• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 10,150 Views, 305 Comments

Our Chaotic Melancholy - Edensola

When a lone baby draconequus happens to stumble into Cheerilee's class one day, the caring mare can't help but take it upon herself to attempt raising it.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Bonds (Edited)


In some areas of Equestria, it wasn't surprising to find that there lacked a sufficient pegasi population in order to clear the clouds and prevent rain. This was one such area. In the middle of a forest; as the rain poured heavily overhead, the baby draconequus found shade beneath a peculiarly large branch that segmented off into more tiny branches stacked with plentiful amounts of leaves.

At this point in its life, it'd just been exploring, or she, she'd earned the right to not be called an it. As she sat beneath the shade of the leaves to prevent getting wet from the rain, the area surrounding her was lush with veiled mysteries.

She shivered a little bit, but thankfully her fur kept her warm in times such as these. She was actually in the process of experimenting with her strange birthright, chaotic magic, or more peculiar magic in general. The baby draconequus lifted her paw and claw and then began trying to form something, her parents always had an arsenal of food in their knowledge banks, she wished she paid more attention then. She stuck out the tip of her tongue a little while squinting one eye as if to concentrate. "Mmmm..." As she did this, something started to form. She kept that look of utter concentration. And soon the rewards of her focus came into fruition, a large chocolate bar appeared then dropped into her paw and claw.

Overwhelmed with satisfaction of herself, she hopped to her hoof and claw feet, standing and raising her arms to the air in delight. She chuckled "Yes yes yes!" She seemed quite tired and exhausted based on the bags beneath her eyes, perhaps she'd been working on this spell for awhile now, and through trial and error had finally accomplished it. Cotton Candy was getting a little dull anyhow. She took a munch of her chocolate bar with a cheery smile "Mmm; hmhm!"


Her eyes snapped wide as she raised a brow. What, was, that? She felt she didn't really want to know as the sound had came from behind her, in a more shrouded area further from the tree with the shading leaves. She cringed a bit but she knew she had to at least check, she'd been out here long enough to know that most things, if anything, didn't want to be her friend. She peeked her head off to the side of the tree, the rain drenching her white mane somewhat as she blinked a bit to see what that scary growling noise was. And the moment she did that, the horrible realization hit her like a punch to the face. There, staring right back at her were large, glowing green eyes, with brows made of leaves.

Of course it had to be a timberwolf. "Rrrrrrrg......."

The baby draconequus was at a loss for words. She then smiled nervously at the timberwolf with a soft chuckle before closing her eyes. "Eheh....uhm...m-more sweets?"

The timberwolf snarled and snapped at her. "RAWF RAWF RAWF!"

The baby draconequus' expression sunk dramatically as she whimpered. "Okay...." She just turned to the opposite direction and broke off into a hasty retreat.

To her dismay, there wasn't only one, of course there wasn't only one timberwolf, was there ever? She looked to her left, to her right, and there were more surrounding her. A look of fear overwhelmed the baby draconequus, unsurprisingly. She just kept running through the multiple shrubs and thick surplus of trees. She had no idea where she was going, perhaps it didn't even matter. She just needed to create some distance between her and the timberwolves, which she was doing a horrible job of.

The timberwolves were at her sides in the trees as well as behind her, barking ferociously.

She had to think! She didn't know how to do anything besides make food. She didn't know how to fight, especially timberwolves. What could she do to escape? At one point as her mind was overwhelmed with panic, she tripped in a small field of mud, her face slamming against the mushy wet substance. She laid there for a second, before pushing herself up with her frail arms, she was so tired, and for a fleeting moment a sense of hopelessness overwhelmed her. Why should she even move? What was the point of trying at this point? Maybe she should've just laid there and let nature take its course. You live or you perish, and if you weren't strong enough to live, then you'd be consumed. Maybe she wasn't strong enough. She glared somewhat breathing heavily, as at this point, the wolves were done playing games.

"Rrrrrrrg...." They growled beneath their breaths as two of them moved some distance towards the front of the baby draconequus. Other pairs were at her side and behind her, surrounding her completely. They took small easy steps, closer and closer to their pathetically weak prey. Although most would consider timberwolves primitive creatures, they were actually quite interesting; they even held a sense of pride deep within themselves. Draconequis were ferocious predators as adults if they needed to be, and usually they'd be just as ferocious and dangerous as babies, but this one, this one was different. She was weak, ripe, practically perfect for the taking, a gift wrapped meal, of one of the most legendary creatures in existence.

The baby draconequus eyed all of them as she slowly got back up. She swayed a bit then ran her paw and claw over her face in order to get the mud off. The rain wasn't making this anymore pleasant. She bit her lower lip, quivering and trembling unknowingly, she let off a soft "Eh!" as she took notice of the fact she was surrounded. She was frightened, and didn't know what to do. Was this really the end? Was this really how she'd leave this world? Being torn to pieces by timberwolves slowly as she cried for help to no avail? She curled her arms in as she looked at them only get closer and closer. Her eyes widening in absolute horror of what was to come, she begged in her mind for her parents to come to her aid, and in some form, they did. Although they weren't there, although they'd abandoned her, they left behind something more helpful than she'd realized ... memories.

She thought about it for a moment, she recalled the time she'd last seen her parents when they left the cavern. They flew up into the sky, although they lacked big wings, they rose up flawlessly as if the very wind carried them towards the clouds. Could she do that as well? Could she bend the very air to her will and make way for the skies? It was a long shot, and she had no idea how it worked. How could one make sense of chaos? Such unpredictably strange magic, but she had to, she just had to. She looked to the timberwolves, then to the sky, then raised her arms up as if waiting for an welcoming embrace.

The timberwolves only continued to creep closer, they'd make their lunge soon.

The baby draconequus then closed her eyes, and like when she'd been concentrating on making more sweets, she was concentrating on finding comfort and safety in the very clouds. But there'd be no room for trial and error this time, this was a one shot chance. She had to make it count, live or be consumed, was she strong enough to survive? She'd soon find out.

And in that next fateful moment, she made her move. She hopped from her feet, and in a comedic way actually began to flap her arms almost immediately afterwards as if that'd make any difference. She didn't need to do that however, as she found that when she peeked, she was rising, slowly, and not as quick as she wanted to, but was doing it nonetheless. She was levitating up slowly, and found she couldn't get up to the clouds like her parents could've. Her expression brightened up as she sighed with relief, then made her way up a little past the trees.

The timberwolves looked up in dismay as their prey was making a clean getaway. They whined and snarled, barking at her as she flew off, although she wasn't very high, there was no way they'd be able to get her now.

The baby draconequus remained in the air for some time. She kept attempting to get up higher and higher, but found she could only rise up to the point past a tree, perhaps it was because she was so inexperienced. Either way this little ability would be helpful for many days to come. It'd certainly been a lifesaver on this day. So she took what she could get and just decided to make her way through the visible landscape happily, and out of this murky dark forest.

After some time she came to arrive at what appeared to be a small city. She blinked a bit, keeping her distance as she saw two peculiar creatures she'd never seen before fixing a sign, she lowered her head and peeked from some bushes.

The creatures seemed to look like timberwolves, except much more furry and plush, they also seemed more kind and gentle and lacked the fangs the predatory creatures had.

One of them wiped his forehead with a hoof before exclaiming. "Whew, I reckon that's the best we can do! The signs readable, and that's all that matters!"

The other one laughed before pointing a hoof at his fellow. "You're one lazy pony ya know that?"

The baby draconequus' eyes widened a bit as she continued to observe them, she muttered. "Po-....ny?"

The two ponies then let off sighs of relief as they just trotted on back to their small city; where a multitude of other ponies trotted amongst each other. They all seemed very nice and kind.

She looked at the sign which said. Dodge City.

The baby draconequus' expression brightened happily as she chuckled with fascination. "Po-nies..."

As Cheerilee laid on her side on the couch staring at the TV screen, she had a reflective and worried expression.

On the TV was Photo Finish and Hoity Toity being interviewed by some anonymous pony.

Photo Finish gasped as she'd sat in her elegant chair. "Vy of course! Vee do not worry about such tsings!"

Cheerilee didn't care about what was on the TV however, and she definitely didn't care about this interview. What had her worried was the little baby draconequus curled up against her sleeping peacefully. Cheerilee looked down at her baby draconequus, squinting somewhat as she started second guessing herself. She ran a hoof through her white mane affectionately, but was pondering what to do. Just earlier she'd been called mother, and it hadn't even been long. Was she really so attached to her? Cheerilee couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell up within her at the prospect, but she was no mother, and she wasn't a draconequus either. She placed a hoof over her face in the form of a facehoof. What've you gotten yourself into Cheerilee?

The baby draconequus simply nuzzled against Cheerilee in her sleep, smiling softly as she did so.

As Cheerilee looked down at her, her eyes saddened. She'd wondered when the last time her baby draconequus got to sleep like this, knowing it's safe and in the caring protection of another. She wondered when the last time was she got to sleep while happily wearing a smile. Cheerilee smiled affectionately as she continued to run her hoof through her baby draconequus' snow white mane. She then looked to the window, and the sun was going down, night was coming which means soon it'd be time to get started with what she had planned earlier. Cheerilee then began patting her baby draconequus' head softly, trying to get her to wake up. She spoke softly "Hey sweetie; wake up, it's almost time."

The baby draconequus tossed and turned somewhat, before spreading out her arms and letting off a little yawn. She then slowly opened her eyes as she blinked a few times before looking up at Cheerilee with half closed eyes. "Hi momma..."

There it was again. Cheerilee felt her heart thump as a light blush formed over her cheeks. She looked to the lower left with a hesitant expression before looking back at her baby draconequus. "L-Listen; sweetie, I don't think it's smart if you-" She stopped herself, as she caught her baby draconequus' gaze.

The baby draconequus looked up at Cheerilee with worried eyes. "If I what?"

Cheerilee's eyes widened as she then looked down and shook her head. "I-It's nothing, come on sweetie, let's get you ready." Cheerilee then hopped from the couch and trotted on over to the kitchen, but not before turning off the TV. As she'd arrived at her kitchen table, there was already a particular piece of clothing folded on the table top. Cheerilee grabbed it with one hoof, spreading it out in front of her as she got a good look at it, it was a black hoodie, one that'd be helpful for concealing somepony, or something. Cheerilee giggled "Yes; perfect."

Cheerilee then made her way back over to her baby draconequus, who was waiting near the doorway with a curious expression.

The baby draconequus cocked her head to the right as Cheerilee approached her with the black hoodie. She eyed it curiously, for she'd never really seen ponies wear clothing before, and she wasn't very familiar with clothes either.

Cheerilee smiled down at her baby draconequus before speaking softly. "Raise your arms sweetie."

The baby draconequus did as she was told, raising her arms as Cheerilee immediately dropped the hoodie over her afterwards. It slid over her slender body flawlessly as it reached down to her little hoof and claw feet just perfectly. Her tiny arms required her to roll the sleeves up but she'd be able to step without tripping over the ends at least.

Cheerilee raised a brow with a curious expression and soft smile. "So, do you like it?"

The baby draconequus looked over herself with wide eyes as she stared at the hoodie covering her in awe. It was quite plain and simple, but to her, it meant the entire world. She'd never received a gift before. She looked at Cheerilee with wide eyes and a mesmerized expression, which actually caused the mare to worry a little.

Cheerilee's eyes shifted left to right then she looked back at her baby draconequus nervously. "Ugh? I admit the color is a little-" she didn't have time to finish as her baby draconequus ran into her giving her an affectionate hug, wrapping her claw and paw around Cheerilee as best she could.

The baby draconequus looked up at the mare with a smile and closed eyes. "I think it's the best."

Cheerilee blinked a bit, and what she said next surprised even her. "R-Really?"

The baby draconequus nodded happily. "Mhm!"

Cheerilee sighed with relief before returning the hug. "Well I'm glad that you like it sweetie."

Cheerilee could feel it swelling deep within her, feelings of confliction, and she hated it. The further she went into this scenario the more she'd be digging herself into a bigger hole. The more time she spent with her baby draconequus the more she felt the need to refer to her as her own, the need to take care of her, but could it ever truly be so simple? She couldn't shake off the possibility this might end badly, no matter how much she planned and prepared for the worst. But everything seemed so perfect, how could her adorable baby draconequus hurt anypony?

Cheerilee then tilted her baby draconequus' head up some, then looking into her candy apple red irises. "So now that you're ready, do you want to know what I have planned?"

The baby draconequus simply peered up at Cheerilee, curiously.

A small smirk creeped over Cheerilee's face as she raised her baby draconequus' hood and then opened the front door with a soft smile. "Hmhm.."

Although risky, Cheerilee had actually taken the baby draconequus outside, and raised her hood in order to hopefully conceal her identity. Thankfully however there were always some unusual guests passing by through Ponyville: Zebras, Minotaur, Griffons, it wasn't the average citizen she was worried about but more so the mane six. Although even so, she didn't want any other pony delving into who this mysterious creature with her was, which is also why she'd decided to wait until the time when barely anypony was around. Although Cheerilee also had one last place she needed to go before it closed, and they made their way towards that destination carefully.

As they'd arrived just outside Sugarcube Corner, they then headed into a narrow passageway between two of the houses, allowing them to be concealed in shadow. Cheerilee lowered her frame to look her baby draconequus in the eyes with a smile. "Now stay here alright? Momma will be right back." Cheerilee felt pretty awkward referring to herself as a mom still.

The baby draconequus simply smiled then nodded happily, speaking softly. "O-Okay..."

Cheerilee raised a hoof. "Now don't talk to anypony sweetie, and don't go wandering off." With that Cheerilee then turned and made her way around the corner and to Sugarcube corner.

Seeing Cheerilee leave always made the baby draconequus panic a little, but this time she did as she was told, remaining in place in the dark alleyway as to lower the chances of some curious pony questioning her.

And as usual, something just had to go wrong.

"Yea and you won't believe what she told me afterwards! It was stellar!" A deep youthful male voice rang out nearby. Actually from above and behind at the same time.

The baby draconequus' eyes widened as she jumped a little from the sudden voice.

There was then another voice, feminine. "Jeez is there any time you're not out talking to mares?" questioned a deeply annoyed Flitter.

The baby draconequus hesitantly lowered herself and then turned to look up, to find three pegasi passing by overhead. She gulped as they hadn't caught sight of her yet, and hopefully wouldn't and just keep moving.

Thunderlane gasped as he cocked a brow to Flitter. "W-What!? Hey, it's not my fault I'm surrounded by mares all the time."

Thunderlane and Flitter stopped, bursting into argument.

Cloudchaser rolled her eyes as she seemed a little unsurprised by the happening, simply remaining in place with a bored expression while flapping her wings. Of course she attempted to block out the sounds of her sister and Thunderlane arguing with each other while she waited for the situation to die down by taking in the scenery. Just boring old Ponyville as usual, nothing interesting, same old dull stuff. She peered around, and eventually down, and of course, catching sight of a small hooded figure attempting to remain anonymous. Cloudchaser's eyes widened as she cocked a brow, she wouldn't have really cared, but, as she looked down at the hooded figure she couldn't help but wonder, what the heck was it?

The baby draconequus simply leaned back against one of the walls as her body trembled somewhat. She had a highly paranoid expression as she mainly kept her focus on the ground, muttering "Don't let them come near me, don't let them come near me."

Cloudchaser kept her focus on the hooded figure as she softly tapped both Thunderlane and Flitter with a curious expression. "Hey guys, check this out."

Flitter and Thunderlane were still arguing, ignoring Cloudchaser completely.

The pale persian blue mare simply rolled her eyes and decided to flutter on down into the alleyway herself. As she touched upon the ground, she slowly approached the hooded figure, still with a raised brow, and as she did so she eyed it up and down. Still she couldn't really pertain what it was, maybe it was a baby griffon, the darkness made it pretty hard to tell, either way, she was about to find out. She raised a hoof in question as she muttered curiously "H-Hey, uhm; excuse me?"

The baby draconequus' trembling worsened as she uttered on impulse. "G-Go away please!"

To this Cloudchaser felt struck, as she at the hooded figure. "I'm not going to hurt you or anything!"

The baby draconequus shook her head then lowered herself some, pulling down her hood. "Please; I'm sorry for being mean, but, please just go away. I, I'm not allowed to talk to strangers!" And that wasn't the only issue, even she'd learned by now, even if nopony really knows much about draconequis, most feared them, and if they didn't, they talked about them like live gossip. Then the ones who knew, ones like Twilight Sparkle would show, and either way it was never a happy ending.

Cloudchaser was able to tell she was young, whatever she was, and although she had no idea what it was, she still felt a sense of worry. "Hey; I'm not a bad pony alright? Uhm, where're your parents, why're you just standing here?"

The baby draconequus blinked a bit. She loved talking, and in any other case she would of loved making friends with this pegasi and opening up to her happily, she could use the friends. But this was different, Cheerilee gave her strict orders not to talk to anypony! And she was already breaking the rules, and there was a possibility this pony could be just like Twilight and want to send her back out into the forest. She'd broken the rules before, she should've just moved around, anything would've been better than this. Her heart thumped in her chest as she gulped, twiddling her paw and claw. "Ah...m-momma is in there." The baby draconequus looked down at the ground worriedly as she pulled on her hood.

Cloudchaser then blinked a bit curiously, her mother was in Sugarcube Corner? That'd be even better then. Instead of pestering the little one that obviously didn't want her around, she could just take a good look at the parent which would make sense of everything right away. Cloudchaser then trotted past the hooded figure as she looked down at it closely as she did so, the baby draconequus kept her head lowered to conceal her face however. But that didn't hide her funny looking reptilian and hoof feet, as well as those strange arms. Cloudchaser's eyes widened as she just continued trotting, she felt as if she were seeing things. Either way she'd satisfy her curiosity, right, now. And she turned the corner, pushing open the doors to Sugarcube Corner and trotting inside.

Cloudchaser had a dull expression as she peered around the shop with a raised brow. What the buck? There was nothing but ponies in here. She glanced around the place once more, taking in a second look, yea, nothing but ponies. That little hooded creature lied to her, and it ticked her off somewhat. As she was in the process of feeling dumbfounded, there was somepony leaving.

Pinkie Pie waved at Cheerilee from the counter as she munched on some sweets. "Thanks Miss Cheerilee!"

Cheerilee had a bag of goodies as she held them by her mouth with the straps. She then chuckled before nodding to Pinkie Pie and then trotting for the door. But on her way out, Cloudchaser looked to her with a raised brow.

"Hey uhm, Miss Cheerilee, you didn't see any non-pony thing stumble in here did you?" Cloudchaser raised a brow at Cheerilee with honest curiosity, while rubbing the back of her own mane a little puzzled.

Cheerilee's eyes widened as she cringed at those words. She then shook her head at Cloudchaser as she muttered beneath her breath, a little hard to speak while holding the bag in her mouth. "No, shorry!" She then headed outside hurriedly.

Cloudchaser sighed heavily as she realized eventually there was nothing here, she'd obviously been duped. But this wasn't over, she'd just go out and ask that little creature more questions, its not like she was going to hurt it or anything. She turned to leave the small shop, making her way out.

She trotted on over back to the small alleyway, but what she saw made her cock her brow once again. The creature was gone? Of course. Cloudchaser sighed heavily as she simply lowered her head, her eyes shifting left to right as she then just rolled her eyes with a shrug. "Whatever..." She looked up to find that Thunderlane and Flitter were still arguing! By Celestia what the heck were they even arguing about, at this point she doubted they were even on the original topic anymore. She groaned and fluttered up towards them flapping her wings, now deciding to join in on the conversation.

As they trotted through the now open fields of Ponyville, more towards the southwestern part of town, night had finally crawled up into the sky upon their arrival. And once more, Luna had created the most beautiful of nights, blanketing the skies with a multitude of stars and the beautiful full moon.

Cheerilee and her baby draconequus made their way to a more flattened area, and as they did so, the mare eventually came to a stop, and it was nowhere in particular, just a area a good distance away from the town but not too far, and open enough for them to sit in without disturbance. Cheerilee dropped the bag of goodies as she lowered her hind legs and sat taking in a deep breath. "Are you okay sweetie?" Cheerilee questioned.

The baby draconequus went to Cheerilee's side with a smile. "Mhm! I'm fine momma!"

Cheerilee then opened the bag some, revealing a multitude of sweet delicacies.

The baby draconequus cheered. "More sweets!"

Cheerilee giggled, humored by her attitude. "Yes, more sweets hmhm."

The baby draconequus didn't hesitate to dig into the bag, looking at all the different varieties, but she wasn't eating them, as Cheerilee expected. She was actually inspecting them, taste testing them, and ultimately adding every single one she'd never seen before or gotten the chance to look at to her arsenal, or mental food bank.

The baby draconequus looked up happily at Cheerilee as she jumped and then hugged her, levitating some as she wrapped her arms around the mare, nuzzling her cheek.

Cheerilee chuckled, rubbing the top of her baby draconequus' head as she was hugged. She then wrapped her hooves around her slender figure, holding her close.

This was a moment of bonding for the two of them, and a moment Cheerilee planned to have repeated for many more days to come. She'd succeed where others couldn't, and take the chance others wouldn't. She'd be the one to ensure this baby draconequus had a future and more positive outlook on life, every step of the way.

As they sat and looked at the stars, Cheerilee had actually come out here in hopes of giving them some time outside, as well as hopefully figuring out a name for her baby draconequus. She'd been without one for too long, but she couldn't manage to figure anything out, and now she was second guessing the sweets idea, it felt lacking, and not thoughtful enough.

But as she sat there pondering, perhaps, she'd be helped by her baby draconequus herself.

The baby draconequus smiled, looking up at the stars with wide fascinated eyes. "This is my favorite time!"

Cheerilee's eyes widened as she looked down at her. "Night time?" Or the evening per se.

The baby draconequus smiled. "Mhm! I always liked the small shining things, they always made me feel happy."

Cheerilee chuckled as she rubbed the top of her baby draconequus' head. "Those are stars sweetie, and they are quite fascinating."

The baby draconequus simply continued to gaze up at the sky. "I love the stars, and the night time!" And as she did so, by random occurrence, a shooting star had actually appeared. Moving across the sky in a fleeting moment, this caused the baby draconequus to stand and then just simply begin running in the direction of that shooting star. She bounced playfully, running around the open field. "Did you see that momma!?"

Cheerilee to was a bit mesmerized by the sudden sight. And before she could forget, she made a private wish to herself, before looking to her baby draconequus and nodding. "Mhm, I saw it sweetie."

The baby draconequus grinned at Cheerilee playfully as she just stood there, looking up at the stars happily.

As Cheerilee looked at her draconequus, it was when she'd seen that expression, that happiness and optimism, that she thought of a name, perhaps something they both could agree with. Cheerilee simply smiled with adoring affectionate eyes as a sense of pride swelled up within her as she looked upon her baby draconequus. Eve....

The night was always comforting to the baby draconequus, it being the only thing she found comfort in on that first day she ventured from her cavern out into the open world. She was so full of life, and so curious and fascinated by things most would take for granted. Perhaps it would be perfect, perhaps Eve was just what they were looking for.