• Published 14th Mar 2013
  • 15,867 Views, 2,401 Comments

My Little Titan - Tatsurou

Teen Titans/MLP crossover. Raven wakes up in Twilight's body and has to find out what happened and how to fix it. Finding answers proves difficult, despite welcome asistance.

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Stand My Ground

7. Stand My Ground

Melvin walked happily around the area surrounding Fluttershy's cottage, carefully feeding all the animals, making sure they all got the food they needed. 'Worms for the birds, check. Small fish for the otters, check. Veggies for the herbivores, check.' She smiled as she saw Gilda step out of the cottage. "Good morning, Gilda."

Gilda glowered at her. "What's so good about it?" she asked grumpily.

Melvin stifled a giggle. She knew by now that Gilda was not a morning griffon. "Your breakfast is set up over by the tree," she said happily.

Gilda grumbled quietly, by now used to Melvin's inexplicable cheerfulness. She blinked when she reached her breakfast, though. "Where'd you get a fish this big?"

Melvin smiled. "I know some ponies," was all she said. She continued to tend the gardens that fed Fluttershy's herbivore friends, filling trays with pet food for those animals that were for pony adoption.

Gilda grunted before tearing into the marlin. "What's with the big nest?" she asked, referring to a new addition to the tree. "Expecting a giant bird?"

Melvin giggled. "No, Gilda. That nest is for you."

Gilda's head shot up, looking right at her with a predatory glare. "What makes you think I need a nest?" she replied defensively.

Melvin smiled. "Gilda, I tend animals of all sorts, including avains and large cats. I know nesting behavior when I see it."

Gilda lowered her head. "Are you going to ask?"

"Do you want to tell me?" Melvin replied quietly.

Gilda looked away. "Not really."

Melvin smiled. "Then I won't." She turned back towards her chores, ignoring Gilda's stupefied expression. "You'll let me know if I need to fix up the nest any though, right?"

"Yeah. Sure."

Melvin continued to feed more of the animals, pausing briefly as a muscle spasm crossed her left side when she extended the wing. She was still a bit stiff from where Trixie had healed her. She forced herself to work through it, though, especially as she could hear all the little animals voices of concern.

One animal, however, was less pleasant, and that was the one she had to tend next. She fluttered over to his hutch. "Now now, Angel," she chided the white rabbit, "you shouldn't eat so fast. You'll get a tummyache."

Angel paused in his eating and glared up at her. "<Why don't you mind your own business,>" he said in bunny language, before dropping the carrot and hopping away.

Picking up the carrot, Melvin set down in front of Angel. "It's not play time yet, Angel. You still need to eat."

Angel turned his back to her. "<Leave me alone!>"

"Please Angel, just a few more bites-"

"<You're not my Mama!>" Angel snapped, kicking the carrot aside. "<Stop talking to me like she does! Stop pretending to be her! Give me back my Mama!>" Turning, Angel hopped off.

Melvin sighed. "Oh, Angel...I'm sorry..."

Angel suddenly coughed. Melvin perked her head up. "Are you alright?" she asked fluttering over...until she recognized the behavior. Gulping in fear, she looked upward.

A thick cloud of dangerous looking smoke poured from a distant mountain, slowly filling the sky. "Oh dear," Melvin whispered. "That's not good." 'I didn't remember...after getting hurt by the tarrasque, I didn't keep track of when we were...I thought events were different.' She blinked up at the smoke. "I'd better get help-" She froze.

'That's right, Melvin,' she thought to herself. 'Run to the others. Tell them of the smoke. You can see where it's coming from. It's not volcanic smoke, and there's nothing up there to burn. It doesn't take a genius to realize that it's a dragon, and you know why he's creating so much smoke. It's even logical to know about dragon behavior to recognize that the dragon is laying down for a century nap. After all, you're friends with a baby dragon that lives in a library, and your animal passion means you would want to read everything about dragons in your usual eagerness for new animals.' She shook herself. 'But no, you're going to run to the others, to Raven, because the big bad dragon scares you. After what happened with the tarrasque, nopony would blame you for wanting to avoid facing another large creature that might be more dangerous than it was in the show. They might not even make you come with, despite fixing this being Fluttershy's responsibility. Raven certainly won't want to expose me to this kind of danger after last week.'

She looked towards town. 'Raven won't want to ever expose me to danger, not after what happened. She's always been protective of me. She'll want to keep me safe. I won't have to fight anyone ever again...I'll just be kept safe...'

"...I'm not dead weight," she said quietly.

"Come again?" Gilda asked, having come up to look at the smoke cloud.

"...nothing," Melvin said quietly. "Gilda, do you think you could look after the animals for a bit?"

Gilda blinked. "Uhh, sure, I guess. Where are you going?"

Melvin smiled. "It looks like a dragon has settled down for a nap on that mountain, but his snoring is filling the sky with smoke. Since dragons nap for a century at a time, that's a threat to all of us, so I'm going to go up there and ask him to find someplace else to sleep."

Gilda stared at her. "You're...you're just going to walk right up to a sleeping dragon, wake him up, and ask him to move?"

Melvin nodded. "Yes, I am."

"Just one question, Fluttershy. ARE YOU INSANE?" Gilda shouted. "After the tarrasque the doc ponies said you were supposed to be taking it easy. Is this your idea of easy?"

"I need to do this, Gilda," Melvin replied quietly. "I'm the only one who can."

Gilda stared at her. "...fine." She turned her back. "But don't expect me to go running for the cavalry."

Melvin smiled. "Actually, I was hoping you could buy some time if Twilight came here looking for me."

Gilda stared at her. "You expect me to cross Twilight. Really."

Melvin smiled. "I...guess not?" GIlda shook her head. "Alright." Heading into the cottage, she gathered a few things she would need.

As she headed out, however, she was attacked by Angel Bunny. "<I don't care if you're suicidal, but that's Mama's body! Don't you dare go off on crazy town express and get it hurt! Stop where you are! Hey! Listen to me!>"

Calmly, Melvin pushed Angel aside. "I have to do this Angel. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen to me. I promise."

Angel fell backward, confused. "<But...but...>"

Without a backward glance, Melvin set off for the distant mountain.


As she approached the base of the mountain, she stared up the steep cliff. "Well, time to get up there." Carefully, she spread her wings and began to fly up the side.

A grinding roar echoed through the air. Melvin could feel her wings trying to snap shut in fear, but she locked her muscles, wincing against the pain and stiffness. As the sound passed, she continued up the side. "I'm beginning to think this wasn't such a good idea," she mumbled to herself.

She began thinking about what she was doing. 'Okay, I'm climbing a mountain to confront a fully grown dragon to tell him he has to sleep elsewhere because he's an inconvenience to me and my friends. How can this possibly go wrong? ...he could decide he doesn't care and eat me. I'm beginning to think Gilda was right. I really am crazy.'

As she crossed the gap between the cliffs, once more locking her wings to glide across as the dragon's snores once more shook the air, she continued her thoughts. 'But there's more to it than that. I'm a Teen Titan. I may be only eight, but I took the communicator. I took the responsibility. I can't back down. I'm a part of the team. I need to be strong.' She turned towards the distant Everfree Forest, feeling her connection to Bobby. 'I can't call on Bobby, either. I have to do this as Fluttershy. I have to do this alone.'

She carefully flew up the side of the avalanche zone. 'I need to prove that I can be a part of this team. That I can live up to the responsibility. That whoever put me in Fluttershy's body wan't wrong to do so. That I can take care of myself, my friends...'

From a great distance, a shouted "WHAT?!?" echoed louder than the dragon's snores.

'...And Raven, who just found out I'm trying to take care of the dragon solo.' She lifted higher as the avalanche passed under her. 'I'd better speed up a bit.'

Before long, Melvin reached the cave. Smoke poured out of the entrance, and it was all she could manage to get a clear breath. "Well, here goes nothing. Here's hoping politeness works." She walked slowly into the cavern, up to the huge pile of gold and gemstones. Then she looked up at the dragon.

It was gigantic, a tapestry in ruby red scales and golden spines. Near the edges of its form, the scales blended to a royal purple, and the end of the tail had wicked spines that seemed to flex of their own accord. A single claw was as long as Melvin's pony leg, and one tooth in that pointed jaw was as large as her wing. The eyes were a glittering gold showing irritation and intelligence.

It was at that point that Melvin realized that the dragon's eyes were open, and staring at her with irritation bordering on malevolence.

She let out a quiet 'Meep!' before getting control of herself. "I'm sorry to disturb you Mr. Dragon. My name is Fluttershy. May I ask your name?"

The dragon stared at her for a while, pondering. After a time, his mouth opened. "Shul Viin Ahst Vulon," he said, and the cavern seemed to shake in response to the statement.

She recognized that he was speaking the language of dragons. While she couldn't speak it herself, Fluttershy's special talent allowed the meaning to enter her mind. 'Sun Shines at Night'. "That's a very nice name, sir, but it's a bit of a mouthful for me." She thought for a time. "May I call you Midnight Sun?"

The dragon watched her for a time, then nodded.

She sighed. So far politeness was working quite well. "Well, Midnight Sun, I come from the small town of Ponyville, which this mountain overlooks." She pointed in the general direction of Ponyville. The dragon continued to stare at her. "I know you're settling down for a nap, and I don't mean to disturb your sleep, but...your snoring is creating clouds of smoke which, if allowed to continue, will blot out the sky and eventually kill all life in the region, including my home and friends."

Midnight Sun stared at her. "I fail to see how that is my problem," he said calmly in Equesh.

Melvin gulped. "Well, you see, I'm here to ask if you might please find somewhere else to sleep. If you'd be so kind."

Midnight Sun contemplated her words for a time. "And if I don't?"

Melvin gulped. "Well...I'm afraid I have to insist."

Midnight Sun snorted in amusement. "You and what force of nature, Sojuur?"

Melvin flinched. She didn't like being called a pest, or a weakling. "Well, not to brag, but my friend Twilight is capable of handling a tarrasque single-hoofed-"

"I bore witness," Midnight Sun interrupted. "An infant fresh from its mother's teat, barely hatched and lacking even a quarter of the power of a full grown beast. But a mindless babe throwing a temper tantrum. Hardly worth my attention, and not even close to a threat to me. I hope you weren't counting on that to intimidate me, Sojuur."

Melvin tensed herself. "I can see that. But it won't be Twilight and the others making you leave." She gulped. "It will be me."

Midnight Sun's eyes widened. "You?" He snorted. "Sojuur, I can smell the fear pouring off of you. It is taking every ounce of will you have in you to stand there and speak. How exactly do you expect to make me move?" Reaching out, he flicked Melvin lightly with a claw, sending her tumbling, laughing all the while. "Amusing notion, but hardly believable."

Melvin got back to her hooves. "Of course I'm afraid," she said quietly. "I'd be insane not to be. But that doesn't mean I won't do what I have to."

Midnight Sun stared at her. "Interesting. You have spirit." He smiled, showing a mouthful of teeth. "Let's put it to the test." Leaning forward, he opened his mouth. "Agvon Wuld!" he roared.

Melvin flinched, shutting her eyes as a raging whirlwing of fire roared over her body, bracing herself against the flame. She could feel it sucking the air away, making it hard to breathe. Clenching herself, she refused to fall.

As the tempest passed, Midnight Sun snorted in amusement. "You still stand?" he asked in amusement.

Melvin's whole body was shaking. She knew there was no way she could win. She faced a foe that could not be beaten. However, steeling herself, she raised her right foreleg. "Of course I am," she said, taking a step forward. "I can't let myself fall." She took another step. "Too much is riding on me." She raised her head to meet Midnight Sun's eyes. "Angel needs his Mama. Gilda needs help with her coming egg. Equestria needs the Element of Kindness. My friends need me home safely." She spread her slightly singed wings and took to the air, coming level with Midnight Sun's eyes. "And the ponies of Ponyville need a smoke free sky!" She landed on his muzzle, folding her wings. "So I will keep moving forward, I will make you move, whatever it takes. Because if I don't, they will die. And nobody...NOBODY...hurts! My! FRIENDS!" She glared daggers into Midnight Sun's disbelieving eyes as she flared her wings threateningly. "You got that?" she whispered menacingly.

Midnight Sun stared at her, his eyes wide in shock. Reaching up, he plucked her off his muzzle. "I misread you, Kril Hun," he said quietly. "Mortals have depth I had not considered. I begin to understand why some of my planeswalking bretheren choose to interbreed with them." He set Melvin gently down. "You have earned my respect. If Ponyville can produce such as you, then it is worth preserving." He snorted. "Besides, this place has grown much too noisy. I will never sleep peacefully here."

Melvin's body was shaking so much she thought she'd fall to pieces. However, she managed to smile. "Thank you, Midnight Sun."

Midnight Sun snorted, waving his wing over his treasure pile, making it vanish. "Such courage in one so young...what wonders mortals be." He flapped his wings, taking to the skies.

Melvin calmly stepped out of the cave, seeing Raven and the others rushing up towards her, Trixie struggling to keep up. "FLUTTERSHY!" Raven called out, leaping the last few feet. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Melvin smiled. "Just a bit singed. Nothing too bad." Trixie was immediately at her side, healing the burns. "What about-"

"ZOKRANI LOK!" a loud voice erupted from the sky.

Turning their heads upward, everypony saw Midnight Sun flash with light, releasing a shockwave. As the shockwave extended from his body, the gathered clouds of smoke vanished into nothingness, shortly leaving the sky completely clear. He then turned and flew off into the distance.

Raven, staring at the point the shockwave emitted from, shuddered in brief awe and fear.

"Has Midnight Sun left?" Melvin asked, her vision starting to fade a bit.

"Who?" Trixie asked.

"The dragon. Is he gone?"

"Yeah," Robin said. "He's gone."

"Oh. Good." Releasing a sound like a scared lamb, she flipped onto her back and fainted dead away.

As her mind faded to black, a deep, indulgent chuckle was the last sound she heard.


Melvin woke up slowly, seeing she was in the library. She blinked. "I'm...I'm back."

"ARE YOU INSANE?" Raven shouted, seizing her and pulling her up. "Did you seriously think that soloing a dragon was the next logical thing to do after nearly getting gutted by a baby tarrasque? Did that strike you as sensible? Did someone drop you on your head before I got you?"

Melvin blinked. "But...but Celestia would have just sent the six of us after him..." She had expected Raven to be mad, but not this much.

Desperately struggling to get herself under control, Raven shoved a parchment at Melvin. "Read this." She turned away, struggling to take calming breaths.

Melvin looked down. "My Dearest Twilight Sparkle," she read, "I am sure you have noticed the clouds of smoke encroaching the skies over Ponyville. I am writing to inform you that it is coming from a dragon. He has settled into a nearby mountain for a century long nap, and his snores are releasing smoke into the sky.

"I know you, Twilight, and I know you will want to go face this ordeal yourself. Don't." Melvin blinked. "Huh?"

"Keep reading," Raven said, still not calm.

Melvin looked back at the letter. "While you and your friends are quite capable, Shul Viin Ahst Vulon is a dragon of ancient and terrible power. I have crossed metaphorical swords with him several times in the past, and you are not ready to face this challenge alone. I am dispatching a battalion of the Royal Guard and a contingent of Battle Mages to back you for the confrontation. If not for the fact that the timing will have you reaching the peak at night when I am at my weakest, I would be accompanying you personally. Unfortunately, Luna has not yet recovered enough to face such a foe, and I have been forced to confine her to her quarters to keep her from trying. Your concerned Teacher, Princess Celestia." Melvin blinked. "A...battalion?"

"That's right, a battalion," Raven said through clenched teeth. "That's equivalent to about half the military force available for instant action in Equestria proper, not including those forces out at the border. That's the force Celestia felt was needed to deal with this dragon, and my correspondance with her was that she hoped for a peaceful resolution, as she expected 50% casualties if it came to battle." She once more grabbed hold of Melvin. "And you thought it was a good idea to take him on solo?!?"

"...I'm not dead weight," Melvin whispered.

"Come again?" Raven asked, her appearance having devolved to resemble the 'Lesson Zero' look.

"I'm not dead weight, Raven," Melvin said, meeting her eyes. "I'm a Teen Titan, too. I accepted the communicator, and the responsibility that came with that. I'm not going to run and hide just because something is dangerous. I'm Fluttershy here, the Element of Kindness with a bond with all animals. I was the only one who could bring a peaceful solution that would keep our cover-"

"Our cover?" Raven interrupted, shocked. "Our cover? Melvin, do you think for one moment that anything like that matters a bit to me in the face of losing you? Do you seriously think I'd choose the mission over your safety? Equestria can go hang as far as I'm concerned if it means losing you!" She pulled Melvin into a tight hug. "You're not even nine, for god's sake. You shouldn't have to do this..."

"Raven..." Melvin stared at the tears falling freely from Raven's eyes.

"Re...remember what I said when Mallah grabbed you, Timmy, and Teether?"

Melvin nodded. "You said nobody hurts your kids."

"I meant it, Melvin." Raven struggled to regain control. "You're like a daughter to me. I...I can't lose you."

Melvin hugged Raven back. "...I'm sorry...Mom."

Raven smiled, holding her tight. "Promise you won't do anything this crazy again, okay?"

"I wish I could," Melvin replied with a smile, "but I'm too much my mother's daughter."

Raven chuckled, managing a smile. "You're a real rascal, you know that?"

Melvin smiled. "According to Midnight Sun, I'm a Brave Hero."

"<Not even nine?>" Melvin turned as Angel Bunny hopped out from behind a chair. "<You're...you're just a kid?>"

Melvin smiled. "Yes Angel. I'm just a kid. It's a lot of responsibility, but I have to live up to it."

Angel stared at her in shock. After a few moments, he hopped up and buried his face in her mane. "<I'm sorry! I'll try to behave better! I thought you took my Mama away from me. It's always so hard to have time with Mama, when she's always taking care of everyone. But it's not fair! They all have their own mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters...but all I have is Mama! I just want my Mama!>" He shook a bit, holding back tears.

Melvin scooped him up. "It's okay, Angel," she said comfortingly. "I know how it is. My Mom has a really important job back home, so she can't always be there to take care of me. So my brothers and I value every moment we can spend with her. Don't worry, Mom knows magic even Celestia's never seen, so she'll find out what happened to your Mama, and then we'll bring her home. Until then, think you could behave for me?"

Angel looked up at Melvin, then nuzzled her. "<Okay,>" he said quietly. "<Do you have a Daddy?>"

"Of course I do," Melvin said happily. She turned to Raven. "Beast Boy's my Daddy, right?"

Raven flinched. "W-what makes you say that, Melvin?"

"Because you love him and he loves you," she replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Raven looked away. "Not like I can ever tell him," she muttered under her breath.

"You could tell him now," Melvin replied, pointing with a wing over Raven's shoulder to where Beast Boy sat on the step, staring at Raven in shock.

Raven and Beast Boy continued to stare at each other. Melvin smiled. "I'll leave you two alone," she said happily, skipping happily out the door.

Angel facepawed. "<This will not end well.>"