyivlle?"

As Twilight and Zecora walked down the road, Zecora explained her purpose for being in town. "I have need of reagents for my spells, which I believe yonder shop sells."

Twilight grinned. "Really? Do you mind if I watch you work?"

"Not at all, magic child. It ofttimes gets lonely out in the wild." Zecora gestured towards Everfree Forest.

Twilight tilted her head as they entered the shop. "You live in Everfree Forest? Why?"

Zecora smiled, not noticing the shop pony's nervousness in her presence. "My homeland rests in jungle deep. Neath wild branches I find restful sleep."

Twilight smiled. "That's why you keep your hood up, isn't it? You still aren't used to how bright the sun is out on the plains."

Zecora smiled, nodding her head. "Indeed, young Twilight, you are quite right." She turned to the shopkeeper. "I have need of a red flower with petals three, that sparkles like stars on moonlit sea."

The shopkeeper blinked at her. "Huh?"

"Bloodthorn seafern," Twilight supplied. "Third shelf, fourth from the right."

"Oh!" she replied, fetching the plant in question. "That'll be five bits."

Zecora fished the bits in question out of her bag and payed for the plant, slipping it back into her satchel. She turned to Twilight. "Would you care to accompany me, back to my hut, my potion to see?"

Twilight smiled. "I'd be delighted."

They headed out together in companionable silence as they walked to the edge of the Everfree Forest. Once they were beneath the branches, Zecora turned to Twilight. "This forest has dangers many, follow my lead so we won't see any."

Twilight smiled. "Certainly."

Zecora led Twilight along her usual path, which avoided most of the dangerous creatures of the forest as it meandered through the more dangerous plants. Passing by a bright blue field of flowers, Zecora turned to her companion. "Beware those flowers of brightest blue, they bring fiendish jokes of trouble true."

Twilight smiled. "Thanks. I didn't want to run afoul of anything like that."

Having passed the field of Poison Joke safely, they reached Zecora's hut. Twilight paused as soon as she caught sight of it, staring, a gentle glow in her eyes. Zecora knew what she was looking at. "My relics of home bear a magic spell, to ward me against those who would wish me unwell." She lowered her hood. "Any unwelcome gaze of mind will soon find themselves...struck blind."

Twilight smiled. "Impressive...and quite beautiful." She followed Zecora into the hut.

Zecora gestured around at her relics of home. "I hope you like what here you see, though compared to Ponyville it may seem...creepy."

Twilight smiled, sitting down. "I feel at home."

Zecora smiled. "I am glad to hear, you allay my fear." Zecora proceeded to prune the flower to get the parts she needed for the potion she was working on. "You have nothing from me to fear, but your Zebrakin contained an accent familiar."

"Did it?" Twilight asked curiously.

":Indeed,:" Zecora replied in Azarathean. ":It has been a long time since I have bespoken a monk of Azarath, though I was unaware they included ponies in their numbers.:"

Twilight stared at Zecora, her eyes wide in shock. "How do you know of Azarath?" she asked in shock.

"My people's magic deals heavy with souls," Zecora replied. "We learn to Astral Walk whilst we're still foals. In spirit plain, little is same, and many are met who are not of Equine get." She then looked towards Twilight. "So how does a monk become a pony? This is a story I would pay to see."

Twilight smiled. "It's a long story."

Zecora stirred the potion. "My spell will take quite long to brew, I have little else to do."

Twilight chuckled. "Alright. Since you know about the magic of souls, you know that there are spells that can steal someone's soul...or transfer someone into a body not their own?"

Zecora nodded. "These spells are darkest works indeed. I know only hearsay, I concede."

Twilight sighed. "Well, that has been done here. Someone extracted the soul of Twilight Sparkle and six others...and someone else put my friends and I in their place. We don't know why, and our clues are slim."

Zecora tilted her head thoughtfully. "While your story rings quite true, it leaves one question, who are you?"

The unicorn sighed. "My name is Raven Roth."

Zecora suddenly smiled. "There is but one thing then I'd have you tell, is your mother Arella well?"

Raven's head snapped up, shocked. "You...you knew my mother?"

"That I hath, it was through her I learned of Azarath." Zecora smiled. "In younger days she walked with souls in places I too stalked. She was my closest spirit friend, though years ago our contact came to an end."

Raven blinked, then sighed. "I...haven't heard from my mother since I left Azarath."

Zecora nodded sadly. "Apologies if I brought distress, selfish of me I confess. Perhaps this will be less so, something you should know." When Raven raised her head, Zecora smiled. "The one promise she asked of this friend true; should chance arise, to lend aid to you."

Raven smiled sadly. "She did?"

"She told me of your cursed fate," Zecora said quietly. "Your pain she hoped I could abate."

Raven smiled. "Well, that fate has passed. My father came through the portal...and my friends and I kicked him right back."

"That is certainly good news to hear, but it does not quite allay my fear. Many worlds have brought Scath's gaze, and a child portal is but one of his ways."

"Well, don't worry," Raven said with a smile. "If he tries to strike here, my friends and I will put him back where he belongs."

"This world is beyond his reach, for he was already cast back beyond the breach."

Raven's eyes widened. "Trigon was here before? When?"

Zecora shook her head. "Long ago in ancient days, this world felt his malevolent gaze. While he sought to conquer all, his own power brought about his downfall. His physical presence was broken when a noble hero stole his token. Claiming his power bound to a soul, he was banished, leaving this world whole." She shook her head. "So goes the legend of my home, I know not where to find it in a tome."

Raven's eyes were wide. "Trigon was here...physically?"

"This world of great magic he wanted at call and beck. Whilst here he went under the name...of Tirek."

Raven stared at Zecora in shock. "That's a bit to swallow. I know how strong my father is, and-"

"His manifestation was incomplete, leaving him somewhat weak. He could not bring full force to bear, although twas enough to give many a scare." Zecora shook her head. "This world's magic is of great power, which is why he sought to make us cower."

"Equestria is inherently powerful magically?"

"Indeed." Zecora gestured around the hut. "In other worlds magic clings and grows, but here magic like water flows. All power here is in celestial wake, much less control does all magic take."

Raven lay down. "So that's why I don't have to keep my emotions in check now. It's not being a Unicorn or being in Twilight's body...it's Equestria itself."

Zecora nodded calmly.

Raven sighed sadly. "I guess it was too much to hope for that I could reproduce the effect when we got home."

Zecora looked at her. "Something trouble you? Speak, there may be something I can do."

Raven lowered her head. "I just...I want to be able to love. Is...is that so much to ask?" Tears fell from her eyes.

"So that is why you bemoan...you cannot act in a body not your own." Zecora thought for a time. "I don't suppose you might find, joy to be shared in realm of the mind?"

Raven shook her head, sighing with regret. "My mind isn't a safe place. I've got better control in Equestria than I did when... We can't use my mind, and I can't risk my problems sneaking into my..." she started gesturing awkwardly with one hoof " er... special somepony's mind."

Zecora nodded."I see you have much wisdom in youth," She put a hoof on Raven's shoulder "...And much pain, for in your fear rings truth." She turned back to her work and smiled "But I can throw you and your love a bone; though you long to touch, you are no longer alone."

Raven cracked a small smile at that "Yea, that does help."

Zecora tared at the young one before her, lost in thought. "And as much as life in this world makes you yearn, this body to its owner you still seek to return?"

Raven nodded. "It's like he said. These aren't our bodies, our lives. We...have no right to use them for our own desires. So we'll find what happened to the others and bring them back. And...we'll be back in Earth after that."

Zecora plced her muzzle against Raven's mane, blowing gently as a mother zebra did to comfort a distressed foal. "Much pain that you face to do what is right, with so much of your life being lost to the fight. Long have you lived with the pain of heartache, I do not wish to see yours break." Pulling back, she lowered her head to look Raven right in the eyes. "So when lives and bodies are back on track...I will do what I can to this world bring you back."

Raven looked up at Zecora, surprised. "You...you will?"

Zecora smiled. "To you, little one, I speak true. Yes...and your special somepony, too."

Raven smiled, holding back tears. "Thanks, Zecora." She got to her hooves and leaned her neck against Zecora's in a ponhug. "I'd better get back to town before one of the others manages to convince themselves that you're evil and have foalnapped me."

Zecora chuckled. "I would not do that to you, the daughter of one of my friends true."

Raven smiled. "Do you think you could help keep up the ruse? I fear someone may be watching, and I don't want to show my cards too soon."

Zecora nodded. "Safe journey friend. May you well fend."

Raven left. Turning, Zecora saw that her potion was ready, and she added the last ingredient...a scrying crystal. Pulling it out, she saw it first glow gold, then white...then black and blood red. "Though you may have planned long and hard," she whispered, "here is one you will not catch off guard."