• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 15,867 Views, 2,401 Comments

My Little Titan - Tatsurou

Teen Titans/MLP crossover. Raven wakes up in Twilight's body and has to find out what happened and how to fix it. Finding answers proves difficult, despite welcome asistance.

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24. Settling

Excerpt from Raven Roth's Journals:

Discord's asked me to keep journals of my 'early years' in Equestria. I don't understand why. He said something about their 'historical value'. I think he just likes prying into ponies private lives. Still, I suppose I can do that much at least. It doesn't really cost me anything. Of course, if anyone other than Discord is reading these, someone will shortly be very dead.

At any rate, I suppose I should write down how my first few days in Ponyville as myself have been. ...really not that much different from normal. Since Pinkie didn't throw me a Welcome Party - she felt it inappropriate since I'd been here a full year, although she is planning a 'Year of Titans' Party in a few weeks - no one's actually recognized that we're new ponies. Since we act like we belong and know everyone already, they accept us just as easily. I don't know whether to find that creepy or reassuring. ...I'm probably the only one who could find it both.

As for how we're all doing personally...Well, I've settled into the library easily, living with Twilight, Spike, and Beast Boy. The two dragons have taken to sharing the basement for their room, while Twilight and I have separate bedrooms upstairs. I can see why she'd want a bit of privacy after everything that's happened.

Speaking of things that happened- No. I'm not going to talk about that. Not writing about that. Not THINKING about that. ...curse the truth compulsion on this parchment, I'll get you back for that, Discord. All I am going to say is that Beast Boy and I have had trouble meeting each other's gaze the past few days. On to everyone else.

Except for Cyborg, we've all settled in to staying with those whose bodies we were in up until recently. Cyborg's moved into Derpy's basement. She said it seemed like a good place for a mad scientist. Not sure what that was supposed to mean.

...everyone's dealing with what happened at varying degrees of adaptability. Spike seems to have had the easiest time of it. Apparently, Celestia wasn't kidding about dragon bodies and brain chemistries being designed to bounce back easily from even the most horrible events. Other than a somewhat more mature outlook, he's still the same as he was. Although his more mature form has drawn...quite a few appreciative gazes. Thankfully, Beast Boy's good at deflating him before he starts expanding from hubris.

Spike has gotten a bit possessive of Rarity, though. Nothing too bad, really, although there was a bit of a mishap when Prince Blueblood showed up trying to woo Rarity. When Blueblood didn't take the hint and tried to lay hooves on her, Spike broke his foreleg. According to Jinx, the only reason he didn't break the foreleg OFF is because Sweetie was in the room. Of course, Blueblood tried to get Spike thrown in jail for it. Celestia told him that if he went near any of the Harmony Bearers outside of an official function again, she'd hang him from the throne room chandelier by his testicles. Luna commented happily that she loved piñatas. Blueblood hasn't been seen in the company of the Diarchs since.

Fluttershy has been adjusting back to her life relatively easily. If anything, her time under Trigon/Tirek has actually seemed to make her...stronger, a lot like Spike. When I asked her about it, she told me, "I faced down a demon from the deepest pits of Tartarus without flinching. Other ponies just...aren't so scary anymore." Of course, she's still shy, quiet, and easygoing...but last market day made it clear that she's no pushover anymore. She left a wake of slack jawed merchants as she gathered her groceries. Melvin, Timmy, and Teether were laughing as they regaled me with that particular tale.

This is not to say she's completely unscathed from it. Like everyone else, she has nightmares about it on occasion, and the occasional waking vision. However, she's handling it rather well as far as anyone can tell, her new fears indistinguishable from her normal fears and shakes. At least, that's what Melvin says. It also seems that having those three there depending on her is a huge help to Fluttershy's recovery. Since having a young one near who relies on you seems to be a common help to recovery - Rarity with Sweetie Belle, Rainbow with Scootaloo, and Applejack with Apple Bloom are good examples - I'm going to see about arranging for everyone to take turns hosting the Cutie Mark Crusaders sleepovers.

Speaking of them, Rainbow has found a rather, well, expected method of dealing with the issues from her trauma. She pushes herself to total exhaustion with work and physical training, spends time taking care of Scootaloo, and then reads Daring Do novels until she conks out at night. I then teleport her out of the library and back into her own bed. Overall, she hasn't been having nightmares and seems to be outrunning her trauma, sort of. Scootaloo reports that she's doing more or less okay in recovery.

...yes, I did in fact recruit the CMC to assist me in keeping an eye on everypony. No, I don't feel the least bit guilty of that. Quit looking at me like that! ...I'm yelling at my own journal...

At any rate, much like Rainbow, Applejack has taken refuge in her work, pushing herself hard in the orchard and with her family. It's still hard for her, but she's dealing with it. Robin- No, he wants us to call him Night Seed now. He's really taken to being part of the family.

Rarity...she's the odd one out. She's still working hard, but her priority is most definitely spending time with Sweetie Belle...when she's not spending time with Spike. Jinx has been helping her out in regards to accidental double scheduling...


Rarity sighed heavily and irritably at the large pile of suitcases just inside her front door. Once again, her parents had decided to walk in and drop Sweetie off with her without consideration for proper scheduling. It wasn't that Rarity was upset with having Sweetie over: far from it. After what had happened, Rarity valued every moment she could spend with her beloved little sister. Mostly, her resentment was directed at her parents.

Now she loved her parents dearly, of course, but...her parents weren't exactly the most responsible, always flitting off on their various 'vacations' and 'tours', frittering away their money and time. This had been the cause of Rarity becoming such an independent filly before Sweetie was born: her parents weren't even there when she got her Cutie Mark. Of course, the party they threw for her to celebrate when they got back was...in hindsight, rather excessive.

That was the unfortunate pattern, now that Rarity looked at it. They were both rarely there, and when they were they spoiled both their children rotten. It's what had led Rarity to get her own place as soon as she could afford it, and why she had spent so much time with Sweetie when she was younger...and why she worked so hard to ensure Sweetie had as much of a college fund as she could provide. And, now that she thought of it, why Sweetie sought her out as a role model and caregiver far more readily then she sought out their mother.

In the sudden chill light of clarity brought on by recent events, Rarity was forced to see her parents for how they'd really been...and found them unsettlingly wanting. For this reason, amongst others, she was glad of the remodeling she had done of the second floor these past few days.

"Rarity?" Sweetie asked worriedly. "Are...are you upset with me?"

Rarity snapped back to herself. "Never, Sweetie," she insisted, pulling Sweetie into a tight embrace. "Why would I be?"

"Well, you seemed kind of upset when Mom and Dad dropped me off," Sweetie pointed out.

Rarity sighed. "I just wish they had told me they had planned this earlier so I could have planned around it. I would love to take this week off and spend time with you, I really would. But..." She gestured to her calendar.

Starting the next day, the entire week was filled with names. Hoity Toity, Sapphire Shores, Photo Finish, and several other big names in the fashion and media industry. Major trend setters. The sort of ponies that could make or break Rarity's fashion career. "If I cancel these appointments - or worse, screw them up - I'll be absolutely destroyed as a fashionista. No one will ever buy my designs again." She closed her eyes. "And then we can say goodbye to your college fund," she mumbled under her breath.

"Well," Sweetie offered, "maybe I could stay with Apple Bloom for sleepovers or something-"

"No!" Rarity insisted. "I won't just dump you off on someone else because it's convenient for me! I won't do that to you, Sweetie!" She took a few calming breaths. "I'll just have to figure something out. I'm sure I'll come up with something. For now, why don't you take your bags up to your room?"

"My room?" Sweetie asked, confused. "Don't you mean the guest room?"

Rarity shook her head. "Not anymore. I did some remodeling. There are five bedrooms and three bathrooms upstairs now. The master is mine, and the ones to either side are Jinx' room and yours. For whenever you need it."

Sweetie blinks. "You mean like when Mom and Dad are off on vacation and I'm staying with you?"

"Not just then," Rarity replied, tousling Sweetie's mane. "Any time you feel you need to get out of the house, get away, or feel you need a safe haven...it's your room."

Sweetie blinked for a bit, tearing up a little. She then threw her arms around Rarity's neck, holding her in a tight hug. "I love you too, big sis," she whispered in her ear before grabbing her suitcases and hauling them up the stairs.

Rarity rubbed her neck a bit. "She's got quite the grip. Nearly strangled me there." She heard a yelp from upstairs, followed by Sweetie shouting something about the wrong room. Rarity chuckled. "Guess I should have warned Jinx."

Jinx came down the stairs, levitating the remaining suitcases upstairs. "So Sweetie's staying with us for the week?" she asked with a smile.

Rarity nodded. "Yes. And I'm stuck between the rock of my appointments and the hard place of disappointing Sweetie. I just...it's not like I can be in two places at once!" Rarity threw her head back, her fainting couch floating up to catch her as she fell backward. "Of all the things that could happen, this is the! Worst! Possible! Thing!"

Jinx suddenly grinned. "Maybe not. Maybe you can be." Her horn ignited, and several items floated down from upstairs to surround her, closely followed by a curious Sweetie. Rarity recognized a few costume supplies, some dye, and a good amount of her make up. Before she could ask, the materials began their work on Jinx as she began to sing.

"Strand by strand, getting the right color,
New mane look, making sure that the length is just right
Making sure the shade is just perfect
And getting those curls just right.
Keeping in mind the proper angles
Won't have the aid of bling or bangles
Making the look right.

"Then the tail, keeping a good eye out
Extensions placed, curling it so careful
A good comparison works well for first time
But always making sure you've got it all just right
Add in the hooficures, so they perfectly catch the light
Add a mark filter upon the flank
You're halfway through the fight.

"Eyelashes and colored lenses draw the sight
A dash of blush and rouge to get color right
When the face is done perfect
Then you've already won.

"Making sure you know the names,
Making sure nothing you say sounds strange
Knowing the faces and designs
Making sure you don't forget your lines
The last steps most important
It makes it all fall into place
It makes the life a song.
Step by step, line by line
Mane, tail, flank, face and script
Keeping it up for however long
Making sure nothing can go wrong
Cause that's the art of the con!"

As the floating materials levitated to the side, Rarity found herself staring at...Rarity. "My word," she said to herself. "That's amazing. It's like looking in a mirror."

"Of course it is, darling," Jinx replied. "That's what being a good body double is all about."

"I liked that song!" Sweetie piped up from the stairs, causing both mares to wince. "What's a con?"

"Never mind, Sweetie," Rarity piped up, turning back to Jinx. "So you will be standing in for me during the meetings I have scheduled this week?"

"But of course," Jinx replied, matching Rarity's voice perfectly. "I do have practice at it, after all." Sweetie suddenly giggled. "What is it, Sweetie?"

"I was just imagining Spike's face if he walked in right now!" she replied, still giggling. Both Rarity and Jinx covered their mouths with a hoof, stifling a giggle in identical manners.

Rarity looked over at Jinx as Sweetie climbed down the stairs. "Are you sure you can handle this?" she asked in concern. "As I recall, you have only just begun to be yourself after the strain of pretending to be me was getting to you. Are you certain..."

Jinx waved a hoof dismissively. "Think nothing of it, darling. It's only for a week." She pulled Sweetie into a hug. "Besides, the only one I was truly bothered about lying to was this little sweetheart."

Sweetie giggled happily. "Love you, too, big sis Jinx."

Smiling, Rarity went to stand by Jinx. "So tell us, Sweetie, how good is her disguise?"

Stepping back, Sweetie began examining them carefully. After a time she smirked impishly. "I think Jinx is a little slimmer..."

Jinx stifled a snort while Rarity gasped. "Sweetie Belle!"

"Just kidding, Rarity!" Sweetie hastened to assure her, despite her laughter. "It looks perfect. The only difference is in the scent, and that's because Jinx is using your 'business deal' perfume instead of the 'flirtatious' perfume you normally wear."

Jinx glanced over at Rarity. "She's quite aware of your habits," she commented drily.

Rarity chuckled nervously. "She does so look up to me." She then turned. "Well, Sweetie, now that that's been settled, it's time for us to do something fun together."

Sweetie glanced back and forth between Rarity and Jinx. "But...what about Jinx?"

"Don't worry Sweetie," Jinx replied in her natural voice. "We can spend some time together - all three of us - next week. For now, Rarity has a lot of missed time to catch up on with you."

Sweetie smiled. "Okay." She turned back to Rarity. "So what are we going to do today?"

Rarity smiled. "What would you like to do, Sweetie?"

Sweetie thought for a time. "Maybe...visit the spa?"

For a moment - a brief moment - Rarity was overjoyed, thinking that Sweetie was growing to appreciate the more refined, adult pleasures of a lady and they would have even more opportunities to bond. Then she became rational. "Sweetie, you don't really want to go to the spa. You suggested it because you know I enjoy it and you wanted me to be excited about spending time with you. Didn't you?"

Sweetie hung her head. "That obvious?"

Rarity nodded. "Still, it was very sweet of you." She thought for a time. "Maybe we could..." She suppressed a convulsive swallow. "...go play in the lake?"

Sweetie looked up at her. "Now who's being obvious?"

"Now, Sweetie, I spend plenty of time with water sports-"

"If you call sunning yourself in a well-designed swim suit while flirting with stallions water sports."

Rarity winced at Sweetie's rather pointed barb. "Touché," she replied.

"If you both wouldn't mind a suggestion," Jinx spoke up, levitating out a frisbee.

"Umm..." Sweetie began. "I'm not sure how much fun we could have with a frisbee..."

"Why not?" Jinx asked. "You love running around and catching things, so you can have fun chasing the frisbee, while Rarity can catch and throw it with her magic."

Rarity lighted up. "And you can practice your magic by trying to slow it down before catching it, Sweetie!" she said happily. "Doesn't that sound like so much fun?"

Sweetie thought for a time. "...yeah, it does!" She grabbed the frisbee in her mouth. "Comf on, Farify," she said from around it. "Fet's go!" She raced happily out the door.

"Wait for me, darling," she called after her, smiling happily as she followed her at a more sedate pace, leading to Sweetie bouncing happily around her as they walked.

Jinx smiled happily as she watched them go. Then she turned to the door to practice. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique," she began, "where everything is chique, unique, and magnifique. I am Rarity. How may I assist you today?"


Of course, I didn't really get a complete update of what everyone was up to until I was in the audience for the Sisterhooves Social competition at Sweet Apple Acres. I'd write about that, too, right now, but this is getting long for a journal entry for me, and I'm getting tired. I'll add more next time I write.