• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 8,058 Views, 529 Comments

Labyrinth of Madness - Speven Dillberg

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The Weight of Your Sins

The Weight of Your Sins

“Well... this is different,” Scarlet pointed out once everyone was inside their new room of ‘fun’. The room was bare except for a single round column sprouting out of the middle of the ceiling, a three-foot gap underneath the smooth brown stone. “I think Kata’s running out of ideas.”

“I kind of doubt that,” Ethan said as he cast his eyes around the room.

“It’s either that, or she’s really scraping the bottom of the barrel.” Scarlet pointed a hoof at the column. “Strength and stamina, how is a column supposed to test that?”

I’m so glad that you asked, Katherine, because you’re about to find out, Kata said with a giggle.

“What do you mean I will find out?” Scarlet asked, her eyes narrowing.

Because, my little Kitty, you’re the only one who can hold up that column! Kata laughed.

Scarlet ground her teeth. “You have no right to call me that, you bitch.”

Kathrine the Kitty, the one who shot her husband for the good of the Divide and failed to save it in the end, Kata taunted.

Flames danced in Scarlet’s eyes and she snorted. “When I find whoever you’re afraid of, I’m going to personally ask if I can scrape your forehead off.”

Oh, does the little Kitty have claws? Kata asked with an amused giggle.

Scarlet was about to say something else, but her mouth was clamped shut by Celestia. “Enough! Tell us the challenge you want us to face.”

Fine, I suppose I can tell you. It’s fairly simple, Kitten over there holds up the column while you fight another of my little pets. If she fails then she’ll be crushed by the column, if you succeed in killing the beast then you can move onto the next room. That shouldn’t be too hard for you, should it, Tia darling? It isn’t as if you’ve let down someone important to you before or anything. Certainly not your darling little sister. Kata snickered.

Celestia’s hand tightened around her spear. “We’ve all failed at one point or another. The importance of those failures is not how hard we fail, but what we can learn from them.”

How trite, and somehow completely expected. So, Tia dear, what exactly did you learn from having half of your country destroyed thanks to your own incompetence as a ruler? Surely it must have been an important lesson.

“That my hope that there is good in everyone is not entirely true. And that those who have no chance of redemption must face their end before they can do any more harm.” In a hard tone Celestia finished, “Like you.”

“Girls, far be it from me to be the voice of reason, but perhaps we should cut the witty banter short for now and instead focus on getting through this test alive?” Ethan said, breaking up the conversation.

“He’s right, we’re not accomplishing anything right now other than letting her make the two of you mad,” Thomas agreed.

Scarlet pulled her head away from Celestia’s hands. “So what? I’m tense as it is with Vault Boy’s constant picking on me.”

“This is a good illustration of my point actually,” Ethan replied with a shrug. “When you carry around that much baggage someone's bound to notice, and once they do, you lose control and do something you regret. I’m sure that this isn’t the first time it’s happened, although at the moment you’ve managed to avoid doing something you regret, so good job on that part.”

“I’ve already done the thing that I regret, Vault Boy, and normally people are too smart to try pointing out my burden; it’s my pain to deal with, not theirs, and if I wished to share it, I would’ve already done so.”

“It’s still a rather large chink in your armor, Kathy,” Ethan said with a sigh. “Anyways, let’s get to it.”

“Oh right, let me get under this column that could crush me like a bug right away,” Scarlet sarcastically expressed.

“Get to it then; we don’t have all day,” Aeron muttered.

“You’re not helping,” Scarlet lashed out.

“And I look like I particularly care?” Aeron asked.

“Scarlet, I know this is not what you want to hear, but you’re the only person who has a good chance at holding that column up,” Celestia stated.

“Why? I’m a sniper, not a heavy lifter.”

“Because you’re an earth pony,” Twilight explained simply. Scarlet gave an unamused look as if she wasn’t buying that explanation.

“Earth ponies can be strong enough to dent T-51b with a kick,” Thomas added. “The ones in the Guard are a goddamn wrecking crew on a battlefield.”

“That’s certainly one way to put it,” Twilight agreed with a nod.

Celestia knelt down in front of Scarlet. “Look, we all have to go through something we don’t like, but it’s the only way to press on. I promise you, we will defeat whatever Kata has planned for us before you lose strength.”

Scarlet let out a reluctant sigh. “Fine.” She placed a hoof on one of her scraps and began to take her rifle and bag off. “Just hurry up.”

Celestia took Scarlet’s things. “I’ll do my best.”

“Besides, Kathy, we’re all too handsome and beautiful to die, right Thomas?” Ethan asked with a chuckle.

“It’d be a shame if I didn’t get some of that before we died, true,” Thomas replied, shooting a look at the other stallion.

“Ask my wife, she’s open to stuff like that, as long as you’re good. You can bring along Lulu over there too if you want,” Ethan agreed with a smirk.

Thomas gave him a different look. “I was only joking.”

“I should hope so,” Luna muttered angrily.

“Don’t worry, Lulu, I’m handsome but I’d say that he feels the same way I do about men,” Ethan told her with a chuckle.

Scarlet slowly made her way under the column, but stopped a few inches away. “Don’t use my rifle. It’s got nasty recoil and can knock you on your ass. It’s also hard to find replacement parts for that thing, especially the scope, so try not to drop it.”

“I can paint the ground with a Diamond Dog from 500 yards while on a moving platform,” Thomas boasted.

“Yeah, still no touchy, I’ve worked too hard on perfecting that rifle. It’s better than what the Gun Runners usually have for sale.” Scarlet gave a small smirk as she turned her head towards Thomas. “I’ve killed three people with one shot, and that was with a normal round.” Scarlet then looked back at the column and stood under it. She then took in a deep breath asking, “Ready?”

“Yeah, let’s get this started.” Ethan nodded.

“Yes, the sooner we’re done with this the sooner we get our bodies back,” Twilight agreed.

Oh goody! I’m sure four of you will like this! Kata exclaimed. The pillar came down onto Scarlet’s back, causing the mare to grunt. Now, where is he... Ah! The sound of something stomping closer shook the very room they were in. The rest of the group turned to see another hole open up in one of the walls. Unlike every other one, though, it was easily thirty feet high and just as wide.

“Oh that can’t be good,” Thomas muttered.

“No, no it cannot,” Ethan said, his eyes had widened significantly as the door had risen.

Celestia readied her spear towards the door. “Whatever comes through, don’t lose your focus. Remember, we’ve all faced worse.”

“Why is that argument never very comforting?” Twilight asked.

The source of the stomping revealed itself, first as a silhouette in the hole before stepping into the room. It was easily the biggest Deathclaw any of them had ever had the misfortune of running into, bigger than even the Alphas. What was truly terrifying, though, was that it appeared to be covered in metal plates. Its entire head was secured behind a helmet that was similar to T-45d, and its 15-inch claws were augmented by strips of steel running down their length. The armour didn’t seem fitted so much as welded and riveted in place.

You’re the ones who gave me the idea for my little pet here, and you know, I’m very happy that I listened to your advice. I think he came out very nicely. What do you think? Kata asked with a chuckle.

Thomas simply stared. “Oh fuck.”

“What is that thing!?” Luna asked loudly, staring at the thing in horror.

“This is why we need to stop talking so much...” Ethan muttered as he drew his sword.

“You don’t say,” Aeron muttered as he stepped a few paces back.

“You know, it’s a good thing that I’m out of bubblegum,” Ethan said. “Because we’re going to need to kick a ton of ass right now.”

The Power Armoured Deathclaw let out a deafening roar and charged. “Scatter!” Celestia yelled as she ran out of the way.

“NO SHIT!” Ethan shouted back as he dove away from the others and out of the deathclaw’s path. He flinched as his bad leg slammed into the ground but rose back to his hooves regardless of the pain. “So, Captain, do you have a plan?” Ethan called over to Thomas.

“RUN AND GUN!” the pegasus yelled, his wings flapping clumsily as he put as much distance as he could from the monstrosity.

“I MEANT BESIDES THE OBVIOUS!” Ethan shouted back as he turned and ran from the deathclaw who seemed a bit too interested in dismembering him.

Aww, he wants to pway with the widdle unicorn! Kata said, speaking in a sickeningly sweet tone.

“What’s the best way to cripple him?” Celestia asked as she carefully studied the deathclaw’s movements.

“Dart guns!” Twilight shouted, recycling one of the first things that Ethan had ever talked about with her.

“Need a better plan than that. What part of their body do they rely on the most for their attacks?”

“WE NEED SOME ANTI-MATERIEL ROUNDS IN THAT THING!” Thomas screamed at the top of his lungs as he galloped past Scarlet, his wings flapping furiously.

“Legs,” Scarlet grunted out loud the best she could. “Without those they can’t run or do their leap attacks.”

“And we’re all carrying mines!” Ethan exclaimed as he continued to run from the deathclaw. “Also would someone who isn’t still recovering from a broken leg distract this BASTARD?” the stallion shouted.

Unfortunately, Thomas failed to see where he was going in time and clipped the other stallion with a wing, sending the unicorn tumbling. The sudden knock to the sensitive appendage caused the pegasus to fall over, grunting as his face took the worst of the damage. When he looked up, it was to see the metal-covered beast coming at him, seeing him as an easier target.

Then Celestia’s spear embedded itself into the creature’s side, ignoring the the thick armor it was wearing. The creature let out a small annoyed roar and looked towards Celestia. It then tried to pull the spear out of his side, but had to let go as his claw suddenly got burned.

“Nice throw Tia!” Twilight shouted as she raised her plasma defender and unleashed a salvo of plasma bolts at the deathclaw, turning its course away from Celestia and back onto Twilight. “I didn’t think this through very well...” Twilight said before she began to run as fast as he legs could take her.

Aeron made his way around the edge of the cave, avoiding the deathclaw’s sight. The colour of his coat matched the shadows quite well, and he was using this as an opportunity, seeing as the deathclaw was already being distracted by the others.

“Hrm... Wonder if I could use my horn to blast its foot off, or something,” he muttered. He tapped his chin and eyed the lightly armoured deathclaw ankle, figuring out a way to cripple it.

“Hrm. It then provides the problem of how I... No, nevermind.” Aeron’s eyes were glued to the deathclaw attacking everyone, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Meanwhile the rest of the group continued to run from the pursuing deathclaw. At that moment, Thomas seemed to be its target.

Aww, now it wants the pegasus! Kata squealed excitedly.

“Get away from him!” Luna screamed, unleashing a barrage of lead at the armoured monster’s head. Thanks to overuse of VATS, five of the six shots found their mark. Unfortunately, they did nothing more than irritate it.

“Aim for the legs!” Ethan shouted over to her as he stopped running long enough to talk to Scarlet. “How’re you doing, Katherine?” he asked.

“How do you think I’m doing?” Scarlet grunted irritatedly as a bead of sweat dripped down her forehead and made its way across her face. Her legs were getting a bit shaky as they tried not to collapse in on each other.

“Just hang in there, Kathrine, we’ll kill this thing soon,” Ethan told her before he took off again leaving the mare behind with her weight.

The deathclaw was now charging at Luna, having decided that she was a better target. The woman’s eyes widened as she froze. She ducked under one swipe but managed to take a second, the blow nearly tearing her apart.


Thomas, after running around flapping his wings like an invalid for the past ten minutes, had finally figured out flight. He used his new-found maneuverability to leap onto the thing’s head, where he began hammering at it furiously. “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!”

The hooves raining down on its head completely failed to hurt the monstrously oversized Deathclaw, but the attempt at distracting it succeeded. It howled as it tried to dislodge the weight on its head, violently shaking and swinging its arms in a futile attempt to reach the pegasus clinging to it.

Thomas’s distraction was enough for Celestia to run up and grab hold of her spear, yanking it out with ease. She then gave a flurry of blows at one of the legs with fierce determination on crippling it.

Meanwhile the combined distraction of Celestia and Thomas gave Twilight enough time to run in and grab hold of Luna, pulling her to a relatively safer place away from the enraged deathclaw. She reached into one of the pockets of Ethan’s duster and pulled out a stimpack which she quickly injected into Luna’s shredded, blood-covered torso.

Luna looked at her mangled body, pulling her soaked hand from the rapidly-healing wound. “T-thank you,” she stammered.

“Of course. Now hush and save your strength,” Twilight whispered before she once more drew her plasma defender.

Celestia took a big step back to avoid a frantic swing the deathclaw was making in trying to take down one of its two foes. She took a small glance towards Scarlet. A soft weak green glow was emitting out of her body, and her face bare that she was under extreme stress, time was running out for her.

Are you ready to fail again, Kitty? Kata asked her mockingly. I suppose it’s fitting that you’re going to be crushed under something almost as heavy as your hatred for yourself.

Scarlet just let out a low mix of a growl and a grunt as she tried to keep the column from crushing her.

Well whatever the case, I’m sure that Jason would find this whole thing rather funny, Kata continued mockingly.

Scarlet’s eyes shot open, filled with great rage, and the weak glow grew in brightness. “You, are going to die a slow and painful death,” she barely muttered out.

And you’re going to kill me, Kitty, just like you killed Jason? Kata asked with a chuckle.

Scarlet was about to answer, but one of her legs partly gave away, causing the column to lower significantly.

Looks like you’re slipping, Kitty, Kata giggled.

Ethan rushed towards the deathclaw, sword grasped firmly in his mouth. He charged past Celestia and slashed downwards with his sword, aiming for the leg that Celestia had wounded, slicing deep into the deathclaw’s leg but not quite hitting the bone. The deathclaw reared back, taking Ethan’s sword with it leaving the stallion completely unarmed. Then it slashed at him with it’s claws.

“Fuck, my sword!” Ethan shouted as he leapt away from the incoming claws.

Celestia quickly ran to the side to dodge and then back close to the deathclaw. With her free hand she grabbed hold of Ethan’s sword and yanked it out with some minor difficulty. She then plunged her spear into gaping wound the sword made and pierced into bone. The deathclaw roared in pain as it’s right leg collapsed underneath it. Celestia maneuvered away with a spear in one hand a sword in the other.

“Ethan!” she called out as she quickly bent down and slid the sword across the ground towards the pony.

“Thanks Sunny!” Ethan called before he picked up the sword in his mouth. “Thbs iths anoying!” he muttered angrily.

Aeron took the the opportunity offered by the deathclaw’s weakness and charged it from the side. He leapt at the deathclaw’s head, horn first and slammed into the place where the helmet was fastened to the deathclaw’s head. The helmet loosened significantly but Aeron was sent tumbling to the side with a cry of pain as his horn suddenly flared with pain. As the unicorn’s strike landed, Thomas lost his grip and fell heavily.

Celestia took Aeron’s help and pushed her spear into the gap and pulled the helmet off. Her spear scraped against the deathclaw’s face, leaving a nasty burn mark. With it’s head revealed the deathclaw let out a low growl as it two black eyes glared at Celestia. It swiped one of its claws under Celestia legs causing her to fall on her back. It then lifted it’s claw, readying it to plunge into Celestia’s chest.

“Oth, fucth no!” Ethan shouted through the sword as he charged forward and deflected the claw to the side before following that up with a slash to the overgrown chameleon’s chest, slicing through it’s chest armour with a spray of blood.

Celestia quickly got up and decided to use VATS. The world slowed down as the targeting computer took over giving her different attack options. She went with obvious choice and since she was close there was no way she could miss. The world speed up and Celestia swung her spear with blinding speed as she attacked the vulnerable head. There was little resistance as her spearhead sliced through. There was no blood because the wounds were cauterised. The deathclaw toppled over and fell to the ground with a hard, metallic crunch.

Celestia ceased attacking and began to pant, taking in deep breaths as she stood before the defeated deathclaw.

“Nice stab, Sunny,” Ethan told her with a grin.

Celestia didn’t say anything, only looking towards Scarlet. To her relief the pillar began to rise, but to her horror Scarlet just collapsed. Celestia then dropped her spear and rushed towards her. She knelt down and scooped Scarlet up in her arms. “Scarlet, are you alright?”

Scarlet was heavily rasping her breaths and her heart was racing. “Yeah....just in time,” she said faintly.

Looks like you won’t be seeing Jason for a little while longer, Kitty. Don’t worry I’m sure you’ll see him soon enough, Kata said mockingly.

Scarlet didn’t respond, she was too focused on not passing out.

Thomas was kneeling next to Luna, gently running his hoof through her hair, apparently oblivious to the outside world now that the deathclaw was dead. “You okay?” he whispered to her.

“I nearly died,” Luna muttered, rubbing her now-healed stomach absently. “I nearly died.”

“Uhg. Fucking migraine right now... Jesus Christ...” Aeron rubbed the side of his horn with his hooves, laying on the ground.

“Your horn is not a spear,” Twilight told him. “It’s a focus for your magic and it’s very sensitive, you’re lucky that it didn’t break or chip!”

“I fu—” Aeron stopped himself, not wanting to say anything uncalled for. Sighing, he spoke again, “I was hoping to help, rather than watch you struggle. Wasn’t planning to hit the head, but, shit happens.”

“Never the less, thanks for your help,” Celestia said, still holding the exhausted mare.

Dash joined Aeron by this point, tending to his horn.

"Where the hell were you?" Thomas asked, looking at the woman angrily.

"You guys looked like you had it covered." She shrugged, and jerked a thumb towards the farthest corner of the room. "I was guarding Aeron's gear in the corner." She turned to Twilight. “Hey, Twilight, what usually helps with horn pain?”

“Umm... Celestia’s tongue...” Twilight said with a blush. “Other than that, not much.”

“Ceasing your flow of magic helps,” Celestia said. “Think about a gate closing off a river of water and lock the gate once it’s fully closed.”

“Uhg, I have too much shit running through my mind to close any gates. Some painkillers would be lovely right now.” Aeron grunted. “I’m willing to let Celestia lick my horn, though.” Aeron chuckled with a hiss of pain.

Celestia gave a low glare at them that said ‘that wouldn't happen in a million years’. “Med-x in my bag,” Scarlet stated, her voice a bit stronger than before, her breathing becoming a lot calmer.

“Dash, want to grab some for me? You know what they look like by now.” Aeron sighed as Dash went to Scarlet’s bag and started to dig through it, looking to the others. “So, fun day, right?”

“Yeah, it’s been a fucking blast,” Ethan agreed with a cough.

“Sorry for trying to liven the mood up.” Aeron forced a chuckle as Dash made her way back to him, forcing a Med-X into his neck.

“I’m not exactly blaming you. Twilight, go into my Pip-Boy, turn to the music section, and then play track six,” Ethan said Twilight nodded and quickly navigated the menu until she found the right track. Then happy music started to play.

"Yippee yay, there'll be no wedding bells for today!..."

Thomas came over with Luna using him as a crutch.

“She’s paying for this,” the man-turned-stallion said, his eyes narrowed in anger.

“In bottle caps?” Aeron joked.

“In blood,” Thomas snarled.

Did I make you angry somehow? Kata asked with a giggle.

“Did we, to you?” Aeron questioned.

“You know as much as I enjoy having the moronic bitch in surround sound I say that we ignore her,” Ethan declared.

You think that you can ignore me? Kata asked threateningly.

“He does. I’m not a part of this.” Aeron held up his hooves in an unbiased manner.

“Traitor,” Ethan muttered with a roll of his eyes.

“Hey, I’d prefer to take a rest than deal with her right now. No offence, lady.” Aeron chuckled and then hissed as Dash finally removed the needle.

Well unfortunately for you two unicorns the next room is set up with you in mind, Kata said with a chuckle.

“Oh boy, is it picking locks?! Because that’s really difficult, teach!” Aeron said in a high-pitched, child like voice, placing his head on his hooves.

You annoy me, Kata told Aeron.

“And I don’t?” Ethan asked, sounding hurt. “I guess I’ll have to try harder then.”

“Well, nevertheless, once I’m out of here you don’t need to worry.” Aeron yawned, stretching out his body.

“Assuming we get out.” Dash grumbled.

“I’m sure we’ll get out of here Dashie, you just wait,” Twilight told the other woman with a smile.

“Yeah... I’m sure Twilight back home is just jumping for joy.” She sighed, placing her hands on her face.

“Well I bet she will be once you get back,” Twilight said encouragingly. “Although I imagine it’ll involve more kissing then jumping.”

“Well... Maybe the Paddle...” Dash blushed softly, giggling as she spoke the word.

Oooooh, sounds fun,” Twilight said with a giggle of her own.

“Yeah. But, that’s for another time in another place.” Dash looked over at Aeron for a moment, only to see him with a look of disapproval.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“You women, that’s what.” Aeron sighed and shook his head.

“Oh lighten up and enjoy the music,” Ethan chided.

“Mrm. Might as well. Although I’m tired right now. Med-X is kicking in.” Aeron yawned loudly, his mouth opening wide and displaying all his omnivorous teeth.

Well I’m afraid it’s not nap time yet, Kata said sarcastically. You still have one more room today.

“Okay, mum...” Aeron stood up groggily, shaking his head back and forth.

“He’s going to be out like a light, I can imagine...” The former pegasus facepalmed.

“That is unfortunate; we’ll need most likely him in the next room,” Luna muttered.

“You know what we really need?” Aeron smiled goofily, waiting for a response.

“No, what?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Pie... Lots and lots of pie!” Aeron then collapsed on the floor, snoring loudly.

“Told ya.” Dash chuckled.

“Oh good, now he’s useless,” Ethan said with a roll of his eyes.

“The Med-x shouldn’t last that long,” Scarlet said as she pushed herself away from Celestia, shakingly standing on all fours. “We could always hit him with a dose of Psycho, but I don’t think that would turn out very well.”

“No. Trying to balance the effects of one drug with another drug is not a good idea,” Twilight said with a roll of her eyes.

“I said a dose, not the whole thing. A small dose of Psycho will act like an adrenalin shot, mix in a little Jet and that can snap you out of death.”

“We’ll have to save that for later,” Ethan said with a shrug.

“Come on, we should get going,” Thomas said, breaking up the discussion. Another doorway opened in the wall.

“Yes, the sooner we finish the next challenge the sooner we can rest,” Celestia said as she went over to where her spear laid.

“Yeah, and the sooner we get our damn bodies back,” Ethan added.

“Guess I’ll carry him, then.” Dash picked up the snoring Aeron and lugged him over her shoulder.

Celestia picked up her spear and looked over at Scarlet, who already had her bag and rifle strapped onto her back. Scarlet was wincing in pain but continued on.

“Would you like some help with that bag?” Ethan asked when he saw her wince.

“I’m fine,” she simply replied.

“No, no you’re not,” Ethan retorted just as simply.

Scarlet stopped and looked at Ethan. “Not now, Vault Boy, I’ve already got enough on my mind.”

“Yes, and I suppose it makes more sense for you to put even more pressure on your already strained spine instead of of letting me take your bag for you,” he said sharply.

Before Scarlet could say something Celestia knelt down and began to unfasten the leather straps on both the bag and rifle. “What do you think you’re doing?” Scarlet snapped.

“Helping. You need to let your body recover.” Celestia replied. She began to take off the bag, but Scarlet bit down on the fabric.

“Ime fived; I dodt neve ane helf.” Scarlet protested. .

“Yeah, you do,” Ethan said simply before his horn lit up and he magically yanked the bag out of her mouth before depositing in Celestia's waiting hand. “Now take it and be happy,”

Celestia swung the bag around her shoulder. “I’m taking your rifle too.”

Scarlet looked at both Celestia and Ethan, and let out an angry sigh. “Fine, but my rule still applies on using it.” Scarlet took the rifle off, letting Celestia having it.

“You need to stop being attached to that gun,” Dash muttered and grunted with the heavy load on her shoulder.

Scarlet muttered something under her breath in reply to Dash’s statement.

You all spend far too much of my time talking, Kata said, her voice full of annoyance.

Author's Note:

tony1685 - Funny thing, this whole idea of them swapping species? Originally a little joke between us writers. Then we realised that we could make it work for us...