• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 8,053 Views, 529 Comments

Labyrinth of Madness - Speven Dillberg

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Special Delivery

Special Delivery

Scarlet awoke with a start when her mind interpreted feelings that her skin was exposed. “Oh fucking no...” she lowly growled out.

“Hmm... I’m naked again, but this time I don’t feel any fur, so that means-” Ethan began before he cut himself off while his he moved his hand. “Yep, I’m human again, thank fucking god!” He exclaimed while he eagerly leapt to his feet .

Scarlet friskily bent up trying her best to cover herself up with her arms while not letting her fast building anger explode.

“Oh god, I’m so going to kill that bitch,” Thomas muttered while he tried to sit up, clutching his head painfully. Kata had knocked him out while he’d been standing and his head was aching badly.

Ethan for his part just stood there nakedly for a few seconds. “Y’know Katherine, I was right, you look just like my wife, except you’re missing the birthmark on your thigh,” Ethan told the woman while nonchalantly scratching his ass.

“A little privacy!” the woman angrily snapped.

“Hm? It’s not like we’ve never seen a naked woman before, it’s no big deal,” Ethan told her with a shrug.

“It is when there are two lesbians and two manwhores standing in the room!”

“I’m pretty sure that Thomas is still on the floor and I wouldn’t qualify Aeron as a man whore,” Ethan pointed out with a chuckle.

Celestia then walked in between Scarlet and the group, lifting a wing up to help cover her. “Still, one should respect another’s wish for privacy.”

“I suppose,” Ethan said with a shrug before turning to look around for a second to face Aeron. “Morning Aeron.”

“Mrm. Morning.” Aeron grunted as he sat up in exhaustion, “why is it cold in here?”

“We’re all naked,” Ethan replied with a shrug.

“Ah.” Aeron yawned for a moment before finally realizing what Ethan said, “wait, what?”

“We’re all naked,” Ethan repeated nonchalantly.

“So... We have three naked men and a naked woman sitting in the same room,” he stated to himself, “I don’t like those numbers.”

“Yep, that’s the situation alright,” Ethan nodded.

“Well. Kind of an awkward one, if I may say so myself.” He yawned again, not too moved by the notion of being nude.

“Meh, I’ve had worse,” Ethan said with another shrug.

“Well... No point in just chilling out trying to catch hypothermia. Going to grab my armour and clothing.” Aeron stood up and looked around for his armour, “Dash, where the hell is it?”

“Right there.” Dash’s hoof pointed over to Scarlet’s bag, where his underwear, shirt and armour sat neatly folded.

“Ah, perfect.” He said, walking over to it and immediately putting it on.

Ethan stood there nakedly for a few more seconds as Thomas rose to his feet. “Looks like I owe you an apology Captain,” Ethan told the Courier.

“For what?” Thomas asked as he rubbed the back of his head.

“It looks like we’re tied,” Ethan replied with a nod downwards towards the other man’s waist before he walked over to where his clothes were lying next to Twilight. Thomas stared at him for a moment before he began to chuckle slightly and shake his head.

“Always going to compare?” Aeron asked as he buckled his chest piece to his leggings.

“Naturally,” Ethan replied.

“Stallions,” Twilight said with a shake of her head as she levitated Ethan his clothing.

“Men, you mean?” Aeron chuckled softly.

“Both have dicks, so it applies the same way,” Twilight said with a shrug.

“I guess,” Aeron yawned and looked over to Thomas, “so, what’s the day plan? Or night plan? Or whatever time it is.”

“Well we need to decide if anyone else is going to take Bob up on his offer of carrying messages back to our homes, after that we’ll probably all almost die again,” Thomas said.

“Jericho may be a bit dull, but, he can handle himself. I’ve left him by himself for long periods of time, so, I’m not too worried.” Aeron sat down on the ground, stretching his arms tiredly.

“I know Twilight is worried sick...” Dash said with a sigh, “I definitely need to send her a letter to tell her I’m alright and that I’ll be home soon.”

Pfft. Soon? More like never. Kata laughed at Dash’s sentiment.

“Just as a reminder there is payment for my services, and you all have two options in paying. Offering part of your life energy or a deed that you will have to carried out later on in your life.” Bob clarified to everyone.

“I don’t need to send one either.” Scarlet stated. “My friends are used to me being gone now and then, and I have several protocols set up for Yes Man to run Vegas in my absence,” she continued on while she start putting on her clothes.

“Suit yourself. Thomas, Luna, do you want to send a letter home as well?” Bob asked the black Courier and the lunar princess.

“My sister is no doubt confused as to why she is undertaking my duties again. She should be informed,” Luna said calmly.

“Yeah, and I was meant to be back... how many days have we been here?” Thomas asked, pulling up his pants as he did. “Either way, I’m late and the rest of the Families are gonna be wondering where I am.”

“I think it’s been four days, maybe,” Ethan said with a yawn. “To tell the truth I’ve kind of lost track of time in here... kind of seems like half a year”

“Hmm, alright, three more trips. Please hold out your wrists since I know you won’t offer part of your life energy to me,” Bob told the three.

“Ponies don’t have wrists,” Luna replied as she stood still.

“Would you prefer ‘foreleg’?” Bob asked sarcastically.

“It’s just semantics, it doesn’t really matter,” Twilight said. “Now can we get on with this?” she asked impatiently. All three lifted up a forelimb and soon felt something being jabbed into their skin. The black glowing marks slowly emerged.

”There, all done.” Bob said with some glee in his voice.

Scarlet meanwhile had come out from behind Celestia, now mostly dressed although her armoured duster wasn’t fully fastened in the front and her stomach could still be seen. Thomas’s eyes widened slightly as he caught sight of some interesting scars on her stomach.

“Didn’t take you for a mother,” he commented cautiously. Scarlet just scowled at him and said nothing while she finished putting on her duster. Luna glanced at the man, hoping he wouldn’t ask the woman about it.

Ethan was standing half dressed, his pants were on but his armoured duster still wasn’t. There was a slightly distant look in his eyes and hand was gently touching several of the many scars on his chest. They were large and round, as if something had been jammed into his chest multiple times. Twilight eyed him worriedly, knowing at once where his thoughts were. She walked up beside the man and leaned against him comfortingly.

“Is something on your mind Ethan?” Celestia asked.

“Just thinking about the Lamplighters,” Ethan said with a tired sigh.

“Sorry, but I do not know who these Lamplighters are. Would you mind explaining?”

“It’s ‘were’ Sunny, who the Lamplighters were,” Ethan sighed. “They were children who depended on me, and I was stupid, and they were all killed by the Fucking Enclave while some young asshole had me chained to a pole and filled my chest with iron spikes!” He said angrily. “They were butchered, left in nothing but pieces, and it was all my fault,” He added with a whisper in his voice. “I couldn’t even tell who was who...” The man trailed off with a shake of his head.

Dash looked over to Aeron for a moment and then back at Ethan. “We... Kind of know the same feeling. Except it wasn’t so much Lamplight that was brutalized.”

Brutalized isn’t the right word,” Ethan snapped.

“I think what Dash meant was massacred, if that’s better.” Aeron piped in quickly.

“That’s better,” Ethan grunted.

“But, for us, it was more a Rivet City ordeal. Nearly sank the rest of the ship while fighting. Never have I seen a group of stupidly organized soldiers fight like super mutants before.” Aeron sighed, brushing a hand through his shaven head, “although it may not compare, a lot of the people of Rivet City died at the time. I was to blame, of course. Whatever eases their minds, though.”

“I see,” Ethan replied coldly. “That’s too bad.”

“Which part?” Aeron raised a brow.

“Perhaps once you’ve seen enough people that you promised to protect torn to ribbons while you were unable to do anything about it you can compare it with me,” Ethan replied with a slight scowl. “But until then, please don’t try. It just makes me angry.”

“You let emotions get the best of you. You make too many promises and many of them just appear to fall through. Ethan, I may not be a ‘good-soul’ like you and graced with the gift of everlasting life, but, even I know that you need to just let things go.” Aeron spoke calmly and composed to the man, “sure, it was bad. So was our father’s deaths.”

“That’s the thing actually, I have let go, for the most part. It’s just that sometimes someone brings it up and goes and does the one thing that they really shouldn’t. They make me angry,” He said darkly, his eyes hard as ice.

“You should look in a mirror,” Scarlet muttered only to herself.

“Perhaps you should revisit Lamplight. I revisited Project Purity, even if the Brotherhood requested me not to, and made sure to pay my final respects to my father.”

“I have, revisited it. It happened ten years ago Aeron,” Ethan said with a slight sigh.

“Ten years and you still get upset about it? Then there’s something wrong with you,” Aeron offered politely.

Ethan quickly balled his fist and sent it flying towards the other Wanderer’s jaw. Aeron’s head whiplashed for a moment before he quickly withdrew his knife and jabbed for the man’s upper leg. Ethan grabbed the other man’s wrist and jerked it backwards, taking the knife with it, the knife fell to the ground. He then headbutted the other Wanderer.

Aeron staggered from the headbutt before composing himself, staring at the angry man. He let off a small smile. “You fight like a girl.”

“Wasn’t trying very hard, would you like me too?” Ethan asked with a wide, slightly crazed, smile.

“Hrm...” Aeron’s eyes scanned the man for a moment, eyeing him up and down, “why not?”

“Because you’re both idiots and we can’t afford you to actually get hurt,” Twilight told them both serenely as she levitated them apart, and brought them up to the ceiling.

“Oh, come on. This man is a superhuman. He can regenerate in a matter of seconds with a little dose of radiation.” Aeron laughed for a moment, “it’s like he has the FEV in him, still. Perhaps he’s becoming a mutant himself? The Enclave loves their muties.”

“Did I say anything about being worried about Ethan?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, you clearly aren’t worried about me. No one worries about me.” Aeron laughed sarcastically, wiping a tear from his eye.

“If that was true then I wouldn’t have stepped in and Dash, your friend, wouldn’t be here,” Twilight replied with a shrug as she let the men down from the ceiling.

“Whatever you say. We can spar later.” Aeron chuckled, bending down to the ground and picking up his knife, “sad that I couldn’t cut you open. Would’ve been interesting to see how you tick.”

“Jesus Christ, Aeron, are you losing your mind?” Dash raised a brow to him, with him only walking off to another part of the room.

“I do love it when you mortals fight over such petty arguments,” Bob commented.

“Aeron’s just...” Dash stopped, biting her lip for a moment and then let out a sigh, giving no further response.

“Yeah, that,” Ethan agreed with a roll of his eyes before he looked down at the place where he’d been stabbed. The wound was already rapidly closing.

“Now with that little show over with, how about you write those letters of yours so I can get going,” the voidling asked impatiently.

“You haven’t given us the paper,” Twilight pointed out. “Or the pencils for that matter,” she added.

“I’m a voidling not a supply dispenser. Ether find those resources yourselves or just tell me what you want to be sent over. I do have flawless memory,” Bob replied.

“I think I can scrounge up some,” Scarlet said as she walked towards her bag.

“Thank you Scarlet. Now Celestia, how about you? My offer still stands, I’ll do yours for free,” Bob said.

Celestia closed her eyes and let out a sigh. “I suppose I should inform my sister on what’s happening, especially since you’re involved.”

Scarlet returned and passed out the paper to everyone who was going to write a letter, “I’ve only got one pencil so y’all will have to share.”

“That’s fine,” Ethan replied with a shrug, apparently moving on from his small bout of self pity.

They quickly wrote their letters and handed them to the voidling, or more they put them on the ground and the letters disappeared into the shadow.

Celestia was the last to write. Folding her letter up, she placed it on the ground. The letter began to be engulfed by shadow when Celestia did something unexpected. Her horn flared to life as a bright flash emitted from it. The group was nearly blinded but as their eyes recovered they were met with the sight of Celestia holding her spear against Bob’s throat.

The dark stallion eyed the spear then looked back to Celestia. “Yes?” He asked nonchalantly.

“Whatever your plan is I give you this warning. If you harm anypony or anyone either from my world or theirs, I will make sure you will never leave the void ever again...Ueirn.” She said in a low threatening voice.

“Noted,” Bob...Ueirn replied with a wide smile before sinking into the ground.

“Was the light really necessary Sunny?” Ethan asked the alicorn.

“It was the only way to draw him out from hiding,” was her only reply.

“Well... Let’s just hope that everyone gets their letters,” Twilight said with a shrug.

“He will carry out his part of the deal, that I have no doubt. What I’m truly worried about is when he comes back for his payment.”

“I’ll cross that river when I get to it,” Ethan said with a shrug.

Princess Celestia sat in her study and glanced down at the book in front of her with a slightly annoyed look. The main character seemed determined to annoy just about every powerful force in the universe and he just didn’t seem to understand that being snarky wasn’t the way to deal with some beings. Of course considering where he lived Celestia supposed that if it wasn’t for his snark he would’ve died a long time ago.

In truth Celestia was only reading to distract herself from her worry for Twilight, and the protagonist of the series had always helped the alicorn relieve stress. Suddenly Celestia’s ears twitched, she sensed the presence of the void, that was never a good sign.

“I presume you’re Twilight’s and Ethan’s Celestia?” A stallion’s voice called from nowhere.

“And what business is that to a creature of the void?” Celestia asked suspiciously.

“Delivering a message is my business, for I know where they are at this moment,” the stallion’s voice simply replied.

“You will tell me where I may find Twilight Sparkle this instant or I will banish you from my realm!” Celestia told the voice with a growl.

“Oh, I’m so scared.” The voidling droned out as if he’d he’d faced this threat before “Of course if you did that then you’d probably never find out what happened to your dear Twilight.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed and a glowing golden sword suddenly leapt into the air. “Where. Is. She?” Celestia asked, flames beginning to form around her nostrils.

“Such anger, you should get that checked on,” the voidling continued on still not feeling threatened. “Now Twilight is being held in a realm that’s being ruled over by a being known as Kata, who is well versed in the art of chaos.”

“I already suspected as much, the site where Ethan and Twilight disappeared was soaked in residual chaos energy,” Celestia said with a shake of her head. “Now give me the damned letter you voidling slime!” She exclaimed angrily.

“Fine mortal.” A piece of paper suddenly appeared out from the shadows in front of Celestia. Celestia levitated the piece of paper up to her eyes and quickly scanned it.

Dear Tia

Hopefully this voidling reached you and is being at least slightly polite, although I doubt it. He was our only way of correspondence and I thought that you needed to know what had happened to me.

Ethan and I have been taken prisoner (again), along with several other versions of ponies and people from both of our worlds, one of whom is a version of you (although not nearly as good of a kisser. It was an accident... I swear....)

Anyways we’ve been taken captive by a sadistic chaos goddess who seems to want to slowly break us down and eventually kill us. So if you can come and rescue us that would be amazing. If not I love you and hope to see you soon,

Thinking of you always,

Your love, Princess Twilight Sparkle

P.S. Cassandra is receiving a similar letter from Ethan so don’t be surprised if she comes to visit you unexpectedly.

P.S.S. I miss you so much and when I get home I’m going to...

Celestia’s eyebrows rose when she got to the second postscript but she shook her head and banished the thought for the moment and sent the letter over to sit on her desk.

“You and your mortal’s desires on pleasure,” the voice stated.

“She’s become an alicorn recently. It has boosted her sex drive far beyond what it should be as an alicorn. It will calm down in another decade or two and I’ll personally be happy for it.” Celestia said with a slight sigh. “As much as I love her she’s a little too enthusiastic about it sometimes,” Celestia replied with a shrug. “The only other alicorn I know who adores sex as much as Twilight does at the moment is Luna, and that’s just so she doesn’t have to think about what she did as Nightmare Moon.”

”Really? I’m glad my Luna didn’t turn out that way. Though she still is sour for the result of our merge,” Ueirn stated.

“Tis the way of my little sister everywhere I suppose. She has a hard lot in the universe,” Celestia said with a slight sigh. “The fact that my mother only explained what needed to happen after it did happen still angers me to no end.”

“Well it was partly your fault-”

“Of which I’m well aware,” Celestia snapped.

”Sorry,” The stallion sarcastically apologized. ”Now if you don’t have any questions, I do have other messages that need to be delivered.”

“Is there any way for me to get to Twilight and Ethan?” Celestia asked the voice.

“Only by traveling through the void, but I highly discourage that. You won’t last a millisecond.”

“I am not a foal. I have traveled the void before and I do know the dangers associated with it. However I can’t leave Equestria at the moment and neither can anyone powerful or important enough to rescue Twilight,” Celestia told him with an aggravated sigh.

“Smart mortal, any more questions?”

“Which of the Lords are you associated with, I only ask on the off chance that my mother asks.”

“I don’t side with any of the Lords,” the voice answered venomously. “The only being I follow is my bonded and that is my Luna. Now is there anything else you would like to ask? I do have other things to do.”

“No, you’ve answered everything that I had to ask,” Celestia replied.

“Thank you, I’ll be on my way to Ethan’s Earth.”

“Then be on your way, and close that dimensional hole on your way out,” Celestia told the voidling.

“I always do. I don’t want an Apocalypse Lord to find and destroy your world because of me now do I.” With that said the presence of void magic disappeared.

Luna burst into the room seconds later.

“Sister did I just detect the presence of the void?” Luna asked.

“Yes, I now know where Ethan and Twilight are,” Celestia answered. “Unfortunately they appear to be out of our reach.”

“Did the voidling give you any trouble?” Luna inquired

Celestia shook her head. “No... not really. It was strange... he said that he is not associated with any of the Lords, which is an oddity in and of itself...”

Luna frowned. “Strange... now where is Twilght?”

Shade sat on the ledge overlooking Vegas boredly cleaning a pistol, suddenly a male voice spoke, causing the girl to jump in surprise.

“Excuse me I’m looking for your mother Cassandra, I sense you are part of your father’s bloodline and I have a message for her.”

The girl sighed and rolled her eyes. “Mom, there’s a disembodied voice asking for you, it says that it has a message for you,” The girl shouted boredly as if that kind of thing happened every day.

“I guess this a normal thing for you?”

“I’m ten, and I’ve had this type of conversation with at least eight different voices,” Shade replied with a shrug.

“At least you haven’t lost your mind. I’ve know many mortals who babbel to no end because of one conversion like this.” The voice let off an amused chuckle.

Shade snorted. “Do you even know my parents? If I got driven insane by something routine as talking to an invisible voice then I would’ve gone insane a long long time ago.”

“Good, helps keep your mind free from lesser magic control. I even know someone who might like your mind set,” Ueirn stated.

“You’ll have to tell him or her about it when she’s older, for now I don’t feel like having something else in my daughter’s head. She’s already too wise for her own good, the last thing she needs is something that can teach her how to control the universe,” Cassandra said as she walked out onto the balcony.

“Oh course not, beside your daughter would need to bond with a million more of my kind to do something like that, and I know five people who would kill her before she could do something like that.”

Cassandra patted her daughters head. “Do you hear that Shade, no universal takeovers until you’re at least in your twenties. Now run along, this thing, no offense but I can’t see what you are, and I have things to discuss.” Shade rolled her eyes but got to her feet and walked back into the Lucky 38. “I hope she didn’t cause you too much trouble,” Cassandra apologized.

“I’m quite used to of being treated poorly, part of my ‘life’. Now you’re Cassandra, Ethan’s wife yes?” Ueirn asked

“That’s correct,” Cassandra said with a nod.

“Then this is for you.” A shadow swept over the ground and a folded piece of paper appeared.

Cassandra picked up the paper and began to read her husband’s familiar, if horrible, handwriting.

Dear Cassie

Sparky and I have been kidnapped by an invisible cunt who seems to have ego and control issues. In other words she’s just like every other person who’s kidnapped me. Anyways she’s forcing us to fight for our lives through a labyrinth designed to slowly break us through a variety of ways. Luckily she’s incompetent.

Oh, and I’ve also met two different versions of you (I told you that it could happen!) one’s name is Thomas and he’s pretty cool and is fucking his version of Luna. The other’s name is Scarlet and she’s still having emotional trouble with the Divide so I’ve made it my pet project to break her out of it.

Anyways lots of love and I’ll get home in a week or so. Stay safe and make sure that our children don’t find a way to destroy the world, mostly Shade. Also remember to keep Ash from forgetting to eat while he’s working in that library in the castle. Send them both my love too!

Your loving and exasperating husband Ethan Smith, The Lone Wanderer

Ps. Make sure that Sunny doesn’t get too angry with the messenger, he seems nice enough to me

Cassandra just shook her head.

“Yes, this is definitely Ethan’s letter,” She said with a roll of her eyes.

“Before I leave, are there any questions you would like to get out of the way?” Ueirn asked.

“Yes actually, you wouldn’t happen to have a way for me to get to him would you? I’m concerned about what he said about trying to talk to another Courier about the Divide...”

“Alas, no. The only way is to travel through the void, as it would consume you the moment you entered,” Ueirn stated

Cassandra let out an annoyed huff. “Of course it would, why should I be surprised at this point?” she asked rhetorically. “Anyways, thank you for the message mister...” She said before trailing off leaving him with the obvious continuation of the sentence.

“Bob, not my true name, but it was your husband’s idea to call me that,” ‘Bob’ stated.

“Yep, that’s definitely my husband,” Cassandra said with a slight chuckle. “So this is goodbye for the moment?”

“Yes, the only time you will hear from me is when I ask for the payment your husband owes me,” Ueirn replied

”Payment?” Cassandra’s head shot up and her eyes narrowed. “What type of payment?”

The voice never replied.

“God dammit Ethan!” Cassandra exclaimed. “Why do these things always happen to you?” She asked the universe which oddly enough decided not to answer her.

Celestia did her best to keep her expression tranquil. Ever since the brief war with the Diamond Dogs had ended, the petitioners had not stopped coming. It had gotten to the point where three ponies had been employed to ensure that only the ones with truly significant issues were allowed. Not that such a thing stopped some of the more stubborn members of the nobility.

The Solar Diarch glared. Every guard on duty looked away, knowing what would come next was not going to be pretty. “No, I will not cut the health budget because you are so incompetent with your own money,” she declared angrily. “Nor will we reduce spending in transport, military, public services or any other government branch.”

The golden stallion looked at her pathetically. “But your Majesty - ”

“If I hear one comment about how the average citizen does not deserve any of that, I will have you conscripted,” she threatened. Not that she would ever do such a thing, but it was the only way to get the more unruly members of the nobility to listen. “Consider yourself lucky that my sister was not here in my place.”

As the noble hastily retreated, Celestia sighed inwardly. “Where are you, Luna?” she muttered worriedly. She knew that her sister was not the sort to disappear without reason, and that she would have at least left a note.

The alicorn gasped and recoiled when a small orb of fire appeared in front of her. At first, she thought that it was from her student, but there was something off. Apart from the way it lingered much longer, it was an impossible shade of black, as dark as the deepest pits of Tartarus. Before she could do anything to dispel the fire, it coalesced into a scroll that fell on the ground.

Cautious as to what it may contain, she warily picked it up and unrolled it. Half a second later, she turned to the nearest guard. “Inform everypony that I will not be granting any more audiences today.” The poor stallion didn’t even get a chance to respond before she teleported away.

The moment she reappeared in her private chambers, she sealed the doors and drew the curtains closed with so much force they tore. But she didn’t care, they could be replaced. She unrolled the letter again and read it, the light from her horn illuminating the area.


I am truly sorry for my absence. It was not by my own will that I left. I have been taken captive by a being who calls itself Katastrophis along with Thomas.

Celestia stopped reading for a moment to grumble at that.

That’s not all however, this Katastrophis has also taken several other ponies and their human companions. More interestingly they are all from different versions of both Equestria and the Wasteland.

That made the princess pause. Different versions of Equestria? It was certainly something that had been theorised, but it had never been proven. To see what was undeniable proof would be incredible.

It’s most unsettling seeing a mare that is like you in almost every way, yet isn’t. Your faithful student is here as well, however she is quite different, apparently you and she are in a relationship where she is from.

Celestia’s mind ground to a halt. She and Twilight? Together?

Additionally Rainbow Dash is here, it is all very odd. What is most distressing is that each of them is capable and willing to kill. Unfortunately, we are given little choice in the matter. Katastrophis is forcing us through a gauntlet, with every intention of killing us. Do not worry sister, she will not succeed. We are all uninjured, despite her best efforts.

I cannot say when I will return, but I promise that it will happen.

Please be polite to Bob.

Your loving sister Luna

Celestia set the letter down with a worried look on her face. A thousand questions flashed through her mind, foremost among them, was could she help her sister? Also, who was Bob?

“You know I have the strangest sense of deja vu here,” a stallion’s voice said suddenly, causing Celestia to jump in surprise.

“Who said that?” Celestia exclaimed, looking around wildly. “Show yourself,” she added as calmly as she could when she saw nopony.

“Hmmm....sure, just as long you don’t attack me.”[A black coated earth pony with a night blue flowing magical mane and tail walked out of nowhere and sat in front of the alicorn. “Better?” he asked.

“Who - no, what are you?” Celestia asked cautiously as she aimed her horn at the strange stallion.

“I am a creature of the void, a being neither alive or dead.” he simply replied. “And point that horn of yours somewhere else. I’m not here to cause trouble, just to deliver that message and answer some questions.”

“A name, then,” Celestia demanded harshly.

“Bob.” The stallion gave a sly smile as he said it.

Celestia’s eyes widened slightly and she raised her head, no longer threatening to gore him. “Then you know where my sister is,” she said.

“Yes, she’s in a realm shaped as a labyrinth that is being controlled by the being Katastrophis.”

“Is my sister truly unharmed? Or did she conceal the truth?”

“As far as I could tell, she was partly telling the truth, but I could’ve read her wrong, after all she isn’t like my Luna.”

“‘Your’ Luna?” the alicorn asked. “What do you mean?”

“In another Equestria I made a pact with another Luna and together we merged into a new being. A being you know as Nightmare Moon.”

Celestia tensed. “Then give me a reason why I should not destroy you right now,” she growled.

“I can give you several. First, destroying this form will send me back to the void to reform again, accomplishing nothing. Second, I was only used as a power source for the other Luna, all actions committed as Nightmare Moon were done by Luna’s heart, not mine. And third, it’s also really hard to ‘destroy’ me, and even though I would enjoy our little fight, I simply don’t have the time.”

Celestia snorted in irritation. “And where are you rushing off to then?” she snarled.

“To Thomas’s Earth and then another Equestria to deliver the same message to others.” The stallion then got up and began to walk towards a wall. He stopped before he reached the wall and turned back towards Celestia. “I assume you have no further questions?”

Celestia sighed. “If you return to my sister, tell her to be careful. Please.”

“If you’re willing to pay for my services then I could do it once I’m done with my other messages, otherwise don’t hold your breath.”

“Pay,” Celestia repeated. “You want me to pay for a message that is not even two words long? This is why I outlawed any dealings with you void-dwellers,” she muttered angrily.

“Traveling through the void ain’t as easy as it used to be, and if I don’t have a good reason to enter another realm I normally can’t access it. I’m not powerful enough. These ‘deals’ allow safe access for me and keeps the universe in order.” He replied strictly to the princess. “So I’m taking it as a no?”

Celestia’s horn glowed and she vanished.

“Yep, that’s a no.” Bob walked through the wall, leaving the room empty once again.


I know this will seem weird, but I need you to relay a message for me. I won’t be back when I said I would be. You need to tell the heads of the Families that the next meeting will have to wait. Same goes for the King, Julie and whoever the NCR rep is. Just tell them some bullshit about there being more than a hundred raiders or something.

In truth, I’ve been abducted. A crazy bitch is forcing me and a few others to run through a series of deathtraps. We haven’t lost anyone yet, but there’s no telling how long that’ll last. We’re doing the best we can, though, and I should be back in a few days.

Be careful,


Arcade looked up from the piece of paper. “And how did you...” He trailed off as he realised that the figure that had given him the letter was nowhere to be seen. The man stood there for a minute before shrugging and walking out of his tent.

Dear Twilight

Hey, uhm... You know I’m never great with letters or anything but, I kind of need to send you this. I’ve... Been kidnapped, to say the least. I want you to know that I’m safe, Aeron is here and there’s a few others... Luna and Celestia are here, but, they’re kind of from different dimensions. It’s super confusing to explain, and I don’t want to drag this on too long. Whatever you have been doing - worrying, crying, anything - I just want you to know that I’m alive and safe. I’ll be home as soon as possible and we can get back on track for... Telling your family about us. I love you very much and I can’t wait to see you again.

PS: Make sure you hide The Paddle. I think I left it out when I left...

~Your love, Dash

Twilight looked over the letter, over and over again, constantly checking for more. Frustrated, she slammed it onto her desk. “Uhg... Rainbow... When you get back, I’m going to teach you how to write a letter to those you love!”

“Would you like me to fill in some of the details?” The voice of the stallion who gave her the letter spoke.

“Yes, that’d be greatly appreciated...” Twilight sighed, rubbing her temples with her hooves.

“Well, like she said she’s been kidnapped to a realm belonging to a being name Kata who’s well versed in the art of Chaos. She going through a huge ever changing labyrinth full of many deadly rooms,” Ueirn explained.

“So, there’s a goddess like Discord running around and torturing my marefriend?” Twilight growled angrily.

“I wouldn’t call her a goddess per say, but yes, yes she is.”

“And all she has is Aeron and a few other inter-dimensional versions of my mentors?”

”And other versions of human’s too. There’s another version of Aeron’s persona who tries to bring order to the world by using chaotic tactics. There’s also two other humans too, but you wouldn’t know anything about them,” Ueirn answered.

“Uhg, this is infuriating. I have been trying my damndest to find my marefriend, just to find out that some woman named Kata is deciding it is the best time to remove her from my life? Oh, boy, she’s lucky I’m not there right now!” Twilight slammed her hooves on the desk, leaving two imprints in it.

“Technically you are. There’s another version of you there too,” Ueirn stated factually.

“Oh, perfect. So, Dash is probably making love to her, too?” Twilight deadpanned.

“I have no idea, I don’t keep track on mortal’s pleasure interest,” Ueirn replied.

“What kind of messenger are you? You're supposed to relay information!” Twilight barked at the voice of the stallion.

“I’m not all knowing, and I can’t read others mind. What I see is what I know,’ the stallion replied in a chastising tone. “And I’d watch that tone of yours, mortal.”

“I... I’m sorry.” Twilight sighed, “I’ve just been stressing out and now all I get is this letter which tells me next to nothing.”

“Be grateful it wasn’t anything worse, like a body part. Now, any more questions?”

“I... No. I just want you to tell her to be as safe as possible and that I’ll make sure she’s treated well when she gets back... And that I love her.” Twilight smiled softly, it fading quickly.

“If you’re willing to pay a price for that message, then yes I will.”

“What price?” Twilight asked, raising a brow.

“Either offering a small portion of your life energy, or a single deed of my choosing that you will have to carry out at one moment in your life.”

“And what does the deed consist of?”

“Something in the range of your ability, and it could be anything. You’ll find out when the time to pay comes,” he simply replied.

“If it’s something like kill myself in the midst of an exam, then that’s going to be stupid.” Twilight deadpanned once more.

“Yes it would, and I would gain nothing from something like that, so you won’t have to worry about that,” Ueirn stated

“Well, I guess it seems reasonable to take that choice. Likewise it can be something too bad.” Twilight shrugged.

“Then please hold out a hoof,” the stallion kindly requested.

Twilight held out her hoof, letting it hang in the air a moment before stiffening it. She then felt an invisible object stab through her whole hoof, causing mild pain. As the pain resided a black symbol glowed on the spot she felt the stab.

“There, now would you like to write a letter or do a verbal message?”[

“Just... Tell her I love her and that I’ll make preparations with my parents when she gets back... Along with telling her to be safe. Please.” Twilight smiled softly with feign happiness.

“Will do. Farewell Twilight Sparkle, I will come back for my payment both you and Dash owe me.”

Luna was walking down a hallway that held many of stained-glass windows telling many of Equestria’s famous legends. She stopped in front of two that only Celestia and some ponies would understand. One described the events with Scarlet and the battle against Cadbury. The window showed Scarlet’s figure standing between Appleloosa and a roaring green storm of fire, no form of fear were on the woman’s face, only determination.

The other window had another human figure, but looking very different and a lot older. Celestia was also there standing next to the human along with what looks like a human foal (a child from what Celestia told her). The three of them were all standing looking at each other, the child with a warm cheerful face, Celestia with her signature compassionnet look, and the old man whose face was tired but still held lots of strength.

“I always wonder what sort of adventure your sister had out in the Wastes. It must’ve been life changing for her,” a familiar stallion’s voice spoke.

Luna’s eyes narrowed as she turned around to see Ueirn standing not far behind her. “What are you doing here?” She asked in a low threatening voice. “I thought I sent you back to where you belong.”

“You did, but like I said Luna, you can never get rid of me, no matter how far you push me away.”

Luna growled as she called forth her claymore out from the shadows. “Then I think you should head back before I make you regret showing your face to me again.” She held her weapon at Ueirn, but this time Ueirn showed no fear of the blade.

“If you do that my dear Luna, you’ll never know what happened to your dear sister.”

Luna’s eyes widened then instantly narrowed. “What did you do you foul beast?”

“After you sent me back to the void, I decided to find out where that portal led to -”

“I thought you couldn’t reopen that portal!”

“That’s true, but that doesn't mean I couldn’t trace it to where it lead. All dimensional travel has to make their way through the void, and in doing so they leave a noticeable trail. I was able to follow this trail to the realm your sister is being held.”

“Is she safe?” Luna condserdly asked.

“For now, the human Scarlet is with her along with a few others.”

Luna was surprised to hear that, but it did answer a few question for her. “Why is my sister being held there?” She asked.

“A being calling herself Kata is holding her and the others for her entertainment. I can sense she is well versed in the art of chaos, and not the sort of ‘chaos’ Discord likes to use.”

“Is there a way for me to rescue them?”

“Yes, but I already know you wouldn’t do it.”

“Merging together again,” Luna said with much distaste in her tone.

“Exactly, all you can do now is hope and pray that your sister will come back safely. Unless you want to become Nightmare Moon again to attempt to rescue her?” The dark glare Luna gave was all the answer he need. “So be it, I’ll be on my way then, but before I go I do have a letter from your sister for you and a thought for you to consider. I did this for you Luna, to help you, to show you that I’m not who you claim me to be. I might be a lifeless creature of the void, but that doesn’t mean I’m senseless.” Uerin took a deep breath. “I’m sorry for the pain I gave you, it wasn’t my intended purpose. I should’ve seen the darkness in your heart and known that my power would bring that out. I let my goal blind my eyes and mind, and for that I’m truly regretful .”

Ueirn placed a single hoof in front of him and a piece of paper came out of it. “Farwell Luna, I have one more deed to carry out, but I will never be far from you.” Ueirn walked into a wall and disappeared.

Luna waited, holding her blade ready, but Ueirn never came back. She focused on the paper and levitated it up to a readable view.

To my dear sister Luna,

I know seeing Ueirn again will put pain in your heart, but it was the only way I could send a message to you telling you that I’m okay. By now Uerin told you much of what happen to me, of the predicament I was dragged into. I can’t help but remember the time we first fought Discord, and many times we fell into his little traps. Of course this being of chaos is much eviler than Discord, and dare I say more powerful. But I’ve faced far worse, and as long I can still hold my spear I will fight my way out of this.

At least I have company to help keep my mind at ease. Scarlet is with me along other humans and ponies from different dimensions of both Earth and Equestria. By that I mean a different version of Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and even you are here with me. There are three other humans here, one named Thomas who is the same Courier as Scarlet is, and the other two, Ethan and Aeron, both are same, but exactly the opposite. Ethan reminds me of our trainer Gordon, he acts foolhardy but his mind is wise and his heart is noble, and Aeron....he reminds me of you Luna, of your struggle with your dark actions.

For now I’m working on trying to keep the peace between everyone, though it’s quite difficult. Scarlet keeps thinking of blowing Ethan’s head off because he keeping trying to dig into her past, and you know well of how she reacts to something like that.

I’ll end this letter here. I hope we will see each other soon.

Your loving sister, Tia.

Author's Note:

Ed2481: Yeah... this was supposed to come out months ago, then our editor quit and we weren’t motivated enough to get this out... sorry guys. Also sorry for it mostly being filler (like I said, was supposed to be out months ago and it didn’t seem bad then)

Speven: Yeah, the next few chapters are gonna be a lot better to read. Well, they should be.