• Published 22nd Mar 2013
  • 8,058 Views, 529 Comments

Labyrinth of Madness - Speven Dillberg

  • ...

Final Rest

Final Rest

As Dash entered a random bedroom she immediately flopped, face first, onto the bed. Her body bounced up and down, and she sighed in blissful relaxation. Rolling over, she stared at the light blue ceiling of the room thinking about what Aeron said earlier.

“So, are you ready to hear Twilight’s message?” Ueirn’s voice suddenly spoke up.

Rainbow Dash jumped slightly as Ueirn spoke. She sat up and stared over at the black coated stallion. “Uh... Yeah, let’s hear it.”

“Very well. She said she loves you and that she’ll making preparations with her parents when you get back. Along with a message to be safe.”

Dash nodded, sighing softly. “Well, that’s a bit of a relief. I just hope we get out of here soon... I can’t handle this anymore.”

Uiern rolled his eyes. “Anything else you wish to know?”

“Uhm... How was she? When you saw her?” The pegasus hesitantly asked.

“Worried and ferocious. She wasn’t exactly happy in the way you explain what happen to you in your letter. She snapped at me for not knowing a certain detail.”

“Oh... Well, I was never great at writing letters, anyways... Heh. I hope she didn’t give you too much trouble,” Dash nervously rubbed a hoof on the backside of her neck.

Ueirn scoffed. “Please, I’ve dealt with far worse than a simple spasm of anger. Anything else?”

“Not really... Kind of tired and just want to sleep for a bit. Sorry,” Dash yawned, laying back down on the bed.

“Don’t be. Farewell Rainbow Dash, I’ll be back to collect my payment when the time is right.” Ueirn then lifted a hoof up in the air and pressed it into the ground. His body then started to sink, letting the ground fully engulf him. Soon Dash was left alone once more.

Dash sighed in the silence that filled the room. Closing her eyes, she whispered to herself. “Aeron... Be safe, please...”

Are you sure that you can do this by yourself? Twilight mentally asked Dawn with a tired yawn as she lay down in the comfortingly soft bed that the room provided.

Yes mother, I’ll be fine Dawn replied simply.

Alright then, be careful and wake me if you need me... daughter, Twilight said before closing her eyes and quickly falling asleep. Dawn began to wait for her ‘father’ to appear. He did so after several minutes, or more his presence did.

If we’re going to finish our talk, we do so in our natural realm, his voice sternly spoke at Dawn.

Where you have the upper hoof and could’ve prepared some sort of trap for me, I think not, father, Dawn replied neutrally.

That wasn’t a request. He told her. Dawn felt a strong pull on her form. That was a statement.

Dawn was quickly phased out of the room she was in and was pulled into the void. Dawn tried to resist, trying to hold onto Twilight, but wasn’t strong enough to match Ueirn’s strength. She soon found herself floating around in the vast ‘nothingness’ of the void, with her father floating right in front of her.

That was rather rude of you, father, Dawn said in a slightly acidic tone in her voice.

Does it look like I care youngling? he asked flatly. I want to make sure you won’t hide behind your bonded like what some coward mortal does with a shield.

It is not cowardly to hide from what you cannot hope to win against, father. It is simply good sense! Dawn retorted. Besides, we both know that you wouldn’t strike her down, even if you wanted too. She owes you.

Yes she does, a single deed of my choosing. Something as simple to moving a boulder to making her bansh you forever from her realm.

Ah, but that would be a colossal waste of a favor, father. And I know how much you hate waste, Dawn replied with a small smirk.

I know, especially with what I have planned for Twilight to do. However, I have another Twilight under the same debt and has the same ability to do what I want, he replied with a similar smirk.

Ah, but my mother is more powerful than the other, or at the least has more experience, Dawn said.

Charming a gemstone with the Elements of Harmony isn’t that hard to do, and I don’t need it to be powerful either.

Dawn frowned. The Elements, father? What game are you playing at? She asked him.

The same game every voidling plays youngling. Trying to merge with mortals, he replied shroudly.

Dawn’s brow furrowed as she thought, then her eyes widened. Father, you wouldn’t happen to be... she trailed off for a second. Attempting to purify your Luna’s inner self by charging your aura with the good energy of the Elements would you? She asked him.

Ueirn let out an amused chuckle. So you do have my mindset. You’re only half right. Yes, I don’t want what happened last time when Luna and I merged. I’m planning to build a set of armor that will be enchanted by the gemstone for her, not for me.

Ah... And the power of the Elements will prevent corruption from both yourself and any outside sources! Father, I’m actually honored to call you my progenitor now, that’s brilliant! Dawn said with a grin.

Ueirn let off a scoff. Please, I have been avoiding the Apocalypses Lords since they brought the fall of the order. Of course it’s brilliant.

And now I know where I get my smugness as well as about half of my brilliance, Dawn said with a smirk.

Yes, now we get to the main focus of this discussion. What am I going to do with you?

Do? Why nothing of course. I’m going to be living in a completely different reality than you besides the odd trip into the void. Why would you need to do anything about me? She asked him.

Because you have access to part of my memories, dangerous memories. I gave Celestia a part of me for a reason, knowing she would never tamper with it. While making her think it was for something else, I was able to ‘plant’ a fact that should never be known. And since you are part of that void essence, you have access to that fact.

Ah, so that’s what this is about. Well, father, I’m not going to use it, Dawn told him with a roll of her eyes. What would be the point?

It’s not the point that you would use it, I’m more worried if one of the Lords found out about it. They’ve been looking for a way to destroy every universe in a single swipe of their hands. That information can help them, or stop them. Putting great risk to both you and your bonded.

Dawn let out an irritated sigh. Father, we’re in the void. Where any voidling could be listening. Why are we talking about this here of all places? She asked exasperatedly.

Ueirn let off another chuckle will slowly shaking his head. Oh come on my ‘daughter’. The Lords want to make us think they’re omnipresent in the void, but they aren’t. We’re the only ‘living’ thing in this sector of the void.

Yes, father, Dawn hissed. However ‘sound’ travels a long way in the void.

Yes it does, good thing I cast a shroud of silence before I dragged you here. He let of a smirk. I’ve learned a few things over my tens of thousands years of life, youngling. Have some form of confidence in me, especially for hiding the Lords for five thousands years.

I see, I was about to take back what I said about you being brilliant, but now I’ve thought better of it, Dawn said with a slight sigh. Look, father, I’m glad that you’re worried about me and my mother, but I’ll keep us safe, she told him reassuringly.

Huh, Ueirn slightly scoff. You do not even know the true meaning of that word youngling. Not only that but your powers are nothing but a matchstick being lit in the wind. You can hardly protect yourself as of now.

Dawn shot him a glare but slowly nodded her head, unable to deny the truth of his words. True. She shook her head. What would you propose we do?

Don’t do anything, Ueirn replied. Don’t speak, don’t act, don’t do anything, especially using your void powers. The less you do, the more ‘safe’ you’ll actually be.

Am I to pretend that I do not exist? That I am simply another spark of the Void that so happens to be stuck within Mother’s head? Dawn asked insulted. I will promise you not to speak of this matter to Mother and I will avoid the use of my powers and void travel when I can, but I will not become that which I was before!

The voidling stallion stared at Dawn, clearly unamused. If you so wish then, but do not say I failed to warn you if you cause the Lords to visit your world. He then waved a hoof towards the mare and Dawn felt heavy weight of chains warping around inside her mind.

What? What did you do!? Dawn protested in confusion.

Blocked sections of my memories that were passed down to you, and made some other minor precautions, Ueirn casually replied. I can’t let a loose thread to be left so long that it can be traced back to me.

Dawn stared at him, resentment at the insinuation raging through her mind. I’m... not a bastard, father, she said, her voice a little softer than before.

No, you’re just not supposed to exist the with bond you have, Ueirn stated coldly as he waved his hoof again and Dawn began to feel that she was being pushed away from him.

I... goodbye, Dawn said, her voice even quieter. Ueirn didn’t reply, instead he just turned around and began to walk away from the mare.

Dawn shortly arrived back in Twilight’s mind, even though the alcorn's body was asleep her consciousness remained awake.

Dawn, you’re back,Twilight’s consciousness said tiredly.

Indeed I am, mother, Dawn replied, though there was a slight shake in her voice.

Are... you okay? Twilight asked in concern.

I... yes, I will live, Dawn answered, avoiding the question.

Okay... Twilight said, still adjusting to her new role. Want to talk about it?

No, it is nothing for you to be concerned about, Dawn said flatly.

You’re not going to tell me are you, daughter? Twilight asked.

No, Dawn answered just as flatly.

Alright then, Twilight replied with a mental sigh before she fell back to a full sleep leaving Dawn alone with her thoughts.

The room Van had provided for Thomas and Luna was ridiculous. The bed was nice, true, but neither of them wanted to know why the maze’s real owner saw fit to make it heart-shaped. The thick carpet of crimson rose petals only ended up being trodden underfoot by the man, and treated as dessert by the mare. From the radio on a table beside the bed a tune neither of them recognised played.

“Well this is...”

Luna was similarly speechless. She simply made her way to the bed and clambered on. She patted the red silk blanket next to her, motioning for Thomas to join her. The man made his way to the giant heart and sat next to her.

“So, what? Are we just gonna - ”

“Thomas, may we just talk?”

The request caught him a little off-guard. “Uh, sure, I guess?” he asked cautiously. “What about?”

“Us, Thomas,” the mare answered.

“Oh no, that’s never a good sign,” Thomas muttered.

“Thomas, I’m being serious,” Luna replied, fixing the man with a stare. “What am I to you?”

Thomas looked away, trying to find the words. “I... I’m not really sure. I’ve never really been in this sort of situation. Never had the chance.”

“You’ve never found love before?”

“Never looked. When you travel around a lot, you don’t make too many attachments. Makes it easier,” he explained. “There were a few girls and guys, but they were all one-night things.”

“In a way, I can understand. I am destined to outlive all those I take as lovers. Forming emotional attachments can be...” The alicorn trailed off.

“A bad idea?” Thomas smirked.

“No matter how important you may be to me, you will pass on. It is unavoidable,” Luna said sadly. She closed her eyes and turned away.

“That’s the future,” Thomas replied. “Worry about it then.”

“Thomas, we may not make it out alive,” the mare said, turning to him. Her eyes were filled with worry. “Can’t you take this seriously?”

“Luna, I am. Why worry about something you have no control over? I don’t like it much either, okay?” he asked. “But just focus on what’s happening now. Worry about what’ll happen later when we get there.

“I wish I was as carefree as you.”

Thomas snorted. “Carefree? Luna, I have to stop four different groups from starting a war. I cope with my pain by drinking and sleeping around. Some days, I actually just want to end it all, let it become someone else’s problem.” He sighed and looked down at the petal-covered floor. “Honestly? I just want to pack a bag and walk away. Maybe head north. Up to Canada.” He paused. “Or maybe east. Go see Dom and Veronica again.”

Luna leaned in closer. This was the first time he had ever mentioned anything about this. She didn’t want to think what it would be like, in his situation. At least the nobility had the decency to be mostly ineffectual. But politicians who had to survive in a place so terrible it was comparable to Tartarus, they were surely something to fear. “Would it be worth that risk, Thomas?” she asked quietly. “Walking that far, into danger?”

“I used to do that sort of thing for a living. Every courier has a gun to fend off the worst the Wastes can throw at us. What we can’t fight, we run from instead. Usually works,” he added, absently running a hand through his hair, his fingers tracing the two scars that marked what had started the biggest change in his life.

“Then why not run to Equestria?” Luna suggested.

“I want to,” Thomas moaned. “I really do, but all it’ll take is one accident, or someone figuring out that magic is deadly to me, and I’m gone. At least in the Wastes I have a safe idea of what to expect.”

“I would keep you safe,” she said, resting her head on her shoulder. Thomas glanced and inwardly sighed when he saw that her mane was normal hair.

“You’d keep me locked up. I’d be safe, but that’s not something I could deal with. I need to be able to... to explore, walk around. The castle is big, but I’d get bored. That’s why I love Vegas sometimes.”

“Thomas,” Luna interrupted gently. “Do you love me?” she asked, bringing the conversation back to where it had began.

There were a few terrible seconds where every possible answer ran through the alicorn’s mind. Thomas still managed to surprise her when he gently grabbed her head and turned to face her. He smiled gently before kissing her, his tongue finding its way into her mouth. When he breathlessly released her the man smiled again. "Does that answer your question?"

Luna panted to catch her breath. She smiled back before pushing the man onto his back and climbing onto him, careful to not put her hooves anywhere too delicate.

Scarlet’s eyes stared aimlessly as they watched the the liquid slosh around inside her goblet. The liquid was foggy, colorless, and wasn’t alcohol. She brought the goblet to her lips and took another sip of her drink. The bitter taste stung harshly on her tongue, but settled sweetly in her stomach. Scarlet took the goblet away from her mouth, swallowing the last of the bittersweet drink.

One person dominated most of her thoughts, so it was hardly a surprise that his special drink was the one that the goblet would conjure up. An ironic scoff rolled off her throat as the purpose of this special drink was no longer needed ever since she replaced her real heart with the artificial heart.

But yet, she continued to drink it anyways. Jason, the man that she’d loved, the man that she’d killed, he was always on her mind. Or at least he was now due to the big mouth Vault Boy. In some ways, the two acted very much alike, but with some major differences. At least one would learn when to shut up.

Scarlet put the goblet back on the table and rubbed her eyes while letting out a tired sigh. She then let her hands swing down to the side of the chair will leting her back sliding down it as well, gazing aimlessly up into the ceiling.

Time seemed to fly by as she remembered Jason and the time that they’d had together. The adventures they shared, the stories they made, and...

“Why...?” Scarlet questioned softly. Why was he delivering the message, why was he disguised as an NCR soldier, why did he have to die and not her?

He was the youngest son of the Elder of Arroyo, whose supposed great grandfather was a legend of the Wastes. She? She was just a courier, the result of a drunken one night stand between a soldier and a whore. She was a nobody and he an upcoming legend.

And yet, she had been chosen to continue on living instead of him.


She knew why.

The Legion.

The words they spoke were honey to her ears, and she’d been gullible enough to believe them. It was all for the good of the Divide, to protect it. But instead of protecting it, she’d been slowly choking it to death.

At first she’d questioned her actions, but had gone ahead and committed them anyways. Soon, she was taking innocent lives like it was nothing. And few had ever questioned their disappearance, after all, the dangers of the Divide hadn’t been fully tamed yet.

Then... then it happened. The day she was sent out to kill a NCR courier, to prevent reinforcements from being sent to aid in the upcoming battle of Hoover Dam. However, it ended up being Jason, and she was forced to watch him slowly bleed to death.

The Legion backstabbed her, setting it up to take both of the ‘leaders’ of the Divide down, crippling the Nation before they slit it’s throat. But, she was able to overcome them, killing them mercilessly. In the end, she’d had enough time to be with Jason just to hear, “it wasn’t your fault,” before he breathed his last breath.

But he was wrong. It was her fault. She was the reason she was here and not him. She’d listened to the Legion’s lies, believed them, and taken the shot that ended his life. So in all, she took away the only thing that brought true joy into her life for the ‘good’ of the Divide.

Not only that, but she also took away a potential great father for one little girl’s life.

“Stop it Scarlet, you’ve already been over this,” she muttered to herself.

The past was the past. There was no way she could change it. All the idiotic plans she’d done back then were set in stone, forever changing her life. All she could do now was move on.

Yet the past kept trying to creep back to her. Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Ethan, all of them somehow kept bringing it up even though she’d buried it six feet underground, and all of them tried to offer their aid to something they couldn’t fix. They couldn’t wipe the blood that has stained her hands and heart.

A thought crossed her mind. She got up and went to her bag that was lying behind the chair. Kneeling down she went to a side pouch, opening to relieve some of the books she always carried around. A Big Book of Science, The Wasteland Survival Guide, Dean's Electronics, and a few others. She reached inside a pulled out a book that was not like the others. It was small, worn, and a had a fading golden cross on it.

She sat back down and just looked at the cover for a bit. Never before had she ever considered trusting in a book like this, but after seeing Joshua, someone who did more atrocious deeds than her and yet still have hope. Well...

Opening the section that was marked by a thin scarlet cord, she began to read silently through rest of the night.

Meanwhile Ethan slept oblivious to everything going on around him, his only dreams were of seeing his wife and children again. Oh, and omelets.

Author's Note:

ed2481: Yeah, you know this Van guy? He's actually Kata, he just pretends to be a little girl to throw everyone off.
Speven: That would be perfect.
ed2481: And then he feeds them poisoned food and watches them die slowly.
Omega_code: And Ueirn can claim all of their souls.
Speven: They're running a scam, you see.
Omega_code: Or at the least the ones who foolishly made a deal with him.
Speven: The rest just die.