• Published 31st Mar 2013
  • 10,167 Views, 305 Comments

Our Chaotic Melancholy - Edensola

When a lone baby draconequus happens to stumble into Cheerilee's class one day, the caring mare can't help but take it upon herself to attempt raising it.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Dreams (Edited)


Eve and Cheerilee were sitting on the couch, or perhaps a better description would be laying on the couch. Cheerilee was on her side, smiling at the TV, but more happy about the fact she had her baby draconequus at her side the entire time. Eve was curled up against the mare with her eyes closed, holding onto Cheerilee tightly. Cheerilee couldn't help but notice Eve's expression, the baby draconequus seemed distraught about something, one could see it in her sad features. Cheerilee; feeling as if she were the draconequus' newfound mother couldn't help but worry because of this. She ran her hoof through Eve's mane with a smile "Sweetie? What's wrong? What's the matter?"

Eve remained silent about the issue, she only nuzzled into Cheerilee affectionately. The last thing she wanted to tell the mare was she was responsible for abducting two Ponyville citizens, who were now hidden away in a place the baby draconequus was all too familiar with. A place she used to go, before she'd even met Cheerilee. But Eve knew that wouldn't last forever, and she knew that when the time came, she'd likely be separated from the mare, and she couldn't bear it, she couldn't bear thinking about that inevitable day, whenever it would occur. Cheerilee gave her everything: a home, gifts, a name, love. The thought of losing her was heartbreaking for the baby draconequus. Eve found herself opening her eyes halfway, as she looked towards the ground solemnly while still clinging to Cheerilee. "Momma;..." and she found she said something, quite on impulse, and quite absurd. "Will you leave with me?"

To this Cheerilee's eyes widened. Did she really just say that? Did she truly just ask that question? Cheerilee cocked a brow, at a loss for words. "Uhm; what do you mean sweetie? Leave with you? Leave where?"

Eve's expression saddened more as she formed a small frown, not wanting to continue, but finding the need to. "A-Anywhere, anywhere but here. Will you come with me?....." Her words were sincere, and it wasn't hard to find a strong hint of worry in her voice.

Cheerilee caught this almost immediately. She then turned Eve's head towards her with a concerned expression, looking her baby draconequus in the eyes. "Eve; what happened? What's got you acting like this sweetie?"

Eve peered into Cheerilee's eyes with fear, and felt after a few seconds she couldn't look the mare in the eyes anymore. She simply looked to the lower left, avoiding all eye contact with Cheerilee. "I-It's nothing momma. Forget I asked, I'm sorry."

Cheerilee's expression saddened as she held onto Eve tightly. "Sweetie, you're not going to lose me, don't worry about those kinds of things, okay? Me and you; we're going to end up just fine. No matter what happens, I'll look out for you."

And Eve believed her. She knew Cheerilee would, at this point, do as best she could to protect her. And that's what made Eve fill with dread, she didn't want that for Cheerilee. She didn't want her adoptive mother's life to be ruined because of her own stupid mistakes. But she didn't want to leave Cheerilee either, she loved the mare, more than anything. Even in this short period of time, Cheerilee had made an unbelievable impact on the baby draconequus' life. An impact that would remain for as long as she lived. Eve simply glared at the ground once more, this time hiding away her concerns as she looked up at Cheerilee with a smile before nuzzling into her. "Okay momma..."

That night, when Cheerilee had finally gone to bed, Eve remained at her bedside for a while, simply watching her. The moon's luminescent rays pierced through the window, lighting the room some with its beautiful crystal glow. Although Eve's appearance was supposedly concealed by the darkness since her hood was pulled up, one could easily see her due to the moon's lighting. She simply stood at Cheerilee's bedside as the mare slept peacefully, turned on her side.

Eve wore the most gentle smile, her caring eyes soaking up Cheerilee’s candid beauty as she relished in this moment. She simply stared at the mare sleep, and loved every second of it. She wouldn't give up such a peaceful moment for anything else in the world. She was young, and she made stupid decisions, and she regretted every bit of them. She wished that she never broke Cheerilee's rules, that she just stayed in the house and perhaps she'd be able to enjoy moments like this for many more days to come. To her, she'd cost herself so much for her own stupidity; but that didn't stop her from now taking all she could out of the time she had left. She wasn't certain how much there was, but the baby draconequus ensured she at least spent some time doing such things because of the situation. But now she had to be ready to do something else, she had to go ensure both Spike and Apple Bloom were safe in their hiding spot, and she knew she couldn't stay like this for long, her guilty conscience tore at her and she wanted to set them free.

Perhaps that time would best be now, and no longer procrastinated.

Eve leaned over the bed as she nuzzled against Cheerilee's cheek. "Goodnight momma, have a good rest."

She said one more thing, although at the time, she didn't know, how important these words would be. "I'll miss you."

To Eve, she was merely stating the obvious. She'd always missed Cheerilee when she knew she wouldn't see her for a bit. But, this time, it was different.

Eve then tugged on her hood one last time, ensuring it was pulled all the way up. She turned towards the window then placed her paw and claw on the surface of the glass, phasing through the wall and going outside. It was time to check up on Spike and Applebloom, and ensure they were also okay.

And Earlier that day, of course, Twilight Sparkle and the mane six had already arrived in Canterlot. Although they were also accompanied by Discord.

The remaining cutie mark crusaders as well as Inkie and Blinkie however had already been returned home, and sadly, Fluttershy's gathering was cut short.

As they all trotted off the train upon arrival one by one, Applejack and Twilight looked the grumpiest of the six. Although Applejack looked very upset while Twilight seemed more annoyed by everything.

Twilight sighed heavily as she looked upon her old home city. "Alright everypony; let's go."

Discord in particular yawned, oh how all of this bored him, he didn't even get why he came along. Oh; that's right, he came along to talk to Celestia and Luna, although he never really did so much these days, he always found it humorous to push the night princess's buttons. Discord moved with the crowd of ponies, well, the crowd of six, staying as anonymous as possible as they all continued to treat this like a conquest of sorts.

Twilight lead the others to Canterlot Castle as she seemed quite impatient, and of course in a hurry to find her precious assistant. Upon entering Canterlot Castle, Twilight and the others then immediately proceeded to the throne room and didn't hesitate to burst open the throne room doors.

Coincidentally, Princess Luna as well as Princess Celestia were both there alone, talking to one another perhaps about more political concerns. But as their throne room door burst open and they saw who was standing in the doorway, both Princesses eyes widened.

Princess Celestia cocked a brow at Twilight curiously. "T-Twilight, my student; I was not expecting you. What brings you to Canterlot? And why all the grumpy faces?"

Princess Luna cut in. "And why did you bring him!?" She winced at Discord angrily.

Discord cackled somewhat before porting over to Luna and patting her head. ""I missed you too night owl. Hey, we should have a sleepover sometime! I hear you throw the best slumber parties!" Exclaimed Discord. "You must tell me, how was it being stuck on the moon? I'm ever so curious. I mean I was turned to stone sure, but at least I could still hear and see everything going on around me. You however were stuck on an empty rock for a thousand years; I mean, bah! I'd practically lose my mind, and that's saying something." Discord then popped out a couch and pillow and laid on it looking up at the ceiling.

Princess Luna gasped at the draconequus before snarling angrily at him. "Why thy pitiful whelp dare insult the night mistress herself!? You shall be punished!" Almost immediately Luna fired off a spell towards Discord.

Discord's eyes widened as he then blocked it with one of his pillows in a comedic stance. "Hah! Touché!"

Princess Luna gritted her teeth angrily at him as the two then went off into a minor duel.

Fluttershy covered her mouth with a hoof before lightly exclaiming. "O-Oh my...." She then fluttered on over to Discord hurriedly as in hopes to prevent him from causing too much trouble.

Princess Celestia and the rest of the mane six simply stared at the two for a brief moment, before regarding one another and discussing the actual situation.

Twilight sighed heavily as she shook her head. "I'm sorry for coming on such short notice Princess, but, we're in a bit of a pickle, actually, it's much bigger than that." Twilight lowered her head as her eyes went wide with worry, tears swelling up within them as she looked up at Princess Celestia hesitantly. "S-Spike's been kidnapped."

Princess Celestia's eyes snapped wide as did Princess Luna's with a gasp as both Princess spoke in unison. "WHAT!?"

Applejack then trotted forward. "Y-Yes Princess, and my little sister, little Apple Bloom, has been kidnapped as well. W-We have no idea where they are and, and based on what we found we think somepony might of hurt them."

Princess Celestia then winced before exclaiming. "Discord! How could you have let this happen?"

Discord burst into laughter slapping his knee. "BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!...Aha..hahaha...good one Celestia, I thought you were serious for a second there." He then noticed Celestia's looming gaze as he'd suddenly looked dumbfounded. "Wait a second? What in oblivion- don't look at me! They’re not my baby dragon and little sister! Hah, I didn't even know they were gone until somepony mentioned it."

Princess Celestia then looked back to Twilight and Applejack with a reassuring smile. "Don't you two worry, this situation is now our utmost priority. Twilight, I must ask that you try not to worry, Princess Luna and I will find them, we can assure you."

Twilight then shook her head at the Princess. "That's the thing Princess, we actually came here in the hopes of acquiring Princess Luna's aid with something in specific. I have a plan that I think could help us locate Spike and Apple Bloom easily."

Princess Luna then made her way over beside her sister with a reassuring nod to Twilight and the mane six. "Of course, whatever you may need, you will have it if I can provide it."

Twilight then continued with a smile. "T-Thank you Princess, you see, I've heard you have the power to go into anypony's dream? I was wondering if this was true."

Princess Luna cocked a brow at Twilight. "Yeees...."

Twilight smirked, happy to hear such news. "Well, I was thinking whoever took Spike and Apple Bloom must have used something to knock them out. We found two very strange erhm....suspicious items that I think could have been the source or weapons used in the attack. Perhaps if they're still unconscious, you could enter their dreams and ask them if they have any idea who’s taken them and why."

Princess Celestia smiled down at Twilight, impressed with her thought process. "Excellent my student, that is indeed a very interesting plan."

Rainbow Dash then cut into the conversation. "Yea! And even if she can't access their dreams right now she can get into them later! So it's fool-proof! Hah! Smart thinking Twi!"

Rarity's eyes shifted left to right before muttering. "I know this is uhm...a little out of place but; eeeeh- you can access anypony's dreams?...D-Did you happen to see any of mine?" A crimson blush appeared over Rarity's face as she suddenly looked highly nervous.

Princess Luna then turned a bit red as well before exclaiming after a soft cough. "Aherm...let's just say if I have a feeling certain dreams contain, 'private' happenings, then I do not trek within them. Thine business is thy own and shall not be disrupted by me." She then smiled at Rarity.

Rarity sighed with relief before closing her eyes. "Oh thank goodness.." The white mare's eyes then widened as she felt the looming blank stares of everypony else around her. Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Princess Celestia all just stared at Rarity with blank expressions.

Pinkie scratched her head confused, then shrugged. "I don't get it!"

Discord coughed. "Ahem..I don't think you want to..."

Princess Celestia sighed. "Well either way, we should probably get back to the matter at hoof. Come my student, sister, let us get started right away."

Princess Celestia then lead the mane six and Discord to a more private area of the castle. The halls were ebon black and hollow, and there were no guards on patrol in this part of the castle. Of course the mane six were eyeing the area with discontent and worry, seeing as to how creepy it was.

Rainbow then fluttered on down to Twilight, whispering in the mare's ear. "Hey uhm, Twilight, have you ever been to this part of the castle? Seeing as your Princess Celestia's apprentice and all."

Twilight shook her head, whispering back to Rainbow. "N-No, actually I haven't. It's so weird."

Princess Celestia and Luna then halted in front of a large chamber door at the end of the black hall. The door was massive and made of stone and had glowing markings etched into it. The markings in particular looked like a multitude of different star patterns that pulsed with a light blue glow.

Princess Luna made her way forward as her horn started to glow and she touched it upon the chamber door, causing it to slowly slide open.

Through all this, Discord still seemed pretty bored, surprisingly.

The mane six however stared in awe as the contents behind the door were revealed. The door appeared to lead into what looked like an astral plane, a field of stars and galaxies.

Princess Luna then trotted inside calmly, as if she were used to it. She then turned to regard the mane six with a smile. "Come now, we mustn't waste any more time."

The mane six made their way forward as Fluttershy peered into the room trembling. She looked towards the transparent ground with wide eyes and a soft shriek of fear. "P-Princess, you're sure it's safe for us?"

Princess Luna sighed heavily rolling her eyes. "Of course it's safe Fluttershy, I wouldn't have told you to come inside otherwise."

Twilight looked up at Princess Celestia, who simply nodded to her student.

With that the lavender mare was the second to make her way inside the room. As she found upon entering it indeed was safe, she could trot along the invisible path and further into the astral realm.

With that the rest of the mane six looked to one another before nodding and following Twilight in suit.

As everypony made their way inside, the chamber door shut behind them.

Princess Luna then began to speak. "This realm will allow you all to see into the very heart of the dream, along with myself. It is here we will attempt to communicate with Apple Bloom and Spike. All we must do now is hope they are fast asleep."

The mane six gulped as they awaited for Luna to begin the process.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help but look around in awe then mutter. "This is way too awesome..."

Princess Celestia then instructed the mane six. "Alright you all, quiet down now, Princess Luna requires concentration."

Princess Luna grew silent, as she closed her eyes and remained quiet and concentrated. There was a looming silence as nothing happened for a brief moment. And suddenly, what felt like an instant, the whole world around them began to shift and change before their very eyes. The astral plain then began to manipulate and flash a multitude of different images. It was as if they were flying down a tunnel consisting of thousands of different pictures of unseen worlds or other pony's lives. The scenery of the world around them was changing so fast that it was beyond comprehension, and the mane six felt as if their brains were being overloaded with too much information at the very sight. But as they looked upon the changing landscape before them, they understood eventually what they were seeing. These were dreams. The dreams of everypony that was sleeping in Equestria, perhaps the world. Did Luna's range truly stretch so far?

This went on for a good few minutes before Luna eventually exclaimed in an excited tone, "Great news everypony! I have found her! I've found Apple Bloom! She is indeed in the land of dreams!"

To this Applejack grew ecstatic, anticipated and happy. "W-What!? Apple Bloom! She's alright?!"

A soft smile creeped onto Luna's face as she nodded. "Yes she's quite fine as is, it's safe for us to assume that wherever she may be, she's fast asleep so no harm has likely come to her, yet."

Twilight cut in. "Uhm, w-what about Spike, Princess? C-Can you find him?"

Princess Luna shook her head. "Sadly my range is quite limited to ponies, to delve into the dreams of other races requires a great deal of effort on my part and is a much longer process. I'm sorry Twilight Sparkle, for now Spike's fate is uncertain."

Twilight felt struck by such words as she lowered her head.

Luna then pulled them into Apple Bloom's dream. And humorously the little filly was actually dreaming of getting her cutie mark. She was at Sweet Apple Acres and she'd finally received a cutie mark that appeared to be similar to Applejack's.

As Applejack saw her little sister so happy in the fields of Sweet Apple Acres, tears swelled within her eyes, delighted to see her little sister was alright for now, just dreaming peacefully. Applejack then called out to her little sister hurriedly "A-Applebloom! Are ya okay sugarcube!? Big sis is here now!"

To this Applebloom cocked a brow as she looked around. The world was hazy and everything was quite transparent but as she focused, the mane six as well as Discord, Luna, and Princess Celestia came into view. This caused Applebloom to cock a brow as she felt utterly confused. "W-What the!? Eh...I must be dreamin..." She didn't really mean that at first but, heck, who couldn't laugh at the unintentional pun. Well, Discord sure did.

Discord burst into laughter. "Bahahahaha!"

Everypony eyed Discord.

Discord grew quiet then shrugged. "Man, does anypony have a sense of humor around here?"

Princess Luna then spoke to Apple Bloom directly. "This is correct Apple Bloom, you are in fact dreaming, in the land disconnected from the real world. At the moment you're currently dreaming, and we're communicating with you through my magic. We have come to you from the real world in hopes of finding out your whereabouts."

Applebloom still seemed confused. "Wait a second, b-but if I'm dreamin, then doesn't that mean I'm dreamin this too? Which means in fact I'm actually dreamin up these words and all of you guys! Which means none of what you're saying is real."

Discord couldn't help but facepalm.

Applejack then trotted up to speak to Apple Bloom. "No sugarcube, we're our real selves! Y-Ya went missing down by Fluttershy's house, you and Spike, and we've been lookin for ya! Do you have any idea where you are?"

Apple Bloom looked up at her sis with worried eyes as the realization slowly came to her. Apple Bloom then began tapping her muzzle softly with a hoof as she thought about it. "W-Wait...I remember...m-me and Spike, we were talkin bout somethin." Apple Bloom's eyes slowly widened.

Twilight couldn't help but cut in, impatient with the little filly's reply. "What happened Apple Bloom!? Who took you guys?"

Applebloom stomped her hoof with a frightened expression. "It was t-that same thing that attacked Miss.Cheerilee's class! It came right out of the woods and bashed us on our heads!"

Everypony gasped.

Even Discord looked a little dumbfounded by the proclamation.

Princess Celestia cocked a brow, then looked over to her student. "Why wasn't I notified there was an attack on the schoolhouse Twilight?"

Twilight's eyes were wide with disbelief, she then looked over to Celestia with a panicked look. "W-We dealt with the situation Princess! There was no need to inform you!"

Discord then cut in with a serious tone, and his arms crossed. "I can vouch for her there Celestia. There was no need to inform you of the situation, we took care of it. Or at least; I thought we did."

Fluttershy couldn't help but feel a little shaken by the news. "B-But she was so sweet...s-she attacked you?"

Rarity sighed. "Ugh; I guess it showed us then huh?.."

Pinkie Pie gasped. "Oh my goodness I-....still don't get it." She blinked a bit with a blank expression.

Rainbow seemed just as upset as Applejack. "We let it go and this is how it repays us!? Sheesh!"

Apple Bloom nodded with a scared expression. "Y-Yea, I don't remember what happened after that but, it attacked me and Spike!...." Apple Bloom then looked to all of them as she started to tremble. "Wait...if...if you're all here looking for me then..then it really did take us? Oh no! A-Applejack are we gonna be okay!? I don't wanna get eaten or anythin!"

Applejack's expression sunk as she shook her head. "D-Don't ya worry sugarcube! Big sis ain't gonna let anything happen to ya alright? We're gonna find ya'll and we're gonna ensure that this never happens again, ya hear?"

Applebloom then nodded and sniffled some. "Just hurry okay?"

Applejack gave her sister a reassuring smile. "I will lil'sis, I will. Now you just stay patient now, do you have any idea where this thing might of taken ya'll?"

Applebloom shook her head. "N-No...we were just in the forest and, and then we got attacked..."

Twilight then peered down at the floor with an inquisitive look. "If I recall it was only a baby wasn't it? How does a baby draconequus manage to kidnap a baby dragon and filly and hide them somewhere nopony can think of?"

Discord scoffed. "Hah! A draconequus' abilities range far beyond your petty little pony magic. Even for a youngling, I'm sure she could have thought of something to get those to where she wanted to go."

To this Celestia's eyes snapped wide as Luna then cancelled the spell, her concentration being broken by Twilight's words.

As Apple Bloom slowly faded from sight, Applejack went into a panic.

Apple Bloom cried out stretching a hoof out to Applejack. "W-Wait! Big sis I-" Then she was gone.

Applejack stared for a bit wide eyed, before gritting her teeth angrily. "Come on ya'll, I'm getting tired of this whole draconequus thing! She wants to mess with my family, then I'll give it a good buck to the face."

Rainbow Dash nodded raising a shaking hoof. "Yea, nopony messes with us! It's time we taught this thing some manners!"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash then immediately headed for the chamber door.

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie soon followed after them.

Twilight and Discord would have also proceeded out but Princess Celestia and Luna kept them back.

Princess Celestia looked at Discord as if highly upset. "Discord;.....a draconequus....in Ponyville!?"

Princess Luna winced angrily at him. "I told you he cannot be trusted dear sister...."

Discord scoffed. "Bah! Don't blame me Celestia, I only did what was necessary. There was no need to kill the blasted thing! It posed no threat at the time so we let it go, simple as that."

Twilight actually came to Discord's defense. "Yes Princess, Discord and I only did what we felt was necessary. I see that I was wrong now. But rest assured we will deal with it this time, for sure, and ensure that nothing like this ever happens again."

Princess Celestia nodded to Twilight. "See that you do my student, a baby draconequus attacking citizens is a very serious situation. We mustn't ignore this, I trust that you can handle it. But if you require my aid, all you have to do is ask."

Princess Luna remained silent, simply keeping her angered gaze on Discord.

To this Twilight nodded as she had an expression of fierce determination. "I will Princess, I won't disappoint you. And I'll never let Spike get hurt by some crazy draconequus." A fleeting expression of anger washed over Twilight as she gritted her teeth, then turned towards the chamber door and quickly trotted off in order to catch up with the others.

Discord to then began to leave but, the Princesses weren't planning to let that happen.

Princess Celestia then called back to draconequus. "Not you Discord....you stay..."

Discord had a disinterested look, as if he sort of expected that. His arms were still crossed as he turned to regard the two Princesses with a slight smirk. "Oh?"

Princess Celestia trotted over to Discord with a spiteful gleam in her eyes. "You knew how dangerous the situation could be, yet you let my student, her friends, the new elements of harmony, risk themselves instead of revealing this information. You recall the last time we let something like this spiral out of control?"

Discord winced at her somewhat. "Of course Celestia; hmhm,...how could I forget?"

Princess Luna's nose wrinkled in disgust at Discord's smug persona.

Princess Celestia continued. "I will not have another you on my doorstep Discord, I would prefer not to risk it and simply go deal with this myself but, my student is capable. She knows what needs to be done, but you, I cannot trust you with this task."

Discord shrugged. "Hah; that's understandable, I get it. But to think, the kind hearted Celestia is finally being the realist. I haven't seen this side of you for quite awhile."

Celestia winced at him before trotting past him and continuing. "I do what is best for my subjects, I won't let any harm come to them, you know this full well Discord. You will stay here in the castle until Twilight and her friends complete their task. Luna, watch over him will you?"

Princess Luna nodded. "Hmph...my pleasure dear sister..."

Discord cackled somewhat. "Oh, well what do ya know? Looks like we'll get to hang out after all."

As Twilight and the others made their way back to Ponyville, night had fallen over the small town, and they were all eager to finally get this little situation over with, but there was still the problem that they had no idea where the draconequus had taken Spike and Applebloom. They discussed ideas from Canterlot all the way to Ponyville, but none of them could come up with anything they felt was logical enough. But Twilight was smart, and as with most things, she had a knack for figuring stuff out. She thought about the situation, and eventually, came up with a solution.

Applejack was furious, it wasn't often she'd been seen this upset but the thought of Apple Bloom out there at night, she couldn't help but cringe at the thought. "Come on ya'll! We gotta think of something!"

Fluttershy was actually quite silent for majority of the time. She simply sat, looking towards the ground with saddened eyes. It was times like this her kindness was actually a fault, even now the mare couldn't help but feel sorry for the draconequus. Did she truly attack them, and if so, was she truly to blame? Fluttershy had a tendency for siding with the smaller critters, but she felt conflicted about this in a bad way, she felt like she was wrong but still she couldn't help but wish there was another way around all this.

Twilight, however, was done playing nice. "There's one place that seems to fit the puzzle."

To this the rest of the mane six looked to Twilight, focusing on what she had to say and listening intently.

"Do you all recall the Everfree Ruins?" Twilight asked simply, her expression almost devoid of emotion as she peered towards the Everfree Forest.

Rainbow cocked a brow and folded her forehooves. "Wait, the place where Nightmare Moon was at? Why would it go there?"

Twilight smiled. "Think about it guys; before she came to Ponyville, she had to have a place to live. What better place than the abandoned Ruins of Everfree? As dangerous as the forest is, it's the only place nearby that provides perfect cover from harsh weather, is away from all the dangerous creatures of the forest, and ultimately it's the perfect home for a lone baby draconequus."

Applejack smirked, happy to hear something that actually seemed to make sense. "Good thinking Twi, it does make sense; now let's hurry on down there and get back Apple Bloom and Spike already!"

Twilight shook her head. "We can't go there without being prepared Applejack, first we have to go grab the Elements of Harmony. We don't know what we could be trotting into, remember, it may be young but it's still a Discord, with chaotic magic on its side."

Fluttershy then cut into the conversation. "D-Don't you all think this is a bit much? I mean we don't even know the whole story. I-I still think we should be careful but...but don't you think we might be taking this too seriously?..."

To this Applejack's eyes widened as she immediately got in Fluttershy's face. "Listen here sugarcube, I understand you like to take care of animals and all but, this is my little sis we're talkin’ about here. She was kidnapped, there is no 'too seriously' in this situation...got it?"

Rarity then cocked a brow. "Wait now hold on just a second Applejack, we understand you're angry but don't take it out on Fluttershy, she's just saying what she thinks."

Twilight scoffed as she shook her head. "No! Applejack's right you guys, we don't have time to be worrying about whether we're overreacting or not. This draconequus took our friends and family, there's no excuse for that. Just because she's young doesn't mean she gets a free ride. You all need to understand that we're in the right here, now will we stop all this pointless bickering and go save Spike and Apple Bloom already?"

Applejack then backed away from Fluttershy. "Hmph!..."

Fluttershy looked towards the ground, ashamed.

Rainbow had her hooves crossed as she nodded to both Twilight and Applejack, they had her full support.

Rarity was a little skeptical like Fluttershy but, ultimately she knew they were in the right.

Pinkie was a little ecstatic about the idea of going on a rescue mission. "Attention! We got some ponies, or pony and a dragon to save! Hoorah!"

Twilight smirked as she looked to all her friends with an approving smile. "Just remember guys, in the end we've got arguably the most powerful objects in Equestria on our side, and we've dealt with worse. But most importantly, we have each other, we have friendship. Now let's go get this thing over with."

Of course, destiny made habit of creating the most unlikely yet fitting situations.

For Twilight, as usual, was correct in her theories, although the possibilities were endless, she certainly was correct.

It was a stormy night in the Everfree, and the forest was known for its unpredictably, especially with the weather. This very land was filled with chaos, perhaps any other draconequus would have loved to call this place home, but Eve didn't feel at home at all here, but she couldn't deny, maybe this was where something like she belonged. Maybe, she truly was a fool for attempting to become part of a society that constantly told her she was unwelcome. But even so, she didn't regret it, she'd met Cheerilee, and that was worth it, even with all the consequences she'd made certain would come to pass.

The baby draconequus landed on the murky dirt path that lead straight into the abandoned ruins of Everfree. She recognized this place all too well, and just like Twilight pieced together, she'd brought them both here. Eve although she was young, knew the landscape quite well in the forest area. Of course getting them here was a nearly insurmountable hassle, but if it meant being able to be with Cheerilee for even a little while longer, she'd risk anything. She only wished she had more time, time she knew was running out, her hourglass was running empty, and a feeling within the young draconequus told her as much. But she'd never have guessed just how soon everything would be rapidly closing in all around her. Of course she was also dealing with the toughest opponents in Equestria, and perhaps its smartest mind, Twilight Sparkle. These were the very same ponies that bested the legendary Nightmare Moon, defeated the master of chaos, fought back the queen of the changelings, and helped destroy the king of darkness. Who was she compared to them? Nothing; nothing but some foolish draconequus who fought against fate. But one’s fate is inevitably inescapable, no matter how hard you try and how far you run, it will always catch up to you, one way or another, much like destiny if such a thing existed.

Eve made her way inside the ruins but she didn't lower her hood. No, she didn't really feel the need to. She simply made her way towards the back with a solemn expression.

And there they were, still tied and sealed with jawbreaker locks.

Surprisingly both of them were still passed out.

Eve looked at her two prisoners with a saddened expression as she began walking towards them.


Eve's eyes widened as she seemed to be a little overwhelmed with shock. She turned slowly to regard the one who'd yelled at her, and surprisingly, it was none other than Twilight Sparkle herself. Impossible; how could she of figured out everything in such a short amount of time? As said; Eve had no idea who she was dealing with in these circumstances. But did it even matter? She knew this moment would come, it was almost comedic to her how quickly it arrived. But still, she turned to look at them, all six of them, they had their fancy little necklaces and the purple one had her elegant crown, just like the first time she saw them. Eve's expression died down a bit as she looked at them all as if tired, she didn't want to beg anymore, she didn't want to cry, she was just so tired, and just looking at them she knew, she'd made a big mistake. "Hiya..." Her hood fell down slowly, revealing the baby draconequus' red eyes, and tired features.

As Twilight and the others looked at Eve from the opposite end of the long hall, as in similar fashion to when they were dealing with Nightmare Moon, Twilight glared angrily at the little draconequus. "IT'S OVER!"