• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 8,053 Views, 529 Comments

Labyrinth of Madness - Speven Dillberg

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Dead Caves

Dead Caves

“Try not to breathe,” Thomas said with forced calmness.

“Celestia, force field,” Scarlet ordered. Celestia’s horn flashed and a transparent dome covered the open door. The red cloud meshed against the shield, but thankfully it didn’t go through it.

Hmph, cheaters, Kata said sourly. I don’t like cheaters, she added, and suddenly the cloud began to slowly slip through the barrier.

“Gas masks won’t stop it. Environment suits are useless,” Thomas muttered.

“Umm, would someone explain to me what this red mist is, and why you both seem so frightened of it?” Twilight asked.

“It’s an experiment gone wrong,” Scarlet said.

“Oh, no, it went exactly as planned,” Thomas corrected. “A toxin that nothing can stop, one that eats away at the lungs and pushes you to the brink of death.”

“That’s if you’re lucky,” Scarlet added.

“The Ghost People you mentioned?” Luna asked, stepping away from the encroaching red haze.

“Ghost people?” Twilight asked.

“People who you can shoot down, only for them to get back up. The Cloud somehow changed them,” Scarlet pulled out her gladius, “the only way to ‘kill’ them is to chop off a body part. Don’t waste any of your ammo.”

“Disintegrations are an option, though.” Thomas glanced at the unicorn.

“Hmm, well I’m glad that I brought these then,” Twilight said with a smile as she levitated out her plasma pistols. “Does anyone want one?” she asked, looking around the group.

“It’s better to save the ammo and not waste it, trust me.”

Ethan’s sword slid out of its scabbard. “It’s a good thing I brought this along then...” he muttered to himself.

“Don’t suppose anyone’s got a Cosmic Knife on them?” Thomas asked nervously.

“Don’t worry, I have a feeling you’ll get one soon,” Scarlet said sarcastically.

“Wait,” Luna said, holding up a hoof. “For all we know, there is simply this ‘Cloud’ to worry about. There may not be any of these abominations to fight.”

“And now there’ll be something worse; thanks Lulu,” Ethan said with a sigh.

“Whatever is in there, just keep a calm mind and don’t let fear overtake you.” Scarlet’s grip tightened. “Let’s get this over with.” She walked forth and entered the mist.

“Fuck me. I remember what Cassie told me about this stuff. Sparky, be careful; I’ll carry you if I need to,” Ethan told the unicorn who nodded thankfully.

“Don’t go into any thick pockets of the stuff, you’ll be lucky to last ten seconds,” Thomas warned. “If you have to, take a deep breath first, it’ll give you maybe five seconds before the Cloud really starts to affect you.”

“You know, this is one of those things that I really never wanted to do,” Ethan said with a sigh. “Let’s get it done fast,” he added.

Luna coughed loudly as they made their way forwards. “It tastes like copper.”

“I remember God mentioning that,” Thomas replied, covering the lower half of his face with his hand. “Called it ‘Old World Gold’.”

“How charming,” Twilight said before she coughed once and fell silent.

“Where’s Scarlet?” Celestia asked while letting out a cough of her own.

“Well she’s either dead or eaten,” Ethan said with an unconcerned shrug.

“Don’t say such things,” Celestia chastised harshly.

“At least we don’t have to worry about being stabbed in the back over treasure,” Thomas muttered, looking around.

“Did you say treasure?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“The Sierra Madre was an Old World resort, a casino like no other,” Thomas explained.

“It was said that the riches it contained were countless, and others would come from miles around in order to see it, or try to claim it as their own,” Scarlet’s voice spoke out from mist as she walked into view.

“Of course, there was more to it than that. A lot of the money meant for constructing the surrounding resort ended up being stolen by the workers. The buildings were just frames held together with good wishes and Wonderglue, but the casino itself...”

“It never opened on time, but it could’ve,” Ethan finished with a grim look.

“The opening night happened to be the day the bombs fell. Instead of the Grand Opening, the people were treated to the end of the world. The casino trapped them inside, and security killed them all.”

“Should we really be talking so much? It’s only letting the Cloud inside us and possibly letting these ‘Ghost People’ know where we are, isn’t it?” Twilight asked cautiously.

“It doesn't matter if you don’t talk at all, the Cloud will still get inside of you,” Scarlet said. “As for the Ghost People, it’s hard to sneak by them. It’s better just to kill them the moment you see one.”

“And there’s more dangerous things to worry about if she brought some of the Sierra here,” Thomas muttered, looking around nervously.

“Umm guys, is my Pip-Boy the only one covered in red right now?” Ethan asked cautiously as he fingered his sword’s hilt.

“Probably just built-up residue. Shouldn’t be that quick, though,” Thomas mumbled as an afterthought.

“My HUD is full of red dots too...” Ethan added.

“If we’re lucky, it’s just Ghost People. If not, we’re dealing with Security Holograms.” Thomas groaned. “Goddamnit.”

“The unkillable holograms?” Ethan asked.

“The only ones, unless magic can break light.” Scarlet looked towards Celestia.

“Bend, not break, though it’s a field not many ponies have ever studied in,” Celestia stated.

“Judging by past experience in both the Wasteland and this place I’m willing to bet that it’s something worse than that,” Ethan said. “You know, I miss the simple days when killing raiders and super mutants was the only thing that I had to worry about,” he said before coughing twice.

“Yeah, well welcome to life. Now come on, there’s a passage a couple a feet ahead leading away from most of the red marks.” Scarlet started to walk in the direction of the passage.

“Oh great, I love a good passageway, excellent places for ambushes...” Ethan muttered.

“There’s always the other tunnel, Vault Boy, no one is holding you back.”

“I never said that there was, Kathy. It was just an attempt at humor to lighten our moods,” Ethan replied with a shrug before letting out out a cough. “Apparently it failed.”

Scarlet briefly stopped and looked back at Ethan. A low glare formed on her face, but she quickly looked away and went back to leading the others.

“Ethan, I know you want to help her, but please don’t call her by her real name,” Celestia said.

“Real name?” Thomas asked

“Her name’s Katherine. Personally, I like it more than Scarlet, but to each thier own I suppose,” Ethan replied with a shrug.

“Yes, like the Old Man told me, names are easily changeable out in the Wastes, they just depend on the person, and how others see them, and most importantly,” Celestia looked towards Scarlet, “how they see themselves.”.

“Still it’s a bad sign if — what was that noise?” Ethan asked, suddenly changing subject mid-sentence.

Low moans were vaguely audible through the mist. The group stopped as the two Couriers were confused by the sound. “Those aren’t Ghost People,” Scarlet said.

“Then what the fuck are they?” Thomas asked in a low voice.

“Something worse, probably, although they kinda sound like ghouls.” Ethan muttered.

“A bit out of place for them,” Scarlet pointed out as she looked at her Pip-boy.

“At least we’ve all had experience killing ghouls,” Twilight offered with a small smile.

“Most of us,” Luna corrected.

“Remember who we’re dealing with,” Celestia said. “Kata seems to have some sort of twist to everything she does.”

Ethan didn’t say anything, he simply readied his sword and prepared for the rush. An unsteady clip-clop echoed through the hallway as the moaning got closer.

“That sounds like hooves...” Luna said as she cocked her head slightly to the side.

An equine figure appeared in the cloud, and soon two others joined its side. The cloud parted around them, revealing blank white eyes, rotten flesh and clothing that seemed to be more a part of them than not. The group was taken by surprise at the sight of the ghoul ponies.

Oh I love you little ponies, so sweet and innocent one moment, and the next you’re killing each other with highly dangerous magic. Take a good look at your future, Celestia, Luna, I have the oddest feeling that you’ll be seeing a lot of your subjects looking like this. Oops, spoilers! Kata giggled maniacally.

The three ghoul ponies charged forward at the group with surprising speed. Celestia spear soon embedded into the pony in the middle’s chest, making it stumble slightly, pushing the spear further into itself. However, it got back up immediately, spear still embedded in its chest, before continuing towards the group. It didn’t get very far, the gem embedded in the spear briefly sparking to life as the ghoul pony was instantly engulfed in a torrent of fire coming from the weapon. A blood curdling scream broke out from the monster’s mouth as it tried to shake off the spear and the fire.

Meanwhile, the other two ponies continued rushing towards the group. Ethan leapt forward to meet the first with a quick slash of his red bladed sword. The blade bit into the ghoul’s chest releasing a puff of pink gas as it passed through the rotten flesh. Ethan’s eyes widened in shock as the gas touched his left hand and he let out a cry of pain. The ghoul let out a terrifying howl and tried to bite him. As its jaw opened more of the pink gas flowed out and Ethan was forced to roll away or risk having it make contact with his chest.

“That pink stuff fucking burns, don’t let it touch you!” he shouted to the others as he came to his feet in time to send the ghoul stumbling away with a quick slash to the side that released yet another puff of the pink gas.

“No shit,” Aeron muttered. “Dash keep out of their reach,” he added.

“That was the plan,” Dash replied, dodging the third ghoul as it attempted to grab her.

A blast of telekinetic force crashed into the ghoul that was after Rainbow Dash and sent it flying to the ground. Twilight winked at the pegasus before she turned back to help the others.

“Thanks, Twilight!” Rainbow Dash shouted over her shoulder.

“Anytime, Dash!” Twilight shouted back.

Scarlet ran up to the ghoul Ethan was fighting, swinging her gladius at the base of the pony’s neck. The gladius cut in deep, as pink gas spewed from the opening. Scarlet quickly stepped away and circled around. Ethan gave her a nod and stepped in for the kill. With a swift slash his bastard sword clove through the ghoul’s neck, sending the head spiraling out of sight. A great cloud of pink shot out of the opening, slightly submerging the two humans’ hands. Ethan let out another pained shout, but pulled his hands out before any real damage could occur. Scarlet didn’t shout, only wincing as she drew her hand away, and shaking it rapidly.

“Okay, I’m not sure how that didn’t hurt you more, but I’m calling bullshit,” Ethan told her with a pained growl.

“Magic doesn't really affect me much ever since Cadbury changed me. Trust me, it’s more of a curse than a blessing. Whatever the pink stuff is, it’s was made out of some sort of magic.”

“Well then, you can finish off the next one, my fingers feel like they want to start fusing together,” Ethan told her.

The first ghoul had recovered from Celestia’s spear and was now charging towards the shocked alicorn. Luckily Luna’s flail interrupted its charge, crushing the ghoul into the ground with a sickening crunch and an outpouring cloud of pink.

“I have your back, Sister,” Luna told her with a nod, either forgetting or ignoring that the Celestia before her wasn’t technically her sister.

“Keep it distracted for a few seconds then,” Celestia said as she brought her spear in front of her. She closed her eyes, focusing on her magic. Her horn started to increase in brightness as the gem on the spear also got brighter.

“With pleasure,” Luna replied as her flail rocketed into the ghoul again, this time taking off a foreleg and releasing another puff of gas from the opening. The ghoul ignored this, and began to limp towards the two once more.

Fire started to dance around the spear, and Celestia slowly brought the weapon up into the air. Her eyes shot open as she slammed the butt end of the spear into the ground. A column of fire sprang forth, encasing the ghoul. The ghoul let out a scream of intense pain, barely audible from the loud roar of the fire. When the fire died down, nothing was left. Celestia let out a weary sigh as she tried not to collapse from the sudden drain of magic.

“Be careful, Celestia, we are not in any position to carry somepony as large as you if you collapse in the midst of battle,” Luna warned the other alicorn.

“I’m fine; I just forgot how powerful the spear can really be.”

“I see, try and remember in the future,” Luna said with a nod before she turned back to the rest of the fight.

The ghoul who Twilight had sent flying had recovered and charged towards the robotic unicorn who unleashed four rapid bolts from her plasma defender into the beast, doing nothing significant other then making the ghoul even angrier. A controlled burst from Aeron’s rifle sent the ghoul stumbling slightly, and its gaze turned to the man in Talon Armor.

“I hate wasting ammo, but my knife isn’t very good for this type of thing,” Aeron muttered to himself.

Thomas charged the ghoul and swung his saturnite fist towards the thing’s face, sending it staggering backwards with a cry of pain. With lightning speed his drew his Sequoia and emptied half the rounds into its head. Much to his shock and annoyance, it managed to get back up, despite missing half its jaw and a large portion of its brain decorating the nearest wall. “What the FUCK!?” he yelled, ignoring the strange burning pain in his hand. “These aren’t ghouls, they’re actual zombies!”

“There is magic most foul at hoof here,” Luna shouted, sending her flail at the ghoul Thomas had maimed. She managed to destroy the rest of its head, finally putting the monster to death. “That pink mist that they release reeks of both necromantic and transformative magics.”

“This is ancient lost magic,” Celestia stated. “I never dealt with this kind before, but I have heard stories. In a way it acts similarly to tainted magic, though it relies on rituals and sacrifice.”

“Ow!” Thomas’s sudden cry of pain drew Luna’s attention, who saw that he was clutching at his right wrist. “I just tore off half the skin off my hand!” he yelled, waving the glove of his Saturnite Fist around. There was indeed skin stuck to the inside of the glove, but nowhere near as much as he claimed.

Celestia walked over to Thomas, her horn bathed in a yellow glow as Thomas’s hand was covered in the same glow. The wound was slowly healing, but not much as Celestia hoped for. “My magic isn’t as strong as it should be, either it’s being affected by the pink mist, or this red cloud.”

“You know, sometimes I wonder why you’re any use,” Scarlet said as she checked her own hand, which looked the same as ever. “It’s either, magic won't affect tainted magic, or your magic is being blocked.”

“It is likely this foul Cloud,” Luna interjected. “Without knowing what it is composed off, I cannot be sure of this but there may be something in it that is affecting our ability to perform magic.” She broke into another fit of coughs.

Scarlet dropped her bag on the ground. She opened it and pulled out a doctor’s bag. She reached inside the doctor’s bag and grabbed some stimpaks. “Here, it doesn’t stop the coughs, but it does help.” She offered them to anyone who wanted one.

Luna and Thomas waved her away. “No, save them for when someone’s bleeding out,” Thomas replied, breaking into more coughs. “Could use some water, though.”

Scarlet reached down towards her side and pulled out a metal canteen. “Here.” She held it out towards Thomas, who grabbed it. He took a sip before passing it to Luna, quickly pulling his hand away before his Pip-Boy could start ticking.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it,” Scarlet replied, taking the canteen back before having her own sip of some of the lukewarm water. She put the canteen back on her side and went to check on Ethan.

Aeron looked down at his Pip-Boy, noticing all the dots around them were moving into one area. He gazed at it only to see the scattered dots turn into one giant dot.

“This doesn’t look good...” Aeron sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Dash looked up at Aeron, who quickly showed her the map.

“Are they moving together?” she asked in shock.

“No, the dot is too consistent, rather than bumpy. If it was a bumpy circle, it implies they’re clustered. This consistent, large circle implies they just merged.” Aeron’s hands clenched into fists as he held back a cough.

“M-Merged?! Into what?!” Dash yelled.

Uhhhhhhhrgggg.... Hissssssk...

“That had better be your stomach hungry for some deathclaw omelets, Twilight...” Ethan said.

“Sorry... It isn’t,” Twilight replied.

The sound of large footsteps echoed in the cave, and the vibration and pounding of them was felt at everyone’s feet. The red mist still stayed strong in keeping everyone in a small coughing fit.

Wow, I’m getting tingly just watching this, Kata announced.

“Shut. The fuck. Up. Seriously,” Ethan growled as he readied his sword.

“Be ready,” Aeron warned, “the dot is nearing us.”

“Oh no, not the ‘dot’, anything but the dot!” Ethan exclaimed with mock panic in his voice. Several members of the group glared at him. “Sorry, I thought we were being melodramatic,” he apologized with a chuckle before he broke down into a fit of coughing.

“Are you okay Ethan?” Twilight asked.

“Never better, except for the fact that I feel like I’m breathing blood,” the man retorted.

“We need to find somewhere to hide, a building. The Cloud usually was pretty thin inside those,” Thomas commented. “I just hope she brought more from the Sierra than the damn Cloud...”

“More?” Ethan asked. “Isn’t it enough that we’ve got the Cloud to deal with along with these damn super ghouls, what else could we want?”

I’m glad you asked, Kata suddenly said. You’ll know it when you see it. Or hear it.

“Okay, ask a stupid question, my bad guys,” Ethan said before he started coughing again.

“I believe that whatever it is was already here,” Celestia told him. “I highly doubt that it is your fault that it is moving towards us.”

“Speaking of which, it’s getting closer,” Aeron said.

“Well then we need to move, now!” Ethan exclaimed. The group took off at a fast walk leaving broken clouds of red mist in their wake.

Another of the ghouls burst from the cloud and leapt at Aeron. Scarlet’s gladius swept out and sent it stumbling away.

“Thanks,” Aeron told her.

The ghoul came at them again, but Scarlet was there to meet it. Her gladius slashed out, chopping through it’s foreleg and releasing a cloud of the noxious pink gas. The monster hissed angrily, but Scarlet ignored that and sent her gladius sweeping out in an attempt to decapitate the ghoul.

Unfortunately, the ghoul ducked under the blade and crashed into the woman, throwing her off of her feet. The ghoul leapt at her throat, but Aeron’s boot stopped it before it could go in for the kill and sent it falling backwards.

“Thanks for the save,” Scarlet told Aeron.

“You’re one of the only ones here who actually knows what they’re doing in here,” Aeron replied.

Scarlet shook her head and prepared for the ghoul’s next rush. It came surprisingly quickly and Scarlet barely managed to get her blade up in time to slash at it. Ethan came up from the side and sliced through the ghouls neck while it was distracted by the red haired woman. He leapt back before the inevitable blast of pink gas shot out.

A ghoul sprinted out of the mist running straight at Twilight, jaw gaping open, leaking pink cloud as it came. Celestia’s spear launched out and penetrated into the ghoul’s chest releasing a cloud of pink gas. Twilight’s horn began to glow, and suddenly the ghoul was entrapped in a purple light and suspended in midair, but it only lasted for a few seconds before the glow dispersed and the ghoul fell back to the ground.

“Damn it, the Cloud is screwing with my magic!” Twilight growled as the ghoul got back to its feet and charged her again. Celestia’s spear retracted from its spot in the ghoul’s chest and she prepared the spear for another spell. She focused some magic into the spear, making the tip glow brighter, and with a quick precise swipe she cut right through the ghouls neck.

“Thanks, Sunny!” Twilight shouted with a grin before she turned to face another ghoul who had charged out of the mist.

“Watch out,” Celestia shouted as she rammed her spear into the ghoul, moving it away from Twilight. Thomas lashed out with his saturnite fist and bashed it into the ghoul’s head. Unfortunately, he accidentally inhaled some of the pink mist that seeped from the ghoul, causing him to double over and begin coughing up blood. Twilight’s pistol launched a rapid trio of green blasts at the ghoul, thankfully reducing it to glowing goo before it could do anything else.

“Thomas, are you okay?” Luna called from where she was standing, a note of fear clearly audible in her voice.

“Stimpak!” Thomas managed to rasp between coughs. “Stimpak!”

“Here!” Twilight shouted as she floated a pair of the stims over to him from one of the pockets on her armour. When Thomas failed to grab them, Luna instead did so and stabbed him with one, right in the arm.

“Goddamnit!” Thomas yelled as the healing chem went to work, immediately undoing the damage to his lungs. “You don’t stab someone with a Stimpak!”

“You do when they’re in the middle of coughing up a lung!” Twilight shouted back as she prepared to face whatever else would emerge from the red mist. Luna, for her part, looked rather hurt.

Scarlet walked up scratching her arm. “I think the pink cloud is affecting me now, though I doubt having a rash is life threatening.” She scratched a bit harder and mumbled, “though it is annoying.”

“Well aren't’ you lucky,” Ethan muttered as he glanced down at his hands, his fingers were beginning to degrade. “Hey Lulu blast me with some magic please, even if the radiation decreases pretty fast it’ll still be enough for me to heal.”

“Well I’m sorry, I didn’t ask Cadbury to make me into a vessel that could used tainted magic so he could work crazy experiments on me. Kind-of the whole point of him trying to kidnap me,” the woman snapped back.

“Whatever, it doesn’t matter right now,” Ethan retorted before he turned to Luna. “So, Lulu, the magic please?”

Ethan momentarily glowed before it died out. “I can’t. The Cloud is making it difficult to maintain,” Luna told him.

“Well that’s just fan-fucking-tastic,” Ethan muttered before he reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a stimpack, jabbing it into his hand which thankfully began to reform to its proper shape.

“Wait, Luna’s magic gives off radiation?” Scarlet asked, a bit puzzled by that fact.

“A quirk of my particular reality,” Luna explained. “It very nearly cost Thomas his life.”

“But then, that’s tainted magic,” Scarlet said as she look at Celestia who was also intrigued by the fact.

“Maybe, maybe not. Each universe has it own set of rules on how they act. I doubt it’s really tainted magic, for it does not share the same traits, though if it is, then somehow ponies over there were able to control it without letting it consume them,” Celestia replied with a thoughtful frown on her face.

“If that is the case then my entire reality can withstand the effects. One could argue that in one universe what is pure magic is tainted in another, and what is tainted is pure,” Luna pointed out.

“Yes, that could be true,” Celestia said, nodding her head. “If so, we should be careful about our magic interacting with one another, for it could cause a negative effect on everyone.”

“Isn’t that negative effect creating a portal to my world?” Scarlet pointed out.

“Yes, but I doubt Kata would let us go that easy, and might make it do something else instead.”

“I say that we don’t worry about that at the moment, instead let’s just get out of here,” Ethan said interrupting the byplay between the two princesses before he started to cough again.

“Agreed,” Celestia said.

“According to my Pip-Boy... the dot is standing in front of us..” Aeron announced.

Ethan reacted first, and sent his sword slashing outward in the direction that Aeron had indicated.

“Dot is still there. I believe the density in your brain is getting to you.” Aeron laughed sarcastically before coughing violently.

“Well if the dot is still there, and it’s in front of us, but Ethan’s sword didn’t hit it, that means that it’s above us...” Twilight said before trailing off as she began to look up at the ceiling, but she was unable to see anything thanks to the rolling red mist.

“If it’s above us, and I hear no flapping, that means it has some sort of hovering properties to it.” Aeron stated academically.

“Which means-MOVE!” Twilight shouted, diving away from the spot that they’d been clustered around.

Aeron moved swiftly as the dot on his Pip-Boy moved over their previous location. The others joined in moving quickly out of the way. A large force slammed into the ground where they’d been standing, making the ground shake as the shock wave rolled over them.

“We need to get out of here, now!” Thomas shouted.

“Jesus Christ. This thing sounds as big as a Behemoth,” Aeron growled.

“I really wish that I could use my magic right now,” Twilight muttered. “I’ve thrown behemoths around; this would be a piece of cake.”

“Yeah, well, fuck that and run. Dash, follow me.” Dash darted to Aeron at his command as he tried to run through the cloud of smoke.

“Don’t go off by yourself, you idiot!” Thomas shouted at him.

“No time to stay behind. Just follow, dammit!” Aeron shouted back, covering his eyes from the smoke.

“Fuck it, let’s move!” Ethan shouted as he took off after the other Wanderer, Twilight at his heels.

Scarlet and Celestia ran to keep up with the others, Scarlet taking a small glance behind her to see what they were running from. Whatever it was, the thing was still invisible, but it was clearly moving towards them, as evidenced by the loud crashes that rang out every few seconds from behind them.

“I hate running!” Ethan shouted as he ducked under another of the ghouls who thought that it was an excellent time to leap at them.

“Deal with it, you imbecile!” Aeron ran faster as Dash started to fly next to him.

The head of Luna’s flail smashed into a ghoul blocking their path, sending it flying back into the red mist. “Just keep moving, don’t bother fighting!” the alicorn shouted. The crashing continued as they moved, and they heard a ghoul get crushed behind them.

“Good idea! Next time I need advice, I’ll be sure to ask you!” Aeron shouted back to her sarcastically.

“Save the sarcasm for when we’re safe! Thomas shouted up to him.

“Nah! Keeps me going and sane!” Aeron was coughing wildly now, trying to keep his pace up while the smoke around him was starting to spread out.

“Fuck that noise, sanity’s overrated!” Ethan shouted with a wild chuckle as he dodged around another of the ghoulified ponies.

“Shut up and run!” Scarlet yelled as they took a hard right turn.

“We’re being herded, damn it!” Thomas shouted.

“Momma always wanted me to be a slave!” Aeron chuckled as the smoke around him was nearly gone, and the exit was in sight.

“Then your mother was very, very odd!” Luna replied.

“Umm guys, if we’re being herded, then what the fuck are we being herded to?” Ethan asked cautiously as they finally stepped completely out of red mist. They were in a large room, reminiscent to both Scarlet and Thomas of the main lobby of the Sierra Madre. As Luna and Thomas stepped into it the room, a door behind them shut with a loud bang.

Oh look, you made it through part one, how exciting! Kata squealed excitedly. Now it’s time for part two! Kata said before she started laughing.

The sound of main power being turned on filled the air as lights flooded out the darkness. On the staircase, a hologram sprang to life. The hologram flickered with blue light, appearing as a short girl that gazed at them unblinkingly with almost draconic eyes.. Her straight hair fell to her shoulders and she was wearing a frilly dress that mimic the Old World style.

“I think that I remember one of you wanting to see me, so here I am,” the hologram said in Kata’s unmistakable voice.

“Well fuck, she is a kid,” Ethan muttered.

“That turn you on, freak?” Aeron chuckled.

“No, it makes me annoyed that I’ve been kidnapped by someone who looks so young,” Ethan said with a scowl.

“Aww, it’s so adorable to see your pride go down like a sinking ship,” Kata said, clasping her hands together as a smile formed on her face.

“Oh I don’t really mind, I mean you’re obviously a minor deity of some kind or another. I’m just hoping that my universe’s Sunny gets here soon and kicks your ass for kidnapping Sparky,” Ethan replied with a shrug.

“Whatever keeps your limited mind calm, it’s just your Celestia isn’t much of threat. She might act like an avatar of light, but she’s not even close. This Celestia is closer than most, but she rejects her power so I’m not worried.” Kata said with a shrug as she gestured at Celestia.

“Yes, but still doesn’t tell us who you are, or why you have the ability to do this. It’s not normally allowed in the grand scheme of things,” Twilight countered.

“Chaos doesn’t have to explain how it works little pony, it just does anything it wants. And as someone who can control an aspect of it, so can I.”

“So you’re a draconequus,” Luna said with a nod.

The girl let out an amused chuckle. “Not every creature who can control chaos is a draconequus, I just pick this from because it’s fun. I normally change it up a bit every century or so. Any more questions you’d like to be answered?”

“Yeah, how many shots of my sequoia will it take to kill you?” Thomas asked as he reached for his pistol. “Oh, and where do we find you?”

“As many as there are stars in the universe, and somewhere between the void and the realm of chaos,” she vaguely answered.

“So, a lot, I can do that,” Ethan told her with a vicious smile.

“Uhg, idiots, she means it’s impossible to kill her. For fuck’s sake, she’s a hologram,” Aeron grunted.

“Smart boy,” Kata complimented.

“That’s quitter talk right there, where’s your can-do spirit?” Ethan asked the man with a chuckle.

Can-do spirit? Why don’t you look around. We’re in the middle of fucking nowhere, you incompetent fool,” he retorted.

“And yet we’re not dead, and more importantly we’ve managed to con this bitch into giving us a breather and some information. I’d say that we’re doing pretty well all things considered,” Ethan replied with a smirk.

“And I think your breather has lasted long enough,” Kata stated. “You see, I don’t like it when my entertainment is all tired out after one of the puzzles. But seeing that you’re ready for the next one, I won’t hold you any longer.” Sounds of radios turning on danced through the room. Scarlet and Thomas both reacted, readying their pistols as they looked frantically around the room. “Have fun,” Kata said before her hologram faded away.

“I’m calling it a victory,” Ethan announced with a grin.

“I don’t think that’s a victory. Clearly she isn’t that dumb to just turn on some pretty music for you and call it a day.” Aeron sighed at the idiocy.

“We don’t have time for this,” Scarlet said as her eyes darted around the room, searching for any radios. “We need to find a way out of this room.”

“I’m getting tired of that objective, it reminds me way too much of Zeta,” Ethan muttered, more to himself than to anyone else.

A door with a sign labeled ‘Casino’ swung open, inviting the group to walk in. Scarlet pointed her pistol towards the entrance of the door. “Well, if it’s anything like the real one there’s going to be holograms roaming around.”

“As long as we can find the emitters, though, we’ll be fine,” Thomas muttered. “We just need to destroy them.”

“Cute.” Aeron smiled.

“As long as that’s how things work here. Kata doesn’t seem to be playing with the same rule book as the rest of us,” Twilight said with a sigh.

“Then let’s be quick,” Scarlet said as she slowly walked towards the door.

“Lead the way, Kathy,” Ethan said with a nod.

Scarlet braced herself on the side of the wall next to the door and leaned in taking a look. The room wasn’t the same design as the casino in the real Sierra Madre, but looked a little more like the one in the Tops. She could see a few holograms guards patrolling the area, along with some radios encased in protective shielding. “I see at least three holograms, and four radios,” she told the others.

“Thank you for being an Observer of the Wastes,” Aeron chuckled.

“And thank you for your input, Captain Jackass, but we don’t have time to waste. Thomas, what can you tell us about these holograms?” Ethan asked the other Courier.

“Can’t be shot, can burn a hole through armour, can only go a certain distance from their emitter before they stop,” he rattled off. Thomas pointed at one of the speakers mounted on the wall. “I’m more worried about that. We can’t shoot through those shields.”

“Didn’t you say that it was the collar you were forced to wear that made them so dangerous?” Luna asked quietly, staring at the device calmly.

“In our world, yes, in here, who knows?” Scarlet said.

“Hrm...” Aeron stared curiously at the holograms walking around in their patterned routines.

“You think of something?” Ethan asked.

“Yeah, what’s up?” Dash looked up to Aeron for an answer.

“Just looking at their patterns. Looks quite the same, rather than a sporadic human patrol. Thomas, Scarlet, what was their field of vision like on you?”

“Sharp; they’re almost impossible to sneak by,” Scarlet answered.

“They didn’t respond to sound though, as far as I could tell,” Thomas added.

“Were these things wired to something? I mean, they’re deadly holograms, but something is projecting them.”

“Small, round, blue emitters, they can either be turned off manually or by destroying them with a bullet. Though shooting it will alert the other holograms, turning them hostile at you,” the woman answered.

“Do any of you guys see blue emitters, then?” Dash decided to ask, looking around the room herself.

Scarlet shook her head. “They’re normally not in plain sight, and are hidden well in hard to reach places in the room.”

“What about an EMP?” Aeron suggested.

“Never tried one, since I didn’t have one at the time, but it could work.”

“That still leaves the radios, any ideas?” Ethan perked up.

Scarlet looked towards Celestia, or more at her spear. “You said that spear could cut through almost anything if you charged it enough. You think can throw it at radios from this distance?”

Celestia shook her head. “My magic is still recovering, I don’t think I have enough energy to charge my spear and throw it accurately any time soon.”

“Well then I’ll test it,” Ethan said with a shrug.

“Sorry, but the spear won’t accept you to bear it.”

“Who said anything about using the spear?” Ethan asked with a raised eyebrow. “When I said that I’ll test it, I meant that I’ll test it.”

“Ethan, don’t be an idiot,” Twilight told him sternly.

“Uhg, standing here is doing NOTHING!” Rainbow Dash yelled, smacking her head on the floor. “Honestly, can we please just do something about this?”

I agree with pegasus, do something or I will, Kata’s threatening voice warned them.

“As you wish, bitch,” Ethan replied with a smile as he walked towards one of the radios. The effect was almost immediate.

Silently, the holograms targeted Ethan and started to fire their high-powered lasers, putting their hands against their holographic temples. The lasers pushed through the front of his armour and left out the back, burning holes straight through his chest.

“FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!” Ethan shouted frantically as he dived backwards, back to the rest of the group.

The holograms stopped firing the moment Ethan crossed the doorway, and returned to their patrol routes.

“Okay, so we don’t try doing that again,” Twilight said as she stabbed a stimpack into Ethan’s now hole covered chest. “You okay, Ethan?”

“Never better, a few holes in my chest is nothing new...” the man said before he coughed up a large ball of blood and spat it to the side. “All the same, I agree with you.”

“Well, now we know that they will start firing the moment they see you. They didn’t even give a warning like they normally do,” Scarlet pointed out.

“What exactly do the radios do, again?” Aeron sighed.

“They made the bomb collars go into a count down in detonating, but we don’t have bomb collars strapped around our necks, so that’s not it. So they have to do something else, and I don’t want to find out what that is.”

“I’ll second that motion,” Ethan said as he rose slowly to his feet, there were still several visible holes in his chest, although the skin was slowly repairing itself.

“Look, those holograms reacted kind of slowly. Took them a minute to target you, Ethan. If Rainbow Dash were to just go and zip on through, she might be able to just bring one over here.” Aeron suggested, looking over at Dash.

“What?!” she yelled in response.

“And what do you suggest we do with an unkillable hologram?” Scarlet asked the man.

“Scarlet, we’re the ones with any actual experience in this situation,” Thomas said. “They react quicker than they used to, but it shouldn't be too difficult to get past them.” He took off his duster and set his rifle on the ground. Scarlet closed her eyes and gave an agreeable grunt as she also set down her bag and rifle on the ground.

“Best of luck, you two. Try not to get shot too badly, I somehow doubt that you could take as many lasers as I did, no offense,” Ethan told them.

“So I guess we’re going to just run in there and weave our way through the room, getting behind as many tables as we can?” Scarlet asked Thomas as they readied themselves by the door.

“You can if you want,” he replied, not really focusing on her. “I’m going to abuse the blind spots.”

“Well I at least I know who to blame when I get three laser blasts in my back,” she joked as she took in a deep breath. “Ready?”

“No,” Thomas replied darkly.

“Hey, Lulu, I hate to ask, but while they’re busy doing that would you mind hitting me with some radiation?” Ethan asked Luna quietly.

As Ethan asked his question the two Couriers ran into the room, Scarlet heading to the right and Thomas to the left. The holograms turned hostile and fired lasers at them, two at Scarlet and one at Thomas. Scarlet instantly slid behind a roulette table as a laser grazed her shoulder. Scarlet’s face winced in pain but she shrugged, putting the pain out of her mind.

Thomas, on the other hand, managed to completely avoid the incoming lasers as he ran across the room. Ducking behind a pillar, he waited until the hologram targeting him looked in the other direction before crouching and moving as fast as he could. He didn’t really know what he was looking for, knowing that the emitters would either be hidden or hard to reach. Still, he had to try.

Laser blasts hit the table as the holograms fired at the last position they saw Scarlet enter. However, she was behind the one next to it, keeping hidden from their view. She looked up and around trying to see any emitters. Her eyes danced rapidly, and soon found a small blue light reflecting off the wall. There’s one, she thought. She peeked around the table, looking for a position to get a better view of the emitter. She found a blackjack table that would give her that, and broke into a run towards it. The holograms immediately began to fire upon her, some lasers hitting her in the chest. Luckily, her armour stopped the worst of it. Scarlet held up Maria and fired the moment she saw the emitter, making a small explosion, and a hologram faded away.

Thomas had just located an emitter himself, using the distraction the other Courier was providing to his advantage. Instead of acting violently towards it, though, he simply pulled it open and calmly disconnected a few wires. Another hologram faded away.

“Nice going, kid. Kathy, it looks like you’ve got around two left,” Ethan called encouragingly from where he was standing beside Luna, his hand rapidly darting into and out of the alicorn’s mane. Luna slapped his hand away and glared at him. “What? You didn’t use your magic on me and this was the fastest way to heal, look!” he told her, gesturing at his chest; the holes were beginning to rapidly fill with new skin.

“You’re insane.” Aeron smacked his forehead in annoyance.

“Two?” Scarlet questioned Ethan’s count of the remaining holograms. Suddenly a shot from behind barely missed her head. She turned around to see another security hologram standing with its hands up to its head. “Shit,” she said, ducking behind another table before the hologram could fire another shot at her.

Thomas heard the blasts and frantically looked around for the emitters. He found one, high up on the ceiling. With no other option, he pulled out his Sequoia and blasted it, the rifle round completely obliterating it.

The last of the original three holograms disappeared, but the new one still stood. Scarlet spotted its emitter on a wall right next to a radio. Going against all warnings her brain was telling her, she ran up to within the range of her pistol, shooting rapidly. Her second shot made its mark, making the emitter go up in a puff of smoke.

Scarlet stopped advancing forwards and turned around, but a painful ringing in her ears filled her mind. She tried to ignore it, but it only got louder and she felt a slight tickling sensation coming from her eyes. She reached up to wipe what she was sure was sweat from her eyes but when she drew her finger away it was red. She tried to move away, but her legs were locked in position, and she found herself falling to the floor.

A purple glow wrapped around her, but nothing seemed to happen. Twilight growled in frustration as her magic slipped off of the woman.

Celestia quickly turned towards Luna. “Use your magic,” she ordered with much worry in her voice.

Seeing how grabbing the woman had failed, Luna instead reached out and grabbed at her clothing. With as much force as she could muster, she violently yanked the woman away from whatever was causing her pain. She failed to notice, though, that doing so would send Scarlet right into one of the tables. “Oops.”

Scarlet’s head slammed hard against the table knocking the already dazed woman out.

“I’ll get her,” Ethan said with a slight sigh as he walked up to the unconscious woman and picking her up in a fireman’s hold, slinging her over his shoulder before he brought her back to the group. “So, am I going to carry her the rest of the time, or are one of you?” he asked.

Suddenly Scarlet’s eyes shot wide open and she noticed the position she was in. “LET ME DOWN!”

“Fine,” Ethan replied and discourteously let her fall to the ground.

Scarlet landed with a thud, her eyes full of fury. She got up and opened the palm of her hand, a green fiery orb glowing in it. “You want to play hard ball, Vault Boy?”

“Personally, I feel like getting the fuck out of here, but if you’d like me to stop time, blow up that little magic grenade in your hand, and then stroll on out of here without you that’s just fine too,” Ethan told her in a quiet voice as his hand played across the grip of his magnum.

The butt end of Celestia’s spear smacked against Scarlet’s head. “Katherine, calm down and control your thoughts.”

Scarlet’s head jerk to the side as the spear hit her and all the fury in her eyes left. She blinked a couple of times. “Sorry...I lost control of myself.” She closed the palm of her hand, making the fiery orb vanished into a puff of smoke.

“This is why I don’t deal with women... No offence, Dash,” Aeron spoke quietly.

“None taken.” Dash shrugged.

“Enough of this!” Luna exclaimed.

“Scarlet, mind telling us what just happened? Why your eyes are bleeding?” Thomas asked as he made his way back.

“I... don’t know. I was running to get in range to shoot the emitter. When I destroyed it I just heard a loud ringing in my ears and my head felt like it was going to explode. Next thing I know, I felt something wet coming out of my eyes and noticed it was blood.” She reached a hand up to her right eye to make sure it wasn’t still bleeding. “I think we’ve found out what the radios can do...” she fearfully mumbled.

“Good, now we know why to avoid them, and the problems that they can cause,” Ethan said with a nod. “Oh, and Scarlet, please never pull a grenade on me again, people that do that have an odd tendency to explode, violently.” He said it casually but there was a layer of hard steel to his voice.

“Okay, the radios make your eyes bleed,” Thomas muttered. “Bet if you stick around too long it’ll kill you. Must be from the same place those ghouls came from.”

“Figures, Kata seems to like mixing things from our world and the pony world together.” Scarlet pointed out.

“I’ve been all over Equestria, and I’ve never seen anything like either of these things, or those ghouls. Have any of you?” Ethan asked. Twilight just shook her head.

“It... it is likely that this is from a... a future where our world suffered a fate much akin to yours,” Luna said with forced calmness. “I don’t know what could possibly occur for that to happen, but it is possible.”

“Stupidity at the highest echelons of the Diarchy, my dear Equestria...” Ethan suggested, using an odd accent before he trailed off with a soft chuckle.

“Well, whatever happened to cause Equestria to fall, I doubt we should worry, not all universes share the same fate,” Celestia stated towards Luna. “Now, lets continue on and find our way out of here.”

“That’s a good idea, Sunny, let’s get going,” Twilight said with a shake of her head, the day hadn’t been going well up to this point, and she didn’t particularly feel like listening to the humans bicker.

“Right, I’ll grab my things,” Scarlet said as she walked back out of the casino room.

The room before them had dropped the trappings of a casino, and was instead as featureless as the one that they had stayed in the previous evening. You all did so well that I thought you needed a little break. Besides it’s not fun to kill you if you’re all tired, Kata informed them with a dark childlike chuckle.

Scarlet saw her things weren’t carried away when the room changed and casually picked them up. “You know this won’t work forever. You will slip up and we will take you down without a moment of hesitation.”

Oh you’re so cute, thinking that you can threaten me. Unfortunately for you eight, it takes more than a few half dead warriors to scare me, Kata replied.

“So you do know fear?”

Yes I do, but I doubt that an idiot, a failure, a drunk, a manwhore and their pet horses can inspire it in me.

“I’m not a manwhore,” Ethan said, defending himself.

“I think she meant me,” Thomas interjected.

Aeron only sighed, crossing his arms and frowning.

“Still, if you’re afraid of something, that gives you a reason to hide. You don’t show yourself because you want to strike fear or madness in us, you hide because someone is after you” Scarlet continued.

Fine, you caught me. I’ll admit it, I’m scared of the color blue, Kata said sarcastically, but Scarlet could pick something different in her voice.

“No, that’s not it. There’s something here in this Labyrinth you want gone, and you’re using us to find it.”

It’s a blue box, Kata said with a chuckle, Ethan could visualize her rolling her eyes.

“Right, if you’re so afraid of the color blue why let Thomas wear his duster?”

You’re not very smart, are you? Kata asked the woman.

“Smart enough to know you’re hiding from someone, little girl.”

Well then I wish you the best on finding whoever this being is, Kata told her sarcastically, but there was a noticeable edge to her voice, almost as if she were saying it through gritted teeth.

“I hope so too,” Scarlet said with a small smirk on her face.

“Hear that invisicunt? We’ve got a plan now, that’s bad for you, very bad for you,” Ethan said with a smirk.

Humph, like any plan you’ll come up with will be smart enough to work against me.

“Well I’m one of, if not the, smartest ponies in Equestria,” Twilight said with a smile.

Well if you’re so smart, think your way out of this. Kata’s voice was low and menacing. Suddenly a low thunder echoed from the other side of the hallway. Remember that beast that was chasing you before? I certainly do.

An object, shrouded in shadow, floated towards them. The group gasped in shock and disgust as it came into view. A mass of ghoulified ponies, all compressed together in a gigantic, writhing, screaming ball of flesh floated towards them. Clouds of the deadly pink mist erupted from their mouths as it came closer.

“Release mental restraint, level one,” Twilight said in a clear voice as she looked up at the disgusting organic mass above their heads. Her mane and tail caught fire with a sudden whoosh as her coat turned white and a small smile appeared on her face.

End Chapter

Author's Note:

Many thanks to the amazing zaponator for putting up with our otherwise terrible English.