• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 10,167 Views, 305 Comments

Our Chaotic Melancholy - Edensola

When a lone baby draconequus happens to stumble into Cheerilee's class one day, the caring mare can't help but take it upon herself to attempt raising it.

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Chapter 2: Special (Edited)


Not long after the release of the baby draconequus had taken place, Twilight had made her way back to Golden Oaks Library, her temporary home, in a grumpy demeanor of course. She stomped her hooves angrily as she made her way through the door, slamming it behind her with her telekinetic magic almost immediately afterwards. Her brows furrowed as she went on over to her study and then lowered her hind legs; sitting, then crossing her forehooves. "Hmph!..."

Spike of course noticed the return of Twilight, although at the moment he was currently making something for dinner later. But nonetheless he made his way into the main room from the kitchen, wearing a chef's hat as well as an apron, while stirring a bowl of dough and gems. He was curious to what had Twilight so worked up, because even all the way from the kitchen, he could feel the tension building just from her grumpy appearance. He looked at her with a sly smile as he continued to stir his ingredients as he said in an expecting tone, "So what happened?"

Twilight immediately shot him a glance of discontent. "Immaturity! That's what happened Spike. I decide to do what's best for Ponyville, and the others wanna go treating me like I'm the bad one here! I mean, sure they understood a bit later but it shouldn't have even been that big of a deal!" She let off an angry grunt as she just shook her head in disbelief, then levitated a book over to her desk and proceeded to read it, attempting to take her mind off the whole event.

Spike was still unsurprisingly confused, seeing as she just bickered about the whole thing and didn't really share the details. He sighed heavily as his eyes shifted left to right, then back at Twilight. He was hesitant but persisted to ask anyway, to satisfy his curiosity about what exactly had occurred. "Erhm; yeah but what happened?" He was a little more direct this time, as if to put emphasis on the fact he'd wanted to know the whole story.

Twilight caught this of course, although she was a little offended by his sudden change of tone. She glared slightly at her assistant before groaning softly to herself and shaking her head. She peered back down at the pages of her book as she proceeded to speak without making eye contact with him. "Cheerilee's class got interrupted by a rogue baby draconequus, she wanted to keep it, me and Discord told her no, we released it, end of story."

To this Spike raised a brow, his curiosity still unsatisfied. He then began to step rhythmically back and forth in a pacing motion, as if attempting to concentrate on two things at once. He repeated that same circular motion while stirring the dough and gems, while also listening to Twilight. "Wait, a baby draconequus? Like a real live baby draconequus? As in a little Discord baby draconequus?" His eyes widened somewhat as he looked back at Twilight, raising his brow once more. "That sounds awesome! Why couldn't she keep it?" He smiled staring back down at his bowl.

To that question, Twilight felt like her mind had snapped. Her brow twitched as she looked highly irked by Spike's question. She slammed her book shut, looking absolutely devoid of emotion for a moment. She slowly turned to regard her faithful assistant with a scowl, before raising her forehooves to the air with a scream of utter annoyance! She gritted her teeth as she stomped back and forth in the library. She muttered "It's as if nopony remembers that the harbinger of disharmony is a draconequus, must I really educate everypony on the danger they're putting themselves in before they'll listen!?"

Spike trembled a little, although he was used to seeing Twilight angry, her anger was never a pleasure to be around. He simply remained silent as he knew the process, she'd soon most likely teach him what he needed to know. He stopped stirring however, merely staring at Twilight as she proceeded to a specific shelf towards the back half of the library, the corner opposite from the kitchen and near the front door.

Twilight levitated out a thick dusty book from one of the shelves. She then immediately flipped through the pages, eyeing each one intensely as she stopped at a specific section before wincing impatiently at Spike. "Draconequus are known to harbor very unusual behavior when raised or brought up in a family setting. Are you listening Spike? Personality traits can rapidly spiral out of control, excelling to the point of pure dementia. Such traits commonly encountered are, obsession, severe paranoia, and intense jealousy. Although these are in the most common of cases, there are a multitude of other possibilities, it is highly recommended that those who encounter draconequus in their adolescence remain aware of the risks and dangers and avoid them at all costs." Twilight slammed the book shut before her nose wrinkled a bit. "And that's just the tip of the iceberg Spike. Baby draconequis are not meant to be pets! They're not meant to live amongst other races, as cruel as it may sound, they're meant to live alone until adulthood, that's the way it has to be."

To this Spike actually seemed a bit offended himself. He made his way over to a desk and then placed the bowl down as well as the hat and apron. He then looked at Twilight with a defensive expression "Wait a second Twilight. So you're saying draconequis are meant to be alone basically because," he crossed his arms "They're considered monsters?"

As Twilight was in the process of putting the book away, her eyes widened a bit at his sudden proclamation. She then turned to him with a slightly puzzled expression. "I never said that Spike, that's entirely different."

Spike closed his eyes halfway with an amused look. "Is that so? What about me Twilight, what about dragons? In the most common of cases, are we meant to be raised by ponies and considered highly passive?"

Twilight saw what he was getting at obviously, and she didn't like it, not one bit. She glared at Spike and looked as if she were about to say something in a moment, but no words came. She simply turned with a slight huff beneath her breath and then spoke in a calm yet defensive manner. "You're different Spike, you're special. You're not like other dragons." Twilight cringed a bit at the slight irony of her own words, she knew she'd trapped herself by saying that and was not looking forward to what her assistant would say next.

Spike looked somewhat disappointed in Twilight. In actuality he was a little hurt by those words. He simply shook his head before exclaiming softly. "All I'm saying Twilight is perhaps everything doesn't go by the book. Is the text really all that matters? What about all those lessons on friendship we've learned about over time. What about Princess Celestia giving you my egg? What about special cases like me, isn't it possible for them to exist for draconequis to?" Spike eyed the ground solemnly as he sluggishly put on his apron and chef's hat. He then grabbed the bowl with a slight shrug "After all that's happened, I guess I expected different. Maybe it's just me being silly I guess." He made his way back into the kitchen, whistling a soft tune beneath his breath afterwards.

Twilight felt a little struck by Spike's words. She lowered her head with a somewhat saddened expression, pondering whether or not she truly did do the right thing by kicking out the baby draconequus. These days they were a really rare sighting, and she couldn't deny the possibility that things might have changed for the creatures since then. No, she had to be right. And besides, Discord was a draconequus himself, he knew better than anypony there were no special cases. This was for the best, and the deed was already done, everypony would get over it in the next few days and everything would be peachy once more. Twilight smiled a bit, bringing herself out of her brief depression, then nodding in approval. Yes, everything would turn out just fine, she just knew it.

The rest of the day, nothing interesting in particular happened. As Twilight suspected, it already seemed like everything was returning to normal. The brisk evening breeze flowed steadily throughout the small town as when the blanket of stars arrived overhead, nearly everypony went to their beds for some shuteye.

Cheerilee in particular couldn't seem to fall into a peaceful sleep, too many thoughts occupied her mind. Her eyes were closed but she tossed and turned, and was currently facing away from the window at the moment.

Looming outside Cheerilee's window, the baby draconequus was levitating, peering at the mare with an affectionate smile. Although she was told to leave, even though she knew she wasn't welcomed here, she risked returning for the sake of seeing Cheerilee once more. She placed her paw and claw on the window as her expression brightened somewhat, and she gave a cheery smile at the mare. She let off a soft "Ah!" as she looked at Cheerilee with excitement. Her eyes widened as she suddenly heard the sound of trotting down the path behind her. The baby draconequus then hurriedly slithered its way to the roof as it then peeked over the ledge to see who was lurking about so late at night.

What she saw was two very peculiar mares, they wore ninja suits and seemed to be sneaking to some other house in particular. The baby draconequus couldn't make out their features but their manes were exposed, so she could tell at least that much. One had a pale cyan mane with white highlights while the other had a curly mane with dark cobalt blue and light fuchsia highlights.

The pale cyan maned mare spoke in a humored tone. "Hehe, wait until Vinyl and Octavia wake up tomorrow morning! They'll never know what hit em!"

The one with light fuchsia highlights then spoke up in a confused tone. "Why are we even wearing ninja suits Lyra?"

The pale cyan maned mare revealed as Lyra Heartstrings eyes widened as she regarded her friend. "Duh Bon Bon, humans used these suits to blend in perfectly with the night, they practically phased with objects like this!"

Bon Bon raised a brow at her close friend then sighed heavily rolling her eyes as they trotted off into the darkness further into Ponyville. "Yes, alie- I mean hoomans...of course..."

Although a little unorthodox, those two mysterious mares were quite helpful to the baby draconequus. She chuckled somewhat as she looked at the tiles of the roof she was standing on and then smiled eagerly, muttering. "Ninja!" She then closed her eyes, focusing as she suddenly phased through the roof with a strange form of chaotic magic. As she fell inside the house flawlessly, nothing could stay perfect of course, she plopped downward as she was suddenly in the attic. "OOF!" Laying on her belly, the baby draconequus rubbed her head as her lower lip had puckered. "Oooow- I don't think I like ninja very much...." She rubbed the top of her head as she'd noticed a easy way out through a small box shaped opening in the wall. Her expression brightened as she didn't hesitate to make her way through, exploring Cheerilee's home.

As Cheerilee had finally managed to steadily fall into a deep sleep, it wasn't long before that peaceful moment would be interrupted by the echoing sounds of crashing kitchenware downstairs.

Cheerilee's eyes snapped wide as she'd leaned up from her bed, her heart racing as she did so. She eyed her open door with paranoia, and her lights were off so of course it'd only made the suspense a little more frightening for her. She hurriedly climbed out of her bed as she proceeded to the doorway cautiously, making sure to flip on her light switch when she'd made it there.

The sounds still proceeded to continue as Cheerilee couldn't help but gulp as she called out to whoever was downstairs. "H-Hello!? Is...is anypony there?" Well of course somepony was there! She really didn't understand why she asked something so obvious, but for some reason it comforted her. She called out once more as she slowly proceeded down the hall, still with a look of intense fear. "Y-You know I'll call for help! You're not supposed to be in here! Please, I don't want any trouble, just stop whatever you're doing and leave!"

The sounds only continued.


It was almost strange how obvious the intruder was however, it was as if they'd wanted to be caught. Even the lights in the kitchen were on, was there really a burglar this bad? Or was it something else?

Cheerilee gulped once more as she trotted slowly downstairs, creaking with every trot. As she was now looking down the main hall which turned to the kitchen at the far end to the right, she'd then peered over at a small lamp on a desk in the main hall. She snatched it, pulling the plug from its socket as she gave it a death clasp. She then stood on her hind hooves as she hugged the object to her chest, making her way down the hall as quietly as she could.

As she made it to the end, she closed her eyes tight. She was afraid of course, who wouldn't be? She took a moment to prepare herself for what she was about to do. Eventually Cheerilee mustered up the courage to make for the charge as her eyes then snapped wide, and she yelled out, turning into the kitchen as she did so. "I SAID TO LEA-" she was interrupted.

"More sweets!?" The baby draconequus got in her face once again almost immediately.

Cheerilee shrieked in terror as she stumbled backwards onto the ground, hurtling her lamp in the opposite direction on impulse as she'd been caught by surprise once again. As Cheerilee was on her side rubbing her head, she soon took a moment to regard the baby draconequus who'd, surprisingly, returned. Cheerilee didn't know what to think, as she stared into those wide eyes so happy to see her, she simply stared at the draconequus before a look of dread overcame her. She rose to her hooves as she looked down at the little draconequus worriedly. "W-What're you doing here!?"

The baby draconequus's expression sunk as she heard those words from Cheerilee, she now seemed confused. "H-Huh?..." She then looked quite overwhelmed with worry as she rushed over to the middle of the kitchen.

Cheerilee followed her every movement.

The baby draconequus was actually setting up two bowls it seemed, although it'd made quite a mess finding them, there were now two bowls laid out on the table. She then levitated upward as she used her magic to place strawberry ice cream in the bowls. "I... I..." She then hurriedly grabbed one of the bowls, then went back over to Cheerilee as she placed the bowl of icecream in Cheerilee's hooves. "P-Ponies like sweets yes? I promise I won't be bad! I swear!..." She chuckled nervously as she lowered her head with saddened eyes and twiddled her claw and paw looking to the lower left. "Y-You took care of those little ponies..uhm..well- I was wondering.." She grew silent as she peered at the ground, a crimson blush appearing over her face. "I...was wondering-" She wanted to find the words, but couldn't, and one could notice the shame in her face for even suggesting such a thing, as if forcing the burden of herself upon somepony else. She simply quieted down, her body trembled as she couldn't muster up the courage to ask.

Cheerilee's heart sunk. She looked down at the little creature as it avoided eye contact, all it wanted was some form of companionship, affection, family. Cheerilee lowered her frame as she looked at her with saddened eyes and shook her head. "I'm, I'm sorry sweetie, it's not safe for you here." Cheerilee looked to the lower right for a moment "I don't even know where I'd start."

The baby draconequus cringed at those words. Her eyes widened as she looked frightened, desperate. She shook her head "I'll make you more sweets! A-And I can listen really good, I'm a really good listener! I promise I'll be good from now on, t-then we can talk right? We can talk like in the pony classroom?"

Cheerilee shook her head as she rubbed the top of the baby draconequus's head. "I'm sorry, I just can't be responsible for your wellbeing in these circumstances sweetie. I wish it were different, but you have to leave here."

The baby draconequus looked at Cheerilee wide eyed for a brief moment in despair.

She then began sniffling as she slowly broke down. Beginning to cry as she rubbed at her eyes unable to hold back her little trickles of tears as her soft voice cracked. She tried to stop, rubbing at her eyes as she desperately wanted to not look rude and pathetic in front of the one she was attempting to win the favor of. But she couldn't stop herself. Her ears lowered as and she lowered her frail slender frame and buried her head in her slightly crossed arms.

Cheerilee now was at a complete loss for what to do. The scene crushed her entirely, and she felt she was on the brink of tears as well. What was she to do? Twilight and even Discord told her what'd happen if draconequis were taken in as family. But her whole life revolved around ensuring little ones were best off. Now she was looking at one, obviously at the end of her rope, desperate for anything close to family, and unable to contain herself any longer. Who knows how long she lasted out there alone, shunned, and without anypony to give her any attention. Cheerilee held out a hoof to her, and felt in the next moment she would have to make one of the biggest decisions of her life.

What do you do Cheerilee? You know the risks.

She looked upon the baby draconequus cry as her hoof trembled some.

You know the risks. You know the-..............forget the risks!

Cheerilee paused, she gritted her teeth angrily, somewhat infuriated with herself. She couldn't let this go on, and even all day she'd been secretly wishing she could get this chance, a chance to make things right. She took care of younglings, not leave them out to fend for themselves and teach them that life was meant to be some forsaken world of lonesomeness. No; she couldn't bear to live her life knowing she'd done something so against her wishful way of thinking. Besides, who could hate such an adorable creature? She wanted nothing more than to take care of it herself, and she wasn't going to let some supposed risks get in the way of such a chance. Cheerilee then grabbed the little draconequus and pulled her close into her, hugging her tiny frame gently.

The baby draconequus' eyes widened slowly as she'd never felt something like this before. The feeling of an affectionate hug, the feeling of warmth, comfort, and safety. She was at a loss for words as she trembled somewhat just at the confusion of the overwhelming sensation.

Cheerilee spoke in a reassuring tone. "You have nothing to worry about sweetie; everything is going to be alright from now on. Can you tell me your name?"

The baby draconequus muttered in a slightly embarrassed tone. "N-Name?"